![]() The Omagh Bomb - A List of Source Material[KEY_EVENTS] [Key_Issues] [Conflict_Background] OMAGH BOMB: [Menu] [The_Dead] [Summary] [Background] [Events] [Sources] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change The Omagh Bomb - A List of Source MaterialBelow is a draft list of some source material on the Omagh Bombing, 15 August 1988.The CAIN Bibliography contains citations, and links to, a longer list of items about Omagh.
Book Edwards, Dudley Ruth. (2009). Aftermath: The Omagh Bombing and the Families' Pursuit of Justice. London: Harvill Secker. ... [16628] - [Book] Orde, Hugh., and Rea, Desmond. (2016). 'Bear in Mind These Dead': The Omagh Bombing and Policing. Belfast: Nicholson and Bass Limited. ... [30554] - [Book] Spencer, Graham. (2005) Omagh: Voices of Loss. Dublin: The Appletree Press Ltd.
Articles Bew, Paul. (1998) 'Can Trimble Survive', Fortnight, No.373, September 1998, p.13 Breen, S. (1998) 'Long War Over', Fortnight, No. 373, September 1998, p.7 Brogden, Mark. (1998) 'Decommissioned', Fortnight, No. 373, September 1998, p.12 Dingley, J., and Kirk-Smith, M. (2000) 'How Could They Do It? The Bombing of Omagh, 1998'. Journal of Conflict Studies, XX, (1): 105-126 Foley, M., and O'Farrell, J. (1998) 'Bordering on Peace' (The bombing of Omagh in Northern Ireland). Index on Censorship, 27, (5): 126-129 Guelke, Adrian. (1998) 'The Greatest Tradegy', Fortnight, No. 373, September 1998, p.10-11 Jenkins, Mark., and McKinney, Leslie. (2000). An analysis of the medical response to the Omagh Bomb. Belfast: DHSSPS. McGuinness, D., Carney, J., Finn, P., and McGeehan, I. (2000) 'Crossing the Bridge of Hope with Children in Omagh'. Child Care in Practice, 6, (4): 306-315 n.a. (1998) 'Reporting after Omagh', Fortnight, No.373, September 1998, p.14 n.a. (1998) 'Never Again', Fortnight, No. 373, September 1998, p.5
Reports Nally, Dermot., Brosnan, Joseph., and Barnes, Eamonn. (2003) Report of Group established by the Minister for Justice to examine matters arising from the "Report raising concerns of the activity of An Garda Siochana Officers during 1998", (June 2003), [PDF; 141KB]. Dublin: Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.
Speeches / Statements / Press Releases on the Omagh Bomb Adams, Gerry. (1998) Keynote Statement by Gerry Adams, then Sinn Fein President, on the Omagh Bombing and the state of the Peace Process, (1 September 1998). Belfast: Sinn Fein. Ahern, Bertie. (2002) Statement by Bertie Ahern, then Taoiseach, Concerning Recent Suggestions Regarding Events Surrounding the Omagh Bombing, (5 November 2002). Dublin: Department of the Taoiseach. Ahern, Bertie. (2001) Statement by Bertie Ahern, then Taoiseach, on the Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman's Report on Omagh Bombing, (12 December 2001). Dublin: Department of the Taoiseach. Ahern, Bertie. (1998) Statement by Bertie Ahern, then Taioseach, to the Dáil on the Omagh Bombing, (2 September 1998). Dublin: Oireachtas. Ahern, Bertie. (1998) Press Release on behalf of Bertie Ahern, then Taiseach, Welcoming Statement by Sinn Féin on the Omagh Bomb, (1 September 1998). Dublin: Department of the Taoiseach. Ahern, Bertie. (1998) Statement by Bertie Ahern, then Taiseach, Condemning the Omagh Bomb, (15 August 1998). Dublin: Department of the Taoiseach.
Blair, Tony. (1998) Statement by Tony Blair, then British Prime Minister, on the Omagh Bombing to the House of Commons, (2 September 1998). London: Prime Minster's Office.
Clinton, Bill. (1998) Remarks by Bill Clinton, then President of the United States of America (USA), to the Victims and Families of Victims of the Bombing in Omagh, (3 September 1998). Washington: Office of the Press Secretary, White House. Irish Government. (1998) Statement issued by the Irish Government in response to the Omagh Bomb, (19 August 1998). Dublin: Oireachtas. Irish Republican Army (IRA). (1998) Text of an interview with a spokesperson from the Irish Republican Army (IRA), conducted by 'An Phoblacht / Republican News', (interview 1 September 1998; published 3 September 1998). Belfast: An Phoblacht / Republican News. Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP). (1998) Statement by the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) following the Omagh Bomb, (17 August 1998). Belfast: Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP). McDowell, Michael. (2003) Statement by Michael McDowell, then Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, on the Nally Group Report, Dáil Éireann, (16 December 2003). Dublin: Oireachtas. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2003) Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB) Press Release: DCC Tonge Presents Final Omagh Report, (4 April 2003). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002) Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Terms of Reference Agreed on 16th May 2002 for the Investigation into the Omagh Bomb. Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002) Northern Ireland Policing Board Statement on its Recommendations on the Omagh Reports, (7 February 2002). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002) Northern Ireland Policing Board, Specially Convened Meetings to Discuss the Omagh Reports, (5 and 7 of February 2002). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002) Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Board Holds Omagh Meeting, (28 January 2002). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2002) Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Board Remains Committed to Omagh, (9 January 2002). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2001) Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Policing Board to Take Lead on Omagh Report, (20 December 2001). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board. Northern Ireland Policing Board (NIPB). (2001) Northern Ireland Policing Board Press Release: Northern Ireland Policing Board to Consider Police Ombudsman Report on Omagh Investigation, (12 December 2001). Belfast: Northern Ireland Policing Board.
Police Association for Northern Ireland (PANI). (2003) Statement issued by the Police Association for Northern Ireland (PANI) following the withdrawal of a judicial review brought by the PANI to quash the Police Ombudsman's report into events surrounding the Omagh bombing, (Thursday, 23 January 2003). Belfast: Police Association for Northern Ireland (PANI). Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI). (2003) Police Ombudsman's statement following the withdrawal of a judicial review brought by the Police Association for Northern Ireland (PANI) to quash her report into events surrounding the Omagh bombing, (Thursday, 23 January 2003). Belfast: Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland. (2001) Statement by the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland on her Investigation of matters relating to the Omagh Bomb on August 15, 1998, (12 December 2001), [Version 1; PDF; 36KB - Version 2; PDF; 65KB]. Belfast: Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). (2002) PSNI Response to Ombudsman's Report on the Omagh Bomb Investigation, (24 January 2002). Belfast: PSNI. Real Irish Republican Army (rIRA). (1998) Statement issued by the 'real' IRA admitting responsibility for the Omagh bomb, 18 August 1998. Dublin: 'Real' Irish Republican Army. Real Irish Republican Army (rIRA). (1998) Statement issued by the 'real' IRA announcing a suspension of military operations, 18 August 1998. Dublin: 'Real' Irish Republican Army. Thirty-two County Sovereignty Committee. (1998) Statement issued by the 32-County Sovereignty Committee following the Omagh Bomb, 16 August 1998. Belfast: 32-County Sovereignty Committee.
Legislative Response to the Omagh Bomb
In the wake of the Omagh Bomb the British and Irish governments responded by introducing emergency pieces of legislation. At Westminster on 3 September 1998 the Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy Act) became law. On the same day the Dáil met to pass the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act.
Great Britain. Parliament. (1998) Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy Act), 1998. London: HMSO. {external_link}
Republic of Ireland. Dáil. (1998) Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act, 1998. Dublin: Office of the Attorney General. {external_link}
Television Programmes concerning the Omagh Bomb BBC1, Spotlight, 'Political Repercussions Of The Omagh Bomb', 08/09/1998
BBC1, Panorama, 'Who Bombed Omagh?', 09/10/2000
BBC2, Hearts and Minds, 'Sober Reflection', 13/12/2001
BBC2, Newsnight, 13/12/2001
UTV, Insight, 'Policing in the Dock (1)', 17/01/2002
BBC 1, Spotlight, 23/01/2002
UTV, Insight, 'Policing in the Dock (2)', 24/01/2002
UTV, Insight, 'The Flanagan Years', 28/02/2002
Channel 4, 'Missed Warnings', 28/10/2002
UTV, Insight, 'Too Many Chiefs', 20/02/2003
BBC 1, Spotlight, 'Dissident Ranks', 04/03/2003
RTE 1, Bombers (Part 3), 28/10/2003
Channel 4, 'Omagh', first shown on 27/05/2004
Web Sites with information on the Omagh Bomb
Omagh Support and Self Help Group
Omagh Bomb Digital Archive
BBC News Online: The Omagh Bomb
Channel 4
Omagh Bomb web site hosted at irelandstory.com
Omagh District Council, Information on the Omagh Bomb
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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