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A Bibliography of Works of Fiction Relating to 'the Troubles'

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Bibliography Compiled: Prof. Bill Rolston ... Programming: Mike McCool
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change

Novels of 'the Troubles'

The bibliography of works of fiction relating to 'the Troubles' was contributed by Prof. Bill Rolston*, University of Ulster. The information from the bibliography is provided as a searchable database (see below) and as lists of the novels in the following formats:

* Note: French titles provided by M. Dominique Le Meur, University of Limerick, and Paschal Gashhignard. Some other foreign titles supplied by Marc Caball, Director, Ireland Literature Exchange, Dublin

The database can be searched on 'Author', 'Title', or 'Year'. Users should select a search field and enter the required text.

Title: full title or part of the title; or one keyword
Author: full, or part of, surname; or surname and first initial eg higgins, j
Year: eg 1997

See also:
  • Hüther,Andreas. (2007). Bibliography of German Language Publications on the Northern Ireland Conflict, (November 2007). CAIN: <>
  • Iceton, Tracey. (2015). Troubles Women: Exploring Representations of Female Republican Activists in Troubles Fiction, (12 May 2015), [PDF; 86KB]. CAIN: <>. ... [19632]
  • Magee, Patrick. (2001). 'Appendix A: Category (a) novels by year of first publication', in, Gangsters or Guerrillas? Representations of Irish Republicans in 'Troubles Fiction'. Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications.
  • Morales-Ladrón, Marisol. (2006). 'Troubling Thrillers: Between Politics and Popular Fiction in the novels of Benedict Kiely, Brian Moore and Colin Bateman', Estudios Irlandeses, Number 1, 2006, pp. 58-66, [PDF; 153KB]
  • Pelaschiar, Laura. (1998). Writing the North - The Contemporary Novel in Northern Ireland. Trieste: Fonda grafiche multimediali s.r.l. ... [3686]
  • Schwerter, Stephanie. (2007). Transgressing Boundaries: Belfast and the 'Romance-Across-the-Divide', Estudios Irlandeses, Issue No.2, March 2007, pp173-182, [PDF; 74KB].

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    CAIN is based within Ulster University.

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