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A Directory of Murals - Album 56
by Dr Jonathan McCormick
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1934 |
Location: |
Ballyearl Drive, New Mossley Estate, Newtownabbey, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
November 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'New Mossley Volunteers'. Red Hand Crest and the crown with 'NMVFB ' For God & Ulster'. Union Jack, YCV, Ulster and UVF flags shown. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1935 |
Location: |
Forthill Drive, Ballyduff, Newtownabbey, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
November 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Five panel mural showing the black and white mural described below. The Union Jack, UVF and YCV flags hang from the building and UVF crest is painted at the top of the mural. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1936 |
Location: |
Forthill Drive, Ballyduff, Newtownabbey, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
November 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Central panel showing Carson signing the Solemn League and Covenant on a round table draped with the Union Jack at Belfast City Hall. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1937 |
Location: |
Forthill Drive, Ballyduff, Newtownabbey, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
November 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Bottom left panel. Four man UVF motorised unit. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1938 |
Location: |
Forthill Drive, Ballyduff, Newtownabbey, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
November 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Top left panel showing the SS Clydevalley. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1939 |
Location: |
Forthill Drive, Ballyduff, Newtownabbey, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
November 2003 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Right hand panels showing the Ulster's Solemn League and Covenant, and UVF flag bearers. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1940 |
Location: |
Doregore Drive, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ulster Volunteer Force. 1912 ' 2002. 90th Anniversary' with the UVF crest and armed UVF figures from 1912 and 2002. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1941 |
Location: |
Doregore Drive, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'UVF Ulster Volunteer Force' with the UVF crest, RHC and YCV crest with two armed volunteers. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1942 |
Location: |
Doregore Drive, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti 'J. Adair No.1 Target'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1943 |
Location: |
Oriel Park, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Young Guns. Antrim' with the UYM crest on a small board. Graffiti 'Reserved UVF/YCV'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1944 |
Location: |
Kilgreel Road, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'South East Antrim' with UFF memorial stone 'In Proud and Loving Memory of Brig. John Gregg and Lt. Col. Rab Carson'. The UDA and UYM crests are shown. Four silhouetted figures flank the memorial, two bowed and two flag bearers. 45-year-old John Gregg and 33-year-old Robert Carson were shot in Belfast City Centre in February 2003 after returning from a Rangers FC game in Glasgow. The murders were blamed on the loyalist feud between 'C' Company on the Shankill Road and the South East Antrim UDA following the expulsion of Johnny Adair by the UDA leadership. John Gregg rose to prominence after being jailed for a gun attack on Gerry Adams in the 1980s. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1945 |
Location: |
Kilgreel Road, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'UVF. The People's Army'. UVF crest with the UVF and YCV flags 'South East Antrim. 1st Battalion'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1946 |
Location: |
Woodgreen/Limetree Avenue, Ballycraigy estate, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Young Loyalist Volunteers Lead the Way' with the red hand on a yellow six pointed star. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1947 |
Location: |
Limetree Close, Ballycraigy estate, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ballycraigy Sons of Ulster. Led the Way 1971 ' 2003' with crest and bandsmen as described below. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1948 |
Location: |
Limetree Close, Ballycraigy estate, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ballycraigy Sons of Ulster Antrim'. Ulster shield with the Union Jack, Lion Rampart flags and the crown against a blue background. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1949 |
Location: |
Limetree Close, Ballycraigy estate, Antrim, County Antrim |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ballycraigy Sons of Ulster' with a flute carrying, whistling bandsman. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1950 |
Location: |
Ardoyne Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti 'IRA Drug Dealers (FARC)' relating to the arrest of three republicans suspected of training members of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia or the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1951 |
Location: |
Ardoyne Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti 'E./Copeland to be shot on sight. INLA Scumbag'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1952 |
Location: |
Flax Street, Ardoyne, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Comóradh Árd-Eóin. Roibeard Emmet. 1803 ' 2003. Let no man write my epitaph until my country takes her place among the nations of the world' Also portraits of Michael Dwyer, Anne Devlin, Sarah Curran and Thomas Russell. Four panels painted to celebrate the bicentenary of Robert Emmet showing scenes connected to the unsuccessful Rising Lord Kilwarden being surrounded, Emmet speaking in court, Sarah Curran surrounded by British soldiers and the execution of Robert Emmet. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1953 |
Location: |
Flax Street, Ardoyne, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Cumann Lúrh Chleas Gael. Charles J. Kickham. 1828 ' 1882. Patron of Ardoyne GAA' with a green celtic surround. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1954 |
Location: |
Flax Street, Ardoyne, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the portrait of Charles Kickham, sitting at a desk reading a book. He was born and educated at Mullinahone, County Tipperary. He had visual and hearing impairment following a gunpowder accident as a teenager. He founded the Young Ireland Confederate Club. He edited 'The Irish People' and was arrested for writing 'treasonous' articles in 1865 and jailed for 14 years. Here he wrote his first novel Sally Kavanagh. Kickham became the most popular Irish novelist of the 19th century and over 150,000 people attended his funeral in 1882. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1955 |
Location: |
Alliance Crescent, Glenbryn, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ulster Freedom Fighters'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1956 |
Location: |
Glenbryn Park, Glenbryn, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti 'Fernhill Loyal RSC. FGAU. FTP. King Billys on the Wall'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1957 |
Location: |
Glenbryn Park, Glenbryn, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
Graffiti 'Build My Gallows, Build Them High, For I'm not in Eire'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1958 |
Location: |
Rockmore Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Portraits of the ten hunger strikers. This replaces the similar mural No.237 Album 7. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1959 |
Location: |
Beechmount Avenue, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'Free Ireland' with a shackled hand gripping an Easter Lily (shackle reads 'Made in Britain') above Ireland. The phoenix rises above a burning GPO in Dublin. The four crests of Ireland are shown and a memorial plaque to local republican volunteers. This mural has been refreshed and repainted (see: No.42 Album 2). The RPG Avenue sign has been retained. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1960 |
Location: |
Grosvenor Road, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Let Erin Remember the Days of Old. Ireland A Nation. Lesson St District, Belfast' showing Erin with harp and hound. Mural is only visible on the inside wall of the building after the rest of the building was demolished. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1961 |
Location: |
Stewart Street, The Markets, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Goodbye Marijuana, Cocaine and Crack, I've finally got my life on track. I don't need you. You don't need me, I feel good now that I'm Free!' Anti-drugs mural showing the arm of an intravenous drug abuser. Also shown are solvents '1 out of every 4 people who die sniffing solvents are first time sniffers', LSD 'LSD can make you very confused and scared. Some people never recover from the experience of having 'a trip', a marijuana leaf 'cannabis can make you paranoid, sick and forgetful. Some people end up not being able to stop using it', and ecstasy tablets 'E trips can damage your body by poisoning your liver. They can lead to coma and even death'. Mural dedication reads 'For my Dad by Paul Breen 03'. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1962 |
Location: |
Lower Newtownards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Lt Col Robert Blair (Paddy) Mayne 1915 ' 1955. Honours: DSO 3 Bars, Africa Star & 8th Army Bar, Italy, France & Germany Star, Defence Medal, War Medal & Oak Leaf, Legion D'Honneur & Croix de Guerre with Palm. Founder Member Special Air Service'. Portrait of Lt Col Mayne, the most decorated soldier of WWII and came from Newtownards. Replaces part of mural No.253 Album 8. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1963 |
Location: |
Beechmount Avenue, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'Downing Street. Collusion. A web of double-agents, death squads and deceipt.' Spider on web creeping across photographs. By Relatives for Justice. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1964 |
Location: |
Major Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Templemore Avenue Primary School. Opened 2nd July 1926' with a painting of the school. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1965 |
Location: |
Major Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'The Protestant Reformation' with portraits of Martin Luther, John Calvin and John Wesley. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1966 |
Location: |
Major Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of 'Martin Luther 1483 ' 1546' portrait. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1967 |
Location: |
Major Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of 'John Wesley 1703 ' 1791' portrait. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1968 |
Location: |
Major Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of 'John Calvin 1509 ' 1564' portrait. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1969 |
Location: |
Woodstock Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'George Best' mural accompanied by portraits of Toomy Cassidy, Derek Dougan, Danny Blanchflower and Sammy McIlroy. This mural was part of a local effort to replace paramilitary murals with those with cultural and sporting themes. It replaces No.453 Album 13. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1970 |
Location: |
Woodstock Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of George Best mural. George Best played his debut for Manchester United in 1963 and earned 37 caps for Northern Ireland. He won two league titles and the European cup in 1968. In recent years he had a liver transplant after years of alcohol abuse. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1971 |
Location: |
Woodstock Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of Tommy Cassidy portrait. He played for Newcastle United and Northern Ireland in the 1970s and later went on to manage Glentoran FC. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1972 |
Location: |
Woodstock Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of Derek Dougan portrait. 'The Doog' played for Wolves between 1967-75 and earned 26 caps for Northern Ireland. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1973 |
Location: |
Woodstock Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of Danny Blanchflower portrait. Danny Blanchflower played for Glentoran and Barnsley and earned 56 caps for Northern Ireland. As captain of Spurs he won the double in 1961. He later managed Northern Ireland from 1976-9. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1974 |
Location: |
Woodstock Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of Sammy McIlroy portrait. Sammy McIlroy was signed to Manchester United by Sir Matt Busby, and was part of the 1977 FA Cup winning side. He earned 88 caps for Northern Ireland, and became manager in 2000. |
Album Number: |
56 |
Mural Number: |
1975 |
Location: |
Coronation Park, Dundonald, County Down |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
March 2004 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Silhouette of WWI soldier and cross. 'Lest we forget' with a poppy. |
of Album Layout |
Album Number: |
Album number in Jonathan McCormick's personal photograph albums |
Mural Number: |
Photograph number in Jonathan McCormick's personal albums |
Location: |
Address where mural is located |
Type: |
- Unionist / Loyalist
- Nationalist / Republican
- Other / non-aligned
- not applicable
Year: |
Year and month during which mural was visited and photographed |
Status: |
- still exists at location: mural conditon
similar to when first photographed;
- no longer exists: mural painted over;
- deteriorated: mural has faded or is
covered with graffiti;
- not applicable: photograph was not of
a mural.
Description: |
Basic description of the mural at the time of the photograph |
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© Dr Jonathan McCormick
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