Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Los trabajos colectivos son fuente de resistencia / Collective work is a source of resistance', Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)
'Los trabajos colectivos son fuente de resistencia / Collective work is a source of resistance', Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:Los trabajos colectivos son fuente de resistencia / Collective work is a source of resistance
Maker: Anonymous
Country of Origin: Mexico (Oventik, Chiapas)
Year Produced: 2018
Size (cm): 49cm (w) x 63cm (l)
Materials: Embroidery on cotton
Type of Textile: Embroidery cloth

The Zapatistas (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional-EZLN/ Zapatista Army of National Liberation), comprised mainly of indigenous people in the southern state of Chiapas, represents one of the most important socio-political, military and political movements in Mexico. Theirs is an anti-capitalist, anti-globalisation struggle, focused on asserting their indigenous autonomy and self determination.

EZLN emerged in the 1980s prompted by the historical oppression and ongoing exclusion of Chiapas’ indigenous people from the governmental decision-making process and from access to basic human rights and services. The movement gained wider recognition in 1994, when they declared war on the Mexican Government, demanding work, land, housing, food, health, education, independence, liberty, democracy, justice and peace.

A local autonomous centre of government known as ‘caracole/snail’ forms the basis of how they organise at local level. The women from the different caracoles embroider cloths such as this, which they sell outside their territory. In these pieces they place images and phrases that represent the seven principles of being a Zapatista.

1. Obedecer y no mandar / Lead by obeying (the people)

2. Representar y no suplantar / Represent, don’t supersede

3. Bajar y no subir / Come down, do not go up

4. Servir y no servirse / Serve others and do not be served

5. Convencer y no vencer / Convince and not defeat

6. Construir y no destruir / Build and not destroy

7. Proponer y no imponer / Propose, don’t impose

Description provided with thanks by Mariana Rivera, Mexico

Owner: Conflict Textiles collection. Donation from Mariana Rivera, 2018
Location: Conflict Textiles store
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh
Provenance: Donation from Mariana Rivera, Mexico, 2018.

Textile Detail Image(s)