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Visualising the Conflict
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Maps
Maps - List of Map Sets


This page contains a list, with details of the various formats, of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) maps that have been produced as part of the AHRC 'Visualising the Conflict' Project.

image of map image of map image of map

All maps were compiled and prepared by Luke Kelleher, then a Research Associate (GIS) working with CAIN. There are 24 categories of maps, listed below, with links to separate Web pages where the individual maps are listed (202 maps in total). All maps were sized A4 (approximately). GIS software was used to produce TIFF versions (A4 approx; 300dpi) which are available on request. Three versions of each map have been made available below:

  • PDF versions (A4 approx; 300dpi) are based on original TIFF files.
  • L-JPG versions (approx. 1000px700p; 72dpi) are low resolution JPEG images.
  • H-JPG versions (approx. A4; 300dpi) are high resolution JPEG images.

The maps relate to deaths due to the conflict and also physical memorials to the conflict. The information on deaths is taken (with permission) from Malcolm Sutton's Index of Deaths. The information on commemoration comes from the database of physical memorials.

In addition to the 'static' maps a number of animations have also been prepared. These animations are made up of a number of maps, which are shown sequentially with a short time delay, and are designed to highlight, for example, changes over time. The animations are based on GIFF (.gif) images and have been set to play once. They can be replayed on most Web browsers by either reloading the image or clicking on the link a second time.

Background Paper

Kelleher, Luke., and Melaugh, Martin. (2011). Visualising the Conflict: Immersion in the Landscape of Victims and Commemoration in Northern Ireland, (21 May 2011), Paper Presented at Conference: Urban Conflicts - Ethno-National Divisions, States and Cities, 19–21 May 2011, Queen’s University Belfast. [PDF; 862KB]


The maps have been produced and made available with the permission of Land & Property Services under Delegated Authority from the Controller of HMSO, © Crown Copyright and database right 2010; Permit Number: 40209.

Users are free to download the maps (and other information) for 'private study'; this includes use in student essays, dissertations, etc. The maps can also be downloaded for other educational use, for example as part of a one-off PowerPoint presentations. The maps should NOT be reproduced on any Web site. Commercial use, for example in academic journal articles, or books, or magazines, will require the permission of CAIN and Land & Property Services.

Referencing a Map

Please acknowledge the source of any map used. The following format is provided as a guide:

CAIN Web Service. (2010). Spatial intensity of death locations in Belfast (1969-2001), and Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure score 92005), at ward level [Map]. "Visualising the Conflict GIS Maps", (accessed 20 January 2012).

List of Map Sets

The 202 maps are categorised into the following 24 sets. The links below are to separate pages where the individual maps are presented. (Click on either the map set title or the thumbnail map to view the full list of maps in each set.) As described in the introduction above, users can download the maps in three formats.


Outline and Background Maps

image of mapMap Set 1:   view button
Outline Maps, by area, of Ward Boundaries (1995)
8 maps

image of mapMap Set 2:   view button
Distribution of Catholic population at ward level in Northern Ireland, Belfast and Derry, with peacelines
3 maps

Text Maps

image of mapMap Set 3:   view button
Text Maps - Deaths indicated by names, by area (Northern Ireland, Belfast, Derry)
3 maps

See also:
Animation of above Northern Ireland map
1 animation

Deaths / Killings

image of mapMap Set 4:   view button
Deaths (1969-2001), by area (Northern Ireland, Belfast, Derry), and by status, at ward level
15 maps

image of mapMap Set 5:   view button
Killings (1969-2001), by area (Northern Ireland, Belfast, Derry), and by organisation, at ward level
9 maps

Deaths / Kilings with Deprivation Score

image of mapMap Set 6:   view button
Deaths (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry), and by status, with Multiple Deprivation Measure score, at ward level
10 maps

image of mapMap Set 7:   view button
Killings (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry), and by organisation, with Multiple Deprivation Measure score, at ward level
6 maps

Female Deaths

image of mapMap Set 8:   view button
Female Death Rates (per 1000 population) due to the conflict (1969-2001), by area (Northern Ireland, Belfast, Derry), at ward level
3 maps

image of mapMap Set 9:   view button
Female Death Rates (per 1000 population) due to the conflict (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry), and Multiple Deprivation Measure score, at ward level
2 maps

Child Deaths

image of mapMap Set 10:   view button
Child victims of the conflict, Belfast, Derry and Northern Ireland
3 maps

Yearly Deaths

image of mapMap Set 11:   view button
Number of people killed due to the conflict in Northern Ireland, by year (1969-2001), at SOA (Small Output Area)
34 maps

See also:
Animation of above maps
1 animation

image of mapMap Set 12:   view button
Number of people killed due to the conflict in Belfast, by year (1969-2001), at SOA (Small Output Area)
34 maps

See also:
Animation of above maps
1 animation

image of mapMap Set 13:   view button
Deaths, by area (Northern Ireland, Belfast, Derry), by 5 year groups, at 1km grid square level
24 maps

See also:
Animations of above maps
3 animations

Spatial Intensity

image of mapMap Set 14:   view button
Spatial Intensity Maps - Death locations (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry) and Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure score (2005), at ward level
2 maps

Bar, Pie, Stacked Bar, and 3D Maps

image of mapMap Set 15:   view button
Bar Chart Maps - Deaths (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry), by status, at ward level
2 maps

image of mapMap Set 16:   view button
Pie Chart Maps - Deaths (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry), by status, at ward level
2 maps

image of mapMap Set 17:   view button
Stacked Bar Chart Maps - Deaths (1969-2001), by area (Belfast, Derry), by status, at ward level
2 maps

image of mapMap Set 18:   view button
Maps - Number of people killed due to the conflict in Northern Ireland, Belfast and Derry, between 1969 and 2001, at SOA (Small Output Area) (barchart, 3D)
3 maps

Feuds and Alleged Informers

image of mapMap Set 19:   view button
Maps - Locations of deaths as a result of paramilitary feuds, Belfast
2 maps

image of mapMap Set 20:   view button
Maps - Locations of killings of alleged informers, Belfast and Northern Ireland
3 maps

Deaths at Peacelines

image of mapMap Set 21:   view button
Maps - Deaths due to the conflict, close to selected peacelines in Belfast, and distribution of Catholics of adjoining wards
7 maps

Deaths outside Northern Ireland

image of mapMap Set 22:   view button
Maps - Location of deaths related to the Northern Ireland conflict, in England, Europe, and the Republic of Ireland
4 maps

Physical Memorials

image of mapMap Set 23:   view button
Maps - Physical memorials related to the conflict, in Belfast, Derry, and Northern Ireland
7 maps

image of mapMap Set 24:   view button
Maps - Distances between locations of deaths and associated memorials (closest recorded memorial), Belfast, Derry, and Northern Ireland
8 maps


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Last modified: January 20, 2012 11:49
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