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Known Citations of the CAIN Web site

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Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh and Brendan Lynn
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change

Below is a DRAFT list of books, chapters, academic journal articles, reports, etc., that contain a reference to (/citation of) the CAIN Web site. The list was started in 2006 (updated in 2012, 2016, and 2017) but is not complete. The list is split by year and type of publication. This list is unlikely ever to be comprehensive as there are probably many items we do not know about. If you are aware of any other publications please email CAIN. The table provides a summary of the number of citations in each year.

Year of Citation:
2023   2022   2021   2020  
2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2012   2011   2010
2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003   2002   2001   2000
1999   1998   1997

Table of Yearly Citations
Year Books Book Chapters Journal Articles Other Total 1
Google Scholar 2
2024#         0 239
2023#         0 220
2022#         0 232
2021#         0 249
2020#         0 267
2019#         0 249
2018# 2       2 230
2017# 4 3 11 6 25 210
2016* 14 20 90 28 152 199
2015 11 30 78 44 163 199
2014#   1 5 4 10 181
2013# 1   7 2


2012# 3 6 33 17 59 148
2011* 2 18 38 38 96 159
2010* 13 7 36 44 100 135
2009 14 8 48 44 114 137
2008 21 20 39 41 121 150
2007 15 10 46 36 107 128
2006 9 7 46 26 88 98
2005 3 6 30 21 60 80
2004 9 6 28 23 66 83
2003 9 1 32 12 54 60
2002 15 3 12 16 46 51
2001 4 - 18 11 33 37
2000 5 - 8 6 19 19
1999 1 - 2 2 5 12
1998 - - 5 - 5 10
1997 1 - 2 2 5 7
Total 156 146 614 423 1340 3970

# List not yet fully compiled.
DRAFT Lists, awaiting update.
1 Total (checked) figure (in bold) is based on a manual check of citations following a search using Google Scholar and other search facilities.
2 Number of citations found by Google Scholar for text '' or ''.
Also Note:
This list of references is intended to give an indication of the impact of the CAIN Web site. This list is unlikely ever to be comprehensive as there are probably many items we do not know about.
References below are included if the CAIN Web site is specifically referenced, or if CAIN staff are referenced, or if contributed material is referenced and the source is given as CAIN. Where possible URLs (in particular DOIs) are provided in text form (but not linked; users should copy and paste into a Web browser).
It is possible for authors to consult the CAIN site, and use original CAIN material, but fail to reference CAIN. It is also possible that authors find contributed material (say a report that has been deposited on CAIN) and then only reference the paper version without specifying the digital source.
Many foreign language references have been excluded due to difficulties translating the citation.


2018 [not yet fully compiled]

Citations in 1 Book:

  • Beiner, Guy. (2018). Forgetful Remembrance: Social Forgetting and Vernacular Historiography of a Rebellion in Ulster. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Robinson, Joseph S. (2018). Transitional Justice and the Politics of Inscription: Memory, Space and Narrative in Northern Ireland. Series Title: Transitional Justice. Abingdon: Routledge. ... [23609]


2017 [list as at 30 March 2017 - not yet fully compiled]

Citations in 4 Books:

  • Fitzpatrick, Maurice. (2017). John Hume in America: From Derry to DC. Newbridge, Co. Kildare: Irish Academic Press. ... [22971]
  • Fontana, G. (2017). Education Policy and Power-Sharing in Post-Conflict Societies: Lebanon, Northern Ireland, and Macedonia. Springer.
  • Smyth, J., ed. (2017). Remembering the Troubles: Contesting the Recent Past in Northern Ireland. Notre Dame, USA: University of Notre Dame Pess.
  • White, Robert, W. (2017). Out of the Ashes: An oral history of the Provisional Irish Republican Movement. Newbridge: Merrion Press.

Citations in 3 Book Chapters:

  • Gallagher, T. (2017). Addressing Conflict and Tolerance through the Curriculum. In: Bellino, M.J. and Williams, J.H., eds. (Re) Constructing Memory: Education, Identity, and Conflict. Boston: SensePublishers, 191-207.
  • McKeown, S. (2017). Integrated Education in Northern Ireland: Education for Peace? In: Seedat, M., Suffla, S. and Christie, D.J., eds. Enlarging the Scope of Peace Psychology: African and World-Regional Contribution. Springer, 75-92.
  • Schwerter, S. (2017). Chapter Five - Representing a Dysfunctional City: Belfast in Texts and Images. In: Altuna-Garcia de Salazar, A., ed. Ireland and Dysfunction: Critical Explorations in Literature and Film. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 87.

Citations in 11 Journal Articles:

  • Al, S. and Byrd, D. (2017). When do states (de) securitise minority identities? Conflict and Change in Turkey and Northern Ireland. Journal of International Relations and Development, 1-27.
  • Alcobia-Murphy, S. (2017). ‘Does Your Heart Ache with the Truth of the Past?’: Victims and Trauma in Northern Irish Culture. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 1 104-118.
  • Dawson, G. (2017). The meaning of “moving on”: From trauma to the history and memory of emotions in “post-conflict” Northern Ireland. Irish University Review, 47 (1), 82-102.
  • Grey, E. (2017). 'But It Did Sink, You Understand What I Mean': Topography of the Titanic. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 1 (2), 54-63.
  • Guelke, A. (2017). The Risk to Northern Ireland. Journal of Democracy, 28 (1, January), 42-52.
  • Koehler-Derrick, G. and Milton, D.J. (2017). Choose Your Weapon: The Impact of Strategic Considerations and Resource Constraints on Terrorist Group Weapon Selection. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-20.
  • Little, A. and Maddison, S. (2017). Reconciliation, transformation, struggle: An introduction. International Political Science Review, 38 (2), 145-154.
  • McGovern, M. (2017). ‘See no evil’: collusion in Northern Ireland. Race & Class, 58 (3), 46-63.
  • Morrow, D. (2017). Reconciliation and After in Northern Ireland: The Search for a Political Order in an Ethnically Divided Society. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 23 (1), 98-117.
  • Side, C. (2017). 'Grimaldi's iconic photograph: Bloody Sunday, Derry 1972'. Irish Journal of Sociology, Nov. 2017, 1-23.
  • Woodford, I. and Smith, M. (2017). The Political Economy of the Provos: Inside the Finances of the Provisional IRA — A Revision. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-28.

Citations in 6 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Collins, Criona., Henton, Ian., and Cole, Claire. (2017). Belfast: An Evolution of the Retail Landscape, The Next Chapter, (22 February 2017). Belfast: Lambert Smith Hampton.
  • Craig, T., (2017). Intelligence Management and the security stovepipe in Northern Ireland, 1968-1974’. In: Cambridge Intelligence History Seminar. 24 February 2017, Cambridge. 1-17.
  • Fava, Alessandro. (2017). Could Brexit summon the ghosts of the Troubles?, Pax et Bellum, (21 March 2017).
    Available at:
  • Mueller, H.F., Rohner, D. and Schönholzer, D. (2017). The Peace Dividend of Distance: Violence as Interaction Across Space.
    Available from:
  • Riera, Eugènia. (2017). 'Interview with Roberta Bacic', Peace in Progress, No.32, November 2017, (The digital magazine from the International Catalan Institute for Peace).
  • Welbie, R. (2017). Vrede of sluimerend conflict? Het Noord-Ierse vredesproces na het Akkoord van Belfast, Thesis (Master). Utrecht University.


2016 [DRAFT List]

Citations in 14 Books:

  • Eggins, B. (2016) History and Hope: The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland, (2nd edition). Dublin: The History Press Ireland.
  • Eller, J.D. (2016) Cultural anthropology: global forces, local lives. Routledge.
  • Fitz-Gibbon, A. (2016) Talking to Terrorists, Non-Violence, and Counter-Terrorism: Lessons for Gaza from Northern Ireland. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Graham, L.K. (2016) Beyond Social Capital: The Role of Leadership, Trust and Government Policy in Northern Ireland's Victims Support Groups. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Heidemann, B. (2016) Post-Agreement Northern Irish Literature: Lost in a Liminal Space? Springer Nature.
  • Joyce, P. (2016) The Policing of Protest, Disorder and International Terrorism in the UK since 1945. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Luckhurst, M. and Morin, E. (2016) Theatre and Human Rights After 1945: Things Unspeakable. Springer.
  • Nacos, B. (2016) Mass-mediated Terrorism: Mainstream and Digital Media in Terrorism and Counterterrorism. USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Revill, J. (2016) Improvised Explosive Devices: the paradigmatic weapon of new wars. Springer.
  • Starkey, B., Boyer, M.A. and Wilkenfeld, J. (2016) International negotiation in a complex world. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Urwin, Margaret. (2016). A State in Denial: British Collaboration with Loyalist Paramilitaries. Cork: Mercier Press.
  • Van Engeland, A. and Rudolph, R.M. (2016) From terrorism to politics. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Wahidin, A. (2016) Ex-Combatants, Gender and Peace in Northern Ireland: Women, Political Protest and the Prison Experience. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wasson, Ellis. (2016). A History of Modern Britain: 1714 to the Present, (Second Edition). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Citations in 20 Book Chapters:

  • Alcobia-Murphy, S. (2016) Recovery and Forgetting: Haunting Remains in Northern Irish Culture. In: Dillane, F., McAreavey, N. and Pine, E., eds. The Body in Pain in Irish Literature and Culture. Springer, 199-215.
  • Coffey, F. (2016) ‘The place you don’t belong’: Stuart Neville’s Belfast. In: Mannion, E., ed. The Contemporary Irish Detective Novel. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 91-106.
  • Devine, A., Devine, F. and Carruthers, C. (2016) Developing a Community Festival Amidst Civil Unrest. In: Jepson, A. and Clarke, A., eds. Managing and Developing Communities, Festivals and Events. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 165-178.
  • Devlin, P. (2016) City of Culture/Memory: Derry-Londonderry, 2013. In: O'Rawe, D. and Phelan, M., eds. Post-Conflict Performance, Film and Visual Arts. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 169-192.
  • Ferguson, N. (2016) ‘I’m the Victim Here’: Intrastate Conflict and the Legacy of Political Violence. In: McGarry, R. and Walklate, S., eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and War. Springer, 151-168.
  • Hassan, D. (2016) Sport in a Divided Northern Ireland. In: Bairner, A., Kelly, J. and Lee, J.W., eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics. Routledge,
  • Mac Ginty, R. (2016) Lockout: Peace Formation in Northern Ireland. In: Richmond, O.P. and Pogodda, S., eds. Post-Liberal Peace Transitions: Between Peace Formation and State Formation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 27-46.
  • Mason, G. (2016) Serving as a Critical Friend to Men of Violence. In: Marshall, E.O., ed. Conflict Transformation and Religion. Palgrave Macmillan US, 51-65.
  • McShane, S. (2016) Stories of Challenge-Stories of Change: Why Do Older People Tell Their Personal Accounts of the Northern Ireland Conflict? In: Keitkemper-Yates, M. and Penjak, A., eds. The Practice of Narrative: Storytelling in a Global Context. Oxford: Inter-Diciplinary Press, 51-60.
  • Ó Dochartaigh, N. (2016) Northern Ireland since 1920. In: Bourke, R. and McBride, I., eds. The Princeton History of Modern Ireland. Princeton University Press, 141.
  • Phelan, M. (2016) Lost Lives: Performance, Remembrance, Belfast. In: O'Rawe, D. and Phelan, M., eds. Post-Conflict Performance, Film and Visual Arts. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 129-155.
  • Price, Bryan. (2016). 'Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leadership Decapitation Tactics Against Terrorist Groups', Chapter in, Ducheine, P.A.L., Schmitt, M.N. and Osinga, F.P.B., (eds), Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare. Springer. pp.261-288.
  • Revill, J. (2016) IEDs in the Twentieth Century. In: Anon.Improvised Explosive Devices. Springer, 35-57.
  • Rosales, J.M. (2016) Nationalism, Constitutionalism and Democratization: The Basque Question in Perspective. In: Palonen, K., Pulkkinen, T. and Rosales, J.M., eds. The Ashgate Research Companion to the Politics of Democratization in Europe, Concepts and Histories. Abingdon: Routledge, 371.
  • Ryan, S. (2016) Dealing with the past in northern Ireland. In: Burgos, E.A., ed. Conflicto armado, justicia y memoria: Tomo 1. Teoría crítica de la violencia y prácticas de memoria y resistencia. 157-182.
  • Scott-McKinley, A. (2016) Youth work curriculum in Northern Ireland: a history. In: Siurala, L., Coussee, F., Suurpaa, L. and Williamson, H., eds. The History of Youth Work in Europe: Autonomy through dependency - Histories of co-operation, conflict and innovation in youth work (Volume 5). Council of Europe, 89.
  • Soncini, S. (2016) QUESTIONI DI PANCIA: LA BELLY FABLE NEL CORIOLANUS SECONDO BRECHT, GRASS E OSBORNE. In: Caponi, P., Cavecchi, M. and Rose, M., eds. ExpoShakeSpeare Il Sommo Gourmet, il cibo e i cannibali. 95.
  • Slaby, A. (2016) L’Irlande du Nord: construction politique et identitaire. In: Anon.Histoire De L'Irlande. Tallandier, 361-406.
  • Wahidin, A. (2016) Women, War and Peace. In: Anon.Ex-Combatants, Gender and Peace in Northern Ireland. Palgrave Macmillan UK, 9-21.
  • Zywietz, B. (2016) Der Nordirlandkonflikt und die IRA im Film. In: Anon.Terrorismus im Spielfilm. Springer, 81-152.

Citations in 90 Journal Articles:

  • Ackerman, G.A. (2016) The Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Development of Mortars. Journal of Strategic Security, 9 (1), 12-34.
  • Adhikary, D.K. (2016) Economic effects of conflict on the Economy in Nepal: before and after 2006. e-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business, 7 (1), 39-53.
  • Ahmed, Y., Duddy, S., Hackett, C., Lundy, P., McCallan, M., McKeown, G., Murphy, A., O'Rourke, C., Patterson-Bennet, E. and Wing, L. (2016) Developing Gender Principles for Dealing with the Legacy of the Past. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 10 (3), 527-537.
  • Alexander, N. (2016) Remembering the future: poetry, peace, and the politics of memory in Northern Ireland. Textual Practice, 1-21.
  • Alonso, R. (2016) Terrorist Skin, Peace-Party Mask: The Political Communication Strategy of Sinn Féin and the PIRA. Terrorism and Political Violence, 28 (3), 520-540.
  • Armoudian, M. (2016) Introducing new datasets on Northern Ireland’s media in the peace process and a test of newsworthiness in times of ‘troubles’. Media, War & Conflict, 9 (2), 137-161.
  • Bairner, A. (2016) “My First Victim Was a Hurling Player...” Sport in the Lives of Northern Ireland’s Political Prisoners. American Behavioral Scientist, 60 (9), 1086-1100.
  • Balcells, L., Daniels, L. and Escribà-Folch, A. (2016) The determinants of low-intensity intergroup violence: The case of Northern Ireland. Journal of Peace Research, 53 (1), 33-48.
  • Boland, P., Murtagh, B. and Shirlow, P. (2016) Fashioning a City of Culture:‘life and place changing’or ‘12 month party’? International Journal of Cultural Policy, 1-20.
  • Brown, K. and Grant, A. (2016) A Lens Over Conflicted Memory: Surveying ‘Troubles’ Commemoration in Northern Ireland. Irish Political Studies, 31 (1), 139-162.
  • Chaurasia, P., Yogarajah, P., Condell, J., Prasad, G., McIlhatton, D. and Monaghan, R. (2016) Countering terrorism, protecting critical national infrastructure and infrastructure assets through the use of novel behavioral biometrics. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 8 (3), 197-211.
  • Collins, P., Marenin, O. and Chu, M.C. (2016) The Politics and Management of Policing Reforms in Newly Industrialized, Industrializing and Developmental States: Introduction to the Special Issue. Public Administration and Development, 36 (2), 71-79.
  • Cragin, R.K. and Padilla, P. (2016) Old Becomes New Again: Kidnappings by Daesh and Other Salafi-Jihadists in the Twenty-First Century. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-19.
  • Crooke, E. (2016) Artefacts as Agents for Change: Commemoration and Exchange via Material Culture. Irish Political Studies, 31 (1), 86-100.
  • Curran, C. (2016) The development of schoolboy coaching structures for association football in Ireland, 1945–1995. Soccer & Society, 1-16.
  • David, Y.B., Hameiri, B., Benheim, S., Leshem, B., Sarid, A., Sternberg, M., Nadler, A. and Sagy, S. (2016) Exploring ourselves within inter-group conflict: The role of intra-group dialogue in promoting acceptance of collective narratives and willingness towards reconciliation. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace psychology,
  • Deglow, A. (2016) Localized legacies of civil war Postwar violent crime in Northern Ireland. Journal of Peace Research, .
  • Dempster, L. (2016) The Republican Movement,‘Disappearing’and Framing the Past in Northern Ireland. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 10 (2), 250-271.
  • Devaney, J. and McConville, P. (2016) Childhood neglect–the Northern Ireland experienc e. Research, Policy and Planning, 32 (1), 53-63.
  • DeYoung, E. (2016) Lest We Forget: Observations from Belfast's Twaddell Avenue. Streetnotes, 25
  • Dixit, P. (2016) Interrogating representations of “militants” and “terrorists” in the United States’ Militant Imagery Project and the Counterterrorism Calendar. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 9 (1), 97-119.
  • Dybris McQuaid, S. (2016) Passive Archives or Storages for Action? Storytelling Projects in Northern Ireland. Irish Political Studies, 31 (1), 63-85.
  • English, R. (2016) The future study of terrorism. European Journal of International Security, 1 (02), 135-149.
  • Esposito De Vita, G., Trillo, C. and Martinez-Perez, A. (2016) Community planning and urban design in contested places. Some insights from Belfast. Journal of urban Design, 21 (3), 320-334.
  • Ferguson, N. (2016) Disengaging from Terrorism: A Northern Irish Experience. Journal for Deradicalization, 6 1-23.
  • Fitzpatrick, E. and Bell, A. (2016) Summoning up the Ghost with Needle and Thread. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 5 (2), 6-29.
  • Forau, L. and Chand, S. (2016) Measuring peace using household-level data from post-conflict Solomon Islands. Conflict, Security & Development, 16 (5), 423-441.
  • Gardner, J. (2016) Education in Northern Ireland since the Good Friday Agreement: Kabuki theatre meets danse macabre. Oxford Review of Education, 42 (3), 346-361.
  • González, A.G. (2016) Out of the Box: Punk and the concept of 'Community' in Ireland. Liverpool Postgraduate Journal of Irish Studies, 1 (1), 39-52.
  • Graff-McRae, R.L. (2016) Ghosts of Gender: Memory, Legacy and Spectrality in Northern Ireland’s Post-Conflict Commemorative Politics. Ethnopolitics, 1-19.
  • Greene, L. (2016) About Silence. Sequence, 5 (1), 28/03/2017.
    Available from:
  • Grey, E. (2016) ‘The Need for Whitewash and Disinfectant’: Eoghan McTigue’s All Over Again. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 1 61-69.
  • Grubb, A.E. (2016) Microlevel Dynamics of Violence: Explaining Variation in Violence among Rural Districts during Northern Ireland's Troubles. Security Studies, 25 (3), 460-487.
  • Hagan, L. (2016) Missing Voices: Women and the Three" Ps Politics, Prejudice and Paternalism. The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 32 (1), 12-22.
  • Hancock, L.E. (2016) Into the IRIS: a model for analyzing identity dynamics in conflict. National Identities, 18 (4), 409-423.
  • Harper, C. (2016) Oestrogen Rising 2016: Ireland’s stained and bloodied cloths. Social Identities, 23 (3), 289-309.
  • Hearty, K. (2016) From “former comrades” to “near enemy”: the narrative template of “armed struggle” and conflicting discourses on Violent Dissident Irish Republican activity (VDR). Critical Studies on Terrorism, 9 (2), 269-291.
  • Hearty, K. (2016) How the ‘suspect community’became ‘critical engagers’: the (re) framing of the Irish republican narrative on policing in Northern Ireland. Irish Political Studies, 1-22.
  • Hennings, A. (2016) Das Konfliktpotenzial exklusiver Landgrabbing-Praktiken Eine Herausforderung für den regionalen Frieden. ZeFKo Zeitschrift für Friedens-und Konfliktforschung, 5 (2), 221-248.
  • Honeywood, C.A. (2016) Britain's Approach to Balancing Counter-Terrorism Laws with Human Rights. Journal of Strategic Security, 9 (3), 28-48.
  • Huddleston, S. (2016) Template for peace: Northern Ireland, 1972–75. Irish Studies Review, 24 (1), 108-110.
  • Jennings, Matt. (2016). 'Crows on the Wire: intermediality in applied drama and conflict transformation – ‘humanising’ the police in Northern Ireland', Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, Vol.21, Issue 3, pp.418-430.
  • Kelly, G. and Braniff, M. (2016) A dearth of evidence: tackling division and building relationships in Northern Ireland. International Peacekeeping, 23 (3), 442-467.
  • Kelly, S. (2016) " The Totality of Relationships": The Haughey-Thatcher Relationship and the Anglo-Irish Summit Meeting, 8 December 1980. Éire-Ireland, 51 (3/4), 244-273.
  • Kettle, L. and Mumford, A. (2016) Terrorist learning: a new analytical framework. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-16.
  • Kott, A. and Skarin, B. (2016) Approaches to Modeling Insurgency. arXiv preprint,
  • Kowalski, R.C. (2016) The role of sectarianism in the Provisional IRA campaign, 1969-1997. Terrorism and Political Violence, 1-26.
  • Lafferty, O. (2016) From Fun Factory to Current Affairs Machine: Coping with the Outbreak of the Troubles at Ulster Television 1968-70. Irish Communication Review, 14 (1), 48-64.
  • Lambkin, B. (2016) Academic Antagonism and the ‘Resetting’of the Northern Ireland ‘Problem’, 1969–1970: Owen Dudley Edwards vs. Hugh Trevor-Roper. Irish Political Studies, 31 (2), 223-251.
  • Lohr, C. (2016) "Solidarity of 'The Colonized'": A critical discourse analysis of Sinn Féin's connection to Palestine. Clocks & Clouds: Journal of National and Global Affairs, 7 (1), 144-159.
  • Lundy, P. and Rolston, B. (2016) Redress for past harms? Official apologies in Northern Ireland. The International Journal of Human Rights, 20 (1), 104-122.
  • Machin, A. (2016) Hunger Power: The embodied protest of the political hunger strike1. Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, 8 (1), 157-180.
  • Maguire, C. (2016) Resettlement Outcomes for 18–21-Year-Old Males in Northern Ireland. Irish Probation Journal, 13 (October), 119-133.
  • Mallinder, L. and O’Rourke, C. (2016) Databases of Transitional Justice Mechanisms and Contexts: Comparing Research Purposes and Design. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 10 (3), 492-515.
  • McDermott, P., Nic Craith, M. and Strani, K. (2016) Public space, collective memory and intercultural dialogue in a (UK) city of culture. Identities, 23 (5), 610-627.
  • McEvoy, K. and Bryson, A. (2016) Justice, Truth and Oral History: Legislating the Past 'from Below' in Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 67 (1), 67-90.
  • McGovern, M. (2016) Informers, agents and the liberal ideology of collusion in Northern Ireland. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 9 (2), 292-311.
  • McGrattan, C. (2016) Ideology, reconciliation and nationalism in Northern Ireland. Journal of Political Ideologies, 21 (1), 61-77.
  • McGregor, P. and McKee, P. (2016) Religion and Fertility in Contemporary Northern Ireland. European Journal of Population, 32 (4), 599-622.
  • McIlroy, B. (2016) The Clash of Society and Community: The Irish Police on Screen. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 1 83-92.
  • McKearney, T. (2016) Northern Ireland: From Imperial Asset to International Encumbrance. Journal of World-Systems Research, 22 (1), 108-132.
  • McKeown, S., Stringer, M. and Cairns, E. (2016) Classroom segregation: where do students sit and how is this related to group relations? British Educational Research Journal, 42 (1), 40-55.
  • McRoberts, J. (2016) Negotiating Conflict: A Discussion of Interactive Documentary as Constructive Storytelling in Societies Emerging from Conflict. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 9 (1), 1-16.
  • Mitchell, D., Somerville, I. and Hargie, O. (2016) Sport for peace in Northern Ireland? Civil society, change and constraint after the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18 (4), 981-996.
  • Moffett, L. (2016) Reparations for ‘Guilty Victims’: Navigating Complex Identities of Victim–Perpetrators in Reparation Mechanisms. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 10 (1), 146-167.
  • Moore, R. (2016) Rebranding Belfast: Chromatopes of (Post-) Conflict. Signs and Society, 4 (S1), S138-S162.
  • Morrison, J.F. (2016) Fighting Talk: The Statements of “The IRA/New IRA”. Terrorism and Political Violence, 28 (3), 598-619.
  • Morrison, J.F. and Horgan, J. (2016) Reloading the Armalite? Victims and Targets of Violent Dissident Irish Republicanism, 2007–2015. Terrorism and Political Violence, 28 (3), 576-597.
  • Mourlon, F. (2016) Transposition and Adaptation of Models in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland: The Personal Experience of Brandon Hamber. Itinéraires: Littérature, textes, cultures, (2015-2), 1-13.
  • Murphy, J., McDowell, S. and Braniff, M. (2016) Historical dialogue and memory in policing change: The case of the police in Northern Ireland. Memory Studies, 1-17.
  • Nolan-Haley, J.M. (2016) Designing Systems for Achieving Justice after a Peace Agreement: Northern Ireland's Struggle with the Past. University of St. Thomas Law Journal,
  • O'Leary, J. (2016) The Interface: Peace Walls, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Footprint, 10 (2 Autumn/Winter), 137-144.
  • Price, B. (2016) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Leadership Decapitation Tactics Against Terrorist Groups. In: Ducheine, P.A.L., Schmitt, M.N. and Osinga, F.P.B., eds. Targeting: The Challenges of Modern Warfare. Springer, 261-288.
  • Rahman, M. (2016) Peace Through Tourism: A Tool for Sustainable Transformation. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14 (4), 2585-2593.
  • Reilly, P. (2016) Tweeting for peace? Twitter and the Ardoyne parade dispute in Belfast, July 2014. First Monday, 21 (11),
  • Reilly, P., and Trevisan, F. (2016). 'Researching protest on Facebook: developing an ethical stance for the study of Northern Irish flag protest pages', Information, Communication & Society, Vol.19, Issue 3, 2016, pp.1-17.
  • Reinisch, D. (2016) Political prisoners and the Irish language: a north-south comparison. Studi irlandesi: a journal of Irish studies, 6 239-258.
  • Richardson, H. (2016) This is not a memoir: case study of a memoir-in-progress. New Writing, 1-7.
  • Rosler, N. (2016) Not as simple as that: How leaders faced the challenges of pursuing the peace process in Northern Ireland. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 22 (2), 177-180.
  • Roulston, S., Hansson, U., Cook, S. and McKenzie, P. (2016) If you are not one of them you feel out of place: understanding divisions in a Northern Irish town. Children's Geographies, 1-14.
  • Sanders, A. (2016) Congressional Hearings on Northern Ireland and the “Special Relationship,” 1971–1981. Diplomacy & Statecraft, 27 (1), 121-141.
  • Sanders, A. (2016) Principles of Minimum Force and the Parachute Regiment in Northern Ireland, 1969–1972. Journal of Strategic Studies, 1-25.
  • Smith, A., McWilliams, M. and Yarnell, P. (2016) Does Every Cloud Have a Silver Lining?: Brexit, Repeal of the Human Rights Act and the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights. Fordham International Law Journal, 40 79-191.
  • Solleder, S. (2016) Unfinished Artefacts: The Case of Northern Irish Murals. continent., 5 (1), 61-77.
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  • Zywietz, Bernd. (2015). Terrorismus im Spielfilm: Eine filmwissenschaftliche Untersuchung über Konflikte, Genres und Figuren.Springer-Verlag.

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  • Greene, Liz. (2015). 'Music and Montage: Punk, Speed and Histories of the Troubles', Chapter 10 in, Carlsten, J.M., and McGarry, F. (eds). Film, History and Memory. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp.169-182.
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  • Maguire, Tom. (2015). 'Beyond the culture of concern: the context and practice of TYA in contemporary Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Wartemann, G., Saglam, T., and McAvoy, M. (eds), Youth and Performance: Perceptions of the Contemporary Child, 13, pp.43-58.
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  • McAteer, Michael. (2015). 'Beyond Articulation: Brian Friel, Civil Rights, and the Northern Irish Conflict', Chapter 2 in, Luckhurst, M., and Morin, E. (eds), Theatre and Human Rights after 1945. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.39-54.
  • McWilliams, Monica. (2015). 'Women at the Peace Table: The Gender Dynamics of Peace Negotiations', Chapter 14 in, Flaherty, M.P., Byrne, S., Tuso, H., and Matyók, T.G. (eds), Gender and Peacebuilding: All Hands Required. London: Lexington Books. pp.229-244.
  • Moffett, Luke. (2015). 'Beyond Attribution: Responsibility of Armed Non-State Actors for Reparations in Northern Ireland, Colombia and Uganda', Chapter 14 in, Gal-Or, N., Ryngaert, C., and Noormann, M. (eds), Responsibilities of the Non-State Actor in Armed Conflict and the Market Place. Boston: Brill, pp.323-346.
  • Morrison, J.F. (2015). 'Peace comes dropping slow', Chapter 10 in, Tellidis, I., and Toros, H. (eds), Researching Terrorism, Peace and Conflict Studies: Interaction, Synthesis and Opposition. Abingdon: Routledge. pp.187-.
  • Roberts, Kirsten. (2015). 'Promoting and Protecting the Long-term Needs of Victims of Armed Conflict: The Potential Role of National Human Rights Institutions', Chapter in, Ambach, Philipp. et al. (eds), The Protection of Non-Combatants During Armed Conflict and Safeguarding the Rights of Victims in Post-Conflict Society. Brill, pp.383-427.
  • Stitt, André. (2015). 'Performing Political Acts: Performance Art in Northern Ireland: Ritual, Catharsis and Transformation', Chapter in, Phillips, A. (ed.), Performance Art in Ireland: A History. Bristol: Intellect Books / London: Live Art Development Agency.
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  • Santos, S.M.d., and Silveira, A.M. (2015). 'Tensions and Challenges of a Violence and Crime Prevention Project: the Women for Peace in Santa Luzia / MG', Revista Estudos Feministas, Vol.23, Issue 1, pp.99-118.
  • Selim, Gehan. (2015). 'The landscape of differences: Contact and segregation in the everyday encounters', Cities, Vol.46, pp.16-25.
  • Side, Katherine. (2015). 'Visual and textual narratives of conflict-related displacement in Northern Ireland', Identities, Vol.22, Issue 4, pp.486-507.
  • Silva, Antonio.S., and Mace, Ruth. (2015). 'Inter-group conflict and cooperation: Field experiments before, during and after sectarian riots in Northern Ireland', Frontiers in psychology, Vol.6, (on-line 27 November 2015).
  • Skinner, C.P. (2015). 'Punishing Crimes of Terror in Article III Courts', Yale Law & Policy Review, Vol.31, Issue 2.
  • Stanton, Emily., and Kelly, Gráinne. (2015). 'Exploring Barriers to Constructing Locally Based Peacebuilding Theory: The case of Northern Ireland', International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution, 2015 (3) 1
  • Stewart, Francis. (2015). 'The Orange Order: A Religious Institution or an Expression of Implicit Religious Spinning?', Implicit Religion, Vol.18, Issue 2, pp.177-207.
  • Swaine, Aisling. (2015). 'Beyond Strategic Rape and Between the Public and Private: Violence Against Women in Armed Conflict', Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.37, No.3, pp.755-786.
  • Tosser, Renée. (2015). 'Un Parlement Protestant pour un Peuple Protestant: Minorités en Irlande du Nord', Mémoire(s), identité(s), marginalité(s) dans le monde occidental contemporain, (13).
  • Vollhardt, J.R. (2015). 'Inclusive Victim Consciousness in Advocacy, Social Movements, and Intergroup Relations: Promises and Pitfalls', Social Issues and Policy Review, Vol.9, Issue 1, pp.89-120.
  • Walsh, Dawn. (2015). 'Northern Ireland and the independent parades commission: Delegation and legitimacy', Irish Political Studies, Vol.30, Issue 1, pp.20-40.
  • Watkins, Jeremy. (2015). 'Unilateral Forgiveness and the Task of Reconciliation', Res Publica, Vol.21, Issue 1, February 2015, pp.19-42.
  • Wilson, Page. (2015). 'Three Emerging Security Challenges for the UK', Global Society, Vol.29, Isssue 3, pp.373-389.
  • Wolwacz, A.F. (2015). 'Brief Analysis of Aesthetic Works Representing The Northern Irish Conflict', Nonada Letras em Revista, Vol.2, No.23, pp.147-159.

Citations in 44 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Akin, E., and Jawed, M.A. (2015). Turkey and the Kurds: a game theoretic approach to strategy and policy. Master's Thesis, (June 2015), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.
  • Alexander, C.T. (2015). Identification of behavioral indicators in political protest music. Master's Thesis, (December 2015), Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.
  • Alkula, R. (2015). The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland: Allianssi-puolueen pelivaran avaus ja sen argumentoinnin retoriikkaa Pohjois-Irlannin parlamentissa 1998-2001. Thesis, (Autumn 2015), University of Jyväskylä.
  • Bari, M.E. (2015). Suspension of the fundamental rights and the unrestrained exercise of the power of preventive detention during the successive proclamations of emergency in Bangladesh: A legal study. D.Phil. Thesis, (January 2015), Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
  • Bidey, Timothy. (2015). Showing and Telling: Exploring the influence of media on storytelling’s capacity to transform intergroup relations. PRDU Working Paper Series, No.8, August 2015.
    PRDU Working Paper 8 - Bidey.pdf
  • Bixby, A.L. (2015). Conflicted tourism: heritage narratives, sectarian schism, and economic growth in Northern Ireland. Master's Thesis, (December 2015), University of Louisville; Paper 2300.
  • Bloom, Clive. (2015). Thatcher's Secret War: Subversion, Coercion, Secrecy and Government, 1974-90. Stroud: The History Press.
  • Burke, Lauren. (2015). Vicious Cycle or Business Cycle?: Explaining Political Violence in Northern Ireland After the Troubles. Res Publica-Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol.19, Issue 1, Article 7.
  • Bush, Kenneth., and Houston, Kenneth. (2015). The Story of Peace Learning from EU PEACE Funding in Northern Ireland and the Border Region. Derry: INCORE, Ulster University.
  • Cancellieri, J.F. (2015). The Troubles in Northern Ireland. Senior Thesis, Paper 2, (16 May 2015), Fordham University.
  • Claeson, B.S. (2015). A More Durable Peace: The Nexus Between Local Influence and Power-Sharing Governance. Honors Thesis, Paper 138, (31 May 2015), Bates College.
  • Edwards-Chenet, Isabelle. (2015). L’île de Rathlin et ses habitants, objets de recherche et objets de convoitise. Master Thesis, August 2015, Université Lumière Lyon 2.
  • Ferguson, C. (2015). Culture, Tradition and Alternative Justice: An Evaluation of Restorative Justice Developments in New Zealand and Northern Ireland, Masters Thesis, (27 October 2015), Durham University.
  • Garry, J., and McNicholl, K. (2015) Understanding the ‘Northern Irish’ Identity. Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series (KESS). Belfast: Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • Gilliland, Anne.J. (2015). 'Memory Politics and Reconciliation in the Wake of Ethnic Conflict: A Northern Irish Example', Paper in, Records, Archives and Memory: Selected Papers from the Conference and School on Records, Archives and Memory Studies, University of Zadar, Croatia, May 2013.
  • Guiora, A.N. (2015). Boston to Where: The Challenges Posed by Local-Global Terrorism. Law research paper No.110, University of Utah.
  • Hale-Ross, Simon. (2015). The European Union should introduce legislation to harmonise anti-terror laws in the 28 Member States. Conference paper, Liverpool John Moores University. Paper 2015.pdf
  • Islam, M. (2015). Media as a mode of conflict prevention and established peace: an introspective case study on the socio-political development of Bangladesh, Undergraduate Thesis, University of Dhaka. Islam.pdf
  • Ives-Allison, Nichole.D. (2015). P stones and provos: group violence in Northern Ireland and Chicago. PhD Thesis, 23 June 2015, University of St Andrews.
  • Jiménez LLavero, Á. (2015). History of Ireland: Since the 12th century to the Process of Peace. Thesis, July 2015, Jaén: Universidad de Jaén.
  • Korving, I. (2015). The Making and Unmaking of Social Identity Boundaries and Physically Defined Geographical Borders: The interrelated bordering processes of social sectarian division and interface barriers in North and West Belfast, Northern Ireland. Master Thesis, (3 August 2015), Utrecht University.
  • Chang, Patty., et al. (2015). Women Leading Peace: A close examination of women’s political participation in peace processes in Northern Ireland, Guatemala, Kenya, and the Philippines. Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security.
  • Leahy, Thomas.D. (2015). Informers, Agents, the IRA and British Counter-Insurgency Strategy during the Northern Ireland Troubles, 1969 to 1998. D.Phil. Thesis, (August 2015), King’s College London.
  • Mariam, K. (2015). Unionist and loyalist nationalism as the driving force of the Troubles. Master's Thesis, University College Dublin.
  • Masciel, Brianna. (2015). Working on the Troubles in Northern Ireland: The Role of International Funding Bodies in the Peace Process. CMC Senior Thesis, April 2015, Paper 1134, Claremont McKenna College.
  • McClurkin, Kathryn. (2015). "While Ireland holds these graves": The Survival and Revival of Catholic Identity in Northern Ireland, 1925-1968. Master Thesis, May 2015, Youngstown State University.
  • McShane, Sinéad. (2015). Stories of challenge – Stories of change: Why do older people tell their personal accounts of the conflict in Northern Ireland? INCORE, Ulster University.
  • Montgomery, Lorna. (2015) Breavement Counselling in Northern Ireland and Uganda: A Comparative Qualitative Study of Professional Therapists' Perspectives. Thesis, (Doctor of Philosophy). University of Leicester.
  • Nagel, Robert. Ulrich. (2015). Why a seat at the table is not enough - The case of the Northern Ireland Women’s Coalition. University of Kent.
  • Page, J.M. (2015). Reparations and State Accountability. Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Harvard University.
  • Panzer, D.E. (2015). Tiocfaidh ár lá (our day will come): Negotiating the cultural politics of citizenship, heritage, and identity in Northern Ireland. Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, University of Pennsylvania.
  • Rak, Matea. (2015). Rizici terorizma [Risk of Terrorism]. Thesis, Šibenik, 2015.
  • Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2015). User Guide to Security Situation Statistics Northern Ireland, (updated January 2015). Belfast: PSNI Statistics Branch.
  • Roberts, Danielle. (2015). Protestant/Unionist/Loyalist Women and their interaction with politics in ‘post ceasefire’Northern Ireland. Paper.
  • Roberts, K.D. (2015). The rise and fall of Liverpool sectarianism: An investigation into the decline of sectarian antagonism on Merseyside. PhD thesis, April 2015, University of Liverpool
  • Šiková, Veronika. (2015). Hluboce rozdělená společnost: Komparace severoirského a izraelsko-palestinského konfliktu. Thesis, Masarykova Univerzita.
  • Tam, Claire. (2015). ‘Spoiler’ Violence and Other Myths: A Mixed Methods Study of Paramilitaries’ Use of Force in Northern Ireland. Undergraduate Thesis, Paper 276, Wellesley College.
  • Tetyana Ravchyna, T.K. (2015). 'Pathways To United Ukraine: Teacher Candidates Learn To Handle Intranational Conflict', Conference paper to, END 2015 International Conference on Education and New Developments, 27-29 June, Porto, Portugal., pp.286-290.
  • Tukša, M. (2015). Transformacija sukoba kroz transformaciju identiteta: studija slučaja Sjeverne Irske: diplomski rad, Diploma Thesis. Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Department of Sociology.
  • Webster, Emily. (2015). "One Man, One Vote - One Family, One House": An Examination of Social Housing in Londonderry, 1945-1975. Honors Thesis, May 2015, Ohio State University.
  • Weideskog, Susanne. (2015). Hur kan det förklaras att fred uppstod 2007 i Nordirlandskonflikten? Thesis, Lunds universitet.
  • Wilson, Craig.D. (2015). Dirty Fighting: How to Counter Total Warfare Mentality, Master's Thesis, 12 June 2015, Fort Leavenworth.
  • Wyss, Rebecca. (2015). Troubling Northern Irish Herstories: The Drama Of Anne Devlin & Christina Reid.Honors Thesis, April 2015, Ohio University.
  • Young, Rachael. (2015). Not Just Painted Walls: Northern Irish Murals as Social Tools. Thesis.


2014 [list not yet fully compiled]

Citations in 1 Book Chapter:

  • Serrano, Rafael., and Pieri, Zacharias. (2014). 'By the numbers: The Nigerian State's efforts to counter Boko Haram', Chapter 9 (pp.192-212) in, Pérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine. (ed). (2014). Boko Haram: Islamism, politics, security and the state in Nigeria. Leiden: African Studies Centre.

Citations in 5 Journal Article:

  • Beirne, Maggie. (2014). 'Are We Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater?: The North-South Dynamic from the Perspective of Human Rights Work in Northern Ireland', Edição, Vol.11, No.20
  • Cunningham, Niall., and Gregory, Ian. (2014). 'Hard to miss, easy to blame? Peacelines, interfaces and political deaths in Belfast during the Troubles', Political Geography, Vol.40, pp.64-78.
  • King, James Allison. (2014). ''Say nothing': silenced records and the Boston College subpoenas', Archives and Records: The Journal of the Archives and Records Association, (published on-line: 31 January 2014).
  • Trolan, E.J. (2014). 'Bringing a Community Together Through Sport - Using Sport in Divided Communities in Northern Ireland', International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Special Issue 10 (Nov-Dec 2014), PP. 89-90.
  • Wolwacz, A.F. (2014). 'The National Civil Rights Archive and the Murals of the Bogside Artists: Examples of Culture of Memory', Ciências & Letras, No.56, July 2014, pp.261-271.

Citations in 4 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Woolmeer, John Marcus Hugh. (2014). Home and Away: Did the UK address counterinsurgency in Basra substantially differently to how it addressed it in Northern Ireland? Master's Thesis, Master of Science, National Defense University, (9 April 2014).
  • Szczecińska-Musielak, E. (2014). 'Religion and Church(es) in Northern Ireland Peace Process', Conference Paper in, Bridging the Divides: Post-conference publication on faith-based reconciliation and peacebuilding, pp.71-82.
  • Tomášková, Zuzana. (2014). The Role of the Beatles Phenomenon in the Culture of the ‘Swinging Sixties’ in Britain. Thesis, Plzeň.
  • Cortez-Lobão Sineiro, Francisco. (2014). 'El papel de los diarios en el proceso de paz norirlandés' [The role of the press in the Northern Ireland peace process], Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación, 11, pp. 211-227.


2013 [list not yet fully compiled]

Citations in 1 Book:

  • Graham, Colin. (2013). Northern Ireland: 30 Years of Photography. Belfast: Belfast Exposed, in partnership with the MAC.

Citations in 7 Journal Articles:

  • Browne, Brendan. (2013). 'Commemoration in conflict', Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, Vol.4, No.2, Winter 2013, pp.143-163.
  • Bush, Kenneth. (2013). 'The politics of post-conflict space: the mysterious case of missing graffiti in ‘post-troubles’ Northern Ireland', Contemporary Politics, Vol.19, No.2, pp.165-186 (23).
  • Byrne, Siobhan. (2013). 'Troubled Engagement in Ethnicized Conflict: Negotiating difference among femist activists in Israel and Northern Ireland', International Feminist Journal of Politics,
  • Cunningham, Niall. (2013). 'The doctrine of vicarious punishment: space, religion and the Belfast Troubles of 1920-22', Journal of Historical Geography, Vol.40, April 2013, pp.52–66.
  • Shimada, Lia D., and Johnston, Mark. (2013). 'Tracing the Troubles through the Trees: Conflict and Peace in the Urban Forest of Belfast, Northern Ireland', Journal of War & Culture Studies, Vol.6, No.1, February 2013 , pp.40-57(18).
  • Loyle, Cyanne E., Sullivan, Christopher., and Davenport, Christian. (2013). 'The Northern Ireland Research Initiative: Data on the Troubles from 1968 to 1998', Conflict Management and Peace Science (2014), Vol.31, No.1, pp.94-106, (published on-line 19 September 2013).
  • Carter, Abigail. (2013) 'Promoting Democracy in Ethnically Divided Societies: The Benefits of Combining Partition and Power-Sharing', Res Publica XVIII, Vol.18, Issue 1, pp.63-84.

Citations in 2 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Lemaitre, Franck. (ed) (2013). 'Pour la réconciliation des mémoires', Unité des Chrétiens, No.171, Juillet 2013, front cover.
  • Gibney, John. (2013). 'National Archives of Ireland and the Troubles, 1970-74: new material for CAIN database', History Ireland, (December 2013), website article.
    Available at:


2012 [list not yet fully compiled]

Citations in 3 Books:

  • Gregory, Ian., and Cunningham, Niall. (2012 Forthcoming ?). Troubled Geographies: A Spatial History of Religion and Society in Ireland [Tentative Title]. Indiana: Indiana University Press.
  • Lunney, Robert F. (2012). Parting Shots: My Passion for Policing. Toronto: Robert Lunney Associates.
  • Ross, F. Stuart. (2012). Smashing H Block: The Popular Campaign Against Criminalization and the Irish Hunger Strikes 1976-1982. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Citations in 6 Book Chapters:

  • Campbell, Colm. (2012). 'Beyond Radicalization: Towards an Integrated Anti-Violence Rule of Law Strategy', Chapter 10 (pp.255-282) in, Salinas de Friás, K.A-M., Samuel , K.J.H., and White, N.D. (eds) (2012). Counter-Terrorism: International Law and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Crooke, Elizabeth. (2012). 'The material culture of conflict: Artefacts in the Museum of Free Derry, Northern Ireland', Chapter 3 in, Dudley, Sandra H., et al. (eds) (2012). Narrating Objects, Collecting Stories. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Hayes, Mark. (2012). 'The Imposition of Internment Without Trial in Northern Ireland, August 1971: Causes, Consequences and Lessons', Chapter 7 in, Georgoulas, Stratos. (ed) (2012). The Politics of Criminology: Critical studies on deviance and social control. Deviance and Social Control Vol.1. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  • McCall, Cathal. (2012). 'Debordering and Rebordering the United Kingdom', Chapter 12 in, Wilson, Thoma M., and Donnan, Hastings. (eds) (2012). A Companion to Border Studies. Chichester, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • O'Connor, Paul., and Brecknell, Alan. (2012). 'British counter-insurgency practice in Northern Ireland in the 1970s- a legitimate response or state terror?', Chapter 3 in, Poynting, Scott., and Whyte, David. (eds) (2012). Counter-Terrorism and State Political Violence: The 'war on terror' as terror. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Shapiro, Daniel L. (2012). 'Creative Problem Solving: Not Just About the Problem', Chapter 4 in, Coleman, Peter T., and Deutsch, Morton. (eds) (2012). Psychological Components of Sustainable Peace. (Peace Psychology Book Series). New York: Springer.

Citations in 32 Journal Articles :

  • Alcobia-Murphy, Shane. (2012). ''Signs of the still recent war': Medbh McGuckian and conflict', Irish Studies Review, Vol.20, Iss.2, pp.115-133.
  • Aveyard, Stuart C. (2012). ''The “English Disease” is to Look for a “Solution of the Irish Problem”': British Constitutional Policy in Northern Ireland after Sunningdale 1974–1976', Contemporary British History, pp.1-21.
  • Besley, Timothy, and Mueller, Hannes. (2012). 'Estimating the Peace Dividend: The Impact of Violence on House Prices in Northern Ireland', American Economic Review, Vol.102, No.2, pp.810-833.
  • Bloom, Mia., Gill, Paul., and Horgan, John. (2012). 'Tiocfaidh ár Mná: Women in the Provisional Irish Republican Army', Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, Vol.4, Iss.1, pp.60-76.
  • Boran, Mark. (2012). 'To Insure or Not to Insure, That is the Question: Congress' Attempt to Bolster the Insurance Industry after the Attacks on September 11, 2001', Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development, Vol.17, Iss.3, Article 10, pp.523-584.
  • Brown, Kris. (2012). '‘What It Was Like to Live through a Day’: Transitional Justice and the Memory of the Everyday in a Divided Society', The International Journal of Transitional Justice, (advance access version; viewed 8 October 2012).
    DOI: http://10.1093/ijtj/ijs023
  • Campbell, Colm., and Connolly, Ita. (2012). 'The Sharp End: Armed Opposition Movements, Transitional Truth Processes and the Rechtsstaat', International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol.6, Iss.1, pp.11-39.
  • Cochrane, Feargal. (2012). 'From Transition to Transformation in Ethnonational Conflict: Some Lessons from Northern Ireland', Ethnopolitics: Formerly Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.11, Iss.2, pp.182-203.
  • Cochrane, Mark., and Monaghan, Rachel. (2012). 'Countering terrorism through the use of informants: the Northern Ireland experience', Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, Vol.4, Iss.1, pp.26-40, (Special Issue: Political reverberations: Northern Ireland's conflict, peace process and paramilitaries).
  • Dudai, Ron. (2012). 'Informers and the Transition in Northern Ireland', British Journal of Criminology, Vol.52, Iss.1, pp.32-54.
  • Fraser, Thomas G. (2012). 'Historical Legacies and the Northern Ireland Peace Process: Issues of Commemoration and Memorialisation', Shared Space: A research journal on peace, conflict and community relations in Northern Ireland, Iss.12, April 2012, pp.41-50.
  • Frenett, Ross., and Smith, M.L.R. (2012). 'Continuing the Long War—Analyzing the Factors Behind Anti-GFA Violence', Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.24, Iss.3, pp.375-395.
  • Gallagher, Elizabeth., Hamber , Brandon., and Joy, Elaine. (2012). 'Perspectives and Possibilities: Mental Health in post-Agreement Northern Ireland', Shared Space: A research journal on peace, conflict and community relations in Northern Ireland, Iss.13, March 2012, pp.63-78.
  • Gheda, Paolo. (2012). 'Le" Peacelines" di Belfast. Quarant'anni di separazione tra comunità cristiane nella capitale dell'Irlanda del Nord (1969-2009)' [The Belfast’s "Peacelines". Fourty years of separation among christian communities in Northern Ireland’s capital (1969-2009)], Memoria E Ricerca, No.39, pp.?
  • Goddard, S.E. (2012). 'Brokering Peace: Networks, Legitimacy, and the Northern Ireland Peace Process', International Studies Quarterly, pp.1-15.
  • Gray, Ann Marie., and Birrell, Derek. (2012). 'The structures of the NHS in Northern Ireland: Divergence, policy copying and policy deficiency', Public Policy and Administration, 0(0), pp.1-16.
  • Lombe, Margaret., Newransky, Chrisann., Kayser, Karen., and Raj, Paul Mike. (2012). 'Exploring Barriers to Inclusion of Widowed and Abandoned Women through Microcredit Self-Help Groups: The Case of Rural South India', Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, pp.143-162.
  • Maney, Gregory M. (2012). 'The Paradox of Reform: The Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland', Nonviolent Conflict and Civil Resistance: Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, Vol.34, pp.3-26.
  • Maney, Gregory M., McCarthy, Michael A., and Yukich, Grace B. (2012). 'Explaining Political Violence Against Civilians in Northern Ireland: A Contention-Oriented Approach', Mobilization: An International Quarterly, Vol.17, No.1, pp.27-48.
  • Matthews, Neil. (2012). 'Northern Ireland 2011', Irish Political Studies, Vol.27, Iss.2, Speical Issue: Data Yearbook, pp.250-325.
  • McCulloch, Allison. (2012). 'Does Moderation Pay? Centripetalism in Deeply Divided Societies', Ethnopolitics: Formerly Global Review of Ethnopolitics, 2012, iFirst, pp.1–22.
  • McGrattan, Cillian. (2012). 'Spectres of History: Nationalist Party Politics and Truth Recovery in Northern Ireland', Political Studies, Vol.60, Iss.2, pp.455–473.
  • McGuinness, Samuel J. (2012). 'Education Policy in Northern Ireland: a Review', Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, Vol.10, No.1, pp.205-237.
  • McKeown, Shelly., and Cairns, Ed. (2012). 'Peacemaking youth programmes in Northern Ireland', Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, Vol.4, Iss.2, pp.69-75.
  • Mitchell, Audra., and Templer, Sara. (2012). 'Paramilitaries, Peace Processes and the Dilemma of Protection: The Ulster Defence Association's Role in 'Keeping a Lid on Loyalism'', The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, pp.1-19.
  • Nagle, John. (2012). '‘Unity in Diversity’: Non-sectarian Social Movement Challenges to the Politics of Ethnic Antagonism in Violently Divided Cities', International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
  • Patterson, Henry. (2012). 'The Border Security Problem and Anglo-Irish Relations 1970–1973', Contemporary British History, Vol.26, Iss.2, pp.231-251.
  • Pinkerton, Patrick. (2012). 'Resisting Memory: The Politics of Memorialisation in Post-conflict Northern Ireland', The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol.14, Iss.1, pp.131-152.
  • Price, B.C. (2012). 'Targeting Top Terrorists: How Leadership Decapitation Contributes to Counterterrorism', International Security, Spring 2012, Vol. 6, No.4, pp.9-46.
  • Rolston, Bill. (2012). 'Re-imaging: Mural painting and the state in Northern Ireland', International Journal of Cultural Studies, 0(0), pp.1-20.
  • Simpson, Kirk. (2012). 'Political strategies of engagement: Unionists and dealing with the past in Northern Ireland', British Politics, (advance access version; viewed 8 October 2012).
  • Taylor, Laura K., et al. (2012). 'Risk and resilience: The moderating role of social coping for maternal mental health in a setting of political conflict', International Journal of Psychology, pp.1-13.
  • Wilson, John., and Hay, Martin. (2012). 'Internal media, conceptual metaphors and minority cultural identities', Ethnicities, 0(0), pp.1-19.

Citations in 17 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Bernhardt, Abigail. (2012). The Freedom to be Catholic: The struggle to control the historical memory of the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland, 1968-69. Thesis, Master of Arts, The Graduate Faculty of The University of Akron, (August 2012). Abigail Lynn.pdf?akron1342036094
  • Byrne, Jonny., and Topping, John. (2012). Community Safety: A Decade of Development, Delivery, Change and Challenge in Northern Ireland. A research report for Belfast Conflict Resolution Consortium (BCRC). pp.103. Belfast: BCRC.
  • Darling, Justine. (2012). Restorative Justice: A Tool in Rebuilding Post-Conflict Northern Ireland. Paper presented to, Conflict Reconciliation Symposium, 'Conflict, Memory, and Reconciliation: Bridging Past, Present, and Future', January 10-13 2012, KLgall, Rwanda.
  • Delisle, Claire E. (2012). Leading to Peace: Prisoner Resistance and Leadership Development in the IRA and Sinn Fein. Thesis, Ph.D. degree in Criminology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa.
  • Ferguson, Neil T.N. (2012). 'A Duration Analysis of Terrorist Strategy inDomestic Conflict: Evidence from Northern Ireland 1971 - 1994'. Economics of Security Working Paper 68, Berlin: Economics of Security.
  • Foster, Hallie. (2012). License and Limitation of Republican and Loyalist Wall Paintings in Northern Ireland. June 2012. Thesis, Undergraduate, The Ohio State University.
  • Hall, Michael. (2012). 'Republicanism in Transition', CRC e-Bulletin, Iss.37, April 2012, pp.1. 2012.pdf
  • Hays, R. Allen. (2012). 'Policing in Northern Ireland: Community Control, Community Policing, and the Search for Legitimacy', Urban Affairs Review, XX(X), pp1-36.
  • Hruby, Jiri. (2012). Vliv devoluce na stranický systém Velké Británie - prípadová studie Skotska, Walesu a Severního Irska. Fakulta Socialnich Studii, Masarykova Univerzita.
  • Hussey, Meghan M. (2012). The IRA's Hunger Game: Game Theory, Political Bargaining and the Management of the 1980-1981 Hunger Strikes in Northern Ireland. Thesis, Undergraduate, Senior Honors Thesis in Political Science, The University of Pennsylvania.
  • Kundnani, Arun. (2012). Blind Spot? Security Narratives and Far-Right Violence in Europe. ICCT Research Paper, June 2012. International Centre for Counter-Terrorism - The Hague.
  • n.a. (2012). 'Policy Update', CRC e-Bulletin, Iss.35, February 2012, pp.5-7.
  • Onchari, Dennis Obiero. (2012). The Role of Community Centres in Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of Asukastalo Centre in East Pasila. Thesis, Bachelor of Social Services, Diaconia University of Applied sciences.
  • Sun, Shengwei. (2012). Civil Society, the State, and Transnational Feminism: A Case Study of Women's Organizing in Contemporary China. Bachelor of Arts. Scripps Senior Theses. Paper 69. Scripps College.
  • Templer, Sara. (2012). A reflection on dilemmas of duty: Some challenges in developing policy for victims and survivors. Ph.D. candidate, Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast.
  • Trademark. (2012). Sectarianism in the Workplace: Research on Sectarianism in the Private Sector Workplace. Report prepared by Trademark ICTU Anti-sectarian Unit, May 2012.
  • Urwin, Margaret. (2012). Counter-Gangs: A history of undercover military units in Northern Ireland 1971-1976, (November 2012). Glasgow: SpinWatch.
  • Van Um, Eric. (2012). Why Militant Groups Fight Each Other: The Role of Support, Political Objectives and Revenge. April 2012. Economics of Security Working Paper 64. Berlin: Economics of Security.



2011 [DRAFT List]

Citations in 2 Books:

  • Frampton, Martyn. (2011). Legion of the Rearguard: Dissident Irish Republicanism. Dublin: Irish Academic Press.
  • Greco Morasso, Sara. (2011). Argumentation in dispute mediation: a reasonable way to handle conflict. Philadelphia: John Benjamins North America.

Citations in 18 Book Chapters:

  • Aktoprak, Elcin. (2011). 'Citizenship and National Identity: A Comparative Analysis', Chapter 2 in, Donmez, Rasim Ozgur., and Enneli, Pinar. (eds) (2011). Societal Peace and Ideal Citizenship for Turkey. Plymouth: Lexington Books.
  • Austin, Beatrix. (2011). 'Training for Conflict Transformation - An Overview of Approaches', Chapter in, B. Austin, M. Fischer, H.J. Giessmann (eds.) 2011. Advancing Conflict Transformation. The Berghof Handbook II. Opladen/Framington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
  • Bosi, Lorenzo. (2011). 'From "British Rights for British Citizens" to "British Out": Dynamic Social Movement Development in the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Movement, 1960s to 1972', Chapter 7 in, Kouki, Hara., and Romanos, Eduardo. (eds) (2011). Protest Beyond Borders: Contentious Politics in Europe Since 1945. Berghahn Books.
  • Brown, Kris. (2011). 'Rights and Victims, martyrs and memories: the European Court of Human Rights and political transition in Northern Ireland', Chapter 3 in, Buyse, Antoine., and Hamilton, Michael. (eds) (2011). Transitional Jurisprudence and the ECHR: Justice, Politics and Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Filardo-Llamas, L. (2011). ‘Discourse worlds in Northern Ireland: The legitimization of the 1998 Agreement’, Chapter 5 in, Hayward, Katy., and O’Donnell, Catherine. (2011). Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution: Debating peace in Northern Ireland. Abingdon: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution).
  • Fitzduff, Mari. (2011). 'Just Enough to Hate - Not Enough to Love: Religious Leaders in Northern Ireland', Chapter 8 in, Sisk, Timothy D. (2011). Between Terror and Tolerance: Religious Leaders, Conflict, and Peacemaking. Washington: Georgetown University Press.
  • Hartnett, Alexandra. (2011). 'Aestheticized Geographies of Conflict: The Politicization of Culture and the Culture of Politics in Belfast's Mural Tradition', Chapter 3 (pp.69-107) in, Silverman, Helaine. (ed) (2011). Contested Cultural Heritage: Religion, Nationalism, Erasure, and Exclusion in a Global World. New York: Springer.
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  • O’Donnell, Catherine. (2011). 'Finding Consensus: Political discourse in the Republic of Ireland on the Troubles and peace process', Chapter 3, in, Hayward, Katy., and O’Donnell, Catherine. (2011). Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution: Debating peace in Northern Ireland. Abingdon: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution.
  • Power, Maria. (2011). 'Introduction: Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland', Chapter1 in, Power, Maria. (ed) (2011). Building Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
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  • Shirlow, Peter., Tonge, Jonathan., and McAuley, James W. (2011). ‘Continuity and change in the discourse of republican former prisoners’, Chapter 9 in, Hayward, Katy., and O’Donnell, Catherine. (2011). Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution: Debating peace in Northern Ireland. Abingdon: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution.
  • Walker, Clive. (2011). 'The Paradox of Global Terrorism and Community-Based Security Policing', Chapter 11 in, Henham, Ralph., and Findlay, Mark. (eds) (2011). Exploring the Boundaries of International Criminal Justice. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
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  • Williams, Malcolm., and Sutton, Carole. (2011). 'Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Teaching in Quantitative Methods', Chapter 5 in, Payne, Geoff., and Williams, Malcolm. (eds) (2011). Teaching Quantitative Methods: Getting the Basics Right. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Wright, Terence. (2011). 'Press Photography and Visual Rhetoric', Chapter 17 in, Margolis, Eric., and Pauwels, Luc. (eds) (July 2011). The Sage Handbook of Visual Research Methods. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

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  • Monaghan, Rachel., and Shirlow, Peter. (2011). 'Forward to the Past? Loyalist Paramilitarism in Northern Ireland Since 1994', Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol.34, Issue 8, 21 July 2011, pp.649-665.
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  • Orbons, Sjef. (2011). 'Non-lethal weapons: peace enablers or troublesome force? Assessing the role of CS and baton rounds in the Northern Ireland conflict', Small Wars and Insurgencies, Vol.22, Iss.3, pp.467-494.
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  • Reed, Richard. (2011). 'Blood, Thunder and Rosettes: The Multiple Personalities of Paramilitary Loyalism between 1971 and 1988', Irish Political Studies, 26:1, pp.45-71.
  • Setty, Sudha. (2011). 'What's in a Name? How Nations Define Terrorism Ten Years after 9/11', University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Vol.33, No.1, pp.?
  • Schubotz, Dirk, Melaugh, Martin., and McLoughlin, Peter. (2011). 'Archiving Qualitative Data in the Context of a Society Coming out of Conflict: Some Lessons from Northern Ireland', Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, (Sept 2011), Vol.12, No.3.
  • Smith, Alan. (2011). 'A response to Jad’s article, ‘The post-Oslo Palestine and gendering Palestinian citizenship’', Ethnicities, Vol.11, No.3, pp.378-382.
  • Somerville, I., and Purcell, A. (2011). 'A history of Republican public relations in Northern Ireland from “Bloody Sunday” to the Good Friday Agreement', Journal of Communication Management, Vol.15, Iss.3, pp.192-209, Special Edition on PR History (Guest Ed. Prof. Tom Watson),.
  • Sterrett, Ken., Hackett, Mark., and Hill, Declan. (2011). 'Agitating for a design and regeneration agenda in a post-conflict city: the case of Belfast', The Journal of Architecture, 16:1, pp.99-119.
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  • Zeldin, Shepherd., Wilson, Derick., and Collura, Jessica. (2011). 'Creating Restorative and Intergenerational Cultures for Youth: Insights From Northern Ireland and the United States', Youth Society, 43(2): pp.401-413.

Citations in 38 Other Papers and Reports:

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  • Bilandzic, Mirko. (2011). Terrorismus. Theorien und theoretische Perspektiven.
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  • Busthomy, Achmad. (2011). Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland: The Establishing of Good Friday Agreement. Thesis, Master, Graduate Institute of European Studies, Social and Political Science Faculty, Nan Hua University, Taiwan.
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  • Dennedy, Sara. (2011). The Trouble with Peace: The European Union Programme for Peace and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland. Thesis, Master, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University. PDF.pdf
  • Devine, Paula., and Schubotz, Dirk. (2011). Here and There: Experiences and Attitudes to Segregation among Urban Teenagers in Northern Ireland. Paper Presented at Conference: Urban Conflicts – Ethno-National Divisions, States And Cities, 19 – 21 May 2011, Queen’s University Belfast.
  • Ghosn, Faten., and Sciabara, Christina. (2011). Are Needs Negotiable? The Role of Participation, Security and Recognition in Keeping the Peace after Civil Wars End. School of Government and Public Policy, University of Arizona.
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  • Kelleher, Luke., and Melaugh, Martin. (2011). Visualising the Conflict: Immersion in the Landscape of Victims and Commemoration in Northern Ireland, (21 May 2011). Paper Presented at Conference: Urban Conflicts – Ethno-National Divisions, States And Cities, 19 – 21 May 2011, Queen’s University Belfast.
  • Knobel, Ariel Heifetz. (2011). 'A Paradoxical Peace in Northern Ireland', PRAXIS The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Vol.XXVI, pp.89-96.
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  • Sawyer, Andrew. (2011). National Museums in Northern Ireland. Paper presented at, Building National Museums in Europe 1750-2010. Conference proceedings from EuNaMus, European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen, Bologna 28-30 April 2011.
  • Schubotz, Dirk., and Devine, Paula. (2011). Segregation Preferences of 16-year Olds in Northern Ireland. What Difference Does Urban Living Make?, Conflict in Cities and the Contested State, Electronic Working Papers Series, Working Paper No.22.
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  • Todd, Jenifer. (2011). Elite Intent, Public Reaction and Institutional Change. IBIS Discussion Paper No.9. Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin, and the Institute of Governance, Queen’s University Belfast. Belfast: QUB. 9.pdf
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  • Wiepking, Ruairi. (2011). 'The Path to Peace: Conflict Theory and Northern Ireland’s Troubles (1968-1998)', (Paper 13), Theses, Master of Arts in International Studies, International Studies, University of San Francisco.


2010 [DRAFT List]

Citations in 13 Books:

  • Connolly, Sheelah., Bevan, Gwyn., and Mays, Nicholas. (2010). Funding and Performance of Healthcare System in the Four Countries of the UK Before and After Devolution. London: The Nuffield Trust.
  • Cooper, David. (2010). The Musical Traditions of Northern Ireland and Its Diaspora: Community and Conflict. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Corrigan, Karen P. (2010). Dialects of English. Irish English, Vol.1 – Northern Ireland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
  • Craig, Anthony. (2010). Crisis of Confidence: Anglo-Irish Relations in the Early Troubles. Dublin: Irish Academic Press.
  • Doyle, John. (ed.) (2010). Policing the Narrow Ground: Lessons from the transformation of policing in Northern Ireland. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy.
  • Dickson, Brice. (2010). The European Convention on Human Rights and the Conflict in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Greiner, Allyson. (2010 Forthcoming). Visualizing Human Geography [Tentative Title]. John Wiley & Sons, Inc [Estimated publication date 15 September 2010].
  • Grunert, Andrea. (Ed.) (2010). L'écran des frontiéres, CinémAction, (November 2010). Condé-sur-Noireau: Editions Charles Corlet.
  • Hanley, Brian. (2010). The IRA: A Documentary History 1916-25. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
  • Keenan-Thomson, Tara. (2010). Irish Women and Street Politics 1956-1973: 'This could be contagious'. Dublin: Irish Academic Press.
  • McLaughlin, Cahal. (2010). Recording Memories from Political Violence: A Film-maker's Journey. Bristol: Intellect – The University of Chicago Press.
  • Urban, Eva. (2010). Community Politics and the Peace Process in Contemporary Northern Irish Drama. Bern: Peter Lang AG.
  • Williams, Benjamin. (2010). The Northern Ireland Peace Process and the International Context. Dartford: Pneuma Springs Publishing.

Citations in 7 Book Chapters:

  • Beirne, Maggie., and O’Brien, Martin. (2010). ‘The Perception of Policing Change from the Perspective of Human-Rights Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOS)’, Chapter 11 (pp.145-164) in, Doyle, John. (ed.) Policing the Narrow Ground: Lessons from the Transformation of Policing in Northern Ireland. Dublin: RIA Royal Irish Academy.
  • Benson, Ciarán. (2010). ‘From Dr. No to Dr. Yes Positioning Theory and Dr. Ian Paisley's Endgame’, Chapter 9 in, Moghaddam, Fathali., Harré, Rom. (eds) (2010). Endgame - Words of Conflict, Words of War, How the Language We Use in Political Processes Sparks Fighting. Santa Barbara: Praeger.
  • Doyle, John. (2010). ‘The politics of the transformation of policing’, Chapter (pp.167-211) in, Doyle, John. (ed.) Policing the Narrow Ground: Lessons from the Transformation of Policing in Northern Ireland. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Ellison, Graham. (2010). ‘Police Community Relations in Northern Ireland in the Post-Patten Era: Towards an Ecological Analysis’, Chapter 14; pp.242-276 in, Doyle, John. (ed.) Policing the Narrow Ground: Lessons from the Transformation of Policing in Northern Ireland. Dublin: RIA Royal Irish Academy.
  • Guelke, A. (2010). 'Northern Ireland: communal division and the embedding of paramilitary networks', Chapter 3 (pp.41-62) in, Jones, David Martin., Lane, Ann., and Schulte, Paul. (2010). Terrorism, Security and the Power of Informal Networks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • McGarry, John. (2010). 'Asymmetric Autonomy in the United Kingdom', Chapter 6 in, Weller, Marc., and Nobbs, Katherine. (eds) (2010). Asymmetric Autonomy and the Settlement of Ethnic Conflicts. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Ryder, Chris. (2010). The News Media and the Northern Ireland Conflict, Chapter 2 (pp.35-50) in, ...

Citations in 36 Journal Articles :

  • Blatz, C. W. and Philpot, C. (2010). 'On the Outcomes of Intergroup Apologies: A Review', Social and Personality Psychology Compass, Vol.4, pp.995–1007.
  • Cauvet, Philippe. (2010). 'La question frontalière et les relations Irlande-Irlande du Nord: de la partition à une Irlande postnationale?', Hérodote: Géopolitique Des Iles Britanniques, No.137, February 2010, pp.18-34.
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  • Cole, David D. (2010). ‘The Sacrificial Yoo: Accounting for Torture in the OPR Report (December 7, 2010)’, Journal of National Security Law and Policy, Vol.4, p.455, 2010; Georgetown Public Law Research Paper No. 10-73.
  • Craig, Elizabeth. (2010). 'From soft to hard law? Culture, identity, and language issues within the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights process', Focaal, Vol.2010, No.56, Spring 2010, pp.35-48(14).
  • Crooke, Elizabeth. (2010). 'The politics of community heritage: motivations, authority and control', International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol.16, No.1, pp.16-29.
  • Curtis, Jennifer. (2010). “Profoundly Ungrateful”: The Paradoxes of Thatcherism in Northern Ireland, PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, Vol.33, Issue 2, pp.201–224, November 2010.
  • Edwards, Aaron. (2010). ‘The Progressive Unionist Party of Northern Ireland: A Left-Wing Voice in an Ethnically Divided Society’, The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, Vol.12, Issue 4, pp.590–614, November 2010.
  • Edwards, Jennifer., and Knottnerus, J. David. (2010). 'The Orange Order: Parades, Other Rituals, and Their Outcomes', Sociological Focus, Vol.43, No.1, Feb 2010, pp.1-23.
  • Egan, Suzanne., and Murray, Rachel. (2010). Casting a Cold Eye on the Origins and Development of an All-Island Charter of Rights’, Fordham International Law Journal, December 2010, Vol.34, pp.78-.
  • Feniger, Yariv. (2010). ‘Risk Groups in Exposure to Terror: The Case of Israel's Citizens’, Social Forces, Vol.88, No.3, pp.1451-1462.
  • Ferguson, Neil., Burgess, Mark., and Hollywood, Ian. (2010). ‘Who are the Victims? Victimhood Experiences in Postagreement Northern Ireland’, Political Psychology, Vol.31, Iss.6, December 2010, pp.857–886.
  • Ganderup, Sarah. (2010). ‘How White Was the Wash?: Bloody Sunday, 1972, and Memory in the Creation of the Widgery Report’, Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review, Vol.2, No.1.
  • Hays, R. Allen. (2010). ‘The Evolution of Citizenship in a Divided Urban Community: Local Citizen Engagement in Belfast, Northern Ireland’, Urban Affairs Review, January 2010, Vol.45, No.3, pp.336-376.
  • Horgan, John., and Braddock, Kurt. (2010). ‘Rehabilitating the Terrorists?: Challenges in Assessing the Effectiveness of De-radicalization Programs’, Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.22, Issue 2, pp.267-291.
  • Jacobs, Lisa Miriam. (2010). ‘It's Time to Leave the Troubles Behind: Northern Ireland Must Try Paramilitary Suspects by Jury Rather Than in Diplock-type Courts’, Texas International Law Journal, Vol.45, Spring 2010, pp.655-.
  • Lamb, Michele. (2010). ‘Loyalty and human rights: liminality and social action in a divided society’, The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.14, Iss.6, pp.994-1012, (Special Issue: Sociology and Human Rights: New Engagements)
  • Lampinen, Simo. (2010). Coaching- and guiding guide for 6 to 12-year-old juniors: coaching strategy for juniors’ coaches in Kouvolan Sudet ry, (6–12-vuotiaiden junioreiden valmennus- ja ohjausopas: valmennusstrategia Kouvolan Sudet ry:n jalkapallojunioreiden valmentajille). Thesis, Bachelor, Degree Programme in Sports and Leisure, Lahti University of Applied Sciences.
  • Lanz, Christian. (2010). Der Nordirlandkonflikt: Lehren für die Raumsicherung der Schweizer Armee?, Military Power Revue der Schweizer Armee, No.1, 2010, pp.40-49.
  • Liston, Vanessa. (2010). 'Northern Ireland 2009', Irish Political Studies, Vol.25, No.2, pp.227-287.
  • Lundy, Patricia. (2010). ‘Commissioning the past in Northern Ireland’, Review of International Affairs, 2010, Vol.61, br. 1138-1139, str. 101-133
  • Mc Guckin, Conor., Cummins, Pauline K., and Lewis, Christopher Alan. (2010). ‘f2f and cyberbullying among children in Northern Ireland: Data from the Kids Life and Times Surveys’, Psychology, Society, & Education, Vol.2, No.2, pp.83-96.
  • McGonagle, Declan. (2010). 'A shout in the street', Wasafiri, Vol.25, No.2, pp.46-54
  • McGrattan, Cillian. (2010). 'Explaining Northern Ireland? The limitations of the ethnic conflict model', National Identities, Vol.12, No.2, pp.181-197.
  • Megret, Frederic. (2010). ‘Of Shrines, Memorials and Museums: Using the International Criminal Court's Victim Reparation and Assistance Regime to Promote Transitional Justice’, Buffalo Human Rights Law Review, Vol.16, No.1.
  • Moran, Jon. (2010). 'Evaluating Special Branch and the Use of Informant Intelligence in Northern Ireland', Intelligence and National Security, Vol.25, No.1, pp.1-23.
  • Mitchell, David. (2010). ‘Conditions for Peace in Northern Ireland and Israel–Palestine’, Peace Review, Vol.22, Iss.3, pp.280-287.
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  • Murphy, Mary C. (2010). 'The European Union and 'Normal' Politics in Northern Ireland', European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics, Vol.?, No.?, pp.173-195(23).
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Citations in 9 Books:

  • Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov. (ed) (2003). From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation. Oxford University Press US.
  • Bourke, Richard. (2003). Peace in Ireland: The War of Ideas. London: Pimlico.
  • Cragin, Kim., and Chalk, Peter. (2003). Terrorism and Development. Rand Corporation.
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  • Knoll, Christian Ludwig. (2003). Verhandlungssache: Die britische Regierung und die Einbindung der republikanischen Bewegung in den Verhandlungsprozess zum nordirischen Friedensabkommen. Nordthor Verlag.
  • Neuheiser, Jorg., and Wolff, Stefan. (eds) (2003). Peace at Last: The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland. New York & London: Berghahn Books.
  • Schneider, Jane., and Susser, Ida. (eds) (2003). Wounded Cities: Destruction and Reconstruction in a Globalized World. Berg: New York.
  • Thackrah, John Richard. (2003). Dictionary of Terrorism. Routledge.

Citations in 1 Book Chapters:

  • Bryan, Dominic. (2003). 'Belfast: Urban Space, "Policing" and Sectarian Polarization', Chapter 12, pp.251-270, in, Schneider, Jane., and Susser, Ida. (2003). Wounded Cities: Destruction and Reconstruction in a Globalized World. Oxford: Berg.

Citations in 32 Journal Articles:

  • Bell, Christine. (2003). 'Dealing With the Past in Northern Ireland', Fordham International Law Journal, Vol.26, pp.1095-1147.
  • Boran, Mark. (2003). 'To Insure or Not to Insure, That Is the Question: Congress' Attempt to Bolster the Insurance Industry after the Attacks on September 11, 2001', St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary, Vol.17, pp.523-584.
  • Brennan, WJ. (2003). 'The Role of Indefinite Detention in Antiterrorism Legislation', Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, Vol.54, pp.515-551.
  • Brown, Kris., and MacGinty, Roger. (2003). ‘Public Attitudes toward Partisan and Neutral Symbols in Post-Agreement Northern Ireland’, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Vol.10, No.1, pp.83-108.
  • Bryan, Dominic. (2003). 'Rituals of Irish Protestantism and Orangeism: The Transnational Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland', European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics, Culture and Cooperation in Europe's Borderland. Edited by J. Anderson, L. O'Dowd, and T. M. Wilson , pp.105-123.
  • Campbell, Colm., and Connelly, Ita. (2003). ‘A Model for the 'War Against Terrorism'? Military Intervention in Northern Ireland and the 1970 Falls Curfew’, Journal of Law and Society, Vol.30, Issue 3, pp.341-375.
  • Campbell, Colm., Ní Aoláin, Fionnuala., and Harvey, Colin. (2003). ‘The Frontiers of Legal Analysis: Reframing the Transition in Northern Ireland ’, Modern Law Review, Vol.66, Issue 3, pp.317-345.
  • Conway, Brian. (2003). 'Active Remembering, Selective Forgetting, and Collective Identity: The Case of Bloody Sunday', Identity, Vol.3, No. 4, pp.305-323.
  • Curran, Daniel., and Sebenius, James K. (2003). ‘The Mediator as Coalition Builder: George Mitchell in Northern Ireland ’, International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice, Vol.8, No.1, pp.111-147.
  • Fielding, David. (2003). Investment, employment, and political conflict in Northern Ireland', Oxford Economic Papers, Vol.55, No.3, pp.512-535.
  • Gilligan, Chris. (2003). 'Constant Crisis/Permanent Process: Diminished Agency and Weak Structures in the Northern Ireland Peace Process', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.III, No.1, pp.22-37, September 2003.
  • Hagan, Martin. (2003). 'Schooling in Northern Ireland: Meeting the challenges of the twenty first century', Irish Educational Studies, Vol.22, Issue 1, pp.121-137.
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  • Hayward , Katy., and Mitchell, Claire. (2003). ‘Discourses of equality in post-Agreement Northern Ireland ’, Contemporary Politics, Vol.9, No.3, pp.293-312.
  • Hewstone, Miles. (2003). 'Intergroup contact Panacea for prejudice?', The Psychologist, Vol.16, No.7, pp.352-355.
  • Hughes, Joanne., and Donnelly, Caitlin. (2003). ‘Community Relations in Northern Ireland : A shift in Attitudes?’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol.29, No.4, pp.643-661.
  • Irwin, Tracy. (2003). ‘Prison Education in Northern Ireland : Learning from our Paramilitary Past’, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol.42 Issue 5,pp.471-484.
  • Kennedy, Fiachra., and Farrington, Christopher. (eds.) (2003). 'Main Political Events of 2002', in, Irish Political Studies Data Yearbook 2003, Vol.18, pp.89-99.
  • Kinealy, Christine. (2003). 'Les marches orangistes en Irlande du Nord', Le Mouvement Social, Vol.202, pp.165-181.
  • McAuley, James W. (2003). 'Unionism's last stand? Contemporary unionist politics and identity in Northern Ireland', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.3, No.1, pp.60-74.
  • Mac Ginty, Roger. (2003). 'The Prospect of Multi-level Voting in Post-Peace Accord Northern Ireland', Peace and Conflict Studies, Vol.10, No.2, pp.46-61.
  • McClean, Ciaran. (2003). ‘ Northern Ireland and the Democratic Left Party, 1989-1999’, New Hibernia Review, Vol.7, No.3, pp.23-35.
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  • Neumann, Peter R. (2003). ‘Bringing in the rogues: political violence, the British government and Sinn Fein’, Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol.15, No.3, pp.154-171.
  • Neumann, Peter R. (2003). ‘Winning the 'War on Terror'? Roy Mason's Contribution to Counter-Terrorism in Northern Ireland’, Small Wars and Insurgencies, Vol.14, No.3, pp.45-64.
  • O'Connor, Michael P., and Rumann, Celia M. (2003). 'Into the Fire: How to Avoid Getting Burned by the Same Mistakes Made Fighting Terrorism in Northern Ireland', Cardozo Law Review, Vol.24, pp.1657-1751.
  • Rynhold, Jonthan., and Cohen, Asher. (2003). 'Envisaging a peace referendum in Israel: The legitimisation of peace or a legitimation crisis? Lessons from Northern Ireland', Civil Wars, Vol.6, No.1, pp.85-104.
  • Smyth, Marie. (2003). 'Truth, partial truth, and irreconcilable truths: Reflections on the prospects for truth recovery in Northern Ireland', Smith College Studies in Social Work, Vol.73, Issue 2, pp.205-222.
  • Wilford, Rick., Ginty Mac, Roger., Dowds , Lizanne., and Robinson, Gillian. (2003). ‘Northern Ireland 's Devolved Institutions: A Triumph of Hope over Experience?’, Regional and Federal Studies, Vol.13, No.1, pp.31-54.
  • Willmott, Nathan. (2003). 'A Presumption of Legal Representation for Witnesses at Judicial Inquiries', Nottingham Law Journal, Vol.12, pp.34-71.
  • Williams, David. (2003). 'The United Kingdom's Response to International Terrorism', Indiana International & Comparative Law Review, Vol.13, No.3, pp.683-697.
  • Woods, Scott M. (2003). 'An analysis of Bloody Sunday', OJPCR: The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Vol.5, No.1, Summer 2003, pp.127-134.
  • Wushinske, Heidi L. (2003). 'Politicians and Paramilitaries: Is Decommissioning a Requirement of the Belfast Agreement', Temple Environmental Law and Technology Journal, Vol.17, No.2, pp.613-640.

Citations in 12 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Amador, Brian S. (2003). The Federal Republic of Germany and Left Wing Terrorism. Thesis, MA in National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California.
  • Charles, David., Dawley, Stuart., Benneworth, Paul., and Conway, Cheryl. (2003). The Regional Mission of Higher Education in Northern Ireland, A report for the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland, (January 2003).
  • de Mesquita, Ethan Bueno. (2003). Conciliation, Counter-Terrorism, and Patterns of Terrorist Violence: A Comparative Study of Five Cases. Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science.
  • Farrington, Fletcher. (2003). Towards a Useful Definition: Advantages and Criticisms of Social Exclusion. CQUniversity.
  • Hartman, Todd K. (2003). 'Talking the gun out of Irish politics: Framing the peace process', Paper prepared for presentation at the 44th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Portland, Oregon, 25 February - 1 March 2003.
  • Hopkins, Stephen. (2003) 'Website Review: Conflict Archive on the Internet (CAIN)', Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol.II, No.2, pp.83-84, January 2003.
    Original article [PDF; 15KB] at The Global Review of Ethnopolitics web site
    Copy of article [PDF; 15KB] at CAIN web site
  • Hughes, Joanne., Donnelly, Caitlin., Robinson, Gillian., and Dowds, Lizanne. (2003). Community Relations in Northern Ireland: The Long View, (March 2003). (ARK Occasional Paper). Belfast: Northern Ireland Social and Political Archive (ARK).
  • Kempin, Tina. (2003). Ready for Peace? The Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland 1998-2002. Centre for Security Studies at the ETH Zurich.
  • Kuusisto-Arponen, Anna-Kaisa. (2003). Our Places - Their Spaces: Urban Territoriality in the Northern Irish Conflict. Academic Dissertation, University of Tampere, Finland.
  • Mailhes, Christian. (2003). L’épreuve de l’étranger au coeur des systèmes judiciaires irlandais. Université des Sciences Sociales, Toulouse.
  • Moltmann, Bernhard. (2003). Die Angst der Friedensmacher vor der Demokratie Der Friedensprozess in Nordirland in der Krise. HSFK Standpunkte 3/2003.
  • Zycher, Benjamin. (2003). A preliminary benefit/cost framework for counterterrorism public expenditures. Santa Monica: RAND.



Citations in 15 Books:

  • Alexander, Yonah. (2002). Combating Terrorism: Strategies of Ten Countries. University of Michigan Press.
  • Fitzduff, Mari. (2002). Beyond Violence: Conflict Resolution Process in Northern Ireland. New York: United Nations University Press.
  • Hagen, Georgina. (2002). Van" We shall overcome" tot" The soldier's song": hoe eind jaren zestig het conflict tussen protestanten en katholieken in Noord-Ierland oplaaide en escaleerde. Issues 2-3 of Utrechtse historische cahiers. Uitgeverij Verloren.
  • Helmick, Raymond G., and Petersen, Rodney L. (eds.) (2002). Forgiveness and Reconciliation. New Jersey : Templeton Foundation Press.
  • Houen, Alex. (2002). Terrorism and Modern Literature: From Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kushner, Harvey W. (2002). Encyclopedia of Terrorism. Sage Publications Inc.
  • Mac Ginty, Roger., and Darby, John. (2002). Guns and Government: The Management of the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Mulholland, Marc. (2002). The Longest War: Northern Ireland's Troubled History. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Mulholland, Marc. (2002). Northern Ireland A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • O Valenty, Linda., and Feldman, Ofer. (eds) (2002). Political Leadership for the New Century: Personality and Behavior Among American Leaders. Praeger/Greenwood .
  • Salomon, Gavriel., and Nevo, Baruch. (eds) (2002). Peace Education: The Concept, Principles, and Practices Around the World. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Taylor, Peter. (2002). Brits: The War Against the IRA. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Trinkle, Dennis A., and Merriman, Scott A. (eds) (2002). The European History Highway: A Guide to Internet Resources. London: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Trinkle, Dennis A., and Merriman, Scott A. (eds) (2002). The History Highway 3.0: A Guide to Internet Resources. London: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Trinkle, Dennis A., and Merriman, Scott A. (eds) (2002). The World History Highway: A Guide to Internet Resources. London: M.E. Sharpe.

Citations in 3 Book Chapters:

  • Gilligan, Chris. (2002). Devolving Power? Human Rights and State Regulation in Northern Ireland', Chapter 4 (pp.79-96) in, Chandler, David. (ed.) (2002). Rethinking Human Rights: Critical Approaches to International Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hughes, Joanne., and Donnelly, Caitlin. (2002). 'Ten Years of Social Attitudes to Community Relations in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Gray, Ann Marie., Lloyd, Katrina., Devine, Paula., Robinson, Gillian., and Heenan, Deirdre. (2002). Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Eighth Report, pp.39-55. London: Pluto Press.
  • Ryan, Stephen. (2002). Victims and the Media in Divided Societies: Some Thoughts about the Northern Ireland Conflict', in, Aguirre, Mariano., and Ferrándiz, Francisco. (2002). The Emotion and the Truth: Studies in Mass Communication and Conflict. Bilbao: University of Deusto.

Citations in 12 Journal Articles:

  • Collins, Barry. (2002). 'The Belfast Agreement, the Purloined Letter and the "Politics of the Ostrich"', International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, Vol.15, No.3, September 2002, Pages: 273-292.
  • Deutsch, Richard. (2002). 'The Good Friday Agreement: Assessing Its Implementation 1998-2001', Nordic Irish Studies, Vol.1, 2002, pp.95-109.
  • Fidler, Laura V. (2002). 'Poverty of riches: contesting an economic interpretation of civil war and insurrection', Conflict, Security & Development, Vol.2, No.3, pp.49-66.
  • Gatrell, Jay D., and Keirsey, Deborah. (2002). ‘Using the Web to Explore Historical Conflicts in Northern Ireland ’, Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer Enhanced Learning, Vol.4, No.1.
  • Gunay, Banihan., and Wilson, Imelda. (2002). 'Road Safety in Northern Ireland', IATSS Research, Vol.26. No.2, pp.115-117.
  • Hughes, Joanne. (2002). 'Resolving community relations problems in Northern Ireland: an intra-community approach', in, Coy, Patrick G. (ed.) (2002). Consensus Decision Making, Northern Ireland and Indigenous Movements (Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change), Vol.24, pp.257-282.
  • Lester, David. (2002). 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland and Suicide', Psychological Reports, Vol.90, Iss.3, June 2002, pp.722-.
  • Monaghan, Rachel. (2002). ‘The Return of "Captain Moonlight": Informal Justice in Northern Ireland ’, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Vol.25, No.1, pp.41-56.
  • Neumann, Peter R. (2002). 'The Imperfect Peace: Explaining Paramilitary Violence in Northern Ireland', Low Intensity Conflict and Law Enforcement, Vol.11, No.1, Spring 2002, pp.116-138.
  • O'Leary, Anne Carroll., El-Nawaway, Mohammed. (2002). 'A Content Analysis of Image Restoration in Northern Ireland: Public Communication Strategies of Political Parties', SIMILE: Studies In Media & Information Literacy Education, Vol.2, No.3, August 2002, pp.1-7.
  • Sidaway, James D. (2002). ‘Guest Editorial: Europe and the Spectre of Comparisons’, Space and Polity, Vol.6, No.2, pp.133-139.
  • Wolff, Stefan. (2002). ‘Conflict Management in Northern Ireland ’, International Journal on Multicultural Societies, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2002, pp.1-30.

Citations in 16 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Argelaguet i Argemí, Jordi. (2002). Dos Casos De Democràcia Consociativa: Irlanda Del Nord I El Tirol Del Sud Comparats, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, WP núm. 205. Barcelona: Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials.
  • Arlow, Michael. (2002). 'The challenges of social inclusion in Northern Ireland: citizenship and life skills', in, Tawil, Sobhi. (ed.) (2002). Curriculum Change and Social Inclusion, Final Report of the Regional Seminar held in Vilnius, Lithuania, 5-8 December 2001.
  • Ashraf, Fahmida. (2002). Jammu and Kashmir Dispute: Examining Various Proposals for Its Resolution.
  • Bertinetti, Scott J. (2002). The Objective Force and the Requirement for Assigned Tactical Missions to Specified Units. Monograph. School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas USA.
  • Buick, Jonathan. (2002). Crossing the Border: A Regional Approach to Environmental Management A study of policy, approaches and opportunities for cooperative waste management involving Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, 2002 by IIIEE, Lund University, Sweden.
  • Church, Cheyanne., Visser, Anna., and Johnston, Laurie. (2002). Single Identity Work: An approach to conflict resolution in Northern Ireland. INCORE Working Paper, August 2002. Derry: INCORE, University of Ulster.
  • Coombes, Mike. (2002). Travel to Work Areas and the 2001 Census. Report to the Office for National Statistics, March 2002. Newcastle: Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies, Newcastle University.
  • Crawford, Mary Kathryn. (2002). Creating the Ideal Republican: Northern Ireland Prison Writings as Propaganda. History 400: Senior Thesis Seminar, 15 April 2002, Haverford College.
  • Elworthy, Scilla., and Rogers, Paul. (2002). The ‘War on Terrorism’: 12 month audit and future strategy options, 11 September 2002, Oxford Research Group.
  • Farrington, Fletcher. (2002). Social Exclusion in South Australia: Analysing the South Australian Labor Party's Social Inclusion Initiative.
  • Hayward, Katy., and Howard, Kevin. (2002). Europeanisation and hyphe-nation : renegotiating the identity boundaries of Europe’s western isles. IBIS Working Paper No.18. Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin.
  • Laufer, Deborah S. (2002). A Guide to ADR Links. DARRP.
  • McDevitt, Carol Ann. (2002). Product Development in the Industrial/Chemical Process Industry. M.Sc. Thesis, May 2002, MIT.
  • Meiller, H. (2002). MacLaverty, Bernard-Cal-Der Nordirlandkonflikt an Hand von Bernard Mac Lavertys Roman. Research Paper, Erasmus Gymnasium Amberg. Germany: GRIN Verlag.
  • Moltmann, Bernhard. (2002). „Es kann der Frömmste nicht im Frieden bleiben...“ Nordirland und sein kalter Frieden. HSFK (Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung) Report 8/2002.
  • O’ Beirne, Rónán. (2002). "The CAIN Website Mural Directory", Reference Reviews, Vol.16, Iss.4, pp.45-45.



Citations in 4 Books:

  • Clarke, Liam and Johnson, Kathryn. (2001), Martin McGuinness: From Guns to Government. London: Mainstream.
  • Hampson, Osler., and Malone, David M. (2001). From Reaction to Conflict Prevention: Opportunities for the UN System. Lynne Rienner Publishers. P.122.
  • O'Dochartaigh, Niall. (2001). The Internet Research Handbook: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences. Sage Publications Inc.
  • Farrington, Christopher. (2001). 'Ulster Unionist Divisions in the late 20th Century', Irish Political Studies, Vol.16, pp. 49-71.

Citations in Book Chapters:

Citations in 18 Journal Articles:

  • Booth, W.J. (2001). ‘ The Unforgotten: Memories of Justice’, American Political Science Review, Vol. 95, No. 4, pp.777-791.
  • Collins, Barry. (2001). 'The Belfast Agreement and the Nation That Always Arrives at Its Destination', Penn State International Law Review, Vol.20, No.2, pp.385-413.
  • Cooper, David. (2001). 'On the Twelfth of July in the Morning ... (Or The Man Who Mistook His Sash for a Hat), Folk Music Journal, Vol.8, No.1, pp.67-89.
  • Couto, Richard A. (2001). The Third Sector and Civil Society: The Case of the "YES" Campaign in Northern Ireland', Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol.12, No.3, September 2001, pp.221-238.
  • Crooke, Elizabeth. (2001). 'Confronting a Troubled History: which past in Northern Ireland’s museums?', International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol.7, No.2, 1 June 2001, pp.119-136.
  • Dillenburger, Karola., and Keenan, Michael. (2001). 'Islands of pain in a sea of change: Behaviour analysis and bereavement', European Journal of Behaviour Analysis, No.2, Winter 2001, pp.187-207.
  • Epinoux, Estelle. (2001). 'Les murs de la paix en Irlande du nord', Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, Vol.1/2001, No.201, pp.23-33.
    DOI : 10.3917/gmcc.201.0023.
  • Farrington, Christopher. (2001). 'Ulster unionist political divisions in the late twentieth century', Irish Political Studies, Vol.16, Issue 1, pp.49-71.
  • Hayes, Bernadette C., and McAllister, Ian. (2001). ‘Sowing Dragon’s Teeth: Public Support for Political Violence and Paramilitarism in Northern Ireland’, Political Studies, Vol.49, Issue 5, December 2001, pp.901-922.
  • Knox, Colin. (2001). 'The `Deserving' Victims of Political Violence: `Punishment' Attacks in Northern Ireland', Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vol.1, No.2, pp.181-199.
  • Knox, Colin. (2001). '"An Acceptable Level of Violence": Intra-Community Violence in Northern Ireland and South Africa', Journal of Conflict Studies, Vol.XXI, No.2, Winter 2001.
  • Kuusisto, Anna-Kaisa. (2001). ‘Territoriality, Symbolism and the Challenge’, Peace Review, Vol.13, No.1, pp.59-66.
  • Kuusisto-Arponen, A.K. (2001). ‘The End of Violence and Introduction of 'Real' Politics: Tensions in Peaceful Northern Ireland’, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, No.83, Issue 3, pp.121-130.
  • Lundy, K.P. (2001). 'Lasting Peace in Northern Ireland: An Economic Resolution to a Political and Religious Conflict', Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, Vol.15, pp.699-732.
  • McCabe, Zachary E. (2001). 'Northern Ireland: The Paramilitaries, Terrorism, and September 11th', Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, Vol.30, Issue 4, pp.547-573.
  • MacGinty, Roger., Wilford, Rick., Dowds, Lizanne., and Robinson, Gillian. (2001). ‘Consenting Adults: The Principle of Consent and Northern Ireland 's Constitutional Future’, Government and Opposition, 36, 4, pp.472-492.
  • Sapone, Montgomery. (2001). 'Ceasefire: The Impact of Republican Political Culture on the Ceasefire Process in Northern Ireland', The Journal of Conflict Studies, Vol.XXI, No.1, Spring 2001.
  • Smith, Alan. (2001). ‘Religious Segregation and the Emergence of Integrated Schools in Northern Ireland ’, Oxford Review of Education, Vol.27, No.4, pp.559-575.

Citations in 11 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Baigorri, Artemio. (2001). Sociología General: Guía del curso. Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales.
  • Bulkeley, Richard. (2001). War by other means: Lessons of British responses to Republican terrorism in Northern Ireland. Conference of Defence Associations, Canada.
  • Harris, Clodagh. (2001). Elite Co-operation: Regional, National and European, Anglo-Irish elite co-operation and the peace process: the impact of the EU. Paper for the 51st Political Studies Association Conference, 10-12 April 2001, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Hughes, Joanne., and Donnelly, Caitlin. (2001). Ten Years of Social Attitudes to Community Relations in Northern Ireland, (August 2001). (ARK Occasional Paper). Belfast: Northern Ireland Social and Political Archive (ARK).
  • Hummel, Anika. (2001). The Partition of Ireland. Term paper, English Language and Literature Studies - Culture and Applied Geography, University of Rostock, Germany.
  • Leonard, Billy. (2001). ‘Hope and History’:Study on the Management of Diversity in Northern Ireland . INCORE: United Nations University / University of Ulster . Derry / Londonderry 2001.
  • McEvoy-Levy, Siobhán. (2001). Youth as Social and Political Agents: Issues in Post-Settlement Peace Building, Kroc Institute Occasional Paper #21:OP:2, December 2001.
  • Northern Ireland Assembly. (2001). A Background Paper on the Barnett Formula, Research Paper 12/01, September 2001. Belfast : Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • Regan, Eileen. (2001). A Background Paper on the Barnett Formula. Research Paper 12/01, September 2001, Research and Library Services, Northern Ireland Assembly.
  • Wolff, Stefan. (2001). Context and Content: Sunningdale and Belfast Compared.
  • In Vol.16 (2001) of Irish Political Studies CAIN is listed in the Data Section under political resources on the Internet relating to archives and directories on Irish politics.



Citations in 5 Books:

  • Brown, David. (2000). Contemporary Nationalism: Civic, Ethnocultural and Multicultural Politics. Routledge. P.181.
  • Dickason, Renée. (2000). Vers la paix en Irlande du Nord: communication politique et publicité télévisuelle (1988-1997). L'Irlande Politique et Sociale. Presses De La Sorbonne Nouvelle.
  • Ellison, Graham., and Smyth, Jim. (2000). The Crowned Harp: Policing Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. P.198.
  • Smith, Dan. (2000). The Atlas of War and Peace. James & James / Earthscan.
  • Webb, T.D. (2000). Remembering Libraries: Essays on the Profession. McFarland and Company.

Citations in Book Chapters:

Citations in 8 Journal Articles:

  • Boyd, Stephen. (2000). ‘Heritage Tourism in Northern Ireland : Opportunity Under Peace’, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.150-174.
  • Colby, JA. (2000). 'Getting to Peace: Avoiding Roadblocks on the Path to Peace in Northern Ireland', Temple International and Comparative Law Journal, 1.
  • Maney, Gregory M. (2000). 'Transnational Mobilization and Civil Rights in Northern Ireland', Social Problems, Vol. 47, No. 2, May 2000, pp.153-179.
  • n.a. (2000). Northern Ireland Peace Process: Parties' Commitments to Decommisioning Break Impasse in Implementation of Good Friday Agreement; New Political Institutions Established, then Suspended. Foreign Policy Bulletin, Vol.11, pp.176-197.
  • Sapone, Montgomery. (2000). Ceasefire: The Impact of Republican Political Culture on the Ceasefire Process in Northern Ireland', Peace and Conflict Studies: Ethnic Conflict Resolution, Vol.7, No.1, 1 May 2000, pp.21-48.
  • Stevenson, J. (2000). 'Irreversible peace in Northern Ireland?', Survival, Vol.42, No.3, September 2000, pp.5-26.
  • Tuite, Patrick (2000). "The Biomechanics of Aggression: Psychophysiological Conditioning in Ulster's Loyalist Parades", TDR: The Drama Review, Vol.44, No.4 (T 168), Winter 2000, pp.9-30.
  • White, Brian P. (2000). 'Walking the Queen's Highway: Peace, Politics and Parades in Northern Ireland', San Diego International Law Journal, 175.

Citations in 6 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Brocklehurst, Helen., Stott, Noel., Hamber, Brandon., and Robinson, Gillian. (2000). Lesson Drawing from Negotiated Transitions in Northern Ireland and South Africa. Prepared for deliverty at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Marriot Wardman Park, 31 August - 3 September 2000.
  • Collomb, Nathalie. (2000). Political participation and citizenship education in France and Northern Ireland. Paper for the Political Studies Association-UK 50th Annual Conference, 10-13 April 2000, London. Nathalie.pdf
  • Dartnell, Michael. (2000). Information, the Internet and International Politics. Breakfast on the Hill Seminar Series, Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada, 4 April 2000. Ottawa: Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Elbe, Pamela. (2000). The Orange Order in the Wake of Drumcree: Parity of Esteem, Protest, and Propaganda in Northern Ireland, 1995–98. Undergraduate Thesis, History, University of Wisconsin.
  • n.a. (2000). 'Unseen images of Irish history get first exposure', Amateur Photographer, (16 December 2000), p.7.
  • In Vol.Vol.15 (2000) of Irish Political Studies CAIN is listed in the Data Section under political resources on the Internet relating to archives and directories on Irish politics.



Citations in 1 Books:

  • Miall, Hugh., Ramsbotham, Oliver., and Woodhouse, Tom. (1999). Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The prevention, management and transformation of deadly conflicts. Oxford: Polity.

Citations in Book Chapters:

Citations in 2Journal Articles:

  • Carrara, Stacey. (1999). 'Effective Way to Deal with Terrorism - Britain and Ireland Restrict the Right to Silence', Suffolk Transnat'l L. Rev. 227 (1999-2000)
  • O'Duffy Brendan. (1999). ‘British and Irish Conflict Regulation from Sunningdale to Belfast . Part II: Playing for a draw 1985-1999’, Nations and Nationalism, Vol.6, No. 3, pp.399-435.

Citations in 2 Other Papers and Reports:

  • Kelly, B. and Peacock, I. (1999). Webwatching UK Web Communities: Final Report For The WebWatch Project. Project Report. UKOLN.
  • In Vol.14 (1999) of Irish Political Studies CAIN is listed in the Data Section under political resources on the Internet relating to archives and directories on Irish politics.



Citations in Books:

Citations in Book Chapters:

Citations in 5 Journal Articles:

  • Brana, Marković. (1998). Asimetrično državno ustrojstvo: Rešenje za nacionalne probleme u Velikoj Britaniji?, Međunarodni problemi, Vol.50, br.3-4, str.439-471.
  • Doyle, John. (1998). ''Towards a Lasting Peace'? : the Northern Ireland multi-party agreement, referendum and Assembly elections of 1998', Scottish Affairs, No 25, pp.1-20.
  • Keegan, Siobhan M. (1998). The Criminal Cases Review Commission's Effectiveness in Handling Cases from Northern Ireland, Fordham International Law Journal, pp.1776-1821.
  • Macleod, Roddy., Kerr, Linda., and Guyon, Agnès. (1998),"The EEVL approach to providing a subject based information gateway for engineers", Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol.32, Iss.3, pp.205-223.
  • Tuathail , Gearoid., and McCormack, Derek. (1998). ‘Global Conflicts On-line: Technoliteracy and Developing an Internet-Based Conflict Archive’, Journal of Geography, Vol.97, No.1, pp.1-11.

Citations in Other Papers and Reports:



Citations in 1 Books:

Citations in Book Chapters:

Citations in 2 Journal Articles:

  • Kerr, Linda., and MacLeod, Roddy. (1997). "EEVL: an Internet gateway for engineers", Library Hi Tech, Vol.15, Iss.3, pp.110-118.
  • Sharoni, Simona. (1997). 'Gendering Conflict and Peace in Israel/Palestine and the North of Ireland', Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol.27, No.4.

Citations in 2 Other Papers and Reports:


CAIN contains information and source material on the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland.
CAIN is based within Ulster University.

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