Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Waiting for food', by Martha Moyo. (Photo: Ukuthula Trust)
'Waiting for food', by Martha Moyo. (Photo: Ukuthula Trust)


Title of Textile:Waiting for Food
Maker: Martha Moyo
Country of Origin: Zimbabwe
Year Produced: 2016
Size (cm): 54cm (w) x 51cm (l)
Materials: Cotton and wool
Type of Textile: Arpillera

Currently in Zimbabwe, 72 percent of the population live below the national poverty line (existing on less than USD 1.25 per day), whilst 30 percent of the rural poor are considered to be food insecure. Fragile at the best of times, food security has become increasingly precarious in the face of natural disasters, economic and political instability and a recurrent drought. As a result, large-scale humanitarian food relief operations have been put in place. World Food Programme - Zimbabwe

Here, Martha brings us face to face with the reality of life for the rural poor in Zimbabwe at the present time. In her own words this arpillera: "shows hungry people in rural Zimbabwe waiting for food aid to come from the World Food Programme. They are hoping to get oranges and bread and bananas." Alluding to corruption and implying that not all food aid gets to those who need it, she adds: "[the people] are hoping that greedy politicians will not simply take off all the food before the truck gets to their village."

Owner: Museo de Arte y Memoria de Mampujan, Colombia
Location: Museo de Arte y Memoria de Mampujan, Colombia
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Ukuthula Trust
Provenance: Donation from the Enyandeni Peace Centre collection (23 November 2023), facilitated via Conflict Textiles curator, Roberta Bacic.

Textile Detail Image(s)