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Violence - Draft List of Deaths Related to the Conflict in 2016

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Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change

Draft List of Deaths Related to the Conflict in 2016

The following page has been compiled by Martin Melaugh to complement the Index of Deaths (1969-2001) by Malcolm Sutton. The information below is in draft form and should be treated with some caution. Some of the deaths listed below may be shown later to be unrelated to the conflict.



15 March 2016
Adrian Ismay (52) Protestant
Status: Prison Officer (PO), Killed by: [new] Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Seriously injured on 4 March 2016 when a booby-trap bomb exploded under his van, Hillsborough Drive, off the Woodstock Road, Belfast. Died from a heart attack on 15 March 2016 (see: BBC). [The PSNI stated that a post-mortem examination had showed that Ismay had died as a "direct result of the injuries" he received in the explosion (see: BBC). On 27 November 2020, a man was sentenced to a minimum of 22 years for his part in the killing (see: BBC).]
15 April 2016
Michael McGibbon (33) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: [new] Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Shot three times in the leg in an alleyway at Butler Place, Ardoyne, north Belfast. Died shortly afterwards in Royal Victoria Hospital. [On 19 April 2016 the new Irish Republican Army (IRA) issued a statement of responsibility but said the intention had not been to kill Michael McGibbon. The statement claimed that the incident was a "punishment" shooting. (The Irish News, 20 April 2016; p.4)]
9 May 2016
Dan Murray (55) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: unknown
Shot dead in Lady Street, Falls Road area, west Belfast. He had been lured to the location by a hoax call to the business where he was a delivery driver. [In 2015 the Republican paramilitary group 'Action Against Drugs' had shot Murray in the face at his home but he survived the attack. (The Irish News, 22 October 2016; on-line edition)]
7 August 2016
John Boreland (46) Protestant
Status: Ulster Defence Association (UDA), Killed by: loyalists
Shot dead in Sunningdale Gardens, Ballysillan Road area, north Belfast. He had been warned by the PSNI that his life was under threat. [Boreland had survived a previous attempt on his life in 2014. Rival loyalists were believed to have been responsible for the killing. (The Irish News, 22 October 2016; on-line edition)]
20 October 2016
Joe Reilly (43) Catholic
Status:Civilian (Civ), Killed by: unknown
Shot a number of times in the chest and died at his home, Glenwood Court, Poleglass, west Belfast. [There was speculation that the shooting had 'all the hallmarks' of a paramilitary-style attack. (The Irish News, 22 October 2016; on-line edition)]
Uncertain if conflict-related
6 January 2016
Conor McKee (31) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: unknown
Shot in the legs at his parents' home, Glenpark Street, Oldpark area, north Belfast, and died from his injuries. [McKee was on bail for drug offences at the time of his killing. The PSNI said they believed he had been shot at 6.15 pm and was found by his mother at 10.30 pm, (See: BBC). The Belfast Media Group reported that "reliable sources" indicated that the 'new IRA' was responsible for the killing. (BMG, 8 April 2016.) The Irish News reported speculation that "a splinter group with connections to the INLA has been linked to the murder". (The Irish News, 22 October 2016; on-line edition).]
25 February 2016
Stephen Carson (28) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: unknown
Shot in the head at a house in Walmer Street, Ormeau Road area, south Belfast. Died later in hospital from his injuries. [It was reported that the PSNI believed the murder was part of a "criminal feud", (See: BBC). The Irish News reported that two men were charged with his murder (The Irish News, 22 October 2016; on-line edition).]



For deaths between 1969 and 2001 see:
Malcolm Sutton's on-line database of deaths 1969-2001
based on a revised and updated version of Malcolm Sutton's book.

See also:
Draft lists of (yearly) deaths related to the conflict (in separate Web pages):
2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022  
Draft list of deaths related to the conflict from 2002 to the present (in a single Web page).


Note on the photographs:
Most of the photographs in this section were provided by family members, relatives or friends of the person killed, to the local media at the time of death. In most cases the photographs were taken by a member of the family, a relative or a friend. At the time the photographs were provided to the local media, the name of the photographer was not recorded. No payment was made for the photograph. In some cases the original image was never returned.
Copyright of the photographs
Copyright © of the photographs remains with the (unknown) original photographer. If anyone believes they own the copyright of any of the photographs in this section, and objects to its reproduction on this Web site, they should contact the CAIN Director.
The photographs were obtained from various sources including: newspapers, magazines, books, other publications, video, memorials, Web sites, etc.
Removal of photographs:
If the nearest relative of any of those killed, objects to the use of a particular photograph then the image will be removed from this site. If the nearest relative would prefer a different photograph to be used this can be arranged.
Appeal for additional photographs:
If anyone has a photograph, or a series of photographs, of any of those killed during the conflict and would be willing to donate a (digital) copy to the Archive, please contact the CAIN Director. Please do not sent original photographs by post.




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