CAIN Web Service
List of Contributors to the CAIN Site
[Media Reports]
Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
The following is an alphabetical list of people and organisations who have made direct contributions of material to the CAIN Web Service. Anyone interested in contributing an article or other material should read the CAIN guidelines for contributions. See also the list by author of the main items at the CAIN site.
Contributors to the CAIN Web Service
Alcock, Antony
Amnesty International
Anderson, Don
- Chapter 3 from 'Fourteen May Days: The inside story of the Loyalist strike of 1974'
Ardoyne Commemoration Project.
Armstrong, David
Arthur, Paul
Bacic, Roberta
Bairner, Alan
- Chapter 19 on 'The Media' by Alan Bairner from the book Northern Ireland Politics edited by Arthur Aughey and Duncan Morrow
Beirne, Maggie.
- Beirne, Maggie. (2016). A Beacon of Hope: The Story of CAJ, (June 2016), [PDF; 1478KB]. Belfast: CAJ. ... [19692] - [Report]
Bell, J. Bowyer
- Chapter VIII from the book In Dubious Battle: The Dublin and Monaghan Bombings 1972-1974
Beresford, David
- 'Chapter 3' from the book Ten Men Dead by David Beresford [an account of the Hunger Strikes of 1981]
Beyond the Pale Publications [Web Site]
Birney, Trevor and O'Neill, Julian
- Chapter on 'Nailing the Balance' by Trevor Birney and Julian O'Neill (1997) from When the President Calls.
Birrell, Derick
Blackbourn, Jessie., and Rekawek, Kacper.
Blackstaff Press, The [Web Site]
- Brewer, John D. (1992) 'The Public and the Police',
a chapter from the book Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Second Report, edited
by Peter Stringer and Gillian Robinson
- Devenport, Mark. (2000), 'FLASH FRAMES: twelve years reporting Belfast'. Belfast: The Blackstaff Press.
- Douglas, Roy. Harte, Liam and O'Hara, Jim. (1998)
'Political Violence in Northern Ireland, 1969-1993' from Drawing Conclusions: A Cartoon History of Anglo-Irish Relations 1798-1998
- Elliott, S. and Flackes, W. D. (1999) 'Systems of Government' a chapter from Northern Ireland: A Political Directory, 1968-99 by Sidney Elliott and W.D. Flackes (1999)
- Fearon, Kate. (1999) 'The Talks', a chapter from the book Women's Work: The Story of the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition
- Gallagher, A.M. (1993) 'Community Relations', a chapter from the book Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Third Report, edited by Peter Stringer and Gillian Robinson
- McGarry, John and O'Leary, Brendan. (1999) 'Who should be in the police?' from Policing Northern Ireland: Proposals for a new start
- McKay, Susan (2000) 'Portadown: Bitter Harvest' from Northern Protestants: An Unsettled People
- McKittrick David and McVea David (2000) 'The End of Stormont 1972-73' from Making Sense of the Troubles
- Moxon-Browne, Edward (1991) 'National Identity in Northern Ireland', a chapter from the book Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The First Report, edited by Peter Stringer and Gillian Robinson
- O Connor, Fionnuala (1993) 'Shifting,
complex and ambiguous' Political Allegiance, a chapter from the book In Search of a
State: Catholics in Northern Ireland
- O'Doherty, Malachi (1998) 'The Trouble
with Guns' a chapter from the book The Trouble with Guns
- Porter, Norman (1996) 'Interpreting Unionism' a chapter from the book Rethinking Unionism
- Purdie, Bob. (1990). Politics in the Streets: The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff Press.
- Restorick, Rita (2000) 'Sharing our Grief' from Death of a Soldier: A Mother's Search for Peace in Northern Ireland
- Rowan, Brian (1995) 'Going to the Edge' a chapter from the book Behind the Lines: The Story of the IRA and Loyalist Ceasefires
- Turner, Martyn (1995) Extracts from Pack up your Troubles: 25 Years of Northern Ireland Cartoons
- Turner, Martyn (1996) Extracts from The NOble Art of Politics: Political
Cartoons 1994-96
- Turner, Martyn (1998) Extracts from Brace Yourself Bridge It! A Guide to Irish
Political Relationships, 1996-1998
- Wilson, Andrew J. (1995) 'The Congressional Friends of Ireland and the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1981-1985' a chapter from the book Irish America and the Ulster Conflict 1968-1995
Bogside Artists, The
Boyd, Andrew
Breen, Richard
Brewer, John D.
- 'The Public and the Police', by John D. Brewer, from Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Second Report, edited by Peter Stringer and Gillian Robinson
- 'Northern Ireland: 1921-1998' by John D. Brewer (1998) from Anti-Catholicism in Northern Ireland,1600-1998: The Mote and the Beam by John D. Brewer with Gareth I. Higgins
British Irish Rights Watch [Web Site]
Brocklehurst, Helen
Bruce, Steve
Bryan, Dominic
Carmichael, Paul
Cairns, Ed
Caleyron, Nathalie
- See Jarman, Bryan, Caleyron and de Rosa
Callaghan, Sandra J.
Cash, John D.
Centre for the Study of Conflict (CSC), University of Ulster at Coleraine
- A new Centre for the Study of Conflict Internet site is now available
- A range of information produced by the Centre is included at the CAIN site
- Details of, and extracts from, Centre publications have been included at the CAIN site
Clarke, Liam. and Johnston, Kathryn. (2001),
Cochrane, Feargal
Community Development Centre, North Belfast
Conciliation Resources
Connolly, David
Connolly, Michael
Connolly, P. and Maginn, P.
Coogan, Tim. Pat.
Cost of the Troubles Study, The
Craig, William
Crispin, Paul
Cunningham, William G.
- Cunningham, William G. (1998) Theoretical Framework for Conflict Resolution, in, Conflict Theory and the Conflict in Northern Ireland, (M.Lit. Political Studies). Auckland: University of Auckland.
- Cunningham, William G. (2001) Violent Conflict in Northern Ireland: Complex Life at the Edge of Chaos; Chaos, Complexity, and Conflict Resolution Theories, [PDF; 87KB]. Paper (revised) presented to the 2001 National Conference on Peacemaking and Confict Resolution (NCPCR), 7-10 June 2001, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.
Daly, Edward
Darby, John
Davis, Thomas C.
- Davis, Thomas C. (2003) 'The Irish and their Nation: a survey of recent attitudes', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.II, No.2, pp.17-36, January 2003. [PDF; 123KB]
Dawson, Graham
- Dawson, Graham. (2019). Storytelling in ‘Post-conflict’ Times: Narrative, Subjectivity and Experience in Community-based Peacebuilding, (September 2019), [PDF; 285KB], (this early draft chapter will be revised and updated and is due for publication in the monograph, Afterlives of the Troubles: Life Stories, Culture and Conflict Transformation in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press, forthcoming 2023/24). Web: CAIN. ... [28646] - [Chapter in Book]
Dawson, Helen
- See Dunn, Seamus and Helen Dawson
Democratic Dialogue
De Rosa, Ciro
- See Jarman, Bryan, Caleyron and de Rosa
Derrick, Ray.
- Derrick, Ray. (2002), Internment, Chapter 1 from the book We Came in the Morning. Lewes: The Book Guild Ltd.
Devenport, Mark
Devlin, Bernadette (Bernadette McAliskey)
Dickson, Brice
- 'Powers of the Police', a chapter from the book Civil Liberties in Northern Ireland, The CAJ Handbook edited by Brice Dickson
Douglas, Roy
Duffy, Mary and Geoffrey Evans
Dunn, Seamus
- 'Cross Border Police Co-operation in Ireland'. Dunn, Seamus., Murray, Dominic., and Walsh, Dermot. (2002)
- Extract from 'An Alphabetical Listing of Word, Name and Place in Northern Ireland' by Seamus Dunn & Helen Dawson (2000)
- Personal bibliography containing over 1,000 references, many with annotations attached
- Extracts from Protestant Alienation in Northern Ireland: A Preliminary Survey, by Seamus Dunn and Valerie Morgan
- See also Centre for the Study of Conflict
- See also Bryan, Fraser and Dunn
Economics Statistics and Briefing Branch, Policy Planning and Research Unit, Department of Finance and Personnel
Egan, Bowes and Vincent McCormack
Elliott, Sidney and Flackes, W. D.
- 'Systems of Government' from Northern Ireland: A Political Directory, 1968-99 by Sidney Elliott and W.D. Flackes (1999)
Ellison, Graham
EMU Promoting School Project, The
ESRC Data Archive
Estudios Irlandeses
- Series of articles from Estudios Irlandeses the journal of the Spanish Association for Irish Studies (AEDEI).
Evans, Geoffrey
Evans, Roddy
- Evans, Roddy. (2005). Glimpses Into the Past: Memoir of an Irish Anglican. Belfast: Published by author. [PDF; 1071KB]
- Evans, Roddy. (1999). The Second Conversion of Dr. George Dallas. Belfast: Published by author. [PDF; 135KB]
- Evans, Roddy. (2002). Where I sensed the Breath of God – A footnote in Anglo-Irish History. Belfast: Published by author. [PDF; 376KB]
- Evans, Roddy. (2004). Reminiscences from a Province in civil conflict – a personal experience. Belfast: Published by author. [PDF; 236KB]
- Evans, J.R., Porter, E.M., Porter, W.A., and Turpin, S.E. (1977). A statement made by four Trinity College Dublin graduates, (30 May 1977), [PDF; 36KB]. Dublin: Published by Irish Times and other newspapers.
- Evans, Roddy. (2010). 'End of a chapter in Northern Ireland', (Statement about the Saville Report on Bloody Sunday), (22 July 2010), [PDF; 169KB]. Initiatives of Change: <>
- Evans, Roddy. (2012). 'Some reflections on the role played by Queen Elizabeth in Anglo-Irish relations 1995 – 2012', (November 2012), [PDF; 78KB]. Initiatives of Change: <>
- Evans, Roddy. (2014). 'History in the Making', (23 April 2014), [PDF; 114KB]. Initiatives of Change: <http://>
- Evans, Roddy. (2015). 'A Royal Endeavour', (29 May 2015), [PDF; 121KB]. Initiatives of Change: <http://>
Eyben, Karin
Farren, Sean.
Farren, Sean and Mulvihill, Robert F.
Farset Community Think Tanks Project (Island Publications)
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1993). Expecting the Future: A community play focusing on the effects of violence, (Island Pamphlets No.5), [PDF; 58kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1994), Ulster's Protestant Working Class: A community exploration, (Island Pamphlets No.9), (October 1994), [PDF; 74kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1995). A New Beginning: The Shankill Think Tank outlines its vision for the future, (Island Pamphlets No.13), [PDF; 69kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1995). Reinforcing Powerlessness: The hidden dimension to the Northern Ireland 'Troubles', (Island Pamphlets No.14), [PDF; 83kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1996), Ourselves Alone?: Voices from the nationalist working class, (Island Pamphlets No.15), (May 1996), [PDF; 96kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1997), The Death of the 'Peace Process'?: A survey of community perceptions, (Island Pamphlets No.17), (March 1997), [PDF; 79kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1999), Conflict Resolution: The missing element in the Northern Ireland peace process, (Island Pamphlets No.19), (June 1999), [PDF; 80kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1999). Young People Speak Out: An exploration of the needs of Nationalist youth in Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.20), [PDF; 62kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1999), Orangeism and the Twelfth: Report of a cultural debate held in Protestant East Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.24), [PDF; 68kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2000), Seeds of Hope: An exploration by the 'Seeds of Hope' (Republican and Loyalist) ex-prisoners Think Tank, (Island Pamphlets No.27), (March 2000), [PDF; 97kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2000). Restoring Relationships: A community exploration of restorative justice, (Island Pamphlets No.29), [PDF; 82kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2001), Community relations - an elusive concept: An exploration by community activists from North Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.36), (October 2001), [PDF; 65kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2002). An education for the future: Reflections on educational provision in North Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.46), [PDF; 46kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2003). Reflections on Violence: A cross-cultural exploration of the Northern Ireland conflict, (Island Pamphlets No.57), [PDF; 58kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2003). Making road maps to Peace: Report of an Israeli - Palestinian workshop held in Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.58), [PDF; 71kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2004). The search for resolution: Lessons drawn from a community development strategy, (Island Pamphlets No.61), [PDF; 60kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2004), Exploring the marching issue: Views from Nationalist North Belfast, (Island Pamphlets No.64), (July 2004), [PDF; 61kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2004). The ‘Good Friday Agreement’ - where to now?: Cross-border conference report, (Island Pamphlets No.68), [PDF; 90kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
- Hall, Michael. (ed.) (2006). Loyalism in Transition: (1) A new reality?, (Island Pamphlets No.79), [PDF; 53kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications.
Faul, Rev. Denis and Murray, Rev. Raymond
Fay, Marie-Therese
Fearon, Kate
- 'The Talks', from Women's Work: The Story of the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition, by Kate Fearon (1999)
Feenan, Dermot.
Feenan, Dermot. (2005). Applications by Women for Silk and Judicial Office in Northern Ireland, (A Report Commissioned by the Commissioner for Judicial Appointments for Northern Ireland), (June 2005), [PDF; 1083KB]. Jordanstown: University of Ulster. ... [24154] - [Report]
Film and Sound Resource Unit of the Faculty of Art, Design and Humanities, University of Ulster
Finlay, Andrew.
Fitzduff, Mari
Fitzgerald, Shannon
Forker, Martin
Four Courts Press [Web Site]
- Daly, Edward. (2000), 'A Defining Moment', a chapter from the book: Daly, Edward. Mister, Are You A Priest?
- Walker, Brian. (2001), 'Remembering the siege of Derry', a chapter from the book: Kelly, William (ed.) The Sieges of Derry
- Parkinson, Alan.F. (1998), Why don't they like us? Loyalists and the British media: Covering the same old story, extracts from: Parkinson, Alan.F. 'Ulster Loyalism and the British Media'
Fraser, Grace
Fraser, Tom
Frazer, Hugh
- See Fitzduff and Fraser (1994)
Future Ways Programme, The
Gallagher, Tony
Gassman, Michele
Intern with the CAIN Project (5 February to 9 March 2001)
Gilligan, Chris
- Gilligan, Chris., and Tonge, Jonathan. (2003) 'Introduction: Instability and the Peace Process', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.3-7, September 2003. [PDF; 34KB]
- Gilligan, Chris. (2003) 'Constant Crisis/Permanent Process: Diminished Agency and Weak Structures in the Northern Ireland Peace Process', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.22-37, September 2003. [PDF; 95KB]
- 'Peace or Pacification Process?
A brief critique of the peace process' by Chris Gilligan (1997) from Peace or War?
Understanding the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, edited by Chris Gilligan and Jon Tonge
Global Review of Ethnopolitics, The
- Series of articles on the topic of Northern Ireland that first appeared in the on-line academic journal 'The Global Review of Ethnopolitics'.
Gormley-Heenan, Cathy.
Greenslade, Roy
Griffiths, Hywel
Donation of paper copies of 16 publications related to the work of the Northern Ireland Community Relations Commission (NICRC)
Guildhall Press [Web Site] {external_link}
Grimaldi, Fulvio
Hall, Michael.
- See: Farset Community Think Tanks Project (Island Publications)
Hammond, Gregory
- Hammond, Gregory. (2006) The Demographic Timebomb - Are Northern Ireland's days in the United Kingdom numbered? / M.A. Research Paper, (March 2006), [PDF; 353KB]. London: King's College London.
Hancock, Landon.
Harris, Helen
- Everyday Resistance from 'strong about it all...' Rural and urban women's experiences of the security forces in Northern Ireland, edited by Helen Harris and Eileen Healy (2001)
Harte, Liam
- See Douglas, Harte and O'Hara
Hayes, Bernadette
Hayes, Maurice
Heathwood, Peter
Heatley, Colm
Heffernan, Lorraine
Hepburn, Anthony
Heslin, Eoin
- Development Officer with the CAIN Project (January - October 1997)
HMSO, The Controller of
- The Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) has agreed to allow material from a number of reports to be reproduced under licence. This material is currently being added to the CAIN site.
Hopkins, Stephen.
- Hopkins, Stephen. (2003) 'Website Review: Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN)', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.II, No.2, pp.83-84, January 2003. [PDF; 15KB]
- Hopkins, Stephen. (2001) 'History with a divided and complicated heart? The uses of political memoir, biography and autobiography in contemporary Northern Ireland', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.I, No.2, pp.74-81, December 2001. [PDF; 51KB]
Horowitz, Donald L.
Hughes, Joanne
Hughes, John
- Temporary Research Assistant with the CAIN Project (August - October 1997)
Hüther, Andreas
Iceton, Tracey
- Iceton, Tracey. (2015). Troubles Women: Exploring Representations of Female Republican Activists in Troubles Fiction, (12 May 2015), [PDF; 86KB]. CAIN:
<>. ... [19632]
Ingraham, Jeson
Irwin, Colin.
- Irwin, Colin. et al, (2003) 'Forum: Northern Ireland - Devolution and the State of the Northern Ireland Peace Process', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.II, No.3-4, pp.71-91, March/June 2003. [PDF; 147KB]
- Irwin, Colin. (2001) 'How opinion polls were used in support of the Northern Ireland peace process', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.I, No.1, pp.62-73, September 2001. [PDF; 287KB]
Iselin, Roland.
- Revisited (Troubled Land) 2018-2019 - Photographs by Roland Iselin
Island Publications
- See: Farset Community Think Tanks Project (Island Publications)
Jacobson, Philip
- See Pringle and Jacobson (2000)
Jamieson, Ruth. and Grounds, Adrian.
- Jamieson, Ruth. and Grounds, Adrian. (2002), 'No Sense of an Ending The effects of long-term imprisonment amongst Republican prisoners and their families',
Jarman, Neil
- Jarman, Neil. (2003) 'From Outrage to Apathy? The Disputes over Parades, 1995-2003', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.92-105, September 2003. [PDF; 81KB]
- Extracts from Politics in Public: Freedom of Assembly and the Right to Protest - A
Comparative Analysis, by Neil Jarman, Dominic Bryan, Nathalie Caleyron and Ciro de Rosa
- 'The Endless Parade' from the book Material Conflicts by Neil Jarman
- Series of photographs taken by Neil Jarman of parades, bands and banners
- Series of newspaper articles on parades and marches
- Extracts from Parade and Protest: A Discussion of Parading Disputes in Northern Ireland, by Neil Jarman and Dominic Bryan
- 'Painting Landscapes: the place of murals in the symbolic construction of urban space',
by Neil Jarman (1998) from Symbols in Northern Ireland, edited by Anthony Buckley.
- Drawing Back from the Edge: Community Based Response to Violence in North Belfast, by Neil Jarman (1999)
- On the Edge, edited by Neil Jarman (1996)
Kelley, Kevin
Kelly, Grainne
Kelly, Liam
Kennedy, Liam
- 'They Shoot Children Don't They?: An Analysis of the Age and Gender of Victims of Paramilitary "Punishments" in Northern Ireland' (2001)
- Kennedy, Liam. (2022). Final Report (perhaps): They Don't Shoot Children Anymore, (27 November 2022), [PDF; 521KB]. Belfast: The Author.. ... [24135] - [Report]
Kerr, Robert
Kinsella, Cormac
Krings, Torben.
- Krings, Torben. (2006) 'With a ballot paper in both hands'. The transformation of the Irish republican movement from armed insurrection to constitutional politics, (29 April 2006), [PDF; 129KB]. CAIN: </othelem/organ/docs/krings290406.pdf>
Kuusisto, Anna-Kaisa
Kyle, Keith
Le Biez, Gilles.
- Donation of 'Une Collection Irlandaise' Volumes 1-4, (paper copies of catalogues of Northern Ireland political ephemera)
Leonard, Jane.
Lindsay, John
Linen Hall Library {external_link}, Belfast
- Selection of material from the Northern Ireland Political Collection
Lundy, Patricia.
- Lundy, Patricia., and McGovern, Mark. (2005) Community, 'Truth-telling' and Conflict Resolution: A Critical Evaluation of the Role of Community-based 'Truth-telling' Processes for Post-conflict Trasition - A Case Study of the Ardoyne Commemoration Project. Belfast: The Authors.
Lynn, Brendan
- Researcher with ARK / Deputy Director of CAIN (October 2002 - )
- Gray, AM., Hamilton, J., Kelly, G., Lynn, B., Melaugh, M., and Robinson, G. (2018). Northern Ireland Peace Monitoring Report, Number Five, October 2018, (published 10 January 2019), [PDF; 4982KB]. Belfast: Community Relations Council. ... [23675] - [Report]
- Lynn, Brendan. (2001), 'Republicanism and the Abstentionist Tradition, 1970-1998', A Paper Presented to the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast, (May 2001). Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, QUB.
- Lynn, Brendan. (1997). '1964-1969: Eclipse', in, Holding the Ground: The Nationalist Party in Northern Ireland, 1945-1972
McAllister, Ian
- See Hayes and McAllister (2000)
Macaulay, Tony.
- Macaulay, Tony. (2009). Churches and Christian Ethos in Integrated Schools, (27 January 2009), [PDF; 424KB]. Belfast: Macaulay Associates.
- Macaulay, Tony. (2008). A Process for Removing Interface Barriers: A discussion paper proposing a five phase process for the removal of 'peace walls' in Northern Ireland, (July 2008), [PDF; 361KB]. Belfast: Macaulay Associates.
McAuley, James W.
- McAuley, James W. (2003) 'Unionism's Last Stand? Contemporary Unionist Politics and Identity in Northern Ireland', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.60-74, September 2003. [PDF; 89KB]
McCann, Eamonn
McCartney, Clem
McClean, Raymond
McCool, Mike
- ICT Director with ARK; ICT Officer with INCORE
- Also provided database management, programming and server maintenance on behalf of CAIN
McCormack, Vincent
McCormick, Dr Jonathan
McCoy, Gordon
McElrath, Karen
'Extradition', in, Unsafe Haven: The United States, The IRA and Political Prisoners by Karen McElrath (2000)
McEvoy, Joanne
McGarry, John
- 'Who should be in the police?' from Policing Northern Ireland: Proposals for a new start by John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary (1999)
- See O'Duffy, Brendan and O'Leary, Brendan
Mc Geady, Lucia
Mac Ginty, Roger
MacGiolla Chríost, Diarmait
McGovern, Mark
- Introduction from the book
Who are 'the People'? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland edited by Peter Shirlow and Mark McGovern
McGuffin, John
McGuinness, Michael and Downey, Gargh´n
McKay, Susan
McKenna, Fionnuala
- Development Officer with the CAIN Project (February 1996 - September 2000)
McKeown, Michael
McKittrick, David and McVea, David
Mac Laughlin, Jim.
McVeigh, Robbie
Magee, Patrick
Meehan, Níall.
Melaugh, Eamon.
Melaugh, Martin.
- Project Manager / Director of CAIN (1996 - present)
- Gray, AM., Hamilton, J., Kelly, G., Lynn, B., Melaugh, M., and Robinson, G. (2018). Northern Ireland Peace Monitoring Report, Number Five, October 2018, (published 10 January 2019), [PDF; 4982KB]. Belfast: Community Relations Council. ... [23675] - [Report]
- Melaugh, Martin. (2013). A background note on the protests and violence related to the Union Flag at Belfast City Hall, December 2012 - January 2013. CAIN: ... [17983] - [Web page]
- Schubotz, Dirk., Melaugh, Martin., and McLoughlin, Peter. (2011). Archiving Qualitative Data in the Context of a Society Coming out of Conflict: Some Lessons from Northern Ireland. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 12, (3): Art.13; September 2011. ... [17982] - []
This item is available at an external site.
- Hamber, Brandon., and Melaugh, Martin. (2011). Introducing CAIN and using Second Life in commemorative work. Paper presented at the Narratives, Nostalgia, Nationhoods Conference: Third Apartheid Archive Conference, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 27-29 July 2011. ... [17981] - [Conference Paper]
- Kelleher, Luke., and Melaugh, M. (2011). Visualising the Conflict: Immersion in the Landscape of Victims and Commemoration in Northern Ireland, (21 May 2011), Paper Presented at Conference: Urban Conflicts ? Ethno-National Divisions, States And Cities, 19 ? 21 May 2011, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, [PDF; 862KB]. ... [17980] - [Conference Paper]
- Melaugh, Martin. (2007). Thirty (30) Photographs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry 'Lundy Parade', 1 December 2007. CAIN: ... [13911] - [Photographs]
- Melaugh, Martin. (1998). 'Belief and Trust in the Political Process', in, Robinson, Gillian., Heenan, Deirdre., Gray, Ann Marie., and Thompson, Kate. (eds) (1998) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Seventh Report. Hants: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. ... [5876] - [Chapter in Book]
- Melaugh, Martin. (1995). 'Majority-Minority Differentials: Unemployment, Housing and Health', in, Seamus Dunn (ed.) Facets of the Conflict in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd.. ... [3584] - [Chapter in Book]
- Melaugh, Martin. (1995). Disability and Religion In Northern Ireland. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. ... [2285] - [Report]
- Melaugh, Martin. (1994). Majority Minority Review 3: Housing and Religion in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. ... [1275] - [Report]
- Melaugh, Martin. (1992). 'Housing', in, Stringer, P. and Robinson, G. (eds) (1992) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Second Report, 1991-1992. Chapter 8. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. ... [2210] - [Chapter in Book]
- Blackman, Tim., Evason E., Melaugh, M., and Woods, R. (1989). 'Housing and Health: A Case Study of Two Areas in West Belfast'. Journal of Social Policy, 18, (1 (Jan.)): 1-26. ... [140] - [Journal Article]
Meulemans, Bill.
- Meulemans, Bill. (2013). Chapter 10, 'Culture Wars', in, Belfast: Both Sides Now. Charleston: CreateSpace. ... [18129]
Moloney, Ed
Moloney, Peter.
Montgomery, Alison
Morgan, Austen.
Morgan, Valerie
Morrissey, Mike
Morrow, Duncan
- See The Future Ways Programme
Morton, Alan
Moxon-Browne, Edward
Mulcahy, Aogán
Mulhern, Dara
Mullan, Ciarán
- Development Officer with the CAIN Project (January - June 1996)
Mulvihill, Robert F.
See Sean Farren and Robert F. Mulvihill
Murphy, Brendan.
Murphy, Brendan., and Kelters, Seamus. (2003) 'Hard News', in, Eyewitness: Four Decades of Northern Life. Dublin: The O'Brien Press.
Murray, Dominic.
Murray, Rev. Raymond
Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala
O'Brien, Brendan.
O'Brien, Gerard.
O Connor, Fionnuala
O'Connor Lysaght, D.R.
ÓDochartaigh, Fionnbarra
- 'The Homeless Revolt' from Chapter 3 (pp.39-74) of 'Ulster's White Negroes: from civil rights to insurrection'
Ó Dochartaigh, Niall
O'Doherty, Malachi
O'Duffy, Brendan
O'Farrell, John.
- O'Farrell, John. (1998), 'Divided People, Divided Press: Interpreting the poisonous silences in a fractured society', Media Studies Journal, Volume 12, Number 2, Spring/Summer 1998, pp.96-103, [PDF; 4107KB].
O'Hagan, Des
- A series of 21 letters written by Des O'Hagan in 1972 while interned in Long Kesh. [Letters contributed by his son Dónal O'Hagan.]
O'Hagan, Liam
O'Leary, Brendan
- See O'Duffy and O'Leary
- See McGarry and O'Leary
Ó Maoláin, Ciarán
- Register of Research on Northern Ireland 1993 Edition. Compiled by Ciarán Ó Maoláin when employed by the Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster
- Helped with obtaining permission to use the site logo
- Provided additional information and text for abstracts on organisations
O'Reilly, Camille
O Tuathail, Seamus
Ormsby, Frank
Parker, Michael
Parkinson, Alan F.
Pelaschiar, Laura
Pettitt, Lance
Pluto Press [Web Site] {external_link}
- Bryan, Dominic. (2000) 'Drumcree: An Introduction to Parade Disputes' in Orange Parades: The Politics of Ritual, Tradition and Control
- Fay, Marie-Therese., Morrissey, Mike. and Smyth, Marie. (1999) Extracts from Northern Ireland's Troubles: The Human Costs
- McCann, Eamonn. (1993) Extracts from War and an Irish Town
- Robson, Terry. (2000) 'Northern Ireland: The Evolution of a Counter-Hegemony' from The State and Community Action
- Shirlow, Peter. and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997) Extracts from Who Are The People? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland
Porter, Fran
Porter, Norman
Potter, Michael
- Potter, Michael. (2004) Women, Civil Society and Peacebuilding: Paths to Peace Through the Empowerment of Women, (June 2004), [PDF; 1682KB]. Belfast: Training for Women Network (TWN).
- Gudgin, Graham. (1999) Discrimination in Housing and Employment under the Stormont Adminstration, in, Roche, Patrick J., and Barton, Brian. (1999) The Northern Ireland Question: Nationalism, unionism and partition. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Prasannan, Sunil
Pringle, Peter
Pritchard, Rosalind M.O.
Public Record Office of Northern Ireland
Purdie, Bob
Quinn, Frankie
- Series of photographs by Belfast photographer Frankie Quinn
Restorick, Rita
- 'Sharing our Grief' from Death of a Soldier: A Mother's Search for Peace in Northern Ireland by Rita Restorick (2000)
Richardson, Norman
Robinson, Gillian
Robinson, Gillian and Porter, Fran
Robinson, Peter
Robson, Terry
Rodgers, John Walker
- Contribution of a private collection of newspaper clippings related to Northern Ireland [check years?]
Rolston, Bill
Rowan, Brian
- 'Going to the Edge' Chapter 8 from
Behind the Lines: The Story of the IRA and Loyalist Ceasefires by Brian Rowan (1995)
Rowthorn, Bob and Naomi Wayne
Rukeyser, William L.
- Series of colour photographs taken by William L. Rukeyser on 'Bloody Sunday', 30 January 1972
Russell, James
Publications and Surveys
- Russell, James. (1974). 'The Sources of Conflict'. The Northern Teacher (Northern Committee of the Irish National Teachers' Union), 11, (3 Winter 1974/75): 3-11. ... [1657] [Full Text; PDF; 2823KB]
- Russell, James. (1975). 'Northern Ireland: Socialisation into Conflict'. Social Studies, (Irish Journal of Sociology), 4, (2: Summer 1975): 109-123. ... [16635] [Full Text; PDF; 1573KB]
- Russell, James., and Schellenberg, James A. (1976). 'Political Attitude Structure of Schoolboys in Northern Ireland'. Irish Journal of Psychology, 3, (2): 73-86. ... [1655] [Full Text; PDF; 2174KB]
- Russell, James. (1977). 'Replication of Instability: Political Socialisation in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Political Science, 7, (1: January 1977): 115-128. ... [16637] [Full Text; PDF; 2071KB]
- Russell, James. (1977). 'Integrated Schooling in Northern Ireland'. The Secondary Teacher, (Journal of the Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland), 7, (1: Autumn 1977): ... [16643] [Full Text; PDF; 295KB]
- McKernan, James., and Russell, James. (1980). 'Differences of Religion and Sex in the Value Systems of Northern Ireland Adolescents'. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1980, (19): 115-118. ... [16642]
[Full Text; PDF; 873KB]
Ryan, Patrick
Savaric, Michel
Scott, Alan
Shirlow, Peter
- Shirlow, Peter. (2003) ''Who Fears to Speak': Fear, Mobility, and Ethno-sectarianism in the Two 'Ardoynes'', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.76-91, September 2003. [PDF; 401KB]
- 'The State they are Still In. Republican Ex-Prisoners and their families: An Independent Evaluation' by Dr Pete Shirlow (2001)
- Fear, Mobility and Living in the Ardoyne and Upper Ardoyne Communities. A report by the Mapping the Spaces of Fear Research Team (2000) at the University of Ulster. An Executive Summary is also available.
- 'Northern Ireland between Peace and War' by Peter Shirlow and Paul Stewart (1999) from a special issue of the journal Capital and Class, No.69, Autumn 1999
- Introduction from the book
Who are 'the People'? Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland edited by Peter Shirlow and Mark McGovern
Sinn Féin
Smith, Alan
Smith, Peter
Smyth, Marie
Stewart, Paul
Sullivan, Megan
Sutton, Malcolm
Swan, Sean
Templegrove Action Research Limited
- The texts from a number of reports published by Templegrove Action Research Limited are available
Tonge, Jonathan.
- Tonge, Jonathan. (2003) 'Victims of Their Own Success? Post-Agreement Dilemmas of Political Moderates in Northern Ireland', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.39-59, September 2003. [PDF; 119KB]
Turner, Martyn
UU News
- See Future Ways Programme
Ulster Unionist Party
Ulster Vanguard
Viggiani, Elisabetta
Waite, Mike
Walker, Brian
Walsh, Prof. Dermot
Waterstones Booksellers Ltd.
White, Shane
Whyte, John
Williams, Fionnuala
Wilson, Andrew J.
Wilson, Derick
Wolff, Stefan.
- Wolff, Stefan. (2003) 'Between Stability and Collapse: Internal and External Dynamics of Post-agreement Institution-building in Northern Ireland', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.8-21, September 2003. [PDF; 85KB]
Woods, Oona