Members of the Policing Board today held a private meeting with those who have been bereaved and with those who were seriously injured by the Omagh bomb.
The meeting was arranged by the Board to discuss issues of concern arising from the Ombudsmans report into the Omagh bombing and the Chief Constables response. Chairman of the Board, Professor Desmond Rea said,
"We came here today to listen to the people who have been most horrendously affected by the Omagh bomb. These are also the people whose feelings have been most deeply touched by the publication of the Ombudsmans report and last weeks response by the Chief Constable."
"Today is solely about hearing first hand from the community most deeply affected by that dreadful atrocity. We wanted to find out about the issues relating to policing which cause them the greatest concern."
"From the outset, the Policing Board has given a definitive undertaking to grasp the issues arising out of the Omagh report. We are committed to our responsibility to ensure that policing is effective, efficient, transparent and accountable. Mindful of the sensitivities of all parties we will give full and proper consideration to all the relevant information."
"I thank those with whom we met today for their openness and honesty. We listened intently to the heartfelt views expressed and will in turn, be reflecting these views back to the Board when it meets to consider this matter in full."