CAIN Web Service
Guide to Web Sites Containing Information on the
Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland
BACKGROUND: [Acronyms]
[NI Society]
Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh, Fionnuala McKenna, Brendan Lynn
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
Links within this page:
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Key Sites for Information on the Northern Ireland Conflict
- 3. Irish University Links
- 4. Governments Sites
... Main Government Sites
... Other Government Agencies
... Security Services and Policing Links
- 5. Political Parties
- 6. News Agencies
- 7. Other Groups and Individuals
- 8. Discussion Lists and Newsgroups
- 9. Some Irish History Sites
- 10. Some 'All things Irish' sites
See also:
Ó Dochartaigh, Niall. (2005) A Guide to Ulster Loyalism and Unionism Online. CAIN: <>
1. Introduction
This following page provides a guide to some of the information on the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland that is available at websites on the Internet. If you know of any other sites which you feel should be included please send an email message to CAIN.
The amount of information about Northern Ireland on the Web has increased considerably since 1996. There has also been an increase in the amount of information that relates to the conflict and politics in the region. This information varies in type from sites which have a sole interest in the conflict to those sites which, while not specifically concerned with 'the Troubles', do contain information of use to those with an interest in this topic. The range of institutions, groups and individuals providing this information is very wide. The quantity and quality of the information on the conflict also varies from site to site.
Some of the sites aim to provide objective information about 'the Troubles'. There are, of course, many sites that provide a more partisan view of aspects of the conflict. In common with other subjects covered on the Internet there is no arbitrator of what material appears. For those readers who do not have the time to perform their own trawl through web sites the following guide will act as a starting point.
Some of the links below may be 'broken' due to the speed with which web sites and web pages appear and disappear. Every attempt will will be made to keep the information up-to-date.
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2. Key websites for Information on the Northern Ireland Conflict
There are a number of websites which are exclusively devoted to information about the Northern Ireland conflict. There are a number of other sites, mainly departments and institutes within universities, that provide some information on the conflict and other incidental information such as the contact details of researchers working on this topic.
Main websites on the Northern Ireland Conflict
CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) (1996-present)
This page is part of the CAIN Web Service. The objective of CAIN is to provide a range of information and source material on the Northern Ireland conflict, politics, and society in the region via the Internet. New sections are added to the CAIN site on a regular basis.
The following centres / projects have relevant information in their own webpages within CAIN, or at external sites:
ARK Northern Ireland Social and Political Archive (2000-present)
ARK is currently comprised of a number of associated web sites and services:
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT)
Young Life and Times Survey (YLT)
Northern Ireland Household Panel Survey
Surveys Online (SOL)
Northern Ireland Elections (NIE)
Conflict and Politics
Conflict Archive on the INternet (CAIN)
Research Summaries
Online Research Bank (ORB)
ARK Research Centre
ARK Research Centre
Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU; 1987-2000)
This site provides a range of material related to community relations in Northern Ireland from 1987 to 2000. The work of CCRU has now been taken over by the Research Branch at the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.
Centre for the Study of Conflict (CSC) University of Ulster (1977-2000)
Research into aspects of the Northern Ireland conflict was conducted in the Centre between 1977 and 2000. The Centre's web pages provide a range of information including extracts from the publications produced by the Centre.
The Cost of the Troubles Study (CTS) (1996-1999)
This project looked at the impact of 30 years of violence on society in Northern Ireland.
Democratic Dialogue (DD) (1995-present)
Democratic Dialogue was set up in 1995, as a think tank geared to stimulating fresh approaches to the political problems of Northern Ireland.
The EMU Promoting School Project (1994-2002)
Education for Mutual Understanding
Future Ways Programme (1996-1998)
INCORE (International Conflict Research) was set up in 1993 by the University of Ulster and the United Nations University to undertake research and policy work that is useful to the resolution of ethnic, political and religious conflicts. INCORE hosts the Tip O'Neill Chair in Peace Studies which is funded by the American Ireland Funds to commemorate the former Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
Institute for Conflict Research (2001-2020)
ICR was formally established in June 2001, although it had previously operated under the names of Templegrove Action Research (1994-96), The Cost of the Troubles Study (1996-99) and Community Conflict Impact on Children (1999-2001). The ICR ceased operation on 31 March 2020 (the ICR website closed in October 2021).
Linen Hall Library, Belfast. Among other resources the Linen Hall Library holds the Northern Ireland Political Collection. The Political Collection includes a range of ephemera material - political leaflets, posters, stickers, and greeting cards — but also collections of books, pamphlets, manifestos, photographs, and audio-visual items. The collection also houses the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) press cuttings service spanning the entire period of 'the Troubles'. On 22 January 2018 the library made a selection of materials, for the period 1990 to 1998, available on-line. It is entitled 'Divided Society' and is free to users in the UK and Ireland.
Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey (1989-1998)
Details of seven surveys which looked at attitudes in Northern Ireland to a range of issues.
Templegrove Action Research Limited (1994-1996)
This project examined the impact of segregation on communities in Northern Ireland.
Troubles Archive (2014-)
The Troubles Archive was produced by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and it holds a collection of artworks from artists who produced work during, and relating to, the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
Other Sites with a Research Interest in the Northern Ireland Conflict
Centre d'Etudes Irlandaises, Centre of Irish Studies, Universite De Rennes, France. While the introduction is in French, there are a number of documents in English at this site. The site also provides details of various courses and public seminars available on the subject of Northern Ireland politics, and links to other related websites.
The Centre for Peace, Development and Social Justice, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland. [Previously: Centre for Peace and Development Studies, originally established as the Irish Peace Institute Research Centre, UoL.] This site provides information on the range of courses available at post-graduate level. Although there is a global emphasis on the centre's research, many of the courses concentrate specifically on the conflict in Northern Ireland, and are aimed at developing a deeper understanding of how conflict develops and how it can be resolved.
Centre for Social Research, [Link not working] The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. This research centre, established in 1990, acted as both a research centre and research resource centre, providing support for research within the school of social sciences at QUB. It also provided short courses and presentations relating to research in Northern Ireland and produced various reports.
The Constitution Unit at University College London. Contained on the site are 'Monitoring Devolution Quarterly Reports' on Northern Ireland. The first report was published in November 1999. The reports cover political and security developments in the region.
Department of Peace Studies and International Development, University of Bradford, England. [Formerly Department of Peace Studies.] This site provides information on a range of courses available at ungergraduate and postgraduate level relating to conflict and conflict resolution, politics and society in Northern Ireland.
Devolution and Constitutional Change [Link not working] An ESRC Research Programme. Among the information at this site are Devolution Briefings some of which relate to devolution in Northern Ireland
The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) was founded in 1994 and is dedicated to the study of the causes, dynamics, characteristics and consequences of terrorism and related forms of political violence. Staff at CSTPV have researched the Northern Ireland conflict.
INCORE (INitiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity), Ulster University, Northern Ireland
Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. This site provides details of the MA (Irish Studies) Programme, the PhD Programme, and Summer Schools, as well as details of research carried out by the Institute.
Institute of Irish Studies, University of Dublin (Trinity College Dublin), Republic of Ireland. The courses available at this site tend to concentrate on Irish culture, history and literature. Courses which relate more specifically to Northern Ireland are available through the university's Politics Department. [Link currently not working]
Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool, England. This website provides information on a wide range of courses available at undergraduate level, relating to Irish history, literature and the Northern Ireland conflict. Postgraduate taught courses are offered in ethnic conflict.
Irish and Irish Immigration Studies, [link not working 1 August 2011] Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA. This site provides information on the courses available at undergraduate and postgraduate research level. The department concentrates mainly in the areas of Irish immigration, Irish history and literature.
Irish Centre for Migration Studies, [Link not working] University College Cork. This centre is active in teaching, research, organising conferences and other activities concerned with migration from Ireland.
Irish School of Ecumenics is a postgraduate institute of Trinity College Dublin. It offers an M.Phil. in Reconciliation Studies, an M.Phil. in International Peace Studies, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Conflict and Dispute Resolution Studies.
Irish Studies Centre, London Metropolitan University [Link not working]. This centre was established in 1986 and offers undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Irish history, culture and literature and the political history of Northern Ireland.
The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen's University Belfast. "A home for inter-disciplinary research in areas of major societal change."
Spanish Association for Irish Studies (Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses - AEDEI). Publishes the scholarly journal 'Estudios Irlandeses' once a year.
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3. Irish University Links
Irish university sites are an obvious source of information on the Northern Ireland conflict. Someone using the site may simply wish to consult the catalogue of the University's library or they may be looking to contact a member of staff. Some Universities have departments or research centres (see links mentioned above) that have an interest in the conflict and these may provide information on-line.
In addition to specialised centres, university departments such as, history, politics, peace studies, social studies, etc., may provide information of value. Some universities have adopted their own 'house style' for the web pages of academic departments. This has the benefit of providing some consistency to the information contained in the pages. The information is also usually of a high quality and regularly updated.
The links below may be extended in the future to include other university sites.
Northern Ireland
Ulster University
Queens University Belfast
Republic of Ireland
Dublin City University
Trinity College Dublin (The University of Dublin)
University College Cork
University College Dublin
University of Galway
University of Limerick
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4. Governments sites
Official information relevant to the Northern Ireland conflict is available from a number of government departments. In addition there are a number of official agencies that contain relevant information.
The Stormont Papers (1921-1972)
Stormont Parliamentary Papers
In November 2006 the Parliamentary Papers of the devolved government of Northern Ireland (the Stormont government) from 7 June 1921 to the dissolution of Parliament on 28 March 1972 were made available online. The 92,000 printed pages of Parliamentary Papers are now indexed and searchable.
Main Government Sites
Northern Ireland Executive
... Information on the devolved institutions: Executive; Departments; North-South Bodies; etc.
The Executive Office (formerly: Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister; OFMdFM)
... public service information
Northern Ireland Bureau, Washington DC
... the Bureau's main aim is to promote Northern Ireland in the United States
Northern Ireland Assembly
Northern Ireland Assembly (NIA)
... Information on the Assembly and the Committees
The Northern Ireland Office (NIO)
... the office of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
United Kingdom Parliament
... Information on the House of Commons and the House of Lords
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
... A Committee appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy of the Northern Ireland Office (NIO); administration and expenditure of the Crown Solicitor’s Office; and other matters within the responsibilities of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.
Number 10 Downing Street
... Information about, and from, the Prime Minster and the Cabinet
Public Sector Institutions
... Information on UK public sector bodies
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Commons Select Committee
... details on the working of the select committee (reports and press releases)
Northern Ireland Legislation
... full text (from 1996 onwards) of legislation specific to Northern Ireland
Information on the Irish State
Information on the President; Houses of the Oireachtas (Parliament of Ireland); Taoiseach (Prime Minister); etc.
The American Government
The European Parliament
Other Government Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies
Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland
Central Community Relations Unit (CCRU; 1987-2000)
Community Relations Unit (CRU; part of the Equality Unit of the OFMDFM)
The Compensation Agency
Courts and Tribunals Service, Northern Ireland - Judical Decisions (from 1999)
Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland - Agencies involved
Department of The Environment
The Electoral Commission (UK)
Electoral Office Northern Ireland
Forensic Science Agency
Invest Northern Ireland
... formed from amalgamation of Industrial Development Board (IDB) and Local Enterprise Development Unit (LEDU)
Local Government Boundaries Commissioner for Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA)
... Northern Ireland’s official statistics organisation
Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB)
Tourism Information
Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister
Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Research Branch
Ordnance Survey
Public Records Office Of Northern Ireland
Stormont Castle
Security Services
British Army
Policing Links
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)
... formerly the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
The Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross
... site provided by the Police Federation for Northern Ireland as a memorial to the RUC.
Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation
... "marking the sacrifices and honouring the achievements of the Royal Ulster Constabulary".
Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB)
... formerly Northern Ireland Police Authority (NIPA)
District Policing Partnerships (DPP)
Office of the Oversight Commissioner
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Crime Prevention Panel [Link not working 1 August 2011]
Northern Ireland Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF)
... created in September 2000 to tackle serious and organised crime
Victim Support Web Site
Northern Ireland Prison Service
Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals
Police Officer Associations:
The Police Federation for Northern Ireland
The Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
Police Superintendents' Association of Northern Ireland
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5. Political Parties
The political parties have moved quickly to try and take advantage of the publicity value of the Internet. At the very least, each of the sites provides information on how to contact the party and names the main officers. Some of the parties provide substantial information in the form of policy papers, press releases, etc.
Northern Ireland
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland (APNI)
Conservative Party in Northern Ireland (CPNI) - redirects to VoteforchangeNI
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)
DUP2WIN DUP election web site
Green Party (NI)
Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP)
Labour Northern Ireland (LNI) [Link currently not working]
Northern Ireland Green Party [Link currently not working]
Northern Ireland Unionist Party (NIUP) [Link currently not working]
Northern Ireland Women's Coalition (NIWC) [Link not working]
Progressive Unionist Party (PUP)
Sinn Féin (SF)
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)
Socialist Environmental Alliance (SEA) [Link not working]
Socialist Workers Party (SWP)
Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) [see also: Jim Allister's Web site]
Ulster Democratic Party (UDP) [Link currently not working]
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)
United Kingdom Unionist Party (UKUP) [Link not working]
Workers' Party Northern Ireland (WP)
The Workers' Party (Ireland)
Republic of Ireland
Democratic Left (DL) [Merged with the Labour Party January 1999]
The Green Party/Comhaontas Glas
Fianna Fáil (FF)
Fine Gael (FG)
The Labour Party
Progressive Democrats (PD) [Link not working 1 August 2011]
Republican Sinn Féin (RSF)
Socialist Party (SP)
Socialist Workers Party (SWP)
Other Parties
Conservative Party, United Kingdom
The Labour Party, United Kingdom
Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom
Political Parties Around The World [Link currently not working]
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6. News Agencies
Sites established by newspapers, magazines, and broadcasting companies, provide a reasonable source of up-to-date news stories. Some sites provide the full text of articles that appear, for example, in the equivalent newspaper, while other sites provide an abstract or digest. Most sites provide archives of previous news stories.
There tends to be more coverage on Northern Ireland matters in the Irish sites than in those in Britain. However the different perspective can prove useful. Sites elsewhere in the world are only likely to cover major events.
Northern Ireland
The Andersonstown News (Weekly Newspaper) Now a subscription service to full text - only headlines and short abstract available free.
The Belfast Telegraph (Daily Newspaper)
The site provides free access to full text of selected articles in current newspaper. [This site did contain an archive of issues dating back to 13 November 1995; currently unavailable.]
Newsletter (Daily Newspaper) The site provides free access to full text of selected articles in current newspaper.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Northern Ireland
- On-Line News Service A daily news service from BBC Northern Ireland
- Ten Chapters of the Northern Ireland Troubles (released in 2019)
- BBC Rewind - "Rewind is a web portal which allows the public to search previously unavailable archive material. It contains thousands of items of audio-visual recordings reflecting life and events in Northern Ireland from 1952 to December 1979."
- Aspects of Northern Ireland's history (Plantation, Easter Rising, and The Troubles) from BBC NI Learning
- a state apart A site associated with the CD-ROM (released in 1998) of the same title. The web site aims to update the CD and provides an "analysis of the Belfast / Good Friday Agreement".
- Eyewitness Information on Northern Ireland aimed at young people.
Fortnight (Magazine) An independent review of politics and the arts in Ireland. It was founded in 1970 and the last issue was published in 2012. Content from back issues is available from the JSTOR archive:
The Irish News (Daily Newspaper) The site provides free access to full text of selected articles in current newspaper. There is also a subscription service.
Ulster Television news (part of ITV). provides daily news coverage.
See also:
- Newshound an Internet site that provides a list of daily links to the major news items about Northern Ireland in a range of newspapers. [Link re-directs to Irish Central]
- PaceMaker Press International Ltd. One of the main photographic agencies in Northern Ireland. [Now requires login details] (See also the photographs of Victor Patterson.)
- An Phoblacht / Republican News (Weekly Newspaper) This website provides the current issue and an archive of selected stories from back issues from 1997.
- Irish Republican News On-line Newspaper. The website provides the current issue and an archive of back issues from 2003.
Republic of Ireland
The Irish Independent (Daily Newspaper)
The Irish Times (Daily Newspaper) Much of the paper's content is again available on-line. There is also a subscription service to the 'epaper'. [This website did provide a free searchable archive containing the full text of articles, from 3 January 1996; payment now required to view full articles. The site also has a 'breaking news' service.]
The Sunday Business Post (Weekly Newspaper)
RTE Online (Television and radio broadcasting company); see also RTE Interactive News
RTE Archives - "RTÉ Archives is home to Ireland’s largest collection of audiovisual material. Combining hundreds of thousands of hours of moving image and sound recordings together with significant collections of photographs, manuscripts and administrative documents." It contains special 'Exhibitions' such as Civil Rights in Northern Ireland, and collections such as the News Collection.
The BBC, (British Broadcasting Corporation)
- On the Record Interviews from the political magazine programme - contains interviews on Northern Ireland affairs
Channel 4 (Broadcasting company)
The Economist
Electronic Telegraph, The Daily Telegraph (Newspaper) This site provides an archive containing the full text of articles from 1994.
The Financial Times (Newspaper) This site provides an archive containing the full text of articles from July 1996.
The Guardian (Newspaper) This site does not currently have an archive of past articles, but it does provide a specialist archive of politics articles published between 25 February 1997 - 28 November 1997. It also includes a separate section on Northern Ireland
Independent (Newspaper) has a section of recent news stories about Ulster
ITN, Independent Television News (Broadcasting company) has a section on the Northern Ireland conflict.
New Statesman and Society (Magazine)
The Observer (Newspaper)
The Times (Newspaper) This site provides an archive containing the full text of articles from 1 January 1996.
Other Countries
The Boston Globe
CNN America
CNN Europe
The European Journalism Page [Link currently not working]
The Irish Emigrant [Link not working 1 August 2011]
The Irish Voice
The New York Times
The Nando Times [Link currently not working]
OneWorld NEWS Service [Link currently not working]
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7. Other Groups and Individuals
The following are links to miscellaneous groups and individuals where a researcher may obtain information on the Northern Ireland conflict. This set of links is not yet complete.
Other Sources of Information on Northern Ireland
15 Years On A discussion blog, by different authors, reflecting on the successes and failures of the 15 years since the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.
Amnesty International
Ancient Order of Hibernians (in America)
Apprentice Boys of Derry; Mitchelburne Club,Ballymoney Branch
Australian Aid for Ireland [Link not currently working]
Behind the Mask - The IRA and Sinn Fein (Information on 'the Troubles', based on US television programme)
Belfast Interface Project (BIP) was established in 1995 to investigate the major issues of concern to interface communities in Belfast.
Belfast Murals ( a site which uses Google Maps to locate murals in Belfast.
Belfast Murals ( a site containing videos of murals in Belfast.
Belfast's Peacelines: An Analysis of Urban Borders, Design and Social Space in a Divided City - text and photographs by Margrethe C Lauber. [Link not working 1 August 2011]
Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign [Link currently not working]
Bloody Sunday Inquiry [former link:]
Bloody Sunday Trust
British Irish Rights Watch
Cadogan Group (A group of academics who try to provide an intellectual analysis of the Northern Ireland situation. Original link:
Centre for Peace Building [Link not working 1 August 2011] A centre based in County Donegal with the mission to: "Serve the people of the Border region of Ireland by providing and co-ordinationg training in peace building".
Charter88 (1988-2007)
Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ)
Community Relations Council (CRC) (Northern Ireland)
Connolley Association is a group based in London which campaigns for a united Ireland. (The 'Irish Democrat', the journal of the association, is available on-line (1939-2000).
Web site of Kathryn Conrad containing photographs of murals and parades
Co-operation Ireland
Co-operation North - see: Co-operation Ireland
Corrymeela Community
Cost of the Troubles Study Ltd.
Tony Crowley's photographs and information on Murals of Northern Ireland 1979-2004
CultureNorthernIreland a cultural atlas of Northern Ireland
Desmond Greaves archive
Enabling Young Voices (EYV) [Link not working 1 August 2011] This web site has been developed as a means for young people to express their views and experiences on conflict-related issues.
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
Families Against Intimidation and Terror [Link not currently working]
An Fhírinne [Link not working 1 August 2011] (Irish for The Truth) a campaign group launched in May 2006 to highlight state killings and state collusion with loyalists in the killings of Catholics, Nationalists and Republicans
Forum for Peace and Reconciliation [Link not currently working]
Fr Murray Fr Faul The publications of Father Raymond Murray and Fr Denis Faul which highlighted human rights abuses by the security forces during the conflict.
Friendships Without Borders Inc.
Garvaghy Road Residents' Coalition
An Glór Gafa - The Captive Voice (Quarterly magazine written by IRA prisoners) [Link not currently working]
Glencree Centre for Reconciliation
Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland
Healing Through Remembering, also The Northern Ireland Conflict Related Artefacts Database - This database is the result of a two year project by the Institute of Irish Studies at Queen's University Belfast and Healing Through Remembering. (The database is hosted on CAIN.)
Seán Hillen's Photographs of the north of Ireland 1980-1992
Human Rights Watch
Hunger Strike Commemoration Committee 1981-2001 [Link currently not working]
Independence for Northern Ireland [Link currently not working]
INNATE (Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education) source of nonviolence resources, including Nonviolent News.
International Orange Watch Committee [Link currently not working]
The International Political Science Association
Ireland's Interactive Resources Directory
Irish-American Information Service
Irish-American Partnership [Link currently not working]
Irish-American Unity Conference
The Irish Association The Road To Peace in the North of Ireland [Link currently not working]
Irish Family History Foundation
Irish History on the Web [Link currently not working]
Irish Law Page
Irish Left Archive - An on-line archive of materials relating to Irish left politics
The Irish National Caucus
Irish News Ceasefire Documents
The Irish Peace Process (a blog written by Shane Paul O'Doherty, former member of the IRA; blog items published since 5 October 2017)
The Irish People (weekly Sinn Féin newspaper published in the United States) [Link currently not working]
Irish Political Archive (Archive of Sinn Féin and IRA statements) [Link not currently working]
Irish Political Prisoner Information [Link not working 1 August 2011]
Irish Political Prisoners Childrens Holidays (Irish-American group which organises holidays for children of Republican prisoners) [Link currently not working]
The Irish Republican Army [Link not working 1 August 2011] (Sinn Féin site on history of the armed struggle - contains main IRA ceasefire statements since 1994)
Irish Republician Socialist Committee of North America
Irish Republician Socialist Movement
Irish Republician Socialist Party
James Connolly Society of Canada and the United States
Eric Kaufmann's Orange Order Page ... contains a range of material (photos, maps, papers, presentations, articles, extracts) on the subject of the Orange Order
Kennys Bookshop, [Link not working 1 August 2011] Galway. (Books on Irish history, politics, culture, literature and language.)
Kilcranny House (Group based in Coleraine offering community relations training)
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (USA human rights group; site contains reports on Northern Ireland)
Gilles Leb's blogspot (Irish Political Ephemera) contains photographs of political ephemera from his personal collection.
Lower Ormeau Concerned Community [link not working 1 August 2011]
McGurk's Bar: Campaign for Truth: "... a family campaign dedicated to the memory of the innocent victims of the McGurk’s Bar Massacre of 4th December 1971". New website launched in November 2021.
Malachi O'Doherty (writer and broadcaster)
Meath Peace Group (A group set up to promote peace through dialogue between people North and South - contains transcripts of talks organised by the group)
Mediation Network for Northern Ireland
The Museum of Free Derry: The National Civil Rights Archive
Museum of The Troubles and Peace (project exploring the potential for a Museum of the Troubles and the Peace Process)
Newshound (Newspaper articles from Ireland, UK and USA relating to Northern Ireland)
Nicholas Whyte's Election Page (Information on elections in Northern Ireland)
NORAID Irish Northern Aid Committee
Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, House of Commons
Northern Ireland Fair Employment Commission (FEC) [Link currently not working]
The Northern Ireland Family History Society [Link currently not working]
Northern Ireland Forum [Link not working 1 August 2011]
The Northern Ireland Group in Brussels [Link currently not working]
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Northern Ireland Information Centre [Link currently not working]
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
Omagh Support and Self Help Group [site launched in January 2006]
Omagh Bomb Digital Archive [site launched in November 2006]
Orange Watch [Link currently not working]
Paddynet [Link currently not working]
The Parades Commission Northern Ireland
Pat Finucane Inquiry Campaign
The Pat Finucane Centre for Human Rights and Social Change
Victor Patterson - Photographs of the Troubles and his general Photography Web Site
Peace and Reconciliation Group
The Peace People
The Peace Process: Layers of Meaning
Peace Web Site [Link currently not working]
Peacewall Archive - Artefacts from a city of walls: A case study of urban division in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Political Studies Association of Ireland
The Poster Collective
Project Reconciliaiton [Link currently not working]
Raphoe Reconciliation Project
Republican Bulletin Board [Link currently not working]
Republican Network for Unity (RNU) (The group was formerly known as the 'Ex-POW's and Concerned Republicans against RUC/PSNI'.)
Robert Hamill Committee (London) [Link currently not working]
Rosemary Nelson Campaign [Link currently not working]
Saoirse (Republican Sinn Féin site)
Slugger O'Toole (Notes on Northern Ireland politics and culture; a blog/discussion site)
... Slugger O'Toole's 'Dealing with the past' discussion site
Somme Heritage Centre
The Spark Pages, an interesting resource giving a left-wing viewpoint. - Rusty Stewart, Photojournalist [Link currently not working]
The Blanket [Link not working 1 August 2011] - A Journal of Protest and Dissent ("The Blanket exists to facilitate dialogue within the Irish republican family")
The Training Trust is a registered charity which seeks to facilitate the building of a more peaceful society in Northern Ireland - working directly with young people and in partnership with key agencies, universities, employers and community groups.
Troops Out Movement
Ulster Cyber Community A site promoting Ulster British culture, history and politics on the Internet. Provides links to a range of Unionist sites.
Ulster Historical Publications [Link currently not working]
Ulster Nation (Campaign for independence from Britain and Ireland)
Ulster Scots Heritage Council [Link currently not working]
Ulster Independence Movement
Ulster Society [Link not working 1 August 2011]
Ultach Trust Irish language organisation
University College Belfast Republican Society [Link currently not working]
unofficial Sinn Féin Information Page
US Institute of Peace
Very Derry - a collection of Quicktime Virtual Reality (VR) panoramas of Derry
Victims and Survivors Trust (VAST)
Yes Campaign for the 1998 May referendum in Northern Ireland
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8. Discussion Lists and Newsgroups
There are a number of discussion lists and newsgroups which, while not specific to the Northern Ireland conflict, do cover some topics of interest. All of the advantages and disadvantages that apply to these type of services in general, are true of those devoted to Irish studies. Up-to-date information on list servers can be found at to which you should send a one-line message list/global topic replacing the word topic with, for example, irish.
Discussion Lists
Irish and British History
Irish Interest
Irish Politics
Irish Studies (mainly Irish literature)
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9. Some Irish History Sites
Most of the information at CAIN covers the period of the Northern Ireland conflict (1968 to the present). The following sites have links to information on earlier Irish history.
Aspects of Northern Ireland's history
(Plantation, Easter Rising, and The Troubles) from BBC NI Learning
Irish History on the web [Link not currently working]
Old Ireland: History of Ireland and the Irish Race [Link not currently working]
Timeline of Irish History
Ireland facts and history
Text of the Penal Laws
CAIN - chronology of events in Irish history 1170-1967
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10. Some 'All things Irish' sites
This list is just a few of the many web sites that provide information and additional links about Irish life, culture, shopping, travel and job opportunities for both the Republic and Northern Ireland.
- Browse Ireland [Link not working 23 August 2016]
Described as a "Yahoo-type website directory for people looking for Irish websites".
- Ireland Lookup
An Irish business directory site.
Ireland On-line [Link not working 1 August 2011]
A site that gives basic information on Ireland such as the latest news, weather and sports information. Also has interactive, kids and member homepage sections.
- Irish News Internet Directory [Link not working 1 August 2011]
Provides a directory of links by subject classification on matters related to Ireland.
- - Ireland's Internet Directory
Just as its name implies; a directory of general information, arts, entertainment, religion, business, shopping and more. Also has a news column for latest headline news for Ireland.
Total Ireland: The Best of Ireland
This site has links to over 4400 Irish-related sites. The bottom of the index page has city-specific links that are especially helpful.
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