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The following materials and information were donated by Sean Farren
Compiled by: Martin Melaugh [Page made public 29 Feb 2024; last update 29 Feb 2024]
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Sean Farren's Publications |
The collection of Sean Farren Papers and Publications contains a number of items written by Sean Farren that were published in the press, or issued as press releases. Also included below is a selection of Sean Farren's academic publications. There are also a few public records (from those already available on CAIN) which mention Sean Farren.
Selection of Sean Farren's Media Items, no date - 2006 |
Media Items
Press releases and media articles written by Sean Farren.
[Most of the items are missing some part of the citation (title; jounal title; etc.)]
Farren, Sean. (1999). 'Hillsborough Declaration – Basis for Progress', (Statement issued by Sean Farren), (April 1999), [PDF; 91KB].
Farren, Sean. (2000?).
'One of my first actions ...', TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (27 November 2000), [PDF; 74KB].
Farren, Sean. (2001). 'Good Friday 1998 dawned cold and wet ...', Article, Ireland on Sunday, (Easter 2001), [PDF; 56KB].
Farren, Sean. (2002). 'How Serious is the Debate about Irish Unity?', TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (?? April 2002), [PDF; 17KB].
Farren, Sean. (2004?). 'Choices To Be Faced', Article, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (day month 2004?), [PDF; 56KB].
Farren, Sean. (2006). 'The odds against the Hain Assembly ...', Article, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (day month 2006), [PDF; 54KB].
Farren, Sean. (2006?). BA fiscal incentives, Article, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (day June 2006), [PDF; 52KB].
Farren, Sean. (2006). 'Casement's Human Rights Record, His Enduring Legacy, Press Relase, (3 August 2006), [PDF; 77KB].
Farren, Sean. (2006). 'Prospects for a breakthrough ...', Fortnight, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (day September 2006), [PDF; 48KB].
Farren, Sean. (2006). 'Labouring on the Hard Road to National Reconciliation', Address to The Liberty Project, Transport House, Belfast, 10 April 2006, [PDF; 68KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). 'A Lesson from Fair Employment', TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 53KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). 'Article for Corrymeela Journal', Corrymeela Journal, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 44KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). 'Co-ordinating North-South Economic and Social Development', TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 68KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). '1916, the Good Friday Agreement and National Reconciliation', Magill magazine, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 73KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). 'Denis Kennedy offered some interesting observations ...', Magill magazine, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 75KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). 'Accross Northern Ireland the danger signals ...', TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 51KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.) 'Prosperity – A Part of Peace? Learning from the Economic Experience of Peace II', TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 86KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘Eire aontaithe’, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 44KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘Fair Employment - A Generation On’, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 60KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). 'Breaking the Impasse', Article, Ireland on Sunday, (no date), [PDF; 44KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘North-South Co-operation’, Belfast Newsletter, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 53KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘President Clinton’s visit comes at ...’, Observer?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 55KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘Breaking the Impasse ...’, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 100KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘My day usually commences between ...’, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 40KB].
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). ‘The sight of Sinn Fein, DUP, Alliance ...’, TITLE OF PUBLICATION?, VOL?, NO?, PAGE-NOs?, (NO DATE), [PDF; 63KB].
Selection of Sean Farren's Academic Publications, 1977-2010 |
Farren, Sean. (n.d.). "We stand, not for the perpetuation of hatred, but ...", (no cover page information), [PDF; 91KB]. ... [24218]
Darby, John., Murray, D., Batts, D., Dunn, S., Farren, Sean., and Harris, J. (1977). Education and Community in Northern Ireland: Schools Apart?. Coleraine: New University of Ulster. ... [477]
Dunn, Seamus., Darby, John., Mullan, Kenneth., Murray, D., Batts, S., Farren, Sean., and Harris, J. (1989). Education and Community in Northern Ireland: Schools Apart? [AND]. Schools Together? (Reprinted Double Issue). Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. ... [3090]
Farren, Sean. (1989). Culture and Education in Ireland 1920-1960 / Ph.D Thesis. Coleraine: University of Ulster. ... [638]
Farren, Sean. (1991). 'The Anglo-Irish Agreement and the Protection of Minority Rights in Northern Ireland'. Etudes Irlandaises, 16, (1): 141-60.. ... [636]
Farren, Sean. (1991). 'Culture, Curriculum and Educational Policy in Northern Ireland'. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 4, (1): 43-58. ... [3496]
Farren, Sean. (1992). 'A Lost Opportunity: Education and Community in Northern Ireland'. History of Education, 2, (1): 71-82. ... [5022]
Farren, Sean. Finn, P. Kirk, T. Hughes, J. (1992). Students Together and Students Apart. Coleraine: University of Ulster. ... [2731]
Farren, Sean., Finn, P., Kirk, T., and Hughes, J. (1992). Students Together and Students Apart: A study of student teachers' attitudes in Northern Ireland, [unpublished report to CCRU]., [CCRU web site].. Unpublished. ... [5628]
Farren, Sean. (1994). 'The Limits of Principle: The Joint Declaration of the British and Irish PrimeMinisters of December 1993 '. Etudes Irlandaises, 19, (1): 97-108. ... [637]
Farren, Sean. (1995). The Politics of Irish Education, 1920-65. Belfast: Queen's University: Institute of Irish Studies. ... [2484]
Farren, Sean., and Mulvihill, R. (1996). 'Beyond Self-Determination Towards Co-Determination in Ireland'. Etudes Irlandaises, Spr., 183-193. ... [6272]
Farren, Sean. (1996). 'Language Policy in a Divided Community', in, Hickey, T. and Williams, J. (eds) Language, Education and Society in a Changing World. Clevedon and Dublin: IRAAL/Multilingual Matters. Dublin-Clevedon: IRAAL:Multilingual Matters. ... [5168]
Farren, Sean. (1996). 'Language Policy in a Divided Society', in, Hickey,T., and Williams, J. (eds) Language, Education and Society in a Changing World. 54-62. Dublin, Philadelphia: IRAAL/Multilingual Matters. ... [6273]
Farren, Sean. (1997). 'Education and National Identity in Northern Ireland'. Aspects of Education: Journal of the Institute of Education, University of Hull, (54): 82 -. ... [2961]
Farren, Sean. (1997). 'Denominationally Integrated Education in Northern Ireland - Panacea or Civil Right', Conference Paper, International Standing Conference for the History of Education, Faiths and Education, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, 3-6 September 1997, [PDF; 236KB]. ... [6365]
Farren, Sean. (1999). 'The Good Friday Agreement: Eighteen Months On - What Does the Future Hold?', Conference Paper, New England Region - American Conference on Irish Studies, Elms College, 2 October 1999, [PDF; 93KB]. ... [24211]
Farren, Sean. (1999). 'From Minus-Minus to Plus-Plus - Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland: The Role of Research and Education', Conference Paper, 52nd Internal Conference on Educational Exchange, Chicago, November 1999, [PDF; 119KB]. ... [24212]
Farren, Sean. (1999). 'Denominationally Integrated Education in Northern Ireland - Panacea or Civil Right?', in, Coolahan, J., Aldrich, R., and Simon, F. (eds) Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Supplementary Series, Volume V, Paedagogica Historica. 353-378. Gent: CSHP. ... [6365]
Farren, Sean. (2000). 'The SDLP and the roots of the Good Friday Agreement', in, Cox, Michael., Guelke, Adrian., and Stephen, Fiona. (eds) (2000) A Farewell to Arms? From 'Long War' to Long Peace in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ... [5750]
Farren, Sean. (2000). 'Institutional Infrastructure Post-Good Friday Agreement: The New Institutions and Devolved Government', Conference Paper, Dialect 2000 Conference, Queen's University, Belfast, 12 August 2000, [PDF; 81KB]. ... [24213]
Farren, Sean., and Mulvihill, Robert. F. (2000). Paths to a Settlement in Northern Ireland. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe.. ... [4060]
Farren, Sean., and Mulvihill, Robert. F. (2000). 'Transforming the Conflict', in Paths to a Settlement in Northern Ireland. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe.. ... [4174]
Farren, Sean. (2001). 'The Blair Years - A Northern Irish Perspective', Conference Paper, Universite de Provence, 20 October 2001, [PDF; 158KB]. ... [24214]
Farren, Sean. (2004). 'SDLP and the New Republicanism', Conference Paper, Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College, Dublin, May 2004, [PDF; 81KB]. ... [24215]
Farren, Sean. (2005). 'Changing Relationships? – Nationalism and Unionism Post the Good Friday Agreement', Address to the Jean Kennedy Smith Symposium, New Ross, 23 July 2005,
[PDF; 103KB]. ... [24216]
Farren, Sean. (2006). 'Sunningdale - An Agreement Too Soon? Learning from Sunningdale: Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland', Conference Paper, University College Dublin, 15 June 2006, (19 pages), [PDF; 50KB]. ... [24217]
Farren, Sean. (2010). The SDLP: the Struggle for Agreement in Northern Ireland, 1970-2000. Dublin: Four Courts Press. ... [17264]
Farren, Sean., and Haughey, Denis. (eds) (2015). John Hume: Irish peacemaker. Dublin: Four Courts Press. ... [20094]
Farren, Sean. (ed.) (2017). John Hume: In his own words. Dublin: Four Courts Press. ... [22958]
Mention of Sean Farren in Public Records (on CAIN) |
Burke, S. (1983). 'Visits of Sir Ewart Bell / Sean Farren to San Francisco', (18 May 1983), [PRONI Public Records CENT/3/32A; 3 pages], [PDF; 508KB]. Belfast: PRONI. ... [19989] - [Public Records]
Crawford, R. (1997). 'Sean Farren: Current Thinking', (8 April 1997), [PRONI Public Records CENT/1/25/69A; 5 pages], [PDF; 307KB]. Belfast: PRONI. ... [30509] - [Public Records]
May, P. (1993). 'Sean Farren: hopeful but not Expectant', (20 August 1993), [PRONI Public Records DED/17/2/1/130A; 5 pages], [PDF; 415KB]. Belfast: PRONI. ... [30424] - [Public Records]
Ó Ceallaigh, D. (1983). 'Meeting with SDLP Chairman, S. Farren, 18 May 1983', [NAI Public Records DFA/2013/27/1592; 3 pages], [PDF; 1,121KB]. Dublin: NAI. ... [22545] - [Public Records]
Reeve, R.S. (1984). 'Lunch with Sean Farren: SDLP', (23 July 1984), [PRONI Public Records CENT/1/13/30A; 2 pages], [PDF; 644KB]. Belfast: PRONI. ... [19557] - [Public Records]