![]() Education - Details of Source Material[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] EDUCATION: [Menu] [Reading] [Summary] [Chronology] [Background] [Main Pages] [CALM] [Statistics] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change This section contains a draft list of some of the source material available on the issue of Education in Northern Ireland. The list has been compiled from a number of sources, including the CAIN bibliography, various library catalogues, the British Humanities Index, and other abstracts and indexes.
BooksAbrams, D., Marques, J.M., and Hogg, M.A. (eds) (2005). The Social Psychology of Inclusion and Exclusion. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Agnew, U. et al. (1992). Integrated Education: The Views of Parents. Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast, School of Education. Burgess, T. P. (1993). A Crisis of Conscience: Moral Ambivalence and Education in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Avebury Byrne, Sean. (1997). Growing Up in a Divided Society: The Influence of Conflict on Belfast Schoolchildren. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. Cairns, Ed. (1992). Caught in Crossfire: Children and the Northern Ireland Conflict. Belfast: Appletree Press. Cairns, Ed., Gallagher, Tony., and Dunn, Seamus. (1992). Intergroup Contact in a Northern Irish University Setting: a report to the Central Community Relations Unit. Coleraine: Centre for the Study of Conflict. Cairns, E., and Roe, M.D. (eds) (2003). The Role of Memory in Ethnic Conflict, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Caul, Leslie. (ed.) (1990). Schools under Scrutiny: The Case of Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education. Caul, Leslie. (ed.) (1993). A Common Curriculum: The Case of Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. Clarke, M. T. (1978). Men, Women and Post-primary Principalship in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Equal Opportunities Commission. Cohen, L., Thomas J., and Manion, L. (eds) (1982). Educational Research and Development in Britain, 1970-1980. England: NFER-Nelson. Coolahan, J., Aldrich, R., and Simon, F. (eds) (1999). Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Supplementary Series, Volume V, Paedagogica Historica. Gent: CSHP. Cormack, R.J., Gallagher, A.M., and Osborne, R.D. (1993). Fair Enough? Religion and the 1991 Population Census. Belfast: Fair Employment Commission. Cormack, R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (eds.) (1983). Religion, Education and Employment: Aspects of Equal Opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. Cormack, R.J., Osborne, R.D., Reid, N.G., and Williamson, A.P. (1984). Participation in Higher Education: Trends in the Social and Spatial Mobility of Northern Ireland Undergraduates. Final Report SSRC Funded Project, HR 6846. Crozier, Maurna., and Froggatt, Richard. (eds.) (1997). Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe : Proceedings of the Cultural Traditions Group Conference 1997. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. Darby, John., Dunn, Seamus., and Murray, Dominic et al. (1989). Education and Community in Northern Ireland: Schools Apart? [AND] Schools Together? Coleraine: University of Ulster. Davies, Lynn. (2004). Education and Conflict. London: Routledge. Donnan, H. and McFarlane, G. (eds.) (1997). Culture and Policy in Northern Ireland: Anthropology in the Public Arena. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies,Queens University. Dunn, Seamus. (1986). Education and the Conflict in Northern Ireland: a Guide to the Literature. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Dunn, Seamus., and Smith Alan. (1989). Inter School Links. Coleraine: University of Ulster. Dunn, Seamus., and Smith, Alan. (1990). Extending Inter School Links. Coleraine: University of Ulster. Forcey, L.R., and Harris, I.M. (eds.) (1999). Peacebuilding for Adolescents: Strategies for Educators and Community Leaders. New York: Peter Lang. Fraser, G., and Morgan, V. (1999). In the Frame - Integrated Education in Northern Ireland - The Implications for Expansion. Coleraine: University of Ulster. Gallagher, Tony. (1997). Educational Achievement in Northern Ireland : Patterns and Prospects. Belfast: Northern Ireland Economic Development Office. Gallagher, A. M. (1995). Majority Minority Review 1: Education in a Divided Society. Coleraine: University of Ulster. (Second edition). Gallagher, A. M. (1995). Education in a Divided Society: A Review of Research and Policy. Coleraine: University of Ulster. Gallagher, A. M. (1989). Majority Minority Review 1: Education and Religion in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: University of Ulster. (First edition). Gallagher, Tony. (1998). Improving schools in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Northern Ireland Economic Development Office. Gray, A.M. et al. (eds) (2002). Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Eighth Report, London: Pluto Press. Harbison, J. I. (ed) (1983). Children of the Troubles: Children in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College Learning Resources Unit. Healey, E. (1992). Wee People: Conflict Resolution Skills in Primary School. Derry/Londonderry: QPEP. Hickey, T., and Williams, J. (eds) (1996). Language, Education and Society in a Changing World. Dublin, Clevedon, Philadelphia, Adelaide: IRAAL/Multilingual Matters. Kooy, M., Janssen, T., and Watson, K. (eds) (1999). Fiction, Literature and Media. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Lyons, M.A., and Waldron, F. (eds) Perspectives on Equality: The Second Seamus Heaney Lectures. Dublin, Liffey Press. McCartney, C. (1990). Making Ripples: An Evaluation of the Inter-Community Contact Grant Scheme of the Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust. Coleraine: University of Ulster. McAndrew, M., and Gagnon, F. (eds) (2000). Relations Ethniques et Education dans les Sociétés Divisées (Education in Deeply Divided Societies). Paris: LHarmattan. McCully A., and ONeill C. (eds) (2002). Values in Teacher Education and Research. Lancaster: HTEN. McEwen, Alex. (1998). Public Policy in a Divided Society: Schooling, Culture, and Identity in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Ashgate. Moffat, Chris. (ed.) (1993). Education Together for a Change: Integrated Education and Community Relations in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Fortnight Educational Trust. Morgan, V., Dunn, S., Cairns, E., and Fraser, G. (1992). Breaking the Mould: The Role of Parents and Teachers in the Integrated Schools in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Murray, Dominic., Smith, Alan., and Birthistle, Ursula. (1997). Education in Ireland. Limerick: Irish Peace Institute. Murray, D., and O'Neill, J. (1991). Peacebuilding in a Political Impasse: Cross Border Links in Ireland. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Murray, D. (1985). Worlds Apart: Segregated Schools in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. O Connor, Fionnuala. (2002). A Shared Childhood: The story of Integrated Schools in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J., Gallagher, A.M. (eds.) (1993). After the Reforms: Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Avebury. Osborne, R.D., Cormack R.J. and Miller, R.L. (eds.) (1987). Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Queen's University and the University of Ulster, Policy Research Institute. Osborne, R.D., and Cormack, R.J. (1985). Religion, Education and Employment. Belfast: Appletree Press. Osborne, R.D. (1985). Religion and Education Qualifications in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency Research Paper, No.8. Osborne, R.D. and Murray, R.C. (1978). Educational Qualifications and Religious Affiliation in Northern Ireland: An Examination of GCE 'O' and 'A' Levels. Belfast: Fair Employment Agency Research Paper, No.3. Osler, A. (ed.) (2005). Teachers, Human Rights and Diversity: Educating Citizens in Multicultural Societies. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Publications. Pendry, A., and O'Neill, C. (eds) (1997). Principles and Practice: Analytical Perspectives on Curriculum Reform and Changing Pedagogy from History Teacher Educators. Schte: Lancaster. Reid, N., and Goldie, R. (1981). Northern Ireland Women in Higher Education. Belfast: Equal Opportunities Commission. Smith, A. (1999). 'Education and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland' Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association, Montreal, April 1999. Smith, A. and Robinson, A. (1992). Education For Mutual Understanding - Perceptions and Policy. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Smith, A. and Montgomery, A. (1997). Values in Education in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum, Examination and Assessment (NICEA). Smith A. and Robinson, A. (1996). Education for Mutual Understanding: the Initial Statutory Years. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Sutherland, A.E., and Gallagher, A.M. (1986). Transfer and the Upper Primary School. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Sutherland, A.E., and Gallagher, A.M. (1987). Pupils in the Border Band. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Teare, S.M., and Sutherland, A.E. (1988). At Sixes and Sevens: a study of the curriculum in the upper primary school. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Wilson, D., and Dunn, S. (1989). Integrated Schools: Information for Parents. Coleraine: University of Ulster, Centre for the Study of Conflict. Wilson, J.A. (1985). Secondary School Organisation and Pupil Progress. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Wilson, J.A. (1986). Transfer and the Structure of Secondary Education. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Wilson, J.A. and Foote, T.P. (1978). The Staffing Needs of Schools. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Wilson, J. A. and Gardiner, T. (1982). Progress at 16. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Wilson, J.A. and Spellman, B.J. (1977). The Organisation of Secondary Education. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research. Worthington, E.L. (ed.) (2005). Handbook of Forgiveness. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Wright, Frank. (1990). Integrated Education and New Beginnings in Northern Ireland. Coleraine: University of Ulster: Centre for the Study of Conflict.
Chapters in BookBarton, K.C., and McCully, A. (2003). 'History Teaching and the Perpetuation of Memories: The Northern Ireland Experience', Chapter in, Cairns, E., and Roe, M.D. (eds) The Role of Memory in Ethnic Conflict, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Cairns, E. (1992). 'Political violence, social values and the generation gap', Chapter in, Stringer, P., and Robinson, G. (eds.) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: the second report 1991-1992. Belfast: Appletree Press. Cairns, E., Tam, T., Hewstone, M., and Niens, U. (2005). 'Intergroup forgiveness and intergroup conflict: Northern Ireland, A case study', Chapter in, Worthington, E.L. (ed.) Handbook of Forgiveness. New York: Brunner-Routledge. Darby, J., and Dunn, S. (1987). 'Segregated Schools: The Research Evidence', Chapter in, Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (eds) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. Farren, S. (1996). 'Language Policy in a Divided Society', Chapter in, Hickey, T., and Williams, J. (eds) Language, Education and Society in a Changing World. Dublin, Clevedon, Philadelphia, Adelaide: IRAAL/Multilingual Matters. Farren, S. (1999). 'Language, Literature and Conflict', Chapter in, Kooy, M., Janssen, T., and Watson, K. (eds) Fiction, Literature and Media. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Farren, S. (1999). 'Denominationally Integrated Education in Northern Ireland - Panacea or Civil Right?', Chapter in, Coolahan, J., Aldrich, R., and Simon, F. (eds), Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Supplementary Series, Volume V, Paedagogica Historica. Gent: CSHP. Fulton, J. (1982). 'Education in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Cohen, L., Thomas J., and Manion, L. (eds) Educational Research and Development in Britain, 1970-1980. England: NFER-Nelson. Gallagher, A.M. (1993). 'Community Relations', Chapter in, Stringer, P., and Robinson, G, (eds.) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Third Report, 1992-93. Belfast: Blackstaff. Gallagher, A.M., and Dunn, S. (1991). 'Community Relations in Northern Ireland: Attitudes to Contact and Integration', Chapter in, Stringer, P and Robinson, G, (eds.) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff. Gallagher, A.M., and Smith, A. (2002). 'Attitudes to Academic Selection, Integrated Education and Diversity within the Curriculum', Chapter in, Gray, A.M. et al. (eds) Social Attitudes in Northern Ireland: The Eighth Report, London: Pluto Press, London. Gallagher, P. (1987). 'The Future for Further Education in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (eds.) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. Hewstone, M., Cairns, E., Voci, A., Paolini, S., McLernon, F., Crisp, R., Niens, U., and Craig, J. (2005). 'Intergroup Contact in a Divided Society: Challenging Segregation in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Abrams, D., Marques, J.M., and Hogg, M.A. (eds) The Social Psychology of Inclusion and Exclusion. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Irwin, C. (1997). 'Social Conflict and the Failure of Education Policies in Two Deeply Divided Societies: Northern Ireland and Israel', Chapter in, Donnan, H. and McFarlane, G. (eds.), Culture and Policy in Northern Ireland: Anthropology in the Public Arena. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies,Queens University. Irwin, C. (1993). 'Making Integrated Education Work for Pupils', Chapter in, Moffat, C. (ed.) Education Together for a Change. Belfast: Fortnight Educational Trust. Livingstone, J. (1987). 'Equality of Opportunity in Education in Northern Ireland,' in Osborne, D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (eds) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. Logue, P. (1998). 'Teaching Controversial Issues', Chapter in, Crozier, Maurna., and Froggatt, Richard. (eds.) Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe : Proceedings of the Cultural Traditions Group Conference 1997. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. Loughran, G. (1987). 'The Rationale of Catholic Education', Chapter in, Osborne, D., Cormack, R.J. and Miller, R.L. (eds) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. McCully, A.W. (1997). 'The Northern Ireland History Curriculum and National Identity', Chapter in, Pendry, A., and O'Neill, C. (eds) Principles and Practice: Analytical Perspectives on Curriculum Reform and Changing Pedagogy from History Teacher Educators. Schte: Lancaster. McCully, A., ODoherty, M., Smyth, P. (1999). 'The Speak Your Piece Project: Exploring Controversial Issues in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Forcey, L.R. and Harris, I.M. (eds), Peacebuilding for Adolescents: Strategies for Educators and Community Leaders. New York: Peter Lang. McCully A., and Barton K.C, (2002). 'National Identity and the History Curriculum in Northern Ireland: An Empirical Study of Students Ideas and Beliefs', Chapter in, McCully A. and ONeill C. (eds) Values in Teacher Education and Research, Lancaster: HTEN. McIver, V. (1998). 'Educating for EMU in the Northern Ireland Curriculum: Policies, Progress and Problems', Chapter in, Crozier, Maurna., and Froggatt, Richard. (eds.) Cultural diversity in contemporary Europe : proceedings of the Cultural Traditions Group Conference 1997. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. Miller, R.L., and Osborne, R.D. (1983). 'Educational Qualifications and Religious Affiliation', Chapter in, Cormack, R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (eds) Religion, Education and Employment: Aspects of Equal Opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. Morgan, V. (2000). 'Current Issues in EMU and Integrated Education', Chapter in, McAndrew, M., and Gagnon, F. (eds) Relations Ethniques et Education dans les Sociétés Divisées (Education in Deeply Divided Societies). Paris: LHarmattan. Mulhern, G., and Gallagher, A. M. (1992). 'What is it and why is it needed: The case for affirmative action in schools', Chapter in, Lynch, J., Modgil, C., and Modgil, S. (eds) Cultural Diversity and the Schools, Volume One: Education for Cultural Diversity: Convergence and Divergence. London: Falmer Press. O'Doherty, M. (1998). 'The "Speak your Piece" Project', Chapter in, Crozier, Maurna., and Froggatt, Richard. (eds.) Cultural diversity in contemporary Europe : proceedings of the Cultural Traditions Group Conference 1997. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. Osborne, R.D., and Cormack, R.J. (1989). 'Gender and religion as issues in education, training and entry to work', Chapter in, Harbison, J. I. (ed) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. Osborne, R.D., Cormack, R.J., Reid, N.G., and Williamson, A.P. (1983). 'Political Arithmetic, Higher Education and Religion in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Cormack, R.J., and Osborne, R.D. (eds.) (1983). Religion, Education and Employment: Aspects of Equal Opportunity in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Appletree Press. Reilly, J., Niens, U., and McLaughlin, R. (2005). 'Education for a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Osler, A. (eds) Teachers, Human Rights and Diversity: educating citizens in multicultural societies. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Publications. Smith, A., and Robinson, A. (1992). 'Perception of Education for Mutual Understanding', Chapter in, Hutchinson, B., and Whitehouse, P. (eds.) Teacher or Technician: Reflections on Delivering the Education Reform Order. Jordanstown: University of Ulster. Smith, A. (1998). 'The Impact of Education for Mutual Understanding', Chapter in, Crozier, Maurna., and Froggatt, Richard. (eds.) Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe : Proceedings of the Cultural Traditions Group Conference 1997. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. Smith, A. (2005). 'The Challenge of Diversity for Education in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Lyons, M.A., and Waldron, F. (eds) Perspectives on Equality: The Second Seamus Heaney Lectures. Dublin, Liffey Press. Spencer, A. E. C. W. (1987). 'Arguments for an Integrated School System', Chapter in, Osborne, R. D., Cormack, R. J., and Miller, R. L. (eds) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute. Trew, K. (1989). 'Evaluating the impact of contact schemes for Catholic and Protestant children', Chapter in, Harbison, J. I. (ed.) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College, pp.131-159. Trew, K. (1986). 'Catholic-Protestant Contact in Northern Ireland', Chapter in, Hewstone, M., and Brown, R. (eds.) Contact and Conflict in Intergroup Encounters. Oxford: Blackwell. pp.93-106 Wilson, J.A. (1989). 'Educational Performance: A decade of evidence', Chapter in, Harbison, J. I. (ed.) Growing Up in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Stranmillis College. Wilson, J. A. (1987). 'Selection for Secondary Education', Chapter in, Osborne, R. D., Cormack, R. J., and Miller, R. L. (eds.) Education and Policy in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Policy Research Institute.
Journal ArticlesAgnew, U. et al. (1992). 'Integrated Education: the views of Parents.' CORE, Vol. 16, No. 2. Austin, Roger., Abbott, Lesley., Mulkeen Aidan., and Metcalfe, Nigel. (2003). 'Dissolving boundaries: cross-national co-operation through technology in education', Curriculum Journal. Volume 14, Number 1, pp.55 - 84. Barnes, L.P. (1996). 'Reforming religious education in Northern Ireland: A critical review', British Journal of Religious Education. 19, pp.73-82. Barnes, L.P. (2002). 'World Religions and the Northern Ireland Curriculum'. Journal of Beliefs and Values. Volume 23, Number 1, pp.19-32. Barnes, L.P. (2005). 'Religion, education and conflict in Northern Ireland'. Journal of Beliefs and Values. Volume 26, Number, pp. 123-138. Barnes, L.P., and Murray, V. (1999). 'Initial Teacher Training and Diversity: the Medium and the Message'. Irish Educational Studies, 18, pp. 141-154. Barton, Keith C. (2001). ''You'd Be Wanting to Know about the Past': Social contexts of Children's Historical Understanding in Northern Ireland and the USA'. Comparative Education, Volume 37, Number 1, pp.89-106. Barton, Keith C. (2001). 'History Education and National Identity in Northern Ireland and the United States: Differing Priorities', Theory Into Practice. Vol. 40, No. 1, Pages 48-54. Barton, K.C., McCully, A.W., and Conway, M. (2003). 'History Education and National Identity in Northern Ireland', International Journal of Historical Learning. Teaching and Research, 3: 1. Barton, K. C., McCully, A. W., and Marks, M. J. (2004). 'Reflecting on elementary children's understanding of history and social studies: An inquiry project with beginning teachers in Northern Ireland and the United States'. Journal of Teacher Education 55, pp 70-90. Barton, K. C., and McCully, A. W. (2005). 'History, Identity and the School History Curriculum in Northern Ireland: An Empirical Study of Secondary Students? Ideas and Perspectives', Journal of Curriculum Studies. 37, 1, pp 85-116. Bell, J.F. (1991). 'Science Performance and Uptake by 15 year-old Pupils in Northern Ireland.' Educational Research, Vol. 33, No. 2. pp.93-102. Boyle, J. F. (1976). 'Educational Attainment, Occupational Achievement and Religion in Northern Ireland.' Economic and Social Review. Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.79-100. Brown, E. (1990). 'Deep-seated Divisions between Protestant and Catholic Education in Northern Ireland and recent moves towards Integration.' Education, Vol. 176, No. 18, p.367. Buchnall, A. (1992). 'The Other Divide: Pupil Selection in Northern Ireland.' Education, Vol. 176, No. 21, p.417. Cassidy, Claire., and Trew, Karen. (2004). 'Identity Change in Northern Ireland: A Longitudinal Study of Students' Transition to University'. Journal of Social Issues, Vol.60, No.3, pp.523-540. Collins, J. (1992). 'Democratic Unionist Party/Sinn Féin Attitudes to Integrated Education in the North of Ireland.' British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.107-113. Collins, Jude. (1990). 'Political Attitudes and Integrated Education in Northern Ireland'. Studies, Vol. 79, No. 316, pp.409-419. Connolly, P., and Keenan, M. (2002). 'Racist harassment in the white hinterlands: the experiences of minority ethnic children and parents in schools in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 23(3), pp.341-356. Darby, John. (1973). 'Divisiveness in Education.' The Northern Teacher, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.3-12. Darby, John. (1978). 'Northern Ireland: Bonds and Breaks in Education.' British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.215-223. Daws, Peter P. (1991). 'Education in Northern Ireland'. Studies, Vol. 80, No. 318, pp.142-156. Doherty, P. (1990). 'Residential Segregation, Social Isolation and Integrated Education in Belfast.' New Community, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.391-401. Donnelly, Caitlin. (2004). 'What price harmony? Teachers' methods of delivering an ethos of tolerance and respect for diversity in an integrated school in Northern Ireland'. Educational Research, Volume 46, Number 1, pp.3-16. Dunn, Seamus. (1986). 'The Role of Education in the Northern Ireland Conflict'. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 233-42. Dunn, Seamus. (1989). 'Multicultural Education in the North of Ireland'. The Irish Review, No. 6, Spring, pp. 32-38. Dunn Seamus. (1989). 'Integrated Schools in Northern Ireland'. Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.121-128. Dunn, Seamus., and Morgan, Valerie. (1991). 'The Social Context of Education in Northern Ireland.' European Journal of Education, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.179-190. Dunn, Seamus., Morgan, Valerie., and Wilson, D. (1989). 'Perceptions of School Integration in Northern Ireland.' CORE, Vol. 13, No. 2. Dunn, S., and Morgan, V. (1999). 'A fraught path - education as a basis for developing improved community relations in Northern Ireland'. Oxford Review of Education, 25, pp.141-153. Farren, S. (1997). 'Education and National Identity in Northern Ireland'. Aspects of Education: Journal of the Institute of Education, University of Hull, Vol. 54, pp. 82-92. Farren, S. (1992). 'A Lost Opportunity: Education and Community in Northern Ireland.' History of Education, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.71-82. Farren, S. (1991). 'Culture, Curriculum and Educational Policy in Northern Ireland.' Language, Culture and Curriculum, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.43-58. Francis, L.J. and Greer, J.E. (1990). 'Catholic and Adolescent Religiosity in Northern Ireland: Shaping Moral Values.' Irish Journal of Education, Vol. 24, No. 1-2, pp.40-47. Gallagher, A.M. (1989). 'The Relationship between Research and Policy: An Example from Northern Ireland'. The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.62-63. Gallagher, A.M. (1992). 'Education in a Divided Society.' The Psychologist: Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, Vol. 5, pp.353-356. Gallagher, A.M. (1994). 'Dealing with Conflict: Schools in Northern Ireland'. Multicultural Teaching, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.10-13. Gallagher, A.M., Cormack, R.J. and Osborne, R.D. (1994). 'Religion and Access to Grammar Schools in Northern Ireland.' Research in Education: An Interdisciplinary, International Research Journal, Vol. 51, pp.51-58. Grace, G. (2003). 'Educational Studies And Faith-Based Schooling: Moving From Prejudice To Evidence-Based Argument'. British Journal of Educational Studies, Volume 51, Number 2, pp.149-167. Greer, J.E. (1978). Religious Education in State Primary Schools in Northern Ireland.' The Northern Teacher, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.11-16. Greer, J.E. (1991). 'Education Reform in Northern Ireland: The Place of Religious Education and Worship in Schools'. British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.92-102. Hagan, Martin., and McGlynn, Claire (2004). 'Moving barriers: promoting learning for diversity in initial teacher education'. Intercultural Education, Volume 15, Number 3, pp.243-252. Houston, J.E., Crozier, W. R. and Walker, P. (1990). 'The Assessment of Ethnic Sensitivity among Northern Ireland Schoolchildren'. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp.419-422. Hutchinson, B., and Whitehouse, P. (1999). 'The Impact of Action Research and Education Reform in Northern Ireland: education in democracy'. British Education Research Journal, 25, pp.141-155. Irwin, Colin. (1983). 'Social Conflict and the Failure of Education Policies in Two Deeply Divided Societies: Northern Ireland and Israel'. Irish Educational Studies, 3, (2), pp.90-109. Irwin, Tracy. (2003). 'Prison Education in Northern Ireland: Learning from our Paramilitary Past'. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 42 (5),pp.471-484. Johnson, Laurie Shepherd. (2003). 'The Diversity Imperative: building a culturally responsive school ethos'. Intercultural Education, Volume 14, Number 1, pp.17-30 Kerr, D., McCarthy, S., and Smith, A. (2002). 'Citizenship Education in Britain and Ireland'. European Journal of Education, 37 (2), pp.179-92. Kilpatrick, R., and Leitch, R. (2004). 'Educational experiences and school based reponses: teachers and pupils educational experiences and school based responses to the conflict in Northern Ireland'. Journal of Social Issues, Volume 60, Number 3, pp. 563-586. Knox, H.M. (1973). 'Religious Segregation in The Schools of Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.307-12. Loulidi, R. (1990). 'Attitudes towards Foreign Language Learning in Protestant and Catholic Schools in Northern Ireland.' Language Culture and Curriculum, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp.227-238. Lovett, Tom. (1993). 'To Fight Sectarianism and Search for Peace: The Ulster People's College in Ireland'. Convergence, 26, (4), pp.33-34. Lovett, Tom. (1994). 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