Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Invited guests and organising team at the exhibition launch, with  Alderman Hilary McClintock, Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council and, to her left, Mr Cristián León,Cultural Attache of the Chilean Embassy in London. (Photo: Rory Mc Carron)

Invited guests and organising team at the exhibition launch, with Alderman Hilary McClintock, Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council and, to her left, Mr Cristián León,Cultural Attache of the Chilean Embassy in London. (Photo: Rory Mc Carron)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpillera Voices and Echoes / Voces y ecos arpilleros
Description: This exhibition, commissioned by the Chilean Embassy, London & Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry is comprised of 21 arpilleras made by communities and individuals from different countries: Chile, Northern Ireland, Catalonia/Spain, the UK and Zimbabwe.

It builds on previous collaborative work with Chilean curator and human rights advocate Roberta Bacic since 2008, namely:
-The Art of Survival: International and Irish Quilts exhibition, launched at the Verbal Arts Centre on international Women’s day, 8th March 2008;
-A Permanent rotating exhibition of textiles 2008-2014, (33 exhibitions in total), culminating in an exhibition launched on International Women's day 2014, titled: "Women 31: 31 textile stories and associated activities celebrating International Women's day;
- A new permanent rotating exhibition Conflict Textiles collection: Verbal Arts Centre initiated in 2015, where two pieces exclusively from the Conflict Textiles collection, will be permanently exhibited at the Verbal Arts Centre on a six-month rotating basis.

The exhibition will be launched on Friday 14th October at 1.30pm, with the Cultural Attache of the Chilean Embassy in London, Mr Cristián León, and Lady Ballyedmond, Honorary Consul of Chile, in attendance. Associated activities including an artist in residence will commence at 9.30am.

The overall exhibition programme will be complemented by workshops, guided tours and reading room sessions with a selection of texts from Chilean literature.

Web Links:
Verbal Arts Centre
Commissioned by: Embasssy of Chile in London & Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry
Date(s): 6th October 2016 - 14th November 2016
Venue: Verbal Arts Centre, Derry / Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry / Londonderry BT48 6PU
Curator: Roberta Bacic, assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Verbal Arts Centre staff
Outcome: It is envisaged that this exhibition will pave the way for future collaboration and partnership work between the Verbal Arts Centre and the Chilean Embassy.

Documents: • List of textiles - VAC, Oct - Nov. 2016 - view
• Launch invitation - VAC, 14th Oct. 2016 - view
• Arpillera Voices and Echoes - leaflet - view
• Launch - Order of events, 14th Oct 2016 - view
• Report on launch events, 14th Oct. 2016 - view

Textiles Displayed:Life with and without Bees
No más contaminación / No more pollution
La Batalla del Ebro / The battle of Ebro
Our Lady of Words
Fin de semana en una población / Weekend in a población
No to Corporativism
Return to home and harmony
Caín, ¿dónde está tu hermano? / Cain, where is your brother?
Olla común en una población / Soup Kitchen in a barrio
Lavandería popular / Community launderette
Carmen Gloria quemada viva / Carmen Gloria burnt alive
Juntos en la adversidad / Together in adversity
Vamos a la playa en micro / Let's go to the beach by bus
Penurias en nuestra población / Hardship in our community
Los Mapuche / The Mapuche
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone
Una Mirada a mi Tierra Desde el Barco / A Look to my Homeland from the Boat
Waiting for Food
2016 Starvation in Zimbabwe
No a la represa / No to the dam
New Life