![]() The Media in Northern Ireland - Details of Source Material[Key_Events] [Key_Issues] [CONFLICT_BACKGROUND] MEDIA: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology] [Main_Pages] [Resources] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change This is a draft version of some of the source material used in the section on the Media and the Conflict in Northern Ireland. It contains a selection of journal and newspaper articles which have been published over the years, and a list of other publications including books, reports and theses. The reader may also want to consult the CAIN bibliography for further information.
Books Burns-Bisogno, L. (1997) Censoring Irish Nationalism: the British, Irish and American Suppression of Republican Images in Film and Television, 1909-1995. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland. Butler, D. (1995) The Trouble with Reporting Northern Ireland: The British State, the Broadcast Media and Nonfictional Representation of the Conflict. Aldershot: Avebury Campaign for Free Speech on Ireland. (1979?) The British Media and Ireland - Truth: the first casualty. London: Campaign for Free Speech on Ireland. Curtis, L. (1993) Interference on the airwaves : Ireland, the media and the broadcasting ban. London: Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom with the co-sponsorship of the National Union of Journalists, Unison, Curtis, L. (1984) Ireland: The Propaganda War, the British Media and the Battle for Hearts and Minds. London: Pluto Press. Ferguson, Bob. (1985) Television on History: Representations of Ireland. London: Dept. of English and Media Studies, University of London Institute of Education in association with Comedia. Lawrence, Paul. (1991) Police and Media Relations in Crises and Emergencies - Lessons from Northern Ireland. Jordanstown: Dept. of Public Administration and Legal Studies, University of Ulster. Henderson, Deric., and Little, Ivan. (authors and compiled by) (2018). Reporting the Troubles: Journalists tell their stories of the Northern Ireland conflict, (20 September 2018). Belfast: The Blackstaff Press. ... [29167] - [Book] Henderson, Deric., and Little, Ivan. (authors and compiled by) (2022). Reporting the Troubles 2: More journalists tell their stories of the Northern Ireland conflict, (20 September 2018). Belfast: The Blackstaff Press. ... [29168] - [Book] McCann, Eamonn. (1972) The British Press and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland Socialist Research Centre. Miller, D. (1994) Don't Mention the War: Northern Ireland, Propaganda and the Media. London: Pluto Press.
Murphy, Brendan., and Kelters, Seamus. (2003) 'Hard News', in, Eyewitness: Four Decades of Northern Life. Dublin: The O'Brien Press. Negrine, Ralph. (1989) Politics and the Mass Media in Britain. London: Routledge Parkinson, Alan F. (1998) Ulster Loyalism and the British Media. Dublin: Four Courts. Rolston, B. (ed.) (1991) The Media and Northern Ireland, Covering the Troubles. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Rolston, B and D. Miller (1996) War and Words: The Northern Ireland Media Reader. Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications. Schlesinger P. (1991) Media, State and Nation: Political Violence and Collective Identities. London: Sage.
Allan, T. (1991) 'Freedom of Speech and Judicial Review', New Law Journal, No. 141, (17 May) pp.683-685. Butler, S. (1993) 'Negative Perceptions in the Media Regarding Northern Ireland', Index on Censorship, Vol. 22, No. 8-9, p.29. Cairns, E. (1990) 'The Impact of Television News Exposure on Childrens Perceptions of Violence in Northern Ireland', Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 130, No. 4, pp.447-452. Collins, J. and C. Crouch. (1988) 'Media Studies in Northern Ireland - Threat or Promise', Journal of Educational Television, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.65-71. Cottle, Simon. (1997) 'Reporting the Troubles in Northern Ireland: Paradigms and Media Propaganda', Critical Studies in Mass Communication: CSMC : a publication of the Speech Communication Association, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 282-296. Doherty, D. and A. Lyon. (1990) 'Violent Culture, Violent Television - Results of a Survey of Television Viewers in Northern Ireland', Sight and Sound, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp.228-231. Finlayson, Alan. (1997) 'The Broadcast Media in Northern-Ireland (1997 General Election Campaign Broadcasts in Northern Ireland)', Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp.477-480. Hall, Tony. (1993) 'Why the Broadcasting Ban should go', Index on Censorship, Vol. 22, No. 8/9, p.4. Jarman, N. (1996) 'Violent Men, Violent Land: Dramatizing the Troubles and the Landscape of Ulster', Journal of Material Culture, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.39-61. Johnson, Paul. (1971) 'The IRA's Best Friend: Television Coverage', The Spectator, 13 June, p.15. Jowell, J. (1990) 'Broadcasting and Terrorism, Human Rights and Proportionality', Public Law, (summer) pp.149-156. Miller, David. (1993) 'Why the Public Needs to Know', Index on Censorship, Vol. 22, No. 8/9, pp.5-6. Miller, David. (1993) '"Official Sources and Primary Definition": the case of Northern Ireland', Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp.385. Miller, David. (1994) 'Auntie gets a whiff of Glasnost', [looks at past 25 years of BBC coverage of Northern Ireland] Index on Censorship, Vol. 23, No. 6 (Nov/Dec) pp.50-53. O'Farrell, John. (1998), 'Divided People, Divided Press: Interpreting the poisonous silences in a fractured society', Media Studies Journal, Volume 12, Number 2, Spring/Summer 1998, pp.96-103, [PDF; 4107KB]. de Smith, B. (1989) 'Broadcasting and Northern Ireland: Constitutional Issues?', New Law Journal, Vol. 139, (15 sept.) pp.1240-1241. Taylor, Peter. (1989) 'Ties of Blood', [Government's broadcasting restrictions on reporting Northern Ireland] Listener, 3 August, pp.6-7. Thompson, B. 'Broadcasting and Terrorism', Public Law, (winter) pp.527-541. Wilson, R. (1988) 'Adams' Faith', [Gerry Adams reaction to British government ban on broadcasting by organisations that support terrorism] New Statesman and Society, 11 Nov, pp.14-15.
Arthur, Paul. (1987) 'The Media and Politics in Northern Ireland', in, Seaton, J., and Pimlott, B. (eds) The Media in British Politics. Aldershot: Gower. Bairner, Alan. (1996) 'The Media', in, Aughey, Arthur., and Morrow, Duncan. (eds.) Northern Ireland Politics. Harlow: Longman. Greenslade, Roy. (1998) The Damien Walsh Memorial Lecture. [This paper discusses national media reportage of atrocities in Northern Ireland] Kelly, Tom. (1986) Politics, Terrorism and the Media in Northern Ireland. Great Britain: Government and Public Affairs Department, British Petroleum Company. McLoone, Martin. (ed.) (1996) Broadcasting in a Divided Community: Seventy Years of the BBC in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast. Moloney, Ed. (1991) Closing Down the Airwaves: the Story of the Broadcasting Ban', in, Rolston, Bill. (ed.) The Media and Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Taafe, Thomas. (2003) 'Images of Peace: The News Media, Politics and the Good Friday Agreement', in, Neuheiser, Jorg., and Wolff, Stefan. (eds.) (2003) Peace at Last? The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Theses Anderson, Patrick. (2001). The Northern Ireland Conflict (1968-74) and the Algerian Conflict (1954-62) in the British liberal press: a comparative analysis, (PhD Thesis, Dept. of Sociology). Jordanstown: University of Ulster. Hamilton-Tweedale, B. (1988). The British Press and Northern Ireland, M.Phil., Sheffield University. Hickman, M.T. (1987). Terrorism and the Media - with special reference to recent events in Northern Ireland/ M.A. Warwick University. Miller, D. (1994). The Struggle Over, and Impact of, Media Portrayals of Northern Ireland, Ph.D., Glasgow University.
Newspaper Articles Greenslade, Roy. (1995) 'Hall of Distorting Mirrors', The Guardian, 7 August, (supplement) pp.14-15. Greenslade, Roy. (1993) 'The Forgotten Tragedy', The Guardian, 12 April, p.13. Greenslade, Roy and Eamonn McCann. (1994) 'War of Words', The Guardian, 5 September, (supplement) pp.14-15. Hall, Tony. (1994) 'A Gag that Chokes Freedom', The Independent, 12 September, p.14. Knott, Herbie. (1989) 'Coming on Strong for the Cameras', [provocation by news photographers] The Independent, 16 August 1989, p.13. McDonald, Henry. (1997) 'How the BBC dances to an IRA Tune', Sunday Times, 19 January, Section 4, p.9. Miller, David. (1993) 'Northern Ireland: A Story Stifled', The Independent, 13 October, p.25. O'Brien, Conor Cruise 'Blacking out the IRA', [Ban on Sinn Féin broadcasting; comparison with existing legislation in the Irish Republic] The Times, 19 October 1988, p.14. Robinson, Mary. (1989) 'Paying lip-service to Freedom of Speech', The Independent, 2 June 1989. Sutherland, Alex. (1988) 'Journalists under Fire in Ulster', The Sunday Times, 10 April, p.C7.
Meehan, Níall., and Horgan, Jean. (1987). Survey on attitudes of Dublin Population to Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act (Includes brief history of implementation of Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act and foreword by Professor Farrell Corcoran), (7 January 1987), [PDF; 5314KB]. Dublin: National Institute for higher Education (now Dublin City University). Meehan, Níall. (1992) 'Section 31 Ban Confusion in RTE a Result of Management Failure'. (16 August 1992). Dublin: Sunday Business Post. Meehan, Níall. (1993) '(Self) Censoring the Talks: How Section 31 of the Broadcasting Act affected RTE's coverage of the John Hume - Gerry Adams talks'. (Results of a survey of RTE broadcasts.) Meehan, Níall. (1993). 'How coercion creates consensus - censorship and the ideology of the state', TEAGLIM, Vol.1, No.1, DCU Communications and Cultural Review 1993, School of Communications, Dublin City University, [PDF; 1454KB]. Meehan, Níall. (2003) 'How RTE censored its censorship', (20 April 2003). Dublin: Sunday Business Post.
Posters - Some posters used in the campaign for the repeal of 'Section 31'
Other Material - Other material related to the issue of 'Section 31'
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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