Dealing with dates
A link in this guide does not guarantee that a website is active,
only that it was still active on the date it was last viewed. Neither
is it possible in most cases to say when a website was first created.
Dates are provided here as a limited and flawed record of the existence
of these sites. In the example below the three dates together tell us
that this site has lasted for over three years. Without these
dates this record
would not even tell us this much.
An asterisk after a date indicates that information relating
to the site
was catalogued on that date. This includes information on whether the
site has a guestbook, contact details for webmasters, visual features,
a short content summary and a range of similar information.
This information
is not included in this guide but may be included in a full
online catalogue of these sites in the future.
In the example above the dates indicate that the site was
viewed on three
separate occasions and that information relating to the site
was catalogued
on 6/01 (June 2001) and in 2003. It was viewed on 23/7/04
simply to confirm
that it was not defunct by that date.
In some cases two websites with the same title exist at two different
web addresses, authored by the same person. In most cases the
author has
moved to a new web address and neglected to wipe out the old site. Both
URLs are given, as in the example below.
There is an unevenness in the way that dates of viewing are
recorded. Earlier viewings often only give the month or even the year
while later viewings have the exact date.
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The term 'loyalist' is often used as shorthand for loyalist
but this is not the sense in which the term
is used here. Here it is used
to describe a broad political outlook and does not imply
support for paramilitary
Londonderry is used in preference to Derry in giving the location of
Loyalist bands and Loyal Orders, as this is the preferred
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Defunct Sites
Large volumes of material placed online by loyalists and
unionists are dissappearing without trace within the space of a year
or two. The print equivalents of these materials have been collected
diligently by the Linenhall
Library Political Collection for many years but there is no
concerted effort to systematically archive online materials related
to conflict in Northern Ireland. The Internet Archive is doing an
excellent job in attempting to archive web materials of all kinds but
it simply can't devote care and attention to marginal web-spheres.
Its archives of loyalist and unionist sites are the best thing we
have at the moment but they are inevitably very patchy.
For many people the Internet means that they no longer need
to store information themselves. It's all available, all the time,
online. But if online materials are removed, and no-one has printed
them out or archived them electronically, they effectively disappear.
Not since the days of hand-copied manuscripts has it been so simple
for all copies of a document to disappear without a trace.
One of the central purposes of this guide is to raise
awareness of the fact that large volumes of politically important and
significant materials are disappearing. It is not only the smallest
and most marginal sites which are affected. The list of defunct sites
includes CRUA, website for the organisers of the Holy Cross School
Protest in 2001; ULISnet, the website associated with the LVF; and
Swansea Loyal, one of the earliest British Loyalist sites. Thesesites
are valuable resources, not just for understanding the way in which
the new technologies have been used by those concerned with conflict
in Northern Ireland, but for understanding the groups and campaigns
with which they are associated. The Internet has become the favored
method of publication for many local and marginal political groups.
If their websites disappear effectively their publications disappear.
Where a site is defunct, as in the example below, the site
URL is included but is not an active link. Many of these domain names
have been bought up by companies who use them as advertising
platforms, deluging those who connect with pop-up ads. Instead the
active link connects to the Internet Archive's copy of the site,
where available. These copies are usually incomplete in some
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Image Credit
The header image was created by Lisa Rodgers from
photographs taken a few years ago around the Fountain estate in Derry
and on Blackwood Street off the upper Ormeau Road in Belfast.
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Document information
Author: Niall O Dochartaigh
First produced: August 2004
Last updated: September 21, 2005 |