![]() Segregation - A List of Source Material[Key_Events] [Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background] SEGREGATION: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Main_Items] [Sources] Segregation - A List of Source MaterialThis is a draft version of some of the source material on the issue of Segregation in Northern Ireland. It contains a selection of journal articles, and a list of other publications including books, reports and theses. The reader should also consult the CAIN bibliography for further items
Journal ArticlesAdair, A.S., Berry, J.N., McGreal, W.S.J., Murtagh, B., and Paris, C. (2000). 'The Local Housing System in Craigavon, N. Ireland: Ethno-religious Residential Segregation, Socio-tenurial Polarisation and Sub-markets'. Urban Studies, 37, (7): 1079-1092. Anderson, J. and I. Shuttleworth. (1998) 'Sectarian Demography, Territoriality and Political Development in Northern Ireland', Political Geography, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp.187-208. Compton, P. A. (1989) 'The Changing Religious Composition of the Population of Northern Ireland', The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.201-224. Boal, F.W. (2002). 'Belfast: Walls Within'. Political Geography, 21, (5): 687-694. Boal, Frederick W. (1987). 'Northern Ireland: Geographical perspectives on an Ethnically Polarized Society'. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 13, (2): 33-42. Boal, F.W. (1969). 'Territoriality on the Shankill-Falls Divide, Belfast'. Irish Geography, 6, (1): 30-50. Doherty, Paul. (1990). 'Residential Segregation, Social Isolation and Integrated Education in Belfast'. New Community, 16, (3): 391-402. Doherty, P. and Poole, M.A. (1997). 'Ethnic residential segregation in Belfast, Northern Ireland'. The Geographical Review, 87, (4): 520-536. Healy, Julie. (2006). 'Locality Matters: Ethnic Segregation and Community Conflict-the Experience of Protestant Girls in Belfast'. Children & Society, 20, (2): 105-115. Heaton, N., Robinson, G., Davies, C., and M. McWilliams. (1997) '"The Differences between Women are more Marginal" ... Catholic and Protestant Women in the Northern Ireland Labour Market', Work Employment and Society, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.237-261. Jones, Emrys. (1956). 'The Distribution and Segregation of Roman Catholics in Belfast'. Sociological Review, 4, 2,167-89. Knox, H M. (1973). 'Religious Segregation in The Schools of Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Educational Studies, 21, (3): 307-312. Leonard, Madeleine. (2006). 'Segregated Schools in Segregated Societies'. Childhood, 13, (4): 441-458. Murtagh, B. (1999). 'Urban segregation and community initiatives in Northern Ireland'. Community Development Journal, (34): 3. Murtagh, B. (1998) 'Community, Conflict and Rural Planning in Northern Ireland', Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.221-231. Murtagh, B. (1996) 'On Derry's Walls: Segregation and Space in Northern Ireland', Administration, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp.30-47. McCann, Eamonn. (1995) 'Managing Sectarianism', New Statesman and Society, Vol. 8, No. 367, pp.20-22. McGarry, John and Brendan O'Leary. (1995) 'Five Fallacies: Northern Ireland and the Liabilities of Liberalism', Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.837-861. McNutt, P. (1996) 'The Anarchy of Legitimacy', International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp.75-81.
Margaret Percy. (1982) 'Communities behind the Northern Ireland Headlines',
The Listener, No. 107 (8 April), pp.8-9.
Other PublicationsBoal, F.W. (ed.) (2000). Ethnicity and Housing: Accommodating Differences. Aldershot: Ashgate. Boal, F.W. (1982). 'Segregating and Mixing: Space and Residence in Belfast', in, Boal, F.W. and Douglas, J.N.H. (eds) Integration and Division. Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. London: Academic Press Inc. Ltd. Boal, F.W., and Poole, M.A. (1976). Religious Residential Segregation and Residential Decision Making in the Belfast Urban Area. Final Report to the SSRC.. Belfast: Boal, F.W. (1981) 'Residential Segregation and Mixing in a Situation of Ethnic and National Conflict: Belfast', in, Compton, P.A. (ed.) The Contemporary Population of Northern Ireland and Population-related Issues. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast, pp.58-84. Boal, F.W., Douglas, J., and Neville, H. (1982). Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. London: Academic Press. Boal, F.W., Murray, R.C., and Poole, M.A. (1976). 'Belfast: The Urban Encapsulation of a National Conflict', in, Susan C. Clarke and Jeffrey L. Obler (eds), Urban Ethnic Conflict: A Comparative Perspective. 77-131. Chapel Hill; NC: Institute for Research in Social Science, Uni. of North Carolina. Byrne, James J G. (1993). Conflict, Complexity and Children: Integrated Education in a Segregated Society: Northern Ireland, a Case Study / Ph.D Thesis. New York: Syracuse University. Callaghan, Sandra. (2001). Comparative Perspectives on Housing Segregation: Northern Ireland and US Frostbelt Cities.. Web: CAIN. Collins, P., Moore, R., & Smyth, M. (1996). Life in Two Enclave Areas in Northern Ireland: A Field Survey in Derry Londonderry after the Ceasefires. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Limited. Cummings, E. Mark., Shirlow, Peter., Browne, Brendan., Dwyer, Clare., Merrilees, Christine E., and Taylor, Laura K. (2016). Growing Up On an Interface - Findings and Implications for the Social Needs, Mental Health and Lifetime Opportunities of Belfast Youth, (25 March 2016), [PDF; 836KB]. Belfast: OFMdFM. ... [20682] Darby, John. Dunn, Seamus. (1987). 'Segregated Schools: The Research Evidence''in Osborne et al., Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. 85-97. Belfast: Queens University & University of Ulster, Policy Research Institute. Deloitte. (2007). Research into the financial cost of the Northern Ireland divide, (April 2007), [PDF; 7641KB]. Belfast: Deloitte. Doherty, P., and Poole, M.A. (2000). 'Living Apart in Belfast: Residential Segregation in a Context of Ethnic Conflict', in, Boal, F.W. (ed.), Ethnicity and Housing: Accommodating Differences. 179-189. Aldershot: Ashgate. Doherty, Paul. Poole, Michael. (1996). Ethnic Residential Segregation in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. Doherty, Paul. Poole, Michael. (1995). Ethnic Residential Segregation in Belfast. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. Farren, S., Finn, P., Kirk, T. & Hughes, J. (1992).Students Together and Students Apart: A study of student teachers' attitudes in Northern Ireland. [unpublished report to CCRU]. Hewstone, M., Cairns, E., Voci, A., Paolini, S., McLernon, F., Crisp, R., Niens, U., and Craig, J. (2005). 'Intergroup Contact in a Divided Society:Challenging Segregation in Northern Ireland', in Abrams, D., Marques, J.M., and Hogg, M.A. (Eds.), The Social Psychology of Inclusion and Exclusion. 265-292. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Hughes, Joanne., and Donnelly, Caitlin. (2001). ‘Integrate or Segregate? Ten Years of Social Attitudes to Community Relations in Northern Ireland’, (Research Update, Number 9, December 2001), [ARK Web Site; PDF; 68KB].. Belfast: ARK. Jarman, Neil. (2008). 'Security and Segregation: Interface Barriers in Belfast', Shared Space, Issue 6, June 2008, pp21-34. Belfast: Community Relations Council (CRC). Jarman, Neil. (2005). Belfast Interface Project BIP Interface Mapping Project (annotated list of NIO barriers), (August 2005), [PDF; 48KB]. Belfast: Institute for Conflict Research (ICR). Jones, Emrys. (1960) Problems of Partition and Segregation in Northern Ireland. Ann Arbor: Center for Research on Conflict Resolution, University of Michigan. Kirk, Thomas. (1967). The Religious Distribution of Lurgan with Special Reference to Segregational Ecology / M. A Thesis. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast. Lanigan, Maire. (1980) Education, Segregation and Ideology in Northern Ireland. London: University of London, Institute of Education. Logan, K. (1994) Ethnic Identity and Interaction: Segregation or Integration / PhD Thesis in Geography. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast. Macaulay, Tony. (2008). A Process for Removing Interface Barriers: A discussion paper proposing a five phase process for the removal of ‘peace walls’ in Northern Ireland, (July 2008), [PDF; 361KB]. Belfast: Macaulay Associates. Mapping the Spaces of Fear Research Team. (2000). Fear, Mobility and Living in the Ardoyne and Upper Ardoyne Communities, (A report by the Mapping the Spaces of Fear Research Team at the University of Ulster). Coleraine: University of Ulster. Moore, R. (1996). Policing and Sectarian Division in Derry Londonderry (Prepared for public consultations with the Police Authority for Northern Ireland). Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Limited. Moore, R. & Smyth, M. (1996). Hemmed in and hacking it: life in two enclaves in Northern Ireland - words and images from The Fountain and Gobnascale. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Limited. Moore, R. & Smyth, M. (1996). A Report of a Series of Public Discussions on Aspects of Sectarian Division in Derry Londonderry, December 1994 - June 1995. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Limited. Murray, Dominic. (1985). Worlds Apart: Segregated Schools in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree. Murtagh, B. (2002). The Politics of Territory: Policy and segregation in Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Murtagh, B. (1997). Community and Conflict in Rural Ulster. A Summary Report. Belfast: Northern Ireland Community Relations Council. Murtagh, B. (1992) Sectarian Interface Research in Belfast. [Report to CCRU] Jordanstown: Department of Public Administration and Legal Studies, University of Ulster. Murtagh, Brendan. (ed.) (1996). Segregated Space in Northern Ireland: Principles and Practice, (Community Relations Council; CRC). Belfast: Community Relations Council (CRC). O'Dowd, Liam. (1980) Northern Ireland: Between Civil Rights and Civil War. London: CSE Books. Poole, Michael A. (1982) "Religious Residential Segregation in Northern Ireland", in Boal and Douglas, Integration and Division: Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem. London: Academic Press, pp.281-308. Poole, Michael A. and F. W. Boal. (1973) "Religious Residential Segregation in Belfast in mid-1969: A Multi-level Analysis", in B. D. Clark and M. D. Gleave (eds.), Social Patterns in Cities, (Special Publication no. 5). London: Institute of British Geographers, pp.1-40. Scullion, R. J. (1995) Attitude Analysis and its use in the Study of Political Integration and Division: the Protestant Community of Northern Ireland and the Anglo-Irish Agreement / Ph.D. Thesis. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast. Shirlow, Peter., and Murtagh, Brendan. (2006). Belfast: Segregation, Violence and the City. London: Pluto Press. Shirlow, Peter., Murtagh, Brendan., Mesev, Victor., and McMullan, A. (2002). Measuring and Visualising Labour Market and Community Segregation: A Pilot Study. Belfast: University of Ulster. Smyth, M. (1996). Urban Regeneration and Sectarian Division (Prepared for public consultations with the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland). Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Limited. Smyth, M. (1995). Sectarian Division and Area Planning: a commentary on "The Derry Area Plan 2011: Preliminary Proposals". Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Limited. Smyth, Marie. (1995). Borders within Borders: material and ideological aspects of segregation, Presented at The Annual Conference of the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control; Crossmaglen, September 1995. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research Ltd.. Smyth, M. Moore, R. (1996). 'Researching Sectarianism', in, Three Conference Papers on Aspects of Segregation and Sectarian Division. Derry Londonderry: Templegrove Action Research. Tomlinson, M. (1980). 'Housing, the State and the Politics of Segregation', in, O'Dowd, L., Rolston, B., and Tomlinson, M., (1980) Between Civil Rights and Civil War. Belfast: CSE Books. Wright, Frank. (1993) Integrated Education and New Beginnings in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: The Understanding Conflict Trust in association with The Corrymeela Community.
Peacelines / Peace Walls / Interface Barriers
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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