![]() Civil Rights Campaign - Details of Source Material[KEY_EVENTS] [Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background] CIVIL RIGHTS: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology] [Main_Pages] [Newspaper_Articles] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change This section provides a draft list of source material relating to the emergence of the Civil Rights Campaign in Northern Ireland. The reader may also find the page of source material on Internment to be some relevance to this section.
Books Boyd, Andrew. (1969) Holy War in Belfast. Dublin: Anvil Books. Devlin, Bernadette. (1969), The Price of My Soul. London: Pan Books Ltd. Farrell, Michael. (1980) Northern Ireland: The Orange State. (2nd ed.) London: Pluto Press. Kingsley, P. (1989) Londonderry Revisited: A Loyalist Analysis of the Civil Rights Controversy. Belfast: Belfast Publications. McCann, Eamonn. (1993) War and an Irish Town. (3rd ed.) London: Pluto Press. McCluskey, Conn. (1989). Up off their Knees: A Commentary on the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland. Galway: Conn McCluskey and Associates. ... [1200] - [Book] Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). (1978) "We Shall Overcome" .... The History of the Struggle for Civil Rights in Northern Ireland 1968-1978. Belfast: Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). Ó Dochartaigh, Niall. (1997) From Civil Rights to Armalites: Derry and the Birth of the Irish Troubles. Cork: Cork University Press. n.a. (1969?) Battle of Bogside, [booklet of photographs]. Derry: The Bogside Republican Appeal Fund.
Purdie, Bob. (1990). 'Politics in the Streets: The origins of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland'. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Rose, Peter. (2000). How the Troubles Came to Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd. Stetler, Russell. (1970) The Battle of Bogside: the politics of violence in Northern Ireland. London: Sheed and Ward. Swan, Sean. (2007). 'Official Irish Republicanism: 1962-1972'. Published by Lulu.
Chapters in Books Rose, Paul. (1981). 'Chapter Tweleve: The Northern Ireland Fiasco', plus, 'Appendix' (Report of CDU visit to Northern Ireland), in, Backbencher's Dilemma. London: Frederick Muller.
Articles A debate took place in the pages of the British Journal of Sociology between (mainly) Hewitt and O'Hearn on the extent of discrimination against Catholics. This debate lasted from 1981 to 1987 and the papers give a good overview of the arguments on both sides of this issue. Hewitt, Christopher. (1981) 'Catholic grievances, Catholic nationalism and violence in Northern Ireland during the Civil Rights period: A Reconsideration', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.32, No.3, pp.362-380, 1981. O'Hearn, Denis. (1983) 'Catholic grievances, Catholic nationalism: a comment', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.34, No.3, pp.438-445, 1983. Hewitt, Christopher. (1983) 'Discrimination in Northern Ireland: a rejoinder', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.34, No.3, pp.446-451, 1983. O'Hearn, Denis. (1985) 'Again on discrimination in Northern Ireland: a reply to the rejoinder', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.36, No.1, pp.94-101, 1985. Hewitt, Christopher. (1985) 'Catholic grievances and violence in Northern Ireland', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.36, No.1, pp.102-5, 1985. Kovalcheck, Kassian A. (1987) 'Catholic grievances in Northern Ireland: appraisal and judgment', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.38, No.1, pp.77-87, 1987. Hewitt, Christopher. (1987) 'Explaining violence in Northern Ireland', British Journal of Sociology, Vol.38, No.1, pp.88-93, 1987.
Public Records
Pamphlets published by the Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland It was through these pamphlets that the allegations of discrimination against Catholics in Northern Ireland was first brought to public attention in Northern Ireland and to the attention of Members of Parliament in Westminster. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland. (CSJ). (1964). Northern Ireland The Plain Truth, (First edition), (5 February 1964), [PDF; 58KB]. Dungannon: CSJ. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1964) Northern Ireland: Why Justice Can Not Be Done - The Douglas Home Correspondence, (September 1964), [PDF; 132KB]. Dungannon: CSJ. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1964) Northern Ireland: What The Papers Say, [PDF; 61KB]. Dungannon: CSJ. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1965) Londonderry: One Man, No Vote, (19 February 1965), [PDF; 281KB]. Dungannon: CSJ. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1966) Northern Ireland: Legal Aid to Oppose Discrimination - Not Likely!, (2 November 1966), [PDF; 42KB]. Dungannon: CSJ. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1969) Northern Ireland The Plain Truth, (Second edition), (15 June 1969), [PDF; 1544KB]. Dungannon: CSJ. Campaign for Social Justice in Northern Ireland (CSJ). (1972) Northern Ireland: The Mailed Fist, [PDF; 550KB]. Dungannon: CSJ (and the Association for Legal Justice). Note: In addition to pamphlets the CSJ published 17 editions of a newsletter.
Other groups linked to the campaign for Civil Rights Fermanagh Civil Rights Asociation. (n.d.,1969?) Fermanagh Facts, [PDF; 1473KB]. Enniskillen: The Fermanagh Civil Rights Asociation. Northern Ireland Society of Labour Lawyers. (1969) Discrimination - Pride for Prejudice, (August 1969), [PDF; 123KB]. Belfast: The Northern Ireland Society of Labour Lawyers. Derry Civil Rights Association. (1971) Northern Ireland - There is only One Way, (13 August 1971), [PDF; 116KB]. Derry: Derry Civil Rights Association. Catholic Board Memembers. (1971) Commentary upon The White Paper (Cmd.558) entitled 'A Record of Constructive Change', (20 September 1971). Belfast: Irish News. Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). (1972) Towards a New Ireland - Proposals by the Social Democratic and Labour Party. Published by the Social Democratic and Labour Party. Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). (1973) Proposals for Peace, Democracy and Community Reconciliation, (March 1973). Belfast: Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). [Also available as: PDF File; 147KB]
The Unionist Response In response to the allegations of discrimination against Catholics contained in the above booklets the Ulster Unionist Party, together with other groups and individuals, published a number of pamphlets. Herron, S.S. (n.d.,1971?) 'The Great Conspiracy to Destroy Ulster'. Mills, Stratton., and Bailie, Robin. (1969) 'The Manipulators .... The Revolutionaries Strategy for an explosion in Ulster'. Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Northern Ireland Government. (1956) Why the Border must be: The Northern Ireland case in brief. Belfast: HMSO. Northern Ireland. Parliament. (1971) A Record of Constructive Change, (Cmd. 558), (20 August 1971). Belfast: HMSO. Smyth, Martin. (1971) The Battle for Northern Ireland. Belfast: County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast. Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1968) Northern Ireland Fact and Falsehood: A frank look at the present and the past, (n.d., 1968?). Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1970) Ulster - The Facts: The Bullet and the Bomb versus the Better Life .... Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1972) 27 Myths About Ulster, [PDF; 708KB]. Belfast: Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1972) Northern Ireland - The Hidden Truth, (n.d., 1972?), [PDF; 1664KB]. Belfast: The Unionist Research Department. Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). (1973) Towards the Future - Putting People First in Housing, (January 1973), [PDF; 163KB]. Belfast: The Unionist Research Department.
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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