Wednesday, 12 March 2025
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Curator Roberta Bacic gives an overview of the arpillera 'Penurias en nuestra población / Hardship in our community' as part of a guided tour of the exhibition. (Photo: Roser Corbera)

Curator Roberta Bacic gives an overview of the arpillera 'Penurias en nuestra población / Hardship in our community' as part of a guided tour of the exhibition. (Photo: Roser Corbera)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilerak: Memoriaren Haritik Etorkizuna Josten / Arpilleras: Al Hilo De La Memoria, Tejiendo Futuro / Arpilleras: Knitting the Future through the Thread of Memory
Description: This exhibition takes place as part of the festival of Peace, co-existance and human rights. It is hosted by the Government of Navarra.

On the opening day a roundtable discussion titled “Knitting the future: Stitches for co-existance” will take place with the participation of curator Roberta Bacic, Iratxe Momoitio and Idoia Orbe Museo de la Paz de Gernika, Roser Corbera Fundació Ateneu Sant Roc and Ekaitz Goikoetxea lecturer of Instituto Askatasuna of Burlada.

As part of the exhibition programme, several workshops are planned for educational centres, associations and the general public. The aim of these workshops is to enable attendees to pass on this expertise to their centres and associations.
A secondary aim is that these groups will then make their own arpilleras of denouncement and reflecting nonviolent action. It is hoped that the cycle that starts in April will end in December with Human Rights week, featuring an exhibition of arpilleras made in Navarra by the different centres.

Workshop programme
-Workshop for Educational Centres: 13th April, 10:00 - 12:00.
-Workshop for Associations: 13th April, 17:00 - 19:00.
-Workshop for the general public: 14th April, 10:00 - 12:00.

Web links:
BALUARTE Congress Centre - exhibition overview (12th April)
Video interview with curator Roberta Bacic (3 minutes)
Commissioned by: Nafarroako Gobernua / Gobierno de Navarra / Navarra Government
Date(s): 12th April 2018 - 24th April 2018
Venue: Palacio Baluarte, Pamplona, Navarra
Plaza del Baluarte, 31.002 Pamplona, Navarra, Basque Country / Spain
Curator: Curator Roberta Bacic assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Dirección General de Paz, Convivencia y Derechos Humanos del Gobierno de Navarra
Outcome: It is anticipated that the exhibition and associated activities will lead to the emergence of an arpillera movement in the education centres and organisations of Navarra. It is envisaged that this will create a direct communication with society that reflects memory on different topics; topics which are uncomfortable but which need to be denounced.

Documents: • list of textiles: Pamplona, April 2018 - view
• CARTEL/POSTER: Festival events, April 2018 - view
• FOLLETO/LEAFLET: Festival events, April 2018 - view
• CARTEL/POSTER: Exhibition, April 2018 - view
• FOLLETO/LEAFLET: Exhibition, April 2018 - view
• Final report (Spanish) - Irati Goikoetxea - view

Textiles Displayed:Cesantía / Unemployment
Libertad a los presos políticos / Freedom for the political prisoners
Penurias en nuestra población / Hardship in our community
Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom
¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the "disappeared"?
No a la impunidad 2 / No to Impunity 2
No al plebiscito, No podemos ni opinar / No to the plebiscite
Recuperación de cuerpos en 1990 / Recovering the disappeared in 1990
Ganó la gente / People have won
Día de Visita / Day of Visit
Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone
Aleppo school / Escuela en Aleppo, Siria
Gaza 2014
AUSENCIAS –PRESENCIAS Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo/Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo
Desplazamiento / Displacement
Peace Dove
Violar es un crimen / Rape is a crime
Toma de terrenos en los barrios de Lima / Squatters in the shantytowns of Lima
Auf der Flucht 1945 / Fleeing in 1945
El recuerdo de esta historia / The memory of this story
Mis memorias de la Guerra / My memories of the war
Exilio de los Republicanos cruzando los Pirineos
La Batalla del Ebro / The battle of Ebro
La guerra y las distintas formas de padecerla
En el lado “bueno” de la valla / On the “Good" Side of the Fence
Bienvenida a las personas refugiadas - Identificándose con ellas
Bienvenida a las personas refugiadas - Pancarta para acciones no-violentas
Mi Guernica / My Gernika