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- Examples of Anti-Internment Posters

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Page Compiled : Martin Melaugh
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Examples of Anti-Internment Posters

Image Details
Title: Anti-Internment Poster (1)
Date: 1970 (?)
Produced by: People's Democracy
Main text within image: 'Fuhrer Faulkner Wants You For His Concentration Camps'
Description: The poster refers to Brian Faulkner, Prime Minster of Northern Ireland between March 1971 and March 1972, who as head of the Unionist government at Stormont took the decision to introduce Internment on 9 August 1971. The poster was probably produced sometime in 1970 before Internment was actually introduced.
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Title: Anti-Internment Poster (2)
Date: December 1971
Produced by: People's Democracy
Main text within image: 'Xmas Ulster '71'
Description: The image in the poster depicts the huts, watch-towers, and barbed-wire of the camps used to hold those interned. Internment began on 9 August 1971.
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Title: Anti-Internment Poster (3)
Date: December 1971
Produced by: Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association
Main text within image: 'Long Kesh Concentration Camp, Christmas 1971, 600 Imprisoned Without Trial, Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association'
Description: The poster refers to 'Long Kesh' which was the main camp used to hold internees. Internment began on 9 August 1971 and, as the poster makes clear, by Christmas 1971 approximately 600 people had been detained without trial.
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Title: Anti-Internment Poster (4)
Date: 1971 (?)
Produced by: Anti-Interment League, London
Main text within image: 'Internment! Without Charge Or Trial In Concentration Camps'
Description: The poster shows a photograph of a British Army helicopter being used to transport internees to the prison camp used to house them. The men in the photograph have been handcuffed together.
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Last modified : 07/29/2024 16:14:44