Irish Language
An Ghaeilge

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The Irish Language
An Ghaeilge

The user will find links below to web pages at the CCRU Internet site which provide information on aspects of the Irish language. These links will include information on Irish language projects.

Gheobhfar anseo naisc le leathanaigh de chuid Suíomh Idirlín an CCRU, a chuirfidh eolas ar fáil faoi gach gné den Ghaeilge: eolas faoi thionscadail Gaeilge agus tuarascálacha faoin Ghaeilge (i mBéarla agus i nGaeilge).

Information about Irish Language Projects
Eolas faoi thionscadail atá dírithe ar an Ghaeilge

An Ceathrú Póilí


Jigtime Programme of Irish Music in Schools and Community Groups

Naíscoil Na Rinne Community Outreach Programme

Ultach Trust: Now You're Talking Workbook

Reports about the Irish Language
Tuarascálacha faoin Ghaeilge

[this section to be completed in the near future]

The Agreement
An Comhaontú

The Good Friday Agreement contained a number of commitments with regard to the Irish Language.

Economic, Social and Cultural Issues

3. All participants recognise the importance of respect, understanding and tolerance in relation to linguistic diversity, including in Northern Ireland, the Irish language, Ulster-Scots and the languages of the various ethnic communities, all of which are part of the cultural wealth of the island of Ireland.

4. In the context of active consideration currently being given to the UK signing the Council of Europe Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, the British Government will in particular in relation to the Irish language, where appropriate and where people so desire it:

  • take resolute action to promote the language;

  • facilitate and encourage the use of the language in speech and writing in public and private life where there is appropriate demand;

  • seek to remove, where possible, restrictions which would discourage or work against the maintenance or development of the language;

  • make provision for liaising with the Irish language community, representing their views to public authorities and investigating complaints;

  • place a statutory duty on the Department of Education to encourage and facilitate Irish medium education in line with current provision for integrated education;

  • explore urgently with the relevant British authorities, and in co-operation with the Irish broadcasting authorities, the scope for achieving more widespread availability of Teilifis na Gaeilige in Northern Ireland;

  • seek more effective ways to encourage and provide financial support for Irish language film and television production in Northern Ireland; and

  • encourage the parties to secure agreement that this commitment will be sustained by a new Assembly in a way which takes account of the desires and sensitivities of the community.

5. All participants acknowledge the sensitivity of the use of symbols and emblems for public purposes, and the need in particular in creating the new institutions to ensure that such symbols and emblems are used in a manner which promotes mutual respect rather than division. Arrangements will be made to monitor this issue and consider what action might be required.

Saincheisteanna Eacnamaíochta, Sóisialta agus Cultúir

3. Aithníonn na rannpháirtithe uile tábhacht na hurraime, na tuisceana agus na caoinfhulaingthe i ndáil le héagsúlacht teanga, ar a n-áirítear i dTuaisceart Éireann, an Ghaeilge, Albainis Uladh agus teangacha na bpobal eitneach éagsúil, ar cuid de shaibhreas cultúrtha oileán na hÉireann iad uile.

4. I gcomhthéacs an bhreithnithe ghníomhaigh atá á dhéanamh faoi láthair maidir leis an Ríocht Aontaithe do shíniú Chairt Chomhairle na hEorpa do Theangacha Réigiúnacha nó Mionlaigh, déanfaidh Rialtas na Breataine go háirithe i ndáil leis an nGaeilge, más cuí agus más mian le daoine amhlaidh:

  • gníomh diongbháilte chun an teanga a chur chun cinn;

  • úsáid na teanga a éascú agus a spreagadh sa chaint agus i scríbhneoireacht sa saol poiblí mar a mbeidh éileamh cuí ann;

  • iarracht chun deireadh a chur, más féidir é, le srianta a chuirfeadh nó a d'oibreodh in aghaidh chothú nó fhorbairt na teanga;

  • foráil maidir le hidirchaidreamh le pobal na Gaeilge, agus a gcuid tuairimí a léiriú d'údaráis phoiblí agus gearáin a imscrúdú;

  • dualgas reachtúil a chur ar an Roinn Oideachais chun oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge a spreagadh agus a éascú de réir na socruithe láithreacha don oideachas comhtháite;

  • an scóip atá ann chun Teilifís na Gaeilge a chur ar fáil ar bhonn níos forleithne i dTuaisceart Éireann a scrúdú, mar ábhar práinne, in éineacht le húdaráis iomchuí na Breataine agus i gcomhar le húdaráis chraolacháin na hÉireann;

  • bealaí níos éifeachtaí a lorg chun spreagadh agus tacú airgeadais a thabhairt do léiriú scannán agus clár teilifíse trí Ghaeilge i dTuaisceart Éireann; agus

  • na páirtithe a spreagadh chun teacht ar chomhaontú go leanfaidh Tionól nua den tiomantas sin ar shlí a chuirfidh san áireamh mianta agus íogaireachtaí an phobail.

5. Aithníonn na rannpháirtithe uile an íogaireacht atá ann maidir le húsáid siombailí agus suaitheantas chun críoch poiblí, agus go háirithe gur gá, agus na hinstitiúidí nua á gcruthú, a áirithiú go n-úsáidfear siombailí agus suaitheantais den sórt sin ar mhodh a chothóidh comhurraim seachas deighilt. Déanfar socruithe chun faireachán a dhéanamh ar an tsaincheist seo agus chun cibé gníomhaíocht a d'fhéadfadh a bheith riachtanach a bhreithniú.

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