Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

"¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the disappeared?", by Irma Müller. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Podcast:Visualising War
Description: Visualising War is a podcast series hosted by University of St Andrews historians Alice König and Nicolas Wiater. Drawing on the experiences of a broad spectrum of presenters, this series explores different representations of war and peace, and the impact they have on us as individuals and society in general.

In this Conflict Textiles podcast, Curator Roberta Bacic draws on a number of textiles from the international Conflict Textiles collection. These textiles, stitched mainly by women across several jurisdictions narrate their experiences of human rights violations in the face of war and conflict; and their resistance to it. The quest for truth and justice for their disappeared loved ones is at the core of the collection and finds expression in the Chilean arpillera by Irma Müller (1980s) displayed above ¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the disappeared?. Irma's son was a filmmaker who was disappeared during the Pinochet dictatorship.

The podcast Conflict Textiles with Roberta Bacic was recorded on 10th November and released on 15th December, 2021.
Visualising War Blog Conflict Textiles: Interview with Roberta Bacic
Commissioned by: School of Classics, University of St Andrews
Date(s): 10th November 2021 - 31st January 2022
Venue: School of Classics, University of St Andrews
Curator: Alice König
Facilitator: Alice König
Outcome: This initiative built on previous collaboration with the University of St Andrews through the Threads, War and Conflict exhibition (2019). The podcast facilitated an exploration of how women narrated their experiences of human rights violations in the face of war and conflict - and their resistance to it and denouncement of it - through the medium of textiles.
