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A Directory of Murals - Album 48
by Dr Jonathan McCormick
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1649 |
Location: |
Emerson Street/Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Greengairs Thistle FB. Irvine. Aidrie. Fife. Four Step". Flute Band mural showing the Greengairs name styled like the UVF crest on a Saltire shield. The Crown is painted above this, with foliage blossoming with the rose, thistle, daffodil and shamrock growing from the base of the mural. The Greengairs Flute Band were expelled from the Orange Order in Scotland in 1988 for wearing the uniform of the 36th Ulster Division and for carrying the standards and emblems of the 36th Ulster Division and the UVF. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1650 |
Location: |
Canmore Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"The Peoples Army 1912 - 2002. 90 Years of Resistance". Four panel black and white mural with red lettering commemorating 90 years of the UVF. Panels described in No.1651 - 1654. See also No.1570 Album 45. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1651 |
Location: |
Canmore Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"1912 ~ Newly Formed Shankill Volunteers Train at Fernhill estate, Glencairn". Seven men are shown marching. Top left panel of mural No.1650. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1652 |
Location: |
Canmore Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"1916 ~ 9th R.I.R. (West Belfast U.V.F.) go over the top at the Somme". Four WWI soldiers advancing over the battlefields in a version of the painting "Battle of the Somme, the Attack of the Ulster Division" by J.P. Beadle. Top right panel of mural No.1650. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1653 |
Location: |
Canmore Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"1969 ~ Volunteers defend the Shankill Community from Republican Attack". Three (unmasked) figures are seen around a barricade, one armed with a pistol, and another with a Thomson machine gun with a round drum magazine. Streets of burning houses are seen in the background. Bottom left panel of mural No.1650. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1654 |
Location: |
Canmore Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"2002 ~ At the Crossroads'" A signpost is shown in front of Parliament Buildings, Stormont. To the left, pointing to "Eire" and "War" is shown a masked UVF gunman holding an AK-47. To the right, pointing to "United Kingdom" and "Peace" is PUP Leader David Irvine clutching the Good Friday Agreement. Bottom right panel of mural No.1650. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1655 |
Location: |
Canmore Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"No.1, No.2, No.4. No.5" UVF memorial plinth with small black and white crests of the PAF and YCV on a purple background. The inscription on the plinth reads "This mural is a memorial to the volunteers of 'A' Coy 1st Batt who served the Shankill Community so bravely during the years of conflict. Gone but not forgotten. Here Lies a Soldier". Painted in the same location, and in a similar style to No.12 and No.13 Album 1. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1656 |
Location: |
Northumberland Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"UFF Simply the Best" with UFF crest and two Red Hands of Ulster. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1657 |
Location: |
Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Ulster Young Militants. Lower Shankill. Terrae Filius". Six panelled mural showing the Ulster flag, the Union Jack, the St. Andrew's flag ("Bridgeton UFF"), UDA crest and UYM crest. The lower central panel has two loyalist figures. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1658 |
Location: |
Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of loyalist figure wearing a beret and sunglasses and standing at ease from No.1657. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1659 |
Location: |
Denmark Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Fairytale princess leaning against a tree, reading a book. A swan swims in a lake beside a field of daisies. A waterfall and a unicorn are also shown. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1660 |
Location: |
Denmark Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Denmark Street Community Centre". A Chinese-style dragon is painted on a door. A godzilla-style creature chases Tommy and Chuckie from the Rugrats, whilst Angelica looks on, wearing angel's wings. Tweetiepie watches from the sideline. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1661 |
Location: |
Denmark Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Five panelled mural on the side of Denmark Street Community centre. They depict Shrek, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, Bart Simpson with a skateboard, three fat cartoon cats and a girl dreamily watching a dolphin, and a leafy tree. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1662 |
Location: |
Boundary Way/Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Merry Christmas C-Company". Festive greetings with a painting of Santa Claus. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1663 |
Location: |
Boundary Way/Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of Santa Claus from No.1662. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1664 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Brothers in Arms 2nd Batt 'C' Coy. Together We will Stand to Defend our Native Land." Oblique view of mural. A handshake over the outline of Northern Ireland painted like the Union Jack is shown, with two armed and masked loyalists. The LVF symbol is shown with the UDA slogan "Simply the Best" underneath, and the UDA symbol is shown with the LVF slogan "Lead the Way" underneath. This mural was unveiled during heightened tensions between the UDA and links between Johnny Adair and UFF 'C' Company and the LVF. The UDA/LVF feud started following the shooting of Stephen Warnock, and the revenge shooting of Jim Grey. Alexander McKinley and Geoffrey Thomas Gray were also killed in the feud, and Johnny Adair and John White were expelled from the UDA. The feud officially ended on 5th November 2002, though it was only a matter of weeks before another feud within loyalism erupted. See also No.1122 Album 33. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1665 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Second view of LVF/UDA mural No.1664 |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1666 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"This is the Sinn Fein Commitment to the Peace Process". View of Parliament Buildings, Stormont, with Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams walking away from the building. He is painted in two halves; the left half is dressed in a suit and carries a briefcase. The right half shows Gerry Adams wearing a balaclava, dressed in military uniform and carrying an assault rifle. The four circular panels are described below in No.1667 - 1670. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1667 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Castlereagh Break in". Black and white circular mural showing a chef, named as Larry on his whites, carrying a tray piled with files labelled "PSNI, Confidential, Top Secret" past the security barrier at Castlereagh. This relates to the break in to Belfast's Castlereagh anti-terrorist unit on Sunday 17th March 2002. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1668 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Guns from Florida". Colourful circular mural showing the Statue of Liberty clutching an AK-47 instead of her torch. An arrow leads from the state of Florida to Ireland. The Stars and Stripes form the background. This relates to the IRA gun smuggling operation uncovered in 1999. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1669 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Training FARC Rebels". Black and white circular mural showing Jim Monaghan, Martin McCauley and Niall Connolly flanked by two Colombian policemen copied from a photograph following the arrest of the men in August 2001. They have been put on trial in Colombia accused of training left wing Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1670 |
Location: |
Boundary Way, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Stormont Spy Ring". Black and white circular mural showing a balaclava wearing civil servant sitting at a desk inside Parliament buildings, Stormont (Carson's statue can be seen through the window). The figure is listening to secret tapes, and has access to a filing cabinet. The drawers in the filing cabinet are labelled "Top Secret". This relates to the storming of Sinn Féin's Stormont offices by the PSNI on October 4th 2002 as part of an investigation into IRA intelligence gathering. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1671 |
Location: |
Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"KFC". Replacement mural on the side of the fast food restaurant after the removal of the UFF mural following concerns in the New York City Comptroller's Office about links between the outlet and the UFF. The Comptroller had threatened to invoke the MacBride Principles which bar the investment of city and state pension funds in companies that practice sectarian or political discrimination. This threatened to lead to a multi-million dollar share sell off, but the mural was removed in September 2002, and this lettering used to reoccupy the space. The UFF have vowed to repaint the original mural on a wall opposite the fast food restaurant. With thanks to Jack Holland. See No.637 Album 19. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1672 |
Location: |
Shankill Road, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Not Applicable |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Not Applicable |
Description: |
View of the enormous Christmas tree, with mural No.1662 and No.1666 in the background. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1673 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Clonard, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Free Palestine. Boycott Israeli Goods" Part mural, part stencil on a grey background. An eye coloured in the red, white, green and black of the Palestinian flag cries a single tear. The tear shows an outline of Israel with the West Bank and Gaza strip highlighted. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1674 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Clonard, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Stencil "Demilitarise Divis Tower". See also No.521 Album 15. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1675 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Clonard, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"There are many reasons for not joining the PSNI. This is just one. Special Branch. Ógra Shinn Féin. End Siege of Short Strand. ÓSF". A Special branch officer with a rifle is shown. The mural has some graffiti added, which reads "RIRA". |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1676 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
View of three colourful murals described in No.1677 - 1679. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1677 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"ﻦﻳﻄﺴﻠﻔ" and "ﻢﺪﺎﻗ ﺎﻧﻣﻮﻳ" on a background of the Palestinian flag which translate as "Palestine" and "Our day will come" respectively. A victory "V" makes up the white of the flag. See also No.1350 Album 39. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1678 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Palestine. The largest concentration camp in the world!!! 3.3 million innocent people tortured, denied their'freedom!" and "ﺔﻳﻟﻳﺌﺍﺭﺴﻷﺍ ﻊﺌﺎﻀﺑﻠﺍ ﺍﻮﻌﻃﺎﻗ" (translated as "Boycott Israeli Goods") showing an Israeli soldier aiming a rifle at a protesting Palestinian woman. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1679 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"ﺍﺪﻧﻠﺮﻳﺇ" and "Tiocfaidh ár lá" on a background of the tricolour flag translated as "Ireland" and "Our day will come" respectively. A victory "V" is also shown. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1680 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Maghaberry POWs. Not Forgotten. Segregation For Irish POWs. Portloise. Maghaberry. England. IRPWA" showing the barbed wire symbol of the IRPWA. Logo of IRPWA showing a green hand gripping barbed wire is also used. Note spelling of Portlaoise. See No.1384 Album 40. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1681 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Patten Still Not Implemented. Spot the Difference. Answer: There is none!" Sepia-style mural on boards showing two police officers, one helmet labelled "RUC", the other "PSNI" aiming plastic baton round launchers. See No.1311 and 1312 Album 38. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1682 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Saoirse do Peltier. Wani Waci Yelo" showing Leonard Peltier and an eagle and promoting the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee. Leonard Peltier has been imprisoned in Leavenworth Penitentiary convicted of the murders of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ron Williams on the Jumping Bull ranch June 26th 1975. The LPDC campaign for Leonard Peltier's freedom. See also No.279 Album 8 No.886 Album 27. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1683 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"Borrokuruko dei eginuz irrintzi but dubil. Tiochfaidh ár lá. ETA bietan jarrai". ETA mural showing a masked ETA volunteer and the ETA symbol against a swirling blue background. See No.1637 Album 47. |
Album Number: |
48 |
Mural Number: |
1684 |
Location: |
Divis Street, Falls, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
December 2002 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the ETA symbol showing the axe for strength and the serpent for cunning. |
of Album Layout |
Album Number: |
Album number in Jonathan McCormick's personal photograph albums |
Mural Number: |
Photograph number in Jonathan McCormick's personal albums |
Location: |
Address where mural is located |
Type: |
- Unionist / Loyalist
- Nationalist / Republican
- Other / non-aligned
- not applicable
Year: |
Year and month during which mural was visited and photographed |
Status: |
- still exists at location: mural conditon
similar to when first photographed;
- no longer exists: mural painted over;
- deteriorated: mural has faded or is
covered with graffiti;
- not applicable: photograph was not of
a mural.
Description: |
Basic description of the mural at the time of the photograph |
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© Dr Jonathan McCormick
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