Support in Great Britain |
There is a persistent and popular Ulster loyalist tradition
in Scotland
originating with large-scale Ulster Protestant immigration during the
industrial revolution. Shared involvement in loyalist bands
and the loyal
orders provides the opportunity for regular contact with
Ulster loyalists
and unionists at marches and parades in both Scotland and Ireland.
Scottish bands and lodges often develop a special
relationship with a band or lodge in Northern Ireland and exchange
visits. This page lists
directly political Scottish loyalist sites but Scottish bands
and loyal order sites are listed
separately on the webpages for Bands
and Loyal Orders.
Ayrshire Loyal (Cumbria-Fife-Ayrshire Loyalists) |
Bellshill Loyalist, Glasgow. Viewed: 26/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.geocities.com/glasgowloyalist2002/ |
Bridgeton Wombles. Viewed : 2003.* Defunct by 23/7/04. http://www.bridgetonwombles.homestead.com http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.bridgetonwombles.homestead.com |
Burnbank Loyalist. Viewed: 2002/03. Defunct by 3/03. http://www.burnbankloyalist.co.uk/ http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.burnbankloyalist.co.uk/ |
Glasgow Loyalists. (Later 'Scottish Loyalists') |
North Lanarkshire Wombles. Viewed: 2002/03. Defunct by 3/03. http://www.northlanarkshirewombles.homestead.com/ http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://http://www.northlanarkshirewombles.homestead.com/ |
Paisley Loyal. Viewed: 2002/03.* Defunct by 26/7/04. http://www.paisleyloyal.com/ http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.paisleyloyal.com/ |
Scottish Loyalists. Viewed: 2003;* 26/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.scottishloyalists.com |
Scottish Loyalists. (previously 'Glasgow Loyalists') |
Scottish Protestant Union. Viewed: 2003;* 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/scottishprotestantun |
UPRG Scotland. |
BRUMMIE LOYAL: The Home of the English Loyalist
Association. |
Chelsea Loyalist Viewed: 2003;* 26/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.chelsealoyalists.cjb.net |
Cumbria Loyalists. Viewed: 2003;* 26/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.cumbrialoyalists.2ya.com |
English Loyalist. Continued as 'Loyal England'. Viewed: 29 June, 2001;* 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.angelfire.com/blues/loyalists2000 |
Fife Loyalists. |
Lincolnshire Loyalists. Viewed: 2002/03;* 26/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.homestead.com/prosites-lincolnloyal/loyalist.html |
Liverpool UDA. Viewed : 10/3/03.* Defunct by 26/7/04. http://www.liverpooluda.com/ Not available in the Internet Archive. Access blocked by current owner of the domain name. |
Loyal England. Previously 'English Loyalist'. Viewed: 23/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://loyalengland.homestead.com/ |
Mainlander: The Website of the British Ulster Alliance. Viewed: 2003;* 23/7/04; 16/3/05; 21/9/05. http://www.britishulsteralliance.co.uk/ |
South Wales BUA (formerly 'Swansea Loyal'). |
Swansea Loyal (see South Wales BUA) . Viewed: June 2001.* Defunct by 16/3/05. http://www.crosswinds.net/~ulster http://web.archive.org/web/*http://www.crosswinds.net/~ulster Viewed: 2003. Defunct by 16/3/05. http://www.swansealoyal.co.uk http://web.archive.org/web/*http://www.swansealoyal.co.uk |
Yorkshire Loyalists: the voice of Loyalism and British
Nationalism in Yorkshire. Viewed: 19/12/01; 2003;* 26/7/04. Defunct by 16/3/05. http://www.yorkshireloyal.co.uk http://web.archive.org/web/*http://www.yorkshireloyal.co.uk |