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A Directory of Murals - Album 15
by Dr Jonathan McCormick
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
489 |
Location: |
North Queen Street/Cultra Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Tiger's head flanked by two armed loyalists of the 3rd Battalion UFF and the UDA and Ulster flags. UFF and UYM emblems also. "Tiger's Bay. Welcome to Loyalist Tiger's Bay. Quis separabit" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
490 |
Location: |
North Queen Street/Cultra Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Close-up of the tiger from No.489 |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
491 |
Location: |
Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Improved shot of the portrait of James Buchanan, 15th USA President 1857 - 1861 with images of pioneers, "My Ulster blood is my most priceless heritage". USA crest reads "From Pioneers to Presidents". See No.177. |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
492 |
Location: |
Templemore Street, Albertbridge Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Work in progress on a new mural, see No.493 |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
493 |
Location: |
Templemore Street, Albertbridge Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Completed mural showing armed loyalists standing on Ulster with the Ulster flag. UFF, UDA and UYM emblems with Ulster and UDA flags flying. "UFF Formed 1973. Dee St. Coy" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
494 |
Location: |
Ohio Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Work in progress on a new UFF mural depicting Lt Col Ernie 'Duke' Elliott flanked by the flags of the Ulster Freedom Fighters and the Woodvale defence association. Silhouettes of armed loyalists and a lone piper "2nd Batt 'B' Coy" around a manacled red hand symbol of the POWs. See No.11, 267 and 546. |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
495 |
Location: |
Heather Street, Woodvale, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Ulster Freedom Fighters" in huge lettering with two armed loyalists around the UDA emblem. See No.497. |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
496 |
Location: |
Heather Street, Woodvale, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Armed loyalists beside the clenched fist emblem of the UFF, "WDA 2nd Batt 'B' Coy UFF" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
497 |
Location: |
Heather Street, Woodvale, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Bowed loyalists beside the UDA emblem. See No.495. |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
498 |
Location: |
Cloyne Crescent, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Portrait of Sir Edward Carson, UVF emblem and images of a motor car and the ship used in early UVF gunrunning operations, "A UVF gun-smuggler transporting arms from Birmingham to Ulster 1913. Larne gun running ship 1914 (Clydevalley)" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
499 |
Location: |
Cloyne Crescent, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Soldiers of the 36th Ulster Division in action, "The Somme, 1st July 1916" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
500 |
Location: |
Cloyne Crescent, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
UVF symbol "Who will remember the unheroic dead, who silenced the guns. We will remember them once a day, every day of the year" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
501 |
Location: |
Cloyne Crescent, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Centrepiece of the Cloyne Crescent UVF mural showing red hand with flags of the 36th Ulster Division, UVF and YCV and the words "Ulster's Heritage" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
502 |
Location: |
Cloyne Crescent, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Armed loyalists old and new with the crests of the YCV, UVF, PAF and RHC, "Young Citizen Volunteers. Ulster's Volunteers, united we stand, divided we fall" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
503 |
Location: |
Cloyne Crescent, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Armed loyalists beside UVF crest and flags, "1st East Antrim Battalion, Ulster Volunteer Force" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
504 |
Location: |
Devenish Drive, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Mural painters put the finishing touches to a mural showing Iron Maiden's 'Eddie' figure carrying UDA flag and sword, "South East Antrim UFF UDA". See No.330 and 483. |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
505 |
Location: |
Devenish Drive, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Armed loyalists of 'A' Coy UVF with UVF, YCV and PAF emblems |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
506 |
Location: |
Devenish Drive, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Armed loyalists with UFF and UDA emblems and flags, "Monkstown UFF UDA 'C' Coy" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
507 |
Location: |
Devenish Drive, Monkstown, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Armed loyalists with UFF emblem and flags, "Ulster Freedom Fighters UFF UDA" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
508 |
Location: |
O'Neill Road, Rathcoole, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Red Hand Commando crest |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
509 |
Location: |
Island Street, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Red hand with barbed wire flanked with the Ulster and St. Andrew's flag "LPA". |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
510 |
Location: |
Glenwood Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
Armed loyalist bowed with soldier from the 36th Ulster Division in a graveyard with the UVF emblem surrounded by poppies, "No.4 Pltn, 'A' Coy 1st Batt. Lest we forget". Silhouettes of lone piper and flag bearers on the hillside. See No.511 |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
511 |
Location: |
Glenwood Street, Shankill, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
Still exists at location |
Description: |
"This mural is dedicated to the fallen volunteers of No.4 Pltn, 'A' Coy, 1st Belfast Battn, Ulster Volunteer Force who dutifully served this community in the years of conflict. It pays tribute both to those who died in active engagement and to the many who passed peacefully from service having fulfilled their duties. Their names and deeds are eternally venerated by their comrades in arms, who humbly serve in their honour. They remained staunch to the end against odds uncounted, and fell with their faces to the foe. Their names liveth for evermore.". See No.510. |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
512 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Portraits of hunger strikers over the Irish tricolour with prison watchtowers. Replaces mural in No.136 |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
513 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Portraits of hunger strikers over the Irish tricolour with armed republican salute. Replaces mural in No.136 |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
514 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Shot of the entire hunger strike mural shown in No.512, 513 and 520. Replaces mural in No.136 |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
515 |
Location: |
Falls Road, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Mural depicting artists hand rubbing out image of an RUC Officer's uniform with orange sash and rifle, and instead drawing a new style unarmed police officer, "RUC Must Go. A New Policing Service". Mural painted by Danny Devenney |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
516 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of the mural No.134 showing Drumcree church and the word "Garvaghy" on the road |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
517 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of the mural No.134 showing nationalists pulling the Carson statue from its plinth at Stormont, "Claiming Equality! A Protestant Parliament for a Protestant people" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
518 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of the mural No.134 showing an orange boot walking down a street painted in the colours of the Irish tricolour, "Facism lives! In Portadown". |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
519 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
The Lark and the names of the ten Hunger Strikers, "The Spirit of Freedom. Remember the Hunger Strikers" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
520 |
Location: |
Mountpottinger Road, Short Strand, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Close-up of Blanket man "1981" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
521 |
Location: |
Falls Road, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
"Demilitarise British Spy Post on Divis Tower Now!" - taken on the day it was dismantled |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
522 |
Location: |
Falls Road, Belfast |
Type: |
Non-Aligned |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Portrait of Mumia Abu-Jamal "Stop the execution! Mumia Abu-Jamal US Prisoner 2nd December 1999" |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
523 |
Location: |
Bombay Street, Belfast |
Type: |
R/N |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Families fleeing burning homes after loyalist attacks on Nationalist areas, "Bombay Street. Never Again! No Decommission". Portrait of Gerard McAuley above |
Album Number: |
15 |
Mural Number: |
524 |
Location: |
Inverary Drive, Sydenham, Belfast |
Type: |
Unionist / Loyalist |
Year: |
June 2000 |
Status: |
No Longer exists |
Description: |
Finished mural of armed loyalists with the Union Jack and the flag of the UVF East Belfast Regiment, crests of YCV and PAF. See No.126. |
of Album Layout |
Album Number: |
Album number in Jonathan McCormick's personal photograph albums |
Mural Number: |
Photograph number in Jonathan McCormick's personal albums |
Location: |
Address where mural is located |
Type: |
- Unionist / Loyalist
- Nationalist / Republican
- Other / non-aligned
- not applicable
Year: |
Year and month during which mural was visited and photographed |
Status: |
- still exists at location: mural conditon
similar to when first photographed;
- no longer exists: mural painted over;
- deteriorated: mural has faded or is
covered with graffiti;
- not applicable: photograph was not of
a mural.
Description: |
Basic description of the mural at the time of the photograph |
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© Dr Jonathan McCormick
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