![]() Discrimination - Details of Source Material[CAIN_Home] [Key_Events] [Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background] DISCRIMINATION: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology] [Main Pages] [Sources] Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh and Fionnuala McKenna This section contains a draft list of some of the source material available on the issue of discrimination in Northern Ireland. The list has been compiled from a number of sources, including the CAIN bibliography, various library catalogues, the British Humanities Index, and other abstracts and indexes.
BooksBirrell, W.D., Hillyard, P.A.R., et al. (1971) Housing in Northern Ireland. London: Centre for Environmental Studies. Brett, C.F.B. (1986) Housing a Divided Community. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration; Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast. Campbell, R., and Stevenson, G. (1993) Community Differentials in Health in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast. Cormack, R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (eds) (1983) Religion, Education and Employment. Belfast: Appletree. Darby, J., and Morris, G. (1974) Intimidation in Housing. Belfast: Northern Ireland Community Relations Commission (NICRC). Eversley, D. (1989) Religion and Employment in Northern Ireland. London: Sage. Gallagher, A.M. (1989) Majority Minority Review 1: Education and Religion in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. Gallagher, A.M. (1991) Majority Minority Review 2: Employment, Unemployment and Religion in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict, University of Ulster. Gibson, F., Michael G., and Wilson, D. (1994) Perspectives on Discrimination and Social Work in Northern Ireland. Belfast: CCETSW.
Gudgin, Graham. (1999) Discrimination in Housing and Employment under the Stormont Adminstration, in, Roche, Patrick J., and Barton, Brian. (1999) The Northern Ireland Question: Nationalism, unionism and partition. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Hadden, T., and Trimble, D. (1986) Northern Ireland Housing Law: The Public and Private Rented Sectors. Belfast: SLS Legal Publications (NI), Queen's University of Belfast. Kingsley, P. (1989) Londonderry Revisited: a Loyalist Analysis of the Civil Rights Controversy. Belfast: Belfast Publications. McCluskey, C. (1989) Up off Their Knees. Galway: Conn McCluskey and Associates. Melaugh, Martin. (1995) 'Majority-Minority Differentials: Unemployment, Housing and Health', in, Dunn, Seamus. (ed) Facets of the Conflict. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd. Ogle, S. (1989) The Literature on Housing in Northern Ireland: A Critical Review of the Period Since 1970. Belfast: Policy Research Institute, Queen's University of Belfast and the University of Ulster. Purdie, B. (1990) Politics in the Streets. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Smith, D.J., and Chambers, G. (1991) Inequality in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Journal Articles
During the 1980s a series of articles appeared in the British Journal of Sociology which debated the extent of discrimination in Northern Ireland. The articles are listed here in chronological order: Hewitt, C. (1981) 'Catholic Grievances, Catholic Nationalism and Violence in Northern Ireland During the Civil Rights Period: a Reconsideration', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.32, No.3, pp.362-80. O'Hearn, D. (1983) 'Catholic Grievances, Catholic Nationalism: a Comment', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.34, No.3, pp.438-45. Hewitt, C. (1983) 'Discrimination in Northern Ireland: a Rejoinder', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.34, No.3, pp.446-51. O'Hearn, D. (1985) 'Again on Discrimination in the North of Ireland: a Reply to the Rejoinder', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.36, No.1, pp.94-101. Hewitt, C. (1985) 'Catholic Grievances and Violence in Northern Ireland', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.36, No.1, pp.102-5. Kovalcheck, K.A. (1987) 'Catholic Grievances in Northern Ireland: Appraisal and Judgement', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.38, No.1, pp.77-87. Hewitt, C. (1987) 'Explaining Violence in Northern Ireland', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.38, No.1, pp.88-93. Other Journal Articles Aunger, E.A. (1975) 'Religion and Occupational Class in Northern Ireland', Economic and Social Review, Vol.7, No.1, pp.1-18. Campbell, R. (1993) 'Research into Inequalities in Health in Northern Ireland: What Research?', Critical Public Health, Vol.4, No.2, pp.2-8. Cormack R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (1987) 'Fair Shares, Fair Employment: Northern Ireland Today', Studies, Vol.76, (Autumn), pp.273-285. Cormack R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (1989) 'Discrimination in Northern Ireland', Policy Studies, Vol.9, No.3, pp.49-53. Cormack R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (1989) 'Fair Employment: Towards Reform in Northern Ireland', Policy and Politics, Vol.17, (October), pp.287-294. Currier, Lisette. (1990) 'Religion and Employment in Northern Ireland: US influence on Anti-Discrimination Legislation', Comparative Labour Law Journal, Vol.12, pp.73-105. Cradden, Terry. (1993) 'Trade Unionism, Social Justice and Religious Discrimination in Northern Ireland', Industrial and Labour Relations Review, Vol.46, No.3, pp.480-498. Cradden, Terry., and Teague, Paul. (1992) 'Labour Market Discrimination and Fair Employment in Northern Ireland: An Introduction, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.13, No.6/7, pp.3-15. Gallagher, T. (1992) 'Fair Employment and Religion in Northern Ireland: An Overview', International Journal of Manpower, Vol.13, No.6/7, pp.16-30. Graham, Donald. (1984) 'Discrimination in Northern Ireland: The Failure of the Fair Employment Agency', Critical Social Policy, Summer Issue, pp.40-54. Hegarty, A., and Keown, C. (1996) 'Hierarchies of Discrimination: the Political, Legal and Social Priorisation of the Equality Agenda in Northern Ireland', Equal Opportunities International, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1. McCrudden, Christopher. (1982) 'Law Enforcement by Regulatory Agency: the Case of Employment Discrimination in Northern Ireland', Modern Law Review, Vol.45, pp.617-636. Macy, Christopher. (1972) 'Job Discrimination in Northern Ireland', Humanist, No.87, (Jan.), pp.17-18. Miller, R. (1989) 'Legislating for Fair Employment: the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Bill, 1988, Journal of Social Policy, Vol.18, (Apr), pp.253-264. Murphy, P. (1994) 'The Invisible Minority: Irish Offenders and the English Criminal Justice System', Probation Journal, Vol.41, No.1, pp.2-7. Osborne, R.D. (1980) 'Religious Discrimination and Disadvantage in the Northern Ireland Labour Market', International Journal of Social Economics, Vol.7, No.4, pp.206-223. Rolston, Bill. (1982) 'Class, Religion and Sex: the Failures of the Fair Employment Agency in Northern Ireland', New Statesman, 16 July, pp.10-11. Sheehan, Maura. (1995) 'Fair Employment: An Issue for the Peace Process', Race and Class, Vol.37, No.1, pp.71-82. Smith, David. (1988) 'Policy and Research: Employment Discrimination in Northern Ireland', Policy Studies, Vol.9, No.1, pp.41-59. White, C. (1993) 'Race Relations in Northern Ireland', New Law Journal, Vol 143, No.6590, pp.337-338.
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland ReportsEquality Commission for Northern Ireland. (n.d.2002?) Religious and Political Discrimination: Fair Employment and Treatment in Northern Ireland, [PDF File; 398KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (2002) Monitoring Report No.12: A Profile of the Northern Ireland Workforce; summary of the monitoring returns 2001, [PDF File; 791KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (2001) Monitoring Report No.11, (August 2001), [PDF File; 1561KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (2002) Fair Employment Monitoring Report 2001, Key Facts November 2002, [PDF File; 231KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Dunn, Seamus., and Gallagher, Tony. (2002) Research Report: The Teacher Exception Provision and Equality in Employment in Northern Ireland, [PDF File; 99KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (n.d.2002?) Annual Report, 2001-2002, [PDF File; 2895KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (n.d.2000?) First Annual Report, 1999-2000, [PDF File; 446KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (2003) Register of Employers, (September 2003), [PDF File; 711KB]. Belfast: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. See also: List of Equality Commission Publications
Government ReportsDepartment of the Environment Northern Ireland (DOE). (1992) Housing Statistics 91: Northern Ireland Housing Statistics to December 1991. Belfast: HMSO. Department of Finance and Personnel for Northern Ireland (DFP). (1992) Northern Ireland Expenditure Plans and Priorities: the Government's Expenditure Plans 1992-93 to 1994-95, Vol.2. London: HMSO, Cmnd 1917. Great Britain. Parliament. (1969) Disturbances in Northern Ireland: Report of the Commission appointed by the Governor of Northern Ireland, [Cmd 532], [Cameron Report]. Belfast: HMSO. Northern Ireland General Register Office, Department of Health and Social Services (1975) Census of Population 1971 Religion Tables Northern Ireland. Belfast: HMSO. Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1971) A Record of Constructive Change, (Cmd. 558), (20 August 1971). Belfast: HMSO. Policy Planning and Research Unit (PPRU). (1985) Continuous Household Survey - Religion. No.2/85. Belfast: Department of Finance and Personnel. Policy Planning and Research Unit (PPRU). (1989) Continuous Household Survey - Religion. No.1/89. Belfast: Department of Finance and Personnel. Policy Planning and Research Unit (PPRU). (1992) Family Expenditure Survey Report for 1987-1990. No.2/92. Belfast: Department of Finance and Personnel. Policy Planning and Research Unit (PPRU). (1993) Continuous Household Survey - Religion 1988-1990/91. No.1/93. Belfast: Department of Finance and Personnel. Policy Research Institute, and Northern Ireland Regional Research Laboratory (1990) Spatial and Social Variations in the Distribution of Health Indicators in Northern Ireland. Queen's University Belfast and University of Ulster. Registrar General Northern Ireland, Department of Health and Social Services (1993) The Northern Ireland Census 1991 Religion Report. Belfast: HMSO.
Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights (SACHR)
Pamphlets published by the Campaign for Social Justice in Northern IrelandIt was through these pamphlets that the allegations of discrimination against Catholics in Northern Ireland was first brought to public attention in Northern Ireland and to the attention of Members of Parliament in Westminster.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1964) Northern Ireland The Plain Truth, (First edition), (5 February 1964), [PDF File; 58KB]. Dungannon: CSJ.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1964) Northern Ireland: Why Justice Can Not Be Done - The Douglas Home Correspondence, (September 1964), [PDF File; 132KB]. Dungannon: CSJ.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1964) Northern Ireland: What The Papers Say, [PDF File; 61KB]. Dungannon: CSJ.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1965) Londonderry: One Man, No Vote, (19 February 1965), [PDF File; 281KB]. Dungannon: CSJ.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1966) Northern Ireland: Legal Aid to Oppose Discrimination - Not Likely!, (2 November 1966), [PDF File; 42KB]. Dungannon: CSJ.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1969) Northern Ireland The Plain Truth, (Second edition), (15 June 1969), [PDF File; 1544KB]. Dungannon: CSJ.
Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1972) Northern Ireland: The Mailed Fist, [PDF File; 550KB]. Dungannon: CSJ (and the Association for Legal Justice). Note: In addition to pamphlets the CSJ published 17 editions of a newsletter.
Other groups linked to the campaign for Civil Rights
Fermanagh Civil Rights Asociation. (n.d.,1969?) Fermanagh Facts, [PDF File; 1473KB]. Enniskillen: The Fermanagh Civil Rights Asociation. Northern Ireland Society of Labour Lawyers. (1969) Discrimination - Pride for Prejudice, (August 1969), [PDF File; 123KB]. Belfast: The Northern Ireland Society of Labour Lawyers. Derry Civil Rights Association. (1971) Northern Ireland - There is only One Way, (13 August 1971), [PDF File; 116KB]. Derry: Derry Civil Rights Association. Catholic Board Memembers. (1971) Commentary upon The White Paper (Cmd.558) entitled 'A Record of Constructive Change', (20 September 1971). Belfast: Irish News. Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1972) Towards a New Ireland - Proposals by the Social Democratic and Labour Party. Published by the Social Democratic and Labour Party. Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). (1973) Proposals for Peace, Democracy and Community Reconciliation, (March 1973). Belfast:
Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). [Also available as: PDF File; 147KB]
The Unionist Response In response to the allegations of discrimination against Catholics contained in the above booklets the Ulster Unionist Party, together with other groups and individuals, published a number of pamphlets. Campbell, Gregory. (1998) Working Toward 2000: An Exposure of Religious Bias in the Workplace as Northern Ireland prepares for the Millenium, [PDF; 1660KB]. Londonderry: Published by the author.
Herron, S.S. (n.d.,1971?) 'The Great Conspiracy to Destroy Ulster'. Northern Ireland Government. (1956) Why the Border must be: The Northern Ireland case in brief. Belfast: HMSO. Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1971) A Record of Constructive Change, (Cmd. 558), (20 August 1971). Belfast: HMSO. Smyth, Martin. (1971) The Battle for Northern Ireland. Belfast: County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast. Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1968) Northern Ireland Fact and Falsehood: A frank look at the present and the past, (n.d.,1968?). Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1970) Ulster - The Facts: The Bullet and the Bomb versus the Better Life .... Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1972) 27 Myths About Ulster, [PDF File; 708KB]. Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1972) Northern Ireland - The Hidden Truth, (n.d.,1972?), [PDF File; 1664KB]. Belfast: The Unionist Research Department. Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1973) Towards the Future - Putting People First in Housing, (January 1973), [PDF File; 163KB]. Belfast: The Unionist Research Department.
Other PublicationsBoal, F. W. (1982) 'Segregating and Mixing: Space and Residence in Belfast' in Integration and Division. Geographical Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Problem, ed. by F. W. Boal and J. N. H. Douglas. London: Academic Press. Catholic Board Memembers. (1971) Commentary upon The White Paper (Cmd.558) entitled 'A Record of Constructive Change', (20 September 1971). Belfast: Irish News. Cullen, Bernard (ed.)(1992) Discrimination Old and New: Aspects of Northern Ireland Today / Proceedings of the Irish Association Conference. Belfast: Queen's University, Institute of Irish Studies. Livingstone, J. (1987) "Equality of Opportunity in Education in Northern Ireland" in Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.S. (eds), Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. Northern Ireland Society of Labour Lawyers. (1969) Discrimination - Pride for Prejudice. Belfast: Northern Ireland Society of Labour Lawyers. Singleton, D. (1986) 'Northern Ireland Housing: Number One Priority but for How Much Longer?' in Aspects of Housing Policy and Practice in Northern Ireland 1984-1986, ed. by D. Singleton. Belfast: Department of Town and Country Planning, Queen's University Belfast. Smith, D.J. and G. Chambers (1989) Equality and Inequality in Northern Ireland 4: Public Housing. Policy Studies Institute Occasional Paper 47. London: Policy Studies Institute. Whyte, J. (1983) How Much Discrimination was there under the Unionist Regime, 1921-1968?' in Contemporary Irish Studies, ed. by T. Gallagher and J. O'Connell. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Newspaper ArticlesAtkins, Ralph. (1990) 'Healing the Workplace Rift', Financial Times, 27 June 1990. McFadyean, Melanie. (1989) 'Discrimination Behind Jail Walls', The Guardian, 14 August, p.24. McKittrick, David. (1994) 'Ulster Employers Pay High Price for Bias', The Independent, 22 August, p.6. McNamara, Kevin. (1988) 'Ulster's Running-sore of Job Discrimination Needs a Cure', The Independent, 6 May 1988.
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