Sunday, 8 December 2024

Event Details

INCORE staff at the exhibition 'Textile Accounts of Conflicts' as part of their International Conference 'Accounts of the Conflict: Digitally Archiving Stories for Peacebuilding'. (Photo: Eoin Kelly)

INCORE staff at the exhibition 'Textile Accounts of Conflicts' as part of their International Conference 'Accounts of the Conflict: Digitally Archiving Stories for Peacebuilding'. (Photo: Eoin Kelly)


Exhibition and conference:Textile Accounts of Conflicts. An exhibition of textiles and associated memorabilia, as part of the International Conference Accounts of the Conflict: Digitally Archiving Stories for Peacebuilding, hosted by INCORE, Ulster University
Description: The "Textile Accounts of Conflicts" exhibition, specially commissioned for the "Accounts of the Conflict" International Conference, features first hand testimony in textile form of women’s lived experience of conflict in various corners of the globe.
The collection is drawn from Northern Ireland, England, Spain, Chile, Peru,Argentina, Afghanistan, Palestine, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Germany, Brazil, Canada and Colombia.
Web links:
INCORE - Textile Accounts of Conflicts
Forum for Cities in Transition
Video interview with Roberta Bacic at the conference exhibition
Commissioned by: Ulster University, International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE)
Date(s): 17th November 2014 - 18th November 2014
Venue: Holiday Inn, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Curator: Roberta Bacic, curator. Breege Doherty, assistant curator
Facilitator: Accounts of the Conflict project based at INCORE, University of Ulster.
Outcome: This exhibition, located at the centre of a conference on Digitally Archiving Stories for Peacebuilding, demonstrated the power of textiles to narrate stories of conflict and human rights abuses and further formalised their ability to denounce and bear witness to events when the spoken word is inadequate. Ten textile pieces from Northern Ireland, focusing on the Troubles, are now catalogued in Accounts of the Conflict, a digital archive of personal accounts of the conflict, based in Ulster University.

Documents: • List of textiles and memorabilia - view
• Presentation by Roberta Bacic - view
• Conference brochure - view
• PDF of Presentation - view

Textiles Displayed:Peace Quilt - Common Loss
Quilt of Remembrance
No going back
The Side of the Wall
In Times of Trouble
Ballykelly Bombing
Auf der Flucht 1945 / Fleeing in 1945
Retorno de los exiliados / Return of the exiles
NO MAS / No more
They burnt our homes
Memory Cloth
El recuerdo de esta historia / The memory of this story
Mis memorias de la Guerra / My memories of the war
Exilio de los Republicanos cruzando los Pirineos
Ônde estão nossos direitos? / Where are our rights?
When Silence is Broken
¿Dónde están? / Where are they?
Irene, Marta, Hilda, Patricia: Now and Always Present
Libertad a los presos políticos / Freedom for the political prisoners
Día de Visita / Day of Visit
Gegossenes Blei / Cast lead
The Arch of Jerusalem
Rescate de niños judíos / Rescue of Jewish Children
Reflections on violence
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone
En Chile se tortura / Demonstration against torture
Sala de torturas / Torture chamber
Violencia en Ayacucho / Violence in Ayacucho
Pañoleta / Headscarf
Cinta conmemorativa / symbolic ribbon
Table napkin
Photos of children from Terezin concentration camp