Monday, 16 September 2024

Event Details

'Peace Quilt - Common Loss', by Irene MacWilliam. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'Peace Quilt - Common Loss', by Irene MacWilliam. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Permanent rotating exhibition:Permanent rotating exhibition of textiles 2008-2014
Description: This permanent-rotating exhibition, which began on 20 April 2008, has its roots in collaboration between James Kerr at the Verbal Arts Centre and Roberta Bacic, Chilean researcher, human rights activist and curator. The 32 exhibitions hosted since 2008 depict a variety of themes: local, international, human rights issues and the experience of new communities.

The textiles on display were largely comprised of story quilts, arpilleras and wall hangings made by community groups from different parts of the island, other countries, or individual women. These were displayed for a number of weeks before being replaced with new pieces, culminating in an exhibition launched on International Women's day 2014, titled: "Women 31: 31 textile stories and associated activities celebrating International Women's day. This marked six years from the commencment of the permanent rotating exhibition.

Exhibitions hosted since 2008 (32 in total)

The Art of Survival: International and Irish Quilts
Women's Rights are Human Rights
A Quilt for the World
Friendship through Quilting
A piece of me, a piece of us
Micro Cosmos
Shared Visions
Peruvian Arpilleras that tell a story, cry out, challenge and question
Sew and Sew's Quilt
Visions of the Community Quilt
Events of 1998
Cultures from the heart
The Africa Quilt
Limavady Borough Millennium Community Quilt
The Bill of Rights
Guatemalan Textiles, 1980/90s
Sheep in Quilts-Caorigh agus Olann
An Interpretation of Seamus Heaney's "Field Work" Through the Medium of Fabric and Thread
From Threads of Life to Following the Thread
Textile Installation on Afghanistan
Nuestra Travesía / Our journey
Rathlin Reflections: threads from an Island home
Sant Roc, a Diverse Neighbourhood
The Alphabet Quilt
To the Lighthouse
The Tree of Life - Women to Women for Peace quilts
Story Makers 2008-2011, Twenty-five textile stories
"Age Old Stories" Arpillera
'The Killarney Girls' Arpilleras
Arpilleres: Les nostres històries fan història/Our Stories Make History arpilleras
Textile Voices From Our City: 2013 & Story Textiles From Around The world
Women 31: 31 textile stories and associated activities celebrating International Women's day 2014
Commissioned by: Verbal Arts Centre
Date(s): 21st April 2008 - 15th April 2014
Venue: Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry, Northern Ireland. BT48 6PU
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Verbal Arts Centre
Outcome: In the words of James Kerr, Executive Director Verbal Arts Centre: "this has been a stimulating process of engagement with a new constituency of participants. It has encouraged us to learn new skills and make new friends and has added a new dimension of colour to the Centre."


Textiles Displayed: