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A Directory of Murals - Album 27
by Dr Jonathan McCormick
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
886 |
Location: |
East Harlem, New York |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
June 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Saoirse" and 'Freedom'. Mural painted by Gerard Kelly (Mo Chara) in New York. Underneath the Bobby Sands poem it reads: "This is dedicated to the ten brave Irish hunger strikers who sacrificed their lives in 1981. Their cause is ours, freedom...". Portraits of Frank Stagg (top left) Irish republican hunger striker who died February 12, 1976. Michael Gaughan (top right), Irish republican prisoner who died June 3, 1974. Dr, Martin Luther King Jr. (upper right side), American civil rights leader who inspired Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, assassinated 1968. Native American (lower right side) representing Leonard Peltier (Native American Civil Rights activist) and indigenous people throughout the world. Nora Connolly (bottom right), Civil Rights activist and daughter of 1916 Easter Rising leader, James Connolly. Mairead Farrell (lower left), Irish republican who went on hunger strike in Armagh women's prison and was shot dead by the SAS in Gibraltar, 1988, along with Sean Savage and Daniel McCann. Nelson Mandela (lower left side), South African Civil Rights leader and activist, long-term prisoner of Apartheid regime. Mohandas "Mahatma" Ghandi (upper right side), Indian Civil Rights leader and activist who went on hunger strike in an attempt to bring peace to the divided peoples of India. Other symbols incorporated include: the symbols of the four ancient provinces of Ireland, the Lark, the Barbed Wire, Roisin Dubh, the Easter Lily, H-Block and other Celtic ornaments. With thanks to Judy Vannais (photograph Copyright © J. Vannais 2001). |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
887 |
Location: |
Coupar Angus Road, Dundee, Scotland |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
July 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Flyposter showing a shattered 'H' with the lark wrapped in barbed wire, and the image of James Connolly. 'The 2001 James Connolly March, Saturday June 9th. Assemble 1pm, King Stables Road (off Grassmarket), prominent speakers including former Republican POW. Not to be flyposted' |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
888 |
Location: |
Canada Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'The British Saint's'. Grey cross on a black background, with colour paintings of the four saints. Saint Patrick, Saint Andrew, Saint George and Saint David are shown, each with a circular representation of the flags of Ulster, Scotland, England and the Welsh dragon with the Union Jack in the centre. Replaces mural No.593, Album 17 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
889 |
Location: |
Canada Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Oblique view of mural No.888. |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
890 |
Location: |
Willowfield Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Tamery Pass, Young Citizen Volunteers'. Unfinished mural showing the crest of the YCV, with scrolls either side, 'Somme, Ypres, Arras, Thiepval, St. Quentin, Grandcourt, Messines, Fricourt'. [Mural finished later.] |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
891 |
Location: |
Castlereagh Parade, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ulster 1690 - 1990'. Red hand of Ulster flanked by the Union Jack and the Ulster flag |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
892 |
Location: |
Castlereagh Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Rising Sons Flute Band, East Belfast'. Red Hand of Ulster flanked by the Union Jack and the St. Andrew's flag |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
893 |
Location: |
Ardenvohr Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Crimson Star, East Belfast, Lest We Forget'. Crest of the 36th Ulster Division above silhouettes of three soldiers and barbed wire fences against the sunset |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
894 |
Location: |
Cappagh Gardens, Cregagh, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Cregagh. Tomorrow is Ours'. Clenched red hand on a black six-pointed star, with the crests of the UDA and UFF. 'UYM, UDA, UFF 73' |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
895 |
Location: |
Carlingford Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'UVF. For God and Ulster' Crest of the UVF with two poppy memorials and flags of the UVF and YCV. Plaque below reads 'Ulster Volunteer Force. For they shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them' |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
896 |
Location: |
Carlingford Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Crimson Star Flute Band, East Belfast'. Red hand shown clenching a five pointed star, flanked by paired flags of Ulster, Saint Andrew and the Union Jack |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
897 |
Location: |
Castlereagh Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ulster Volunteer Force'. Yellow copperplate text on red background accompanies mural No.898. 'Wheresoever, howsoever or whenever we are called upon to make our exit, we shall do so as free men. UVF, East Belfast'. Crests of the UVF and 36th Ulster Division |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
898 |
Location: |
Castlereagh Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Three armed and masked loyalists of the UVF with crests of the UVF and YCV. Black plaque reads 'Ulster Volunteer Force. For they shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun, and in the morning we will remember them'. With thanks to Tom Coulter |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
899 |
Location: |
Castlereagh Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of armed volunteer of the UVF aiming pistol |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
900 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'Sinn Féin are within 100 votes of taking a council seat in East Belfast'. Graph showing electoral gains made by Sinn Féin in 1997 in the local council election. 'Make it Happen. Vote O'Donnell No.1'. Beside the graph are painted four figures: Sammy Wilson, David Irvine, Peter Robinson and Dr. John Reid. |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
901 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-ups of the figures from mural No.899. DUP Councillor Sammy Wilson MLA is portrayed naked except for his mayoral chain and a DUP rosette. The PUP's David Irvine MLA clutches the Oxford Book of Quotations. |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
902 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
Nationalist / Republican |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-ups of the figures from mural No.899. The Northern Ireland Secretary of State, Dr. John Reid is dressed in a Glentoran strip with bobble hat and is waving a football rattle. The DUP MP Peter Robinson is dressed in a pinstripe suit and wears a red beret. |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
903 |
Location: |
Lower Newtonards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ulster's Freedom Corner'. Mural depicts the UYM crest 'Young Newton Ulster Young Militants, East Belfast'. Two columns are draped in scrolls reading 'Our Civil and Religious Liberties, We Will Maintain'. See No.38, Album 2 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
904 |
Location: |
Lower Newtonards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ulsters Past Defenders'. Central plinth topped with the harp crest and the Union Jack and Ulster flags. The plaque reads 'This is dedicated to those who served in our conflict. We Forget Not'. On the left stands a soldier from the Ulster Defence Regiment with the Regimental crest 'UDR 1970 - 1992'. On the right stands one of the B-Specials with the crest. 'B-Specials 1920 - 1970'. See No.16, Album 1 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
905 |
Location: |
Lower Newtonards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Armed Loyalist from the UFF against a sunset background. 'UFF, Formed 1973. East Belfast Brigade'. Scroll under the pistol reads 'For as long as one hundred of us remain alive, we shall never in anyway consent to submit to the Irish, for it's not for glory, honour or riches we fight, but for freedom alone, which no man loses but with his life. UDA/UFF' - adapted from the Declaration of Arbroath 1320. See No.15, Album 1 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
906 |
Location: |
Lower Newtonards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Corner mural showing the crests of the UDA, UFF and the LPA. 'Their only crime was loyalty. Some gave all, all gave some. UDA East Belfast LPOW' |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
907 |
Location: |
Lower Newtonards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'Irish Out. The Ulster Conflict is About Nationality' with two red hands on a purple background |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
908 |
Location: |
Lower Newtonards Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the UDR soldier from mural No.903 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
909 |
Location: |
Martin Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Gertrude Star FB. Est 1961. East Belfast'. Crest of the Flute Band flanked by the Ulster, Saint Andrew's and Union Jack flags. Scrolls read 'Londonderry, Down, Armagh, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Antrim'. Replaces No.56, Album 2 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
910 |
Location: |
Martin Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Gertrude Star FB. East Belfast'. 'Spike' in the red bandsman's uniform surrounded by musical notes above an outline of Ulster painted in the colours of the Ulster flag. It is flanked by the Union Jack and the St. Andrew's flags. Scrolls read ' 1690' and '1961 - 2001' against a black background. See No.57, Album 2 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
911 |
Location: |
Dee Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Clenched red hand in front of large letters 'UFF' |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
912 |
Location: |
Dee Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Dee St. 2nd Batt' with crests of the UFF and UDA |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
913 |
Location: |
Dee Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Simply the Best'. Iron Maiden's 'Eddie' clutching the sky blue UDA flag and a rifle with the reaper in the background. 'UFF 2nd Batt.' With the UDA crest |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
914 |
Location: |
Dee Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'Ever Vigilant'. Black lettering on a red background |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
915 |
Location: |
Island Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Corner mural showing the crests of the UDA and UYM |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
916 |
Location: |
Island Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Clenched red fist with '1973' in yellow on a black background |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
917 |
Location: |
Island Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
'2nd Batt UFF' in blue letters on a white background |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
918 |
Location: |
Island Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Two masked loyalists of the UFF kneel beside a plinth with the UFF emblem, holding the UDA and UFF flags. A UDA memorial is also painted |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
919 |
Location: |
Tamar Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Mural depicting the UVF crest, Sir Edward Carson, the Clydevalley, a scene from the Somme and the YCV crest. See No.498, Album 15 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
920 |
Location: |
Tamar Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'Sir Edward Carson 1912'. Close up of the UVF crest and portrait of Sir Edward Carson shown in mural No.919 |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
921 |
Location: |
Tamar Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'As dawn crept over the trenches, you fell midst shot and shell, our only grief we were not there, to bid a last farewell' Close up of the Battle scene from the Somme 1916 showing three soldiers aiming rifles from mural No.919. Crest of the YCV. |
Album Number: |
27 |
Mural Number: |
922 |
Location: |
Tamar Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
August 2001 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
'Gun-running Ship 1914 (Clydevalley)'. Close-up of the ship, Carson and crests of the UVF and 36th Ulster Division shown in mural No.919 |
of Album Layout |
Album Number: |
Album number in Jonathan McCormick's personal photograph albums |
Mural Number: |
Photograph number in Jonathan McCormick's personal albums |
Location: |
Address where mural is located |
Type: |
- Unionist / Loyalist
- Nationalist / Republican
- Other / non-aligned
- not applicable
Year: |
Year and month during which mural was visited and photographed |
Status: |
- still exists at location: mural conditon
similar to when first photographed;
- no longer exists: mural painted over;
- deteriorated: mural has faded or is
covered with graffiti;
- not applicable: photograph was not of
a mural.
Description: |
Basic description of the mural at the time of the photograph |
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© Dr Jonathan McCormick
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