Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Event Details

'Sew and Sew's quilt', by Casrlerock Quilting Group. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'Sew and Sew's quilt', by Casrlerock Quilting Group. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition:Sew and Sew's Quilt
Description: While visiting a quilt exhibition in Cultra, Castlerock Sew & Sew quilting group were approached by the curator, Valerie Wilson, who inspired them to make a quilt on shirt making. The quilt, comprised of individual blocks, is made from shirt and pyjama fabrics, embellished with cuffs, collars, tie pins, cuff links, buttons and ties. The back of the quilt is made from squares of stack and whack, inscribed with the names of the shirt factories that were based in the North West and the names of all who made the quilt. Working on the quilt evoked many memories for the group.

This exhibition was part of a continuous series of arpillera and quilt exhibitions hosted by the Verbal Arts Centre in Derry and curated by Roberta Bacic, from 2008 to 2013. Each exhibition, comprised of a piece or pieces created by community groups from different parts of the island, other countries, or individual women, was displayed for a number of weeks before being replaced with a new exhibition.
Commissioned by: Verbal Arts Centre, and curator
Date(s): 6th April 2009 - 5th May 2009
Venue: Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 6PU, Northern Ireland
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Verbal Arts Centre staff
Outcome: The women enjoyed the communal experience of making the quilt and exhibiting it in the Verbal Arts Centre provided an opportunity to revisit the very important tradition of shirt making in Northern Ireland.

Documents: • Exhibition notice - April 2009 - view

Textiles Displayed:Sew & Sew's Quilt