![]() Policing - Details of Source Material[CAIN_Home] [Key_Events] [Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background] POLICING: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Background] [Chronology] [Main_Pages] [Statistics_Security] [Statistics_Law&Order] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change This is a DRAFT version of some source material for the section on Policing in Northern Ireland. It contains a selection of books, journal articles, Government reports and other publications. The full text of many of the reports is available. The reader may also want to consult the CAIN bibliography for further information.
Books Brewer, John and Magee, Kathleen. (1991). Inside the RUC: Routine Policing in a Divided Society. London: Oxford University Press. Ellison, Graham and Smyth, Jim. (2000). The Crowned Harp: Policing in Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. Hamilton, Andrew, Moore, Linda and Trimble, Tim. (1995). Policing a Divided Society: Issues and Perceptions in Northern Ireland. Centre for the Study of Conflict. McGarry, J. and O'Leary, B. (1999). Policing Northern Ireland: Proposals for a new start. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. McVeigh, Robbie (1994). "It's part of life here ." The Security Forces and Harassment in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Committee on the Adminstration of Justice. Mulcahy, Aogán. (2006). Policing Northern Ireland: Conflict, legitimacy and reform. Cullompton: Willan Publishing. Ryder, C. (1992). The RUC: A Force Under Fire. London: Mandarin.
Journal Articles Annesley, Hugh. (1994). 'The Complex Role of the Royal Ulster Constabulary,' The Police Chief, Vol. LXI, No. 8 (August), p. 14. Arthur, Paul. (1986). 'Policing and Crisis Politics - Northern Ireland as a Case Study,' Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp.341-353. Brogden, M. (1995). 'An Agenda for Post-Troubles Policing in Northern Ireland - The South African Precedent,' The Liverpool Law Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, p.3. Connolly,Michael, Law, Jennifer and Ivan Topping. (1996). 'Policing Structures and Public Accountability in Northern Ireland,.' Local Government Studies, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 229. Dickson, B. and N. O'Loan. (1994). 'Visiting Police Stations in Northern Ireland,' The Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 2, p.210. Hadden, T. (1983). 'Northern Ireland. 1: Police on Sectarian Divide,' New Society, Vol. 66, No. 1101, p.506. Hadfield, Brigid. (1993). 'Public Order, Public Powers and Judicial Review,' Criminal Law Review, pp.915-925. Hayes, B. C. and J. D. Brewer. (1997). 'Ethnic minority status and attitudes towards police powers: a comparative study of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland,' Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.781. Kirkcaldy, B. D.,Brown, J. and C. L. Cooper. (1994). 'Occupational Stress Profiles of Senior Police Managers: Cross-Cultural Study of Officers from Berlin and Northern Ireland,' Stress Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 2, p.127. McKenzie, Ian and Richard Mapstone. (1997). 'Policing in a Divided Society: A Study of Part-time Policing in Northern Ireland,.' The British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.134. Mapstone, Richard. (1992). 'The Attitudes of Police in a Divided Society: The Case of Northern Ireland,' The British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp.183-192. Murray, R.(1983). 'Police Officer Deaths in Northern Ireland - 1969-1982,' Police Chief, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp.41-47. Weitzer, Ronald (1996)'Police Reform in Northern Ireland,' Police Studies, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.27. Weitzer, Ronald (1985). 'Policing a Divided Society - Obstacles to Normalization in Northern Ireland,' Journal of Social Problems, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp.41-55. Weitzer, Ronald (1987). 'Policing Northern Ireland Today,' Political Quarterly, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp.88-96. Weitzer, Ronald and Denis O'Hearn. (1997). 'Policing under Fire: Ethnic Conflict and Police-Community Relations in Northern Ireland,' The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 102, No. 6, pp.17-55. (1994). 'Policing Northern Ireland,' The Economist, Vol. 332, No. 7881, p.62, September 17. Winters, Rory. (2021). 'Almost twice the number of Catholics than Protestants arrested and charged by PSNI', [PDF; 517KB]. The Detail, 9 December 2021, ... [24126] - [Article]
Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJINI). (2011). An inspection into the independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, (9 September 2011), [PDF; 1001KB]. Belfast: CJINI.
Government Reports
Assembly and Executive Review Committee. (2008). Report on the Inquiry into the Devolution of Policing and Justice Matters, Volume 1: Minutes of proceedings relating to the report, Minutes of evidence, Papers from the NIO, (Report: 22/07/08R), (publisheed 11 March 2008), [PDF; 8497KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Assembly. Assembly and Executive Review Committee. (2008). Report on the Inquiry into the Devolution of Policing and Justice Matters, Volume 2: Written Submissions, Other Correspondence, Party Position Papers, Research Papers, Other Papers, (Report: 22/07/08R), (publisheed 11 March 2008), [PDF; 12344KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Assembly. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1985). Police Complaints and Discipline: A Consultative Paper. London: HMSO. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1994). Policing in the Community: Policing Structures in Northern Ireland. Belfast: HMSO. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1996). Foundations for Policing: Proposals for Policing Structures in Northern Ireland - A White Paper issued by the British Government, (Cmnd. 3249). London: HMSO. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1997). Police (Northern Ireland) Bill. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1998). Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1998. London: The Stationery Office. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1998). Principles for Policing in Northern Ireland - A Discussion Paper issued by the British Government on 4 March 1998. London: The Stationery Office. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (1998). Police (Northern Ireland) Act. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2001). Alternatives to the Baton Round, Phase 2 Report, (A Research Programme into Alternatives Policing Approaches Towards the Management of Conflict), (December 2001), [PDF; 892KB]. Belfast: NIO. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2002). Alternatives to the Baton Round, Phase 3 Report, (A Research Programme into Alternatives Policing Approaches Towards the Management of Conflict), (19 December 2002), [PDF; 716KB]. Belfast: NIO. Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2003). Responding to a Changing Security Situation: The Government's Approach, (Updated October 2003), [Contains details of normalisation measures and an appendix listing security base demolitions / closures.], [PDF; 87KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Office (NIO). Great Britain. Northern Ireland Office (NIO). (2006). Regulating the Private Security Industry in Northern Ireland: A Consultation Paper, (29 August 2006), [PDF; 204KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Office (NIO). Great Britain. Parliament. (1969). Report of the Advisory Committee on Police in Northern Ireland, (Cmnd. 535), [Hunt Report]. Belfast: HMSO. Great Britain. Parliament. (1979). Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Police Interrogation Procedures in Northern Ireland, (Cmnd. 7497), [Bennett Report]. London: HMSO.
Government Sponsored Reports Hague, Laura., and Willis, Michael. (2001). Views on the Northern Ireland Policing Board, Research and Statistical Bulletin, 8/2001, October 2001, [PDF; 125KB]. Belfast: NISRA / NIO. Maguire, Mary., and Wilson, David. (2002). Views on the Northern Ireland Policing Board, Research and Statistical Bulletin, 1/2002, February 2002, [PDF; 99KB]. Belfast: NISRA / NIO.
Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO). (2012). The Police Service of Northern Ireland: Use of Agency Staff, Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, (3 October 2012), [PDF; 709KB]. Belfast: The Stationery Office (TSO).
Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2008). Omagh Bomb Investigation - Independent Review, (9 July 2008), [PDF; 125KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2006). The Northern Ireland Policing Board Annual Report and Accounts, For The Period 1 April 2005 - 31 March 2006, (24 July 2006), [PDF; 2907KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Starmer, Kier., and Gordon, Jane. (2004). A Report on the Policing of the Ardoyne Parades, 12 July 2004, [PDF; 2608KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2004). Policing Plan 2004-2007: the Northern Ireland Policing Board and the Police Service of Northern Ireland, [PDF; 811KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2004). Community Attitudes Survey: The Northern Ireland Policing Board Module 2003, (April 2004), [PDF; 135KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2003). Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) Press Release: DCC Tonge Presents Final Omagh Report, (4 April 2003). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Terms of Reference Agreed on 16th May 2002 for the Investigation into the Omagh Bomb. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board Statement on its Recommendations on the Omagh Reports, (7 February 2002). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board, Specially Convened Meetings to Discuss the Omagh Reports, (5 and 7 of February 2002). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Board Holds Omagh Meeting, (28 January 2002). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Board Remains Committed to Omagh, (9 January 2002). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Policing Board to Take Lead on Omagh Report, (20 December 2001). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002). Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Northern Ireland Policing Board to Consider Police Ombudsman Report on Omagh Investigation, (12 December 2001). Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2010). Human Rights, Annual Report 2009: Monitoring the compliance of the Police Service of Northern Ireland with the Human Rights Act 1998, (January 2010), [PDF; 1748KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2008). Human Rights, Annual Report 2008: Monitoring the compliance of the Police Service of Northern Ireland with the Human Rights Act 1998, (October 2008), [PDF; 1037KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2008). Police Service of Northern Ireland Code of Ethics 2008, [PDF; 300KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2007). Human Rights, Annual Report 2007: Monitoring the compliance of the Police Service of Northern Ireland with the Human Rights Act 1998, (September 2007), [PDF; 1098KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2006). Human Rights, Annual Report 2006: Monitoring the compliance of the Police Service of Northern Ireland with the Human Rights Act 1998, (September 2006), [PDF; 1168KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2005). Report on the Policing of the Ardoyne Parades 12 July 2005 and the Whiterock Parade 10 September 2005, Monitoring the compliance of the Police Service of Northern Ireland with the Human Rights Act 1998, (December 2005), [PDF; 1951KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2005). Human Rights Annual Report 2005: Monitoring the Compliance of the Police Service of Northern Ireland with the Human Rights Act 1998, (7 March 2005), [PDF; 1262KB]. Belfast: NIPB. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2004). A Report on the Policing of the Ardoyne Parades 12 July 2004, [PDF; 2609KB]. Belfast: NIPB.
Office of the Oversight Commissioner (OC) Oversight Commissioner. (2007). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 19 [Final Report], (31 May 2007), [PDF; 748KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2006). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 18, (5 December 2006), [PDF; 214KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2006). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 17, (28 September 2006), [PDF; 170KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2006). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 16, (6 June 2006), [PDF; 480KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2005). Thematic Report on the Implementation of Recommendations by the Independent Commission on Policing for Northern Ireland: Training - Report 15, (6 December 2005), [PDF; 86KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2005). Thematic Report on the Implementation of Recommendations by the Independent Commission on Policing for Northern Ireland: Human Rights and Accountability - Report 14, (29 September 2005), [PDF; 196KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2005). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 13, (9 June 2005), [PDF; 367KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner. Oversight Commissioner. (2004). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 12, (14 December 2004), [PDF; 185KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2004). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 11, (21 September 2004), [PDF; 344KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2004). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 10, (27 April 2004), [PDF; 326KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2003). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 9, (10 December 2003), [PDF; 529KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2003). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 8, (16 September 2003), [PDF; 700KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2003). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 7, (6 May 2003), [PDF; 707KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2002). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 6, (10 December 2002), [PDF; 200KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2002). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 5, (10 September 2002), [PDF; 288KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2002). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 4, (1 May 2002), [PDF; 250KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2001). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 3, (4 December 2001), [PDF; 169KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2001). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 2, (12 September 2001), [PDF; 299KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Oversight Commissioner. (2000). Overseeing the Proposed Revisions for the Policing Services of Northern Ireland - Report 1, (16 October 2000), [PDF; 73KB]. Belfast: Office of the Oversight Commissioner.
Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF)
Goldstock, Ronald. (2004). Organised Crime in Northern Ireland: A Report for the Secretary of State, (published 22 July 2004), [PDF; 622KB]. Belfast: Northern Ireland Office (NIO).
Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF). (2006). Annual Report and Threat Assessment 2006: Organised Crime in Northern Ireland, (19 June 2006), [PDF; 917KB]. Belfast: Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF).
PSNI Annual Report and Accounts Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2018). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2018, (published 29 June 2018). [PDF; 7474KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2017). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2017, (published 6 July 2017). [PDF; 2454KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2016). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2016, (published 1 July 2016). [PDF; 2868KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2015). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2015, (published 1 July 2015). [PDF; 1140KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2014). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2014, (published 3 July 2014). [PDF; 954KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2013). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2013, (published 4 July 2013). [PDF; 1305KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2012). Annual Report and Accounts, for the year ended 31 March 2012, (published 6 July 2012). [PDF; 363KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Chief Constable's Annual Report Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2011). Annual Report of the Chief Constable 2010-2011. [PDF; 1160KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). Annual Report of the Chief Constable 2009-2010. [PDF; 589KB]. Belfast: PSNI.Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2008/09. [PDF; 1836KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2008). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2007/08. [PDF; 2357KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2007). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2006/07. [PDF; 3085KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2006). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2005/06. [PDF; 3736KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2005). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2004/05. [PDF; 1449KB] . Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2004). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2003-2004. [PDF; 11694KB] . Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2003). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2002/03 [PDF; 1279KB] . Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2002). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2001/02. [PDF; 11894KB] . Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). (2001). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 2000/01. [PDF; 3849KB] . Belfast: Royal Ulster Constabulary. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). (2000). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 1999/00. [PDF not available; 14612KB]. Belfast: Royal Ulster Constabulary. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). (1999). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 1998/99. [PDF; 6834KB] Belfast: Royal Ulster Constabulary. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). (1998). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 1997/98. [PDF; 1956KB] . Belfast: Royal Ulster Constabulary. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). (1997). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 1996. [PDF Not Available]. Belfast: Royal Ulster Constabulary. Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). (1996). Chief Constable's Annual Report, 1995. [PDF; 136KB] . Belfast: Royal Ulster Constabulary.
Police Statistics Statistics on the Security Situation (conflict) Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2020). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019, (10 January 2020), [PDF; 872KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2019). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019, (17 May 2019), [PDF; 1321KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2018). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018, (17 May 2018), [PDF; 1374KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2017). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, (17 May 2017), [PDF; 1162KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2016). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016, (12 May 2016), [PDF; 775KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2015). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015, (12 May 2015), [PDF; 790KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2014). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014, (8 May 2014), [PDF; 779KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2013). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013, (9 May 2013), [PDF; 244KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2012). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics, Annual Report covering the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012, (10 May 2012), [PDF; 208KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2011). Police Recorded Security Situation Statistics 2010/11, 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011, (12 May 2011), [PDF; 328KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland, 1st April 2009 - 31st March 2010, [PDF; 229KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland, 1st April 2008 - 31st March 2009, [PDF; 155KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2008). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland, 1st April 2007 - 31st March 2008, [PDF; 145KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2007). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland, 1st April 2006 - 31st March 2007, [PDF; 172KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2006). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland,1st April 2005 - 31st March 2006, [PDF; 340KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2005). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland,1st April 2004 - 31st March 2005, [PDF; 842KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2004). Statistics Relating to the Security Situation in Northern Ireland, 2003/2004, [PDF; 260KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Stop and Search Statistics Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). Stop and Search Statistics, 2009/10, 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010, [PDF; 247KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). Quarterly Report: Stop and Search Statistics, Quarter 4, 2009/10, 1 January 2010 to 31 March 2010, [PDF; 480KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). Quarterly Report: Stop and Search Statistics, Quarter 3, 2009/10, 1 October 2009 to 31 December 2009, [PDF; 58KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). Quarterly Report: Stop and Search Statistics, Quarter 2, 2009/10, 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009, [PDF; 57KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). Quarterly Report: Stop and Search Statistics, Quarter 1, 2009/10, 1 April 2009 to 30 June 2009, [PDF; 54KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). Quarterly Report: Stop and Search Statistics, Quarter 4, 2008/09, 1 January 2009 to 31 March 2009, [PDF; 56KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2008). Quarterly Report: Stop and Search Statistics, Quarter 4, 2007/08, 1 January 2008 to 31 March 2008, [PDF; 80KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2007). Quarterly Report: PACE and TACT Statistics, Quarter 4, 2006/07, 1 January 2007 to 31 March 2007, [PDF; 51KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Hate Motivation Statistics Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). Hate Incidents and Crimes, 2009/10, [PDF; 244KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). Hate Incidents and Crimes, 2008/09, [PDF; 367KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2008). Hate Incidents and Crimes, 2007/08, [PDF; 497KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2007). Hate Incidents and Crimes, 2006/07, [PDF; 317KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2006). Hate Incidents and Crimes, 2005/06, [PDF; 1787KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2005). Hate Incidents and Crimes, 2004/05, [PDF; 48KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Parade Statistics Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2007). Parade Statistics 2005 - 2007, [PDF; 17KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2006). Parade Statistics 2004 - 2006, [PDF; 17KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Crime Statistics Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2010). PSNI Annual Statistical Report, Recorded Crime and Detections, 1st April 2009 - 31st March 2010, [PDF; 229KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2009). PSNI Annual Statistical Report, Recorded Crime and Clearances, 1st April 2008 - 31st March 2009, [PDF; 239KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2008). PSNI Statistics: Recorded Crime and Clearances, 1st April 2007 - 31st March 2008, [PDF; 289KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2007). PSNI Statistics: Recorded Crime and Clearances, 2006/07, [PDF; 81KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2006). PSNI Statistics: Recorded Crime and Clearances, 2005/06, [PDF; 789KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2005). PSNI Statistics: Recorded Crime and Clearances, 2004 /05, [PDF; 417KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2004). PSNI Statistics: Recorded Crime and Clearances, 2003/04, [PDF; 292KB]. Belfast: PSNI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2003). PSNI Statistics: Recorded Crime and Clearances, 2002/03, [PDF; 63KB]. Belfast: PSNI. See also: Ipsos MORI. (2007). Research into Recent Crime Trends in Northern Ireland, Conducted on behalf of the Northern Ireland Policing Board and the Police Service of Northern Ireland, (May 2007), [PDF; 719KB]. Belfast: PSNI.
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI) Reports by Police Ombudsman Marie Anderson (2019-) Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2023). Investigation into the Circumstances Surrounding the Murder of Gerard Lawlor on 22 July 2002, (30 August 2023), [PDF; 864KB]. Belfast: PONI. ... [30259] - [Report] Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2023). Investigation into Police Conduct Relating to the Circumstances of the Murder of Patrick Kelly on 24 July 1974, (Statutory Report by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland), (26 April 2023), [PDF; 1554KB]. Belfast: PONI. ... [24201] - [Report] Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2022). Investigation into Police Handling of Loyalist Paramilitary Murders and Attempted Murders in South Belfast in the Period 1990-1998, (Statutory Report by the Police Ombudsmand for Northern Ireland), (8 February 2022), [PDF; 2725KB]. Belfast: PONI. ... [28552] - [Report] Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2022). 'Collusive behaviours but no prior knowledge of attacks', Media release by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (related to published report of the same date), (14 January 2022), [PDF; 177KB]. Belfast: PONI. ... [28548] - [Press Release] Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2021). The circumstances of the deaths of Patrick Rooney, Hugh McCabe, Samuel McLaron and Michael Lynch in Belfast on 15 August 1969, Statutory Report by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, (6 May 2021), [PDF; 2078KB]. Belfast: PONI. ... [27504] - [Report] Reports by Police Ombudsman Michael Maguire (2012-2019) Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2016). Statutory Report, relating to a complaint by the victims and survivors of The Murders at the Heights Bar, Loughinisland, 18 June 1994, (8 June 2016), [PDF; 1625KB]. Belfast: PONI. Critical Reports of the Police Ombudsman Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJINI). (2011). An inspection into the independence of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, (9 September 2011), [PDF; 1001KB]. Belfast: CJINI. Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). (2011). Human Rights and Dealing with Historical Cases - A Review of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, (16 June 2011), [PDF; 511KB]. Belfast: CAJ. McCusker, Tony. (2011). Police Ombudsman Investigation Report, (dated 16 June 2011; published 30 June 2011), [PDF; 269KB]. Belfast: Department of Justice. Reports by Police Ombudsman Al Hutchinson (2007-2012) Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2011). 'Police Ombudsman Expresses Desire to Leave Office by end of January 2012', Press Release by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Belfast, (Friday 21 October 2011). Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2011). 'Police Ombudsman Outlines Way Forward for his Office, and Announces Date for his Retirement', Press Release by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Belfast, (Thursday 8 September 2011). Belfast: PONI. Loughinisland Killings; Incident: 18 June 1994 McGurk's Bar Bombing; Incident: 4 December 1971 Claudy Bombing; Incident: 31 July 1972 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2009). Statement on the Police Ombudsman's Investigation into matters arising from police evidence given during a trial at Belfast Crown Court between September 2006 and January 2007, (Friday 20 February 2009), [PDF; 653KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2008). 'Investigation of Police Officer's Murder Not Through': Press Release by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, Belfast, (Tuesday 15 April 2008). Belfast: PONI. Reports by Police Ombudsman Nuala O'Loan (2000-2007)
Gerard and Rory Cairns; Incident: 28 October 1993
Greysteel Killings; Incident: 30 October 1993
Rosemary Nelson; Incident: 15 March 1999 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2007). Public statement by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland on her investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of Raymond McCord Junior and related matters, (Operation Ballast), (Monday 22 January 2007). Belfast: PONI.
Raymond McCord (Jr); Incident: 9 November 1997
Jean McConville; Incident: December 1972 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2006). Statement by Mrs Nuala O'Loan, then Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, on her Investigation of the Circumstances Surrounding the Abduction and Killing of Mrs Jean McConville in December 1972, (7 July 2006). Belfast: PONI. Incident: 23 October 2002 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2006). Equality Monitoring Report, (Bulletin: February 2006), [PDF; 709KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2006). Analysis of CS Spray use during 2004, (Bulletin: January 2006), [PDF; 336KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2005). An Evaluation of Police-Led Informal Resolution of Police Complaints in Northern Ireland: The Complainants' Perspective, (December 2005), [PDF; 1833KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2005). Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, April 2004 - March 2005, (July 2005), [PDF; 1419KB]. Belfast: PONI. Eoin David Morley; Incident: 15 April 1990 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2004). Press Release: Stormont Search - Police Ombudsman Statement, (Sunday 1 August 2004). Belfast: PONI. William Stobie; Incident 12 December 2001 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2004). Annual Report, April 2003 - March 2004, (June 2004), [PDF; 4904KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2004). Public Awareness of the System for Complaints Against the Police in Northern Ireland, 2004, (Research Branch, PONI; Research Report 02/2004), [PDF; 1772KB]. Belfast: PONI. Sean Brown; Incident: 12 May 1997 Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2004). Police Officers' Attitudes Towards the Police Ombudsman's Office: Detailed Findings, [Word Document; 2132KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2004). A Study of the Attitudes of Members of the Police Service of Northern Ireland to the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland and the New Complaints System.. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2003). A Study of Complaints Involving the Use of Batons by the Police in Northern Ireland, (Research Branch, PONI; March 2003), [PDF; 916KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2003). A Study of the Treatment of Solicitors and Barristers by the Police in Northern Ireland, (Research Branch, PONI; March 2003), [PDF; 1322KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2002). Public Awareness of the Northern Ireland Police Complaints System 2002, (Research Report 2/2002), [PDF; 484KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2002). Baton Rounds Report, (Research Report 1/2002), [PDF; 592KB]. Belfast: PONI. Omagh Bombing; Incident: 15 August 1998 Samuel Devenny;
Incident: 19 April 1969 (Death: 17 July 1969) Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2001). Public Awareness of the Northern Ireland Police Complaints System, (Research and Policy Directorate, PONI; Report Number 2), [PDF; 462KB]. Belfast: PONI. Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2001). Public Awareness of the Northern Ireland Police Complaints System, (Research and Policy Directorate, PONI; Report Number 1), [PDF; 424KB]. Belfast: PONI.
Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC); Home Office Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). (2013). Inspection of the Police Service of Northern Ireland Historical Enquiries Team, (3 July 2013), [PDF; 829KB]. London: HMIC. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). (2012). Histroical Enquires Team Review - terms of reference, of the review of the policies and procedures of the HET, 26 November 2012, [PDF; 106KB]. London: HMIC < Web page; accessed 1 Feb 2013 >. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). (2004). Baseline Assessment of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, April 2004, [PDF; 484KB]. London: HMSO. Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC). (2001). 2000/2001 Inspection of Royal Ulster Constabulary, [PDF; 274KB]. London: HMSO. Other Publications Brewer, John D. (1992). 'The Public and the Police', in Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Second Report, Edited by Peter Stringer and Gillian Robinson. Belfast: Blackstaff. Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). (1988). Police Accountability in Northern Ireland. Belfast: CAJ. Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). (1996). The Misrule of Law : a report on the policing of events during the summer of 1996 in Northern Ireland. {external_link} Belfast: CAJ. Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). (1997). Human Rights on Duty: Principles for Better Policing - International Lessons for Northern Ireland / By Dr. Linda Moore and Mary O'Rawe. Belfast: CAJ. Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ). (2011). Human Rights and Dealing with Historical Cases - A Review of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland, (16 June 2011), [PDF; 511KB]. Belfast: CAJ. Democratic Dialogue. (1998). Two-tiered Policing: a middle way for Northern Ireland? Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Dickson, Brice. (1997). 'Powers of the Police', in Civil Liberties in Northern Ireland: The CAJ Handbook, Edited by Brice Dickson. Belfast: CAJ. Dunn, Seamus., Murray, Dominic., and Walsh, Dermot. (2002). 'Cross Border Police Co-operation in Ireland'. Limerick: University of Limerick, and Coleraine: University of Ulster. Faul, Fr. Denis. and Murray, Fr. Raymond. (n.d.1976?), The RUC: The Black and Blue Book Dungannon: Published by the authors. Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. (2002), Beyond Collusion: The UK Security Forces and the Murder of Pat Finucane [PDF; 324KB]. Washington: Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. Lundy, Patricia. (2012). Research Brief: Assessment of the Historical Enquiries Team (HET) Review Processes and Procedures in Royal Military Police (RMP) Investigation Cases, (2 April 2012), [PDF; 487KB]. Jordanstown: University of Ulster. Police Authority for Northern Ireland (PANI). (1988). Working Together to Police Northern Ireland: the Work of the Police Authority for Northern Ireland and the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Belfast: PANI. Police Authority for Northern Ireland (PANI). (1996). Policing Plan for Northern Ireland, 1998/1999. Belfast: PANI. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2004). Statement by the Chief Constable of the PSNI to the Northern Ireland Policing Board regarding the future of the Full-Time Reserve. [PDF; 57KB] . Belfast: Police Service of Northern Ireland. Ulster Special Constabulary Association. (1980). 'Why?' - A pamphlet published by the Ulster Special Constabulary Association
Maccabe, Christopher G. (1991). Policing a dividing society: an examination and evaluation of the role, responsibilities and reform of the police in Northern Ireland between 1968 and 1973. LL.M., Queen's University Belfast. Dawson, Michael. (1996). A Discussion on the need for change in the methods and structures for policing Northern Ireland, in view of the evolving peace process, the changing political climate and the opportunities created by them. MA Peace Studies, University of Ulster.
Web SitesPolice Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI)... formerly the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) ... formerly Northern Ireland Police Authority (NIPA) District Policing Partnerships (DPP) Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland Department of Justice Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Crime Prevention Panel (link not working) Northern Ireland Organised Crime Task Force (OCTF) Victim Support Web Site Northern Ireland Prison Service Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Police Officer Associations: The Police Federation for Northern Ireland The Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales and Northern Ireland Police Superintendents' Association of Northern Ireland
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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