Monday, 20 January 2025

Textile Details

"¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the disappeared?", by Irma Müller. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the "disappeared"?
Maker: Irma Müller
Country of Origin: Chile
Year Produced: 1985c
Size (cm): 49cm x 37cm
Materials: Scraps of materials hand sewn onto burlap
Type of Textile: Arpillera

In this traditional arpillera, made in the late 1980s, a group of women in colourful dresses are protesting in front of the Courts of Justice. They hold a banner reading: "Where are the detained disappeared?" On the right-hand are silhouettes of two armed police, identified by their green clothes and their car. They are faceless to show that the protest is against the dictatorship and not the individual officers. Typically, the sun is in the sky, but the two large clouds are unusual.

According to the International project of human rights, there were 1,192 cases of forced disappearance, 2,995 people were executed and 38,254 people were recognised as victims of political imprisonment and torture. These figures, updated in March 2018, draw on their own research and official documents from Chile’s four Truth Commission Reports. Memoria Viva - Proyecto Internacional de Derechos Humanos. A new state search initiative, announced in 2023, considers 1,469 of those killed or disappeared by the dictatorship to be still missing. Observatorio de Justicia Transicional, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile (2023)

Letter from Irma Müller to Gayla Jamison, 25 September 1989 relating to this arpillera and Cinco sitios de desaparición colectiva / Five sites of collective disappearance

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection
Location: Conflict Textiles store
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh
Provenance: Donation from Kinderhilfe arpillera collection, Chile/Bonn (2009). (HM0724)

Textile exhibited at: Arpilleras that Cry Out, 22/06/2009 - 10/07/2009
Finding Our Voices -The Power of Arpilleras, 26/09/2009 - 30/10/2009
Threads of Life: Quilts and arpilleras that speak out, 16/10/2009 - 1/11/2009
The Human Cost of War, 8/11/2009 - 21/11/2009
Arpilleras habitades de memòria, 14/01/2010 - 26/02/2010
'Arpilleras Aus Chile' -Eine Retrospektive, 6/05/2010 - 28/05/2010
Stitching Resistance, 12/10/2010 - 16/01/2011
The Human Cost of War - An Exhibition of Quilts and Arpilleras, 4/11/2010 - 15/01/2011
Arpilleras e resistência política no Chile , 30/07/2011 - 30/10/2011
Arpilleras of Chilean political resistance , 22/03/2012 - 5/06/2012
Stitching and Unstitching The Troubles-phase 1, 5/09/2012 - 29/09/2012
RETAZOS TESTIMONIALES: arpilleras de Chile y otras latitudes, 28/09/2013 - 10/11/2013
COSIENDO PAZ: Conflicto, Arpilleras, Memoria , 26/03/2015 - 30/09/2015
COSIENDO PAZ: Conflicto, Arpilleras, Memoria, 8/10/2015 - 4/04/2016
COSIENDO PAZ: Conflicto, Arpilleras, Memoria , 13/04/2016 - 12/06/2016
Stitching Memoryscape 「記憶風景を縫う」, 30/05/2017 - 12/06/2017
Stitching Memoryscape 「記憶風景を縫う」, 29/08/2017 - 3/09/2017
Arpilerak: Memoriaren Haritik Etorkizuna Josten / Arpilleras: Al Hilo De La Memoria, 12/04/2018 - 24/04/2018
ARIPILLERAS: AL HILO DE LA MEMORIA, TEJIENDO FUTURO / Arpilleras: Knitting the Future, 25/04/2018 - 30/05/2018
Keeping Memory Alive, 24/05/2019 - 24/05/2019
Chile 1973 , 22/02/2020 - 22/02/2020
Following the footsteps of the disappeared, 30/08/2020 - 30/08/2021
The Art of the Banner, 9/02/2021 - 23/02/2021
Memory and Representation in Latin America Congreso Virtual: Memoria y Representación, 8/04/2021 - 10/04/2021
Encuentro Arpillera / Arpillera Colloquium / Gesprächsabend zum Thema Arpilleras, 14/04/2021 - 14/04/2021
Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared 2021, 31/08/2021 - 20/12/2021
Visualising War , 10/11/2021 - 31/01/2022
Tras las huellas de los/as desaparecidos/as, 10/01/2022 - 5/02/2022
International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances 2022, 30/08/2022 - 30/08/2022
Narrativas textiles: Tramas de dolor y empatía en América Latina / Textile Narratives, 5/09/2022 - 8/09/2022
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía adquiere 5 arpilleras de Conflict Textiles, 19/10/2023 - 21/10/2023
Arpilleras Poéticas, 7/12/2023 - 12/02/2024
Diásporas textiles: Diálogos con la Colección, 12/02/2024 - 17/03/2024

Textile Detail Image(s)

  letter from Irma Müller to Gayla Jamison, 25 Sept. 1989 re arpilleras: