Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Event Details

Breege Doherty, Conflict Textiles giving an overview of the seven textiles on display at Ulster Museum as part of the

Breege Doherty, Conflict Textiles giving an overview of the seven textiles on display at Ulster Museum as part of the "Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared 2021", launched on 31 August, 2021. (Photo: Karen Logan)


Textile display:Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared 2021
Description: To mark the 10th annual International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances 30 August a new textile display was installed in the Troubles and Beyond exhibition at the Ulster Museum in Belfast. This display forms part of a wider ongoing collaborative programme entitled ‘Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared’ which commenced in August 2020 with Following the footsteps of the disappeared, a two-day programme incorporating seminars and a textile display, and will be followed by Tras las huellas de los/as desaparecidos/as in Mexico, January 2022

The seven-piece textile display within "The Troubles and Beyond" exhibition space in Ulster Museum, where Conflict Textiles has a permanent corner, explores transnational experiences of enforced disappearances. Textiles from Chile, Argentina Zimbabwe, and Northern Ireland are presented together as testimonies from families and communities who have experienced loss and continue to search for answers.

Coinciding with this display, and as part of the wider ‘Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared’ programme, two textiles from Mexico on the theme of enforced disappearance (The Earth Always Remembers / La TIERRA siempre recuerda and Nos hacen falta / We miss them) are exhibited as part of the Conflict Textiles collection: Magee Campus Library, Ulster University (24th August - 4th November 2021). The exhibition also includes 11 textiles which are not physically displayed. (see list of textiles in 'Documents' for the complete list of 20 pieces).

The exhibition programme opened at Ulster Museum on Tuesday 31st August. Key elements included:
10.30am – 12noon: A viewing of exhibition textiles not on display within the ‘Troubles and Beyond’ space (by invitation only)

3 – 4.30pm: Online seminar "Transitional Justice and the 'Disappeared' of Northern Ireland", with inputs by:
-Dr Lauren Dempster, Lecturer in the School of Law at Queens University Belfast.
-Respondent: Dr. Rainer Huhle, Germany, independent expert of the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearance (2011-2019).
-Moderator: Professor Brandon Hamber, the John Hume and Thomas P. O'Neill Chair in Peace, Ulster University.

Recording of the Seminar
This short film (13.04 min) Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared 2021, 30 August 2021 commissioned by Ulster Museum, documents the launch event.
Commissioned by: Conflict Textiles
Date(s): 31st August 2021 - 20th December 2021
Venue: Ulster Museum Belfast; Magee campus Library, Ulster University, Derry / Londonderry
Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast BT9 5AB, Northern Ireland; Ulster University, Northland Road Derry~Londonderry, BT48 7JL
Curator: Roberta Bacic and Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Karen Logan
Outcome: This multi faceted exhibition programme, drawing in arpilleristas, academics, activists and practitioners, built on and deepened exisiting collaborations. The short film Following the Footsteps of the Disappeared 2021, 30 August 2021 captured the essence of textiles as testimony and facilitated greater engagement by the viewer. This exhibition programme also paved the way for an event marking the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances 2022, 30th August 2022.

When the exhibition closed in December 2021 it was packed and brought to Mexico. Tras las huellas de los/as desaparecidos/as was displayed in Casa Seminario, 12 Centro Histórico de la ciudad de México city,10th January – 5th February 2022.

Documents: • Textile list: July 2021 - view
• Online seminar invitation: 31 Aug. 2021 - view
• Invitation: Viewing of textiles, 31st Aug '21 - view
• Exhibition poster, August 2021 - view
• Photo gallery: Exhibition launch , 31Aug. '21 - view
• List of textiles and display image, Sept 2021 - view

Textiles Displayed:For Paul, Disappeared 8 February 2012
Where Are They?
Hornos de Lonquén / Lime kilns of Lonquén
Ausencias - Presencias 2 / Absences – Presences 2
¿Dónde están los desaparecidos? / Where are the "disappeared"?
They Fell like Stars from the Sky / Cayeron del cielo como estrellas
Panfleteando en el 1979 en Santiago / Leafleting in Santiago in 1979
Recuerdos de Guadalupe / Guadalupe's Longings
Recuperación de cuerpos en 1990 / Recovering the disappeared in 1990
Minhas memórias da ditadura / My memories of the dictatorship
Irene, Marta, Hilda, Patricia: Now and Always Present
Hilvanando la busqueda / Stitching the search
Presencia de Edime Peirano / Edime Peirano's Presence
Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom
Sala de torturas / Torture chamber
La Valija de la Memoria de Hernan / Hernan's Memory box
La Cueca Sola / Dancing Cueca alone
Encadenamiento / Women Chained to Parliament Gates