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A Directory of Murals - Album 52
by Dr Jonathan McCormick
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1790 |
Location: |
Willowfield Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"YCV. Tamery Pass. Young Citizen Volunteers" with the YCV crest and the Crown flanked by scrolls "Somme, Ypres, Arras, Thiepval, St Quentin, Grandcourt, Messines, Fricourt". Finished version of No.890 Album 27. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1791 |
Location: |
Short Strand PSNI station, Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti "Collusion Starts Here. ÓSF". Graffiti reading "Who's Afraid of Change" is also still visible. This was painted in the wake of the publication of the Sir John Steven's latest report "Steven's Enquiry: Overview and Recommendations" into collusion between security services and loyalist paramilitaries. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1792 |
Location: |
Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti subverting a BBC advertising hoarding protesting against the cancellations of the elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly by British Prime Minister Tony Blair on 1st May 2003. Graffiti reads "Tony Blair is THE ONE who denies democracy. Election 29.5.03 banned. Pinochet, Mugabe = Tony Blair". |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1793 |
Location: |
Hopewell Crescent/Shankill Parade, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
View over Lower Shankill area, similar to No.537 Album 16 showing the plain magnolia gable ends after the murals instigated by Johnny Adair's 'C' Company were painted out. The mural of Billy Wright (No.482 Album 14) is still visible. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1794 |
Location: |
Cupar Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"New Life" mural against a sunset background with three crosses in silhouette. These are linked to Pastor Jack McKee's New Life Ministries on the Shankill. Copy of mural No.272 Album 8. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1795 |
Location: |
Donegall Road/Sandy Row, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti "Ha Ha Ha Sutton. 1 Amoruso. Rangers F.C. Treble Champions 2003. Alex 3 Martin 0" painted with an hour of the end of the Tennent's Scottish Cup Final won after Lorenzo Amoruso scored the winning goal, beating Dundee Football Club. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1796 |
Location: |
Beechmount Drive, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Pat Finucane 1949 - 1989. Human Rights Activist. Targeted by British Establishment. Executed by Loyalist killer gang. "If you don't defend human rights lawyers, who will defend human rights'" - Rosemary Nelson". Portrait of Pat Finucane on the telephone painted by Danny Devenney and Marty Lyons in the wake of the publication of the Steven's Enquiry and the arrest of Ken Barrett on suspicion of his murder. See also No.209 Album 6 No.234 Album 7, No.344 Album 10, No.1443 Album 41 and CAIN photograph. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1797 |
Location: |
Beechmount Drive, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti "End Brutality in Maghaberry. Rem B. Sands". |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1798 |
Location: |
Falls Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Éire Nua" showing a stylised republican gunman, masked republicans training, Che Guevara, Free Derry Corner, the tricolour, a pike and a block of flats. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1799 |
Location: |
Iveagh Parade/Falls Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti "Continuity IRA Liberation" next to a Free Palestine stencil similar to No.1673 Album 48. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1800 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Falls Flax Spinning Mill Co." showing the gates opening to Conway Mill. Large mural celebrating local figures and traditions commissioned by Conway Mill Enterprises. Eight mural artists are painted working on portraits. The mural dedicated to the mill workers was officially unveiled by Major Cllr Alex Maskey on 4th April 2003. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1801 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Mural showing a spinning wheel and the collection of flax for the mill. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1802 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Three panels of the mural showing Mill workers and a Spinner. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1803 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Mural showing mill workers and machinery. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1804 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Three panel mural showing Betty Sinclair, May Blood and Jean McStravick. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1805 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Deteriorated/Faded |
Description: |
Close-up of portrait of Betty Sinclair, Secretary to Belfast Trade Council. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1806 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of portrait of Baroness May Blood MBE, a former union leader and a founder member of the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1807 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Portrait of Jean McStravick, former Mill Committee member |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1808 |
Location: |
Conway Mill, Conway Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of mural of eight mural artists painting the 1982 Mill Committee including Tom Cahill, Alfie Hannaway, Frank Cahill, Sean O'Neil, Jimmy Drumm and Liam Burke. The painters are shown with ladders and tins of paint. They also paint a portrait of Father Des Wilson. Portraits of Elsie Best and Eileen Hickey are also shown. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1809 |
Location: |
Alloa Street, Old Park, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Mural of UDA crest, bowed gunmen and portraits of Norman and Freddie Truesdale. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1810 |
Location: |
Alloa Street, Old Park, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the UDA memorial "UDA Quis Separabit. Lest We Forget" with two bowed and armed loyalists resting on the rifles against a sunset background. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1811 |
Location: |
Alloa Street, Old Park, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the portraits of Norman and Freddie Truesdale. Central panel reads "Their commitment and Loyalty never faltered. Their dedication was unquestioned, they will never be forgotten. Sleeping where no shadows fall". |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1812 |
Location: |
Alloa Street, Old Park, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of portrait of Norman Truesdale. From Sutton, Norman Truesdale was a 39 year old Protestant shot by the IRA in his shop on Century Street, Lower Oldpark, Belfast. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1813 |
Location: |
Alloa Street, Old Park, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of portrait of Freddie Truesdale. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1814 |
Location: |
Alloa Street, Old Park, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Ulster Freedom Fighters. Lest We Forget". Close-up of UFF memorial stone painted against a sunset background. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1815 |
Location: |
New Lodge Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"The New Lodge Six. Time for Truth" with an accompanying plaque reading "Remembering Six Son of the New Lodge. Jim Sloan, Jim McCann, Brendan Maguire, Tony TC Campbell, John Loughran, Ambrose Hardy. Murdered by British State Forces as part of the occupation of our country on the night of the 3rd and 4th February 1973". |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1816 |
Location: |
New Lodge Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"í measc Laochra na nGael go raibh a n-anamacha" (Their names are among the heroes of the Gaels) showing five armed republicans on the New Lodge Road with portraits of sixteen other men. The volunteers are named as Billy Reid, Sean McIlvenna, Rosemary Bleakley and Michael Kane. The central figure is not named and the face is not shown. From Sutton, Billy Reid was a 32-year-old IRA volunteer shot by the British Army during a gun battle on Academy Street, Belfast on 15/5/71. Sean McIlvenna was a 33 year old IRA volunteer shot after being involved in a land mine attack on a British Army mobile patrol, near Blackwatertown, County Armagh on 17/12/84. Rosemary Bleakley was a 19-year-old IRA volunteer, who died in a premature bomb explosion at a shopping arcade, North Street, Belfast on 13/1/76. Michael Kane was a 35 year old IRA volunteer who died in a premature bomb explosion at an electricity transformer, New Forge Lane, Malone, Belfast on 4/9/70. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1817 |
Location: |
New Lodge Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the black and white portraits above the mural No.1816. From Sutton, they include Martin McDonagh (a 23 year old IRA volunteer killed in the premature bomb explosion at a shopping arcade, North Street, Belfast on 13/1/76 with Rosemary Bleakley), Louis Scullion (a 27 year old IRA volunteer shot by the British Army while walking through Unity Flats, off Upper Library Street, Belfast on 14/7/72), Francis Liggett (a 25 year old IRA volunteer shot dead by the British Army during an attempted armed robbery at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Falls Road, Belfast on 18/1/73), Robert Allsop, James Sloan (see No.1815). He was a 19 year old IRA volunteer shot from a passing car while standing outside Lynch's Bar, on the corner of Antrim Road and New Lodge Road, Belfast on 3/2/76), Seamus McCusker (a 40 year old IRA man shot as he walked along the New Lodge Road, Belfast on 31/10/75 during an OIRA/IRA feud), Brian Fox, James McCann (see No.1815). He was an 18 year old IRA volunteer shot from a passing car while standing outside Lynch's Bar, on the corner of Antrim Road and New Lodge Road, Belfast on 3/2/76), Colm Mulgrew (a 26 year old Sinn Féin memberwho was shot dead by the UDA at his home on Camberwell Terrace, off the Antrim Road, Belfast on 5/6/76), John Kelly (a 26 year old OIRA volunteer shot as he walked along Ponsonby Avenue near to his home on the New Lodge during an OIRA/IRA feud on 21/1/75), Jim O'Neill (a 17 year old member of the IRA Youth section who died when he was badly burnt during an arson attack on a furniture warehouse on the Antrim Road/New Lodge, Belfast on 12/2/76), M. Neill (probably Michael Neill, a 16 year old shot by the British Army while in the vicinity of an attempted hijacking of bus on the junction of the Cliftonville Road and Oldpark Road, Belfast on 24/10/77), Danny O'Hagan (a 19 year old shot by the British Army during street disturbances on the New Lodge Road on 31/7/70), Tony Campbell (a 19 year old IRA volunteer shot by a British Army sniper at the junction of Edlingham Street and the New Lodge Road on 3/2/73), Dan McCann ( a 30 year old IRA man, one of the "Gibraltar 3" shot by undercover British Army members, while walking along Winston Churchill Avenue, Gibraltar on 6/3/88), Geard Crossan and Paddy McManus (Sinn Fein councillor). |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1818 |
Location: |
Innis Park, Rathcoole, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Ulster Volunteer Force. Vol. Mark (Marky) Quail 10/4/74 - 1/11/00" with a portrait of UVF man mark Quail inside the UVF crest. Two masked loyalist figures kneel holding a YCV and UVF flag. Third memorial mural painted to Mark Quail in this location. He was shot in Ballyronan Park, Rathcoole during the loyalist feud in 2000. Replaces No.1208 Album 35. See also No.1047 Album 31. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1819 |
Location: |
Ballyduff Walk, Ballyduff, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Ulster Volunteer Force- The Peoples Army. UVF" with the UVF and YCV crests. Painted along a wall in a car parking area in the estate |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1820 |
Location: |
Twinbrook Road, Twinbrook, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti "1969 - 2003. Brits Save Trimbles Neck". |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1821 |
Location: |
Stewartstown Road, Twinbrook, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti "1969 + 2003. Who's Afraid of Change. 1969 2003. Brits save UUP - SDLP necks" Both No.1820 and 1821 relate to the cancellation of elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, highlighting the possibility of a polarisation of the vote, increasing the share for Sinn Féin and the DUP at the expense of the UUP and SDLP. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1822 |
Location: |
Andersonstown Road, Andersonstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Dancing on Democracy". Three figures are shown (David Trimble, Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern). "Hey David! It's dark in here!" "Right Bertie!" "Right Tony'but just dance when I dance". "Trimble again doing the Garvaghy Shuffle". |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1823 |
Location: |
Harbour Road, Portavogie, Co. Down |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Deteriorated/Faded |
Description: |
"Clydevalley 14th April 1912" showing a silhouette of the ship against a sunset background with the emblems of the UVF and YCV. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1824 |
Location: |
Harbour Road, Portavogie, Co. Down |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"It is Far Better to Die on your Feet than to live on Your Knees. No Surrender". Text accompanies mural No.1823. |
Album Number: |
52 |
Mural Number: |
1825 |
Location: |
Mersey Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
June 2003 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Photo of the redevelopment of Mersey Street showing the demolition of houses and the damaged remains of mural No.85 Album 3. |
of Album Layout |
Album Number: |
Album number in Jonathan McCormick's personal photograph albums |
Mural Number: |
Photograph number in Jonathan McCormick's personal albums |
Location: |
Address where mural is located |
Type: |
- Unionist / Loyalist
- Nationalist / Republican
- Other / non-aligned
- not applicable
Year: |
Year and month during which mural was visited and photographed |
Status: |
- still exists at location: mural conditon
similar to when first photographed;
- no longer exists: mural painted over;
- deteriorated: mural has faded or is
covered with graffiti;
- not applicable: photograph was not of
a mural.
Description: |
Basic description of the mural at the time of the photograph |
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© Dr Jonathan McCormick
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