CAIN Web Service
Violence - Draft List of Deaths Related to the Conflict in 2021
Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change
Draft List of Deaths Related to the Conflict in 2021
The following page has been compiled by Martin Melaugh to complement the Index of Deaths (1969-2001) by Malcolm Sutton. The information below is in draft form and should be treated with some caution. Some of the deaths listed below may be shown later to be unrelated to the conflict.
2 February 2021
Daniel 'Danny' McClean (54) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Unknown
Shot dead at approximately 8.15 pm close to McGrath’s pub, Cliftonville Road, north Belfast. [Media reports claimed that McClean had links to dissident republican group ONH (Oglaigh na hEireann) (See: Belfast Telegraph). There was also a report that McClean was under threat from dissident republicans (See: The Irish News).] |
18 December 2021
Mark Hall (31) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Unknown
Shot dead at his family home in Rodney Drive, west Belfast. Two men approached the house and one fired shots through the window at Mark Hall. [Later the PSNI stated that the two men who killed Hall also killed Sean Fox on 2 October 2022. The police said that the two killings, "bear all the hallmarks of dissident republican killings" (See: The Guardian).] |
For deaths between 1969 and 2001 see:
Malcolm Sutton's on-line database of deaths 1969-2001
based on a revised and updated version of Malcolm Sutton's book.
See also:
Draft lists of (yearly) deaths related to the conflict (in separate Web pages):
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Draft list of deaths related to the conflict from 2002 to the present (in a single Web page).
Note on the photographs:
Most of the photographs in this section were provided by family members, relatives or friends of the person killed, to the local media at the time of death. In most cases the photographs were taken by a member of the family, a relative or a friend. At the time the photographs were provided to the local media, the name of the photographer was not recorded. No payment was made for the photograph. In some cases the original image was never returned.
Copyright of the photographs
Copyright © of the photographs remains with the (unknown) original photographer. If anyone believes they own the copyright of any of the photographs in this section, and objects to its reproduction on this Web site, they should contact the CAIN Director.
The photographs were obtained from various sources including: newspapers, magazines, books, other publications, video, memorials, Web sites, etc.
Removal of photographs:
If the nearest relative of any of those killed, objects to the use of a particular photograph then the image will be removed from this site. If the nearest relative would prefer a different photograph to be used this can be arranged.
Appeal for additional photographs:
If anyone has a photograph, or a series of photographs, of any of those killed during the conflict and would be willing to donate a (digital) copy to the Archive, please contact the CAIN Director. Please do not sent original photographs by post.