CCRU Web Site - Help PageThe information on this page is presented to help visitors to the CCRU site make best use of the facilities avaliable and to assist in finding particular information.
Structure of the CCRU siteMost of the material and information that is available at the site has been divided into sections which correspond with the three main branches of the CCRU. The branches are: Community Relations Branch; Equality and Equity Branch; and Information, Evaluation and Research Branch. The 'status bar' at the top of each web page reflects this structure with the added button links to the CCRU home page and background information on the CCRU.
The status bar can be used to move quickly around the web site and it also acts as reminder to location within the site. The button links change appearance from dark blue to light blue as the user enters a particular part of the site. For example, if the user is in the section on equality and equity, or any of the associated pages, the status bar will look like this:
One of the largest components of the CCRU web site is the searchable database of projects and associated reports and publications. The search page provides a useful way of finding out information about particualar projects or publications. Event if you don't know the names of actual projects or reports, you can use the keyword search option to look for material on particular topics. Another way of finding information is to use the full-text search facility which allows the user to search for a phrase or a word across all the HTML files at the CCRU web site.
Site 'map'The following table provides a textual 'map' of the CCRU web site. Beside each of the button links is a list of the main web pages to be found within that particular section. The user can use the following table to navigate to a particular page. This 'map' will change as more web pages are added to the site.
Recommended software requirementsIt would be best if users had a recent version of one of the more common browsers:
Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or above) can be found at:
Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 (or above) can be found at:
A copy of the Reader program is also available at the Adobe UK Web Site. The Reader can also be obtained from a mirror site at Imperial College, London. Most of the images at this site are in the form of 'GIF' (.gif) or 'JPEG' (.jpg) files. If documents are available for downloading in 'rich text format' (.rtf). The user may need to adjust their browser program (Options/General_Preferences/Helpers or equivalent) to obtain copies of this type of file. Some of the files at the CCRU site are large and users may also need to adjust the amount of memory allocated to the cache (Options/Network_Preferences/Memory_Cache or equivalent) to avoid problems viewing the material.
Information for those with sight problems
Most people who use the Internet on a regular basis will be aware that many of the characteristics of the web pages can be changed by the 'preferences' option on all browsers. The most simple adjustment is to choose a font and a font size which makes it easier to view the page. In Netscape, for example, this is done by clicking on [Options] then dragging the cursor to [General Preferences...] then selecting [Choose Font...] and setting the font and font size. Further information will be provided in the near future.