Sunday, 1 September 2024

Event Details

Attendees absorbing the arpilleras and listening to the insights of curator Roberta Bacic during the guided tour at the

Attendees absorbing the arpilleras and listening to the insights of curator Roberta Bacic during the guided tour at the "Threads, War and Conflict" exhibition launch. (Photo: Gayle McIntyre)


Exhibition and associated activities:Threads, War and Conflict
Description: "Threads, War and Conflict" presents a range of textile stories of violence and resistance. Exploring issues of gendered violence, killing and disappearance, and displacement and migration the exhibition touches on key themes addressed within the School of International Relations.

Throughout April there will be a programme of events to complement the exhibition to include textile workshops, film screenings, and academic discussions. These events will explore the intersections of textile art, politics, and violence and will be actively linked to teaching activities at the University of St Andrews and beyond.

The exhibition and associated programme is coordinated by Dr Lydia Cole, with Dr Faye Donnelly, Dr Laura Mills and Dr Natasha Saunders. The exhibition is hosted by the School of International Relations in cooperation with The Byre Theatre. The associated events programme is supported by the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV), International Security Studies (ISS), Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), International Political Theory (IPT), Centre for Global Constitutionalism (CGC)
and the Teaching Enhancement Fund, University of St Andrews.

The exhibition launch takes place at 16.15, 3rd April at the Byre Theatre.
Commissioned by: University of St Andrews, Scotland, School of International Relations
Date(s): 3rd April 2019 - 29th April 2019
Venue: The Byre Theatre, St Andrews, Scotland
University of St Andrews, Abbey Street, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9LA
Curator: Roberta Bacic, assisted by Breege Doherty
Facilitator: Dr Lydia Cole
Outcome: The exhibition and its associated programme inspired collaboration and discussion between those interested in textiles, art, and global politics in Scotland and beyond; and was attended by a range of participants including students, academics, artists, representatives of arts and cultural institutions, and members of the public. Fostering engagement with textiles as sources for learning about war, conflict and political violence, the exhibition has several tangible outcomes. First, interest in conflict textiles among students and staff at University of St Andrews has led to the acquisition of textile-related literature for the university library. Second, students attending textile workshops responding to the themes of the exhibition have produced a collective textile for the Conflict Textile collection. Third, the facilitators have facilitated the production of a special issue dedicated to ‘The Threads of War and Conflict’ for Contemporary Voices in International Relations (CVIR).

Documents: • Lecture by Roberta Bacic, 22nd Oct 2018 - view
• list of textiles: St. Andrews, April 2019 - view
• Photo gallery: Visit to St. Andrews, Oct 2018 - view
• 3 Workshops: IR & ISM Masters Students -0419 - view
• Dundee Women's Festival: 9th March 2019 - view
• Report: Dundee Women's Festival - view
• Bookmark: Threads, War and Conflict - Mar 19 - view
• Press release: Threads, War and Conflict - view
• Launch invite: 3rd April 2019 - view
• Conference programme: 24th April 2019 - view
• Threads, War and Conflict photo essay -June19 - view
• Report: Textile workshops, D. Tsymbalyuk - view

Textiles Displayed:Desplazamiento / Displacement
No a las alzas - No a la dictadura - Basta de hambre
Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom
Minhas memórias da ditadura / My memories of the dictatorship
¡Adiós Pinochet! / Good bye Pinochet!
¿Dónde están nuestros hijos? / Where are our children?
En el lado “bueno” de la valla / On the “Good" Side of the Fence
No al plebiscito, No podemos ni opinar / No to the plebiscite
El recuerdo de esta historia / The memory of this story
Digital Death
Violar es un crimen / Rape is a crime
Violencia Doméstica / Domestic Violence
Aleppo school / Escuela en Aleppo, Siria
SMALL Actions BIG Movements
It’s No ******* Computer Game!!
Presencia de Edime Peirano / Edime Peirano's Presence
DESIGUALDAD / Inequality
LA BODA DE MI HIJA / My daughter’s wedding
La cueca sola / Dancing cueca alone
La guerra y las distintas formas de padecerla