Saturday, 7 September 2024

Event Details

'Hilvanando la busqueda/Stitching the search' by Nicole Drouilly. The showcase contains documentation about her disappeared sister Jaqueline Drouilly. (Photo: Museo de la Paz de Gernika)

'Hilvanando la busqueda/Stitching the search' by Nicole Drouilly. The showcase contains documentation about her disappeared sister Jaqueline Drouilly. (Photo: Museo de la Paz de Gernika)


Exhibition and associated activities:COSIENDO PAZ: Conflicto, Arpilleras, Memoria / STITCHING PEACE: Conflict, Arpilleras, Memory
Description: This exhibition of arpilleras and other textiles is hosted by three Basque Country organisations: Fundación Museo de la Paz de Gernika, La Fundación Boinas La Encartada Kultur Ingurunea Balmaseda, and La Casa de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos de Aiete, Donostia.
This exhibition will be complemented with a number of associated activities.
In April 2016, the exhibition will be moved to La Casa de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos de Aiete, Donostia/ San Sebastian, coinciding with their European city of culture activities.

Museo de la Paz de Gernika
Derechos Humanos de Aiete, Donostia
Giza Eskubideak, Donostia
Museo La Encartada
Museo de la Paz - youtube
Commissioned by: Three Basque Country organisations
Date(s): 8th October 2015 - 4th April 2016
Venue: Fundación Museo de la Paz de Gernika, Basque Country / Spain
Foru Plaza 1. 48300 Gernika-Lumo (Bizkaia), Basque Country / Spain
Curator: Roberta Bacic, curator; Breege Doherty, assistant curator
Facilitator: Fundación Museo de la Paz de Gernika
Outcome: A comprehensive programme of associated activities has been put in place connected to this exhibition.
1)A major component of the programme is the hosting of an International Arpilleras Forum in three locations - Bilbao, Donostia, Gernika - 25th to 28th February 2016, (see link below - Programme-Arpilleras Forum [English/French]).
2)A more local element of the programme involves a group of local women meeting weekly in a structured workshop to make arpilleras, (see links below - Gernika - arpilleras workshop programme; and Gernika - Programme of activities).
This has culminated in the creation of an arpillera, which depicts how the Urdaibai siglos region in the Basque Country, prosperous in the 20th century, has become a dormitory region in the 21st century as people have to work elsewhere:
Urdaibai siglos XX-XXI
Arpillera de Gernika, País Vasco, Grupo de mujeres, Museo de la Paz de Gernika, 2016, Facilitado por Idoia Orbe
Foto Idoia Orbe (see link below - Exhibition outcome - Urdaibai siglos XX-XXI)

Documents: • list of exhibition textiles - view
• Introduction plotter - Gernika - view
• Exhibition leaflet and program - Gernika - view
• Stitching the search plotter - view
• launch invitation - Gernika - view
• exhibition welcome - Gernika - view
• Gernika - arpilleras workshop programme - view
• Gernika - Programme October 2015-March 2016 - view
• Programme-Arpilleras Forum (English/French) - view
• Gernika Peace Museum - Agenda Apr.-Sept. 2016 - view
• Gernika - exhibition packed 4th april - view
• Exhibition outcome - Urdaibai siglos XX-XXI - view

Textiles Displayed:Penurias en nuestra población / Hardship in our community
La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca alone
AUSENCIAS –PRESENCIAS Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo/Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo
Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom
Soldiers back from the wars
No al plebiscito, No podemos ni opinar / No to the plebiscite
Hay Golpe de Estado / There is a Coup d'Etat
Queremos Democracia / We want democracy
No a las alzas - No a la dictadura - Basta de hambre
Paro de los estudiantes' chilenos 2 / Chilean students' strike 2
Cimarrón / Runaway slave
Movimiento contra la tortura / Movement against torture
Violar es un crimen / Rape is a crime
Somos Mujeres cesantes / We are unemployed women
Cacerolazo / Women banging their pots
Toma de terrenos en los barrios de Lima / Squatters in the shantytowns of Lima
No a la impunidad / No to impunity
Peace Dove
The day we will never forget
Cesantía / Unemployment
Exilio de los Republicanos cruzando los Pirineos
El recuerdo de esta historia / The memory of this story
Libertad a los presos políticos / Freedom for the political prisoners
The People make the city
Juan Pablo te esperamos / John Paul we are waiting for you
Al Servicio de la vida / Servicing life
Quilt of Remembrance
¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the "disappeared"?
Encadenamiento / Women Chained to Parliament Gates
Hilvanando la busqueda / Stitching the search