Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company dancing the 'Cueca Sola' against the backdrop of arpilleras, accompanied by Chilean musician Victor Henriquez, at the launch of

Echo Echo Dance Theatre Company dancing the 'Cueca Sola' against the backdrop of arpilleras, accompanied by Chilean musician Victor Henriquez, at the launch of "Embracing Human Rights: Conflict Textiles’ Journey", March 2020. (Photo: Elsie Doolan)


Symposium (online):Cultural heritage and social impact: Digital technologies for social inclusion and participation
Description: This one-day symposium is organised by Sheffield Hallam University, University College Cork and Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), National Technical University of Athens; partners within the nine-member European partnership “CultureLabs”. The event will discuss how digital ecosystems shape the dynamics between institutions (including museums and academic institutions) and communities, leading to new models of collaboration and interaction around heritage and culture.

Within this event, Professor Gillian Robinson, Emeritus Professor Ulster University and Conflict Textiles Associate will deliver a short presentation “Conflict Textiles Live Collection”. Co-authors are: Roberta Bacic, Curator, Conflict Textiles; Breege Doherty, Assistant Curator, Conflict Textiles; Esther Alleyne, Arts and Cultural Facilities Officer, Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre (RVACC).

This input will focus on the use of digital technologies within Conflict Textiles to facilitate social inclusion and participation, drawing particularly on Embracing Human Rights: Conflict Textiles’ Journey exhibition at the Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre which moved online during COVID restrictions.
Commissioned by: CultureLabs
Date(s): 24th February 2021 - 24th February 2021
Venue: Online
Curator: n/a
Facilitator: Gillian Robinson, Emeritus Professor Ulster University, Conflict Textiles Associate
Outcome: This online symposium was attended by over 100 participants. The Conflict Textiles team learned a lot from the other presentations about new digital methodologies. It helped us realise that some of the challenges facing us are common and it was good to share Conflict Textiles with a new audience.

Documents: • Outline Symposium Programme, 24th Feb 2021 - view
• Symposium Companion document - view
• Conflict Textiles presentation, 24th Feb 2021 - view

Textiles Displayed: