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Project Title:An Ceathrú Póilí
Contact:Pol Mag Uidhir
Address:An Chulturlann
216 Falls Road
BT12 6AH
Telephone:01232 239303/245255
Fax:01232 239304


Is e priomhaidhm Shiopa Leabhar An Ceathru Poili na suim a spreagadh is a chothu sa Ghaeilge tri leabhair is abhar eile leitheoireachta a sholathar, do gach leibheal cumais, ina bpriomhraon miondiola sa Chulturlann. Deanann an siopa teagmhail dhireach fosta le suimghrupai agus daoine eile tri mhean an phostdiola is an taistil. Seo gne den ghno ata a forbairt thar blianta beaga anuas. Feidhmionn an siopa ar leibheil eagsula. Mar shampla, ta ceangal laidir idir an siopa agus na gaelscoileanna agus, da bhri sin, idir an siopa agus tuismitheoiri na ndaltai scoile o thaobh an leithcoireacht a chur chun cinn i mease na bpaisti. Cuirtear nuachtlitir ar fail o am go cheile a thugann eolas faoi theidil nua agus na haoisghrupai a bhfuil siad ag foirstean doibh. Cuireann miuid comhairle is abhar foghlamtha/leitheoircachta ar fail don iliomad ranaganna do dhaoine fasta agus a muintcoiri. Teann muid amach a dhiol leabhar ag imeachtai Gaeilge agus i scoileanna agus colaisti. Chomh maith leis na leabhair fein, solathraitear earrai eile ata oiriunach doibh siud ata ar bheagan Gaelige - teipeanna ceoil, dluthdhioscai, fiseain, criadoireacht, seodra, T-leinte, cartai. Gnonna beaga le Gaelige (roinnt mhaith acu lonnaithe sa cheantar loganta) a sholathraionn na tairgi airithe seo. Eagraitear seolta leabhar, leamha filiochta, leachtai agus ceardlanna agus tacaionn muid oiread agus is feidir le himeachtai eile na Culturlainne chun an pobal, agus custaimeiri da reir, a thabhairt isteach.

Is doiligh leibheal na suime taobh istigh den phobal moraimh a thomhas go beacht ach is cosuil go bhfuiltear ag dui i dtuiscint ar thabhacht teanga duchais - Gaeilge, Gaidhlig na hAlban no eile - i dtaca lo hoidhreacht chulturtha an dulne a mhiniu is a bhuanu. Is feidir, amach anseo, go gcuideoidh an gaol idir ar dteangacha duchais, go gcuideoidh se leis na cosulachtai idir ar dtraidisiuin, seachas na difriochtai, a shoilsiu. Le fada, is leir na deacrachtai a bhaincann leis an teagmhail dhireach isir grupai o na traidisiuin eagsula sa phobal anseo. I dtaca leis seo, bionn an siopa ag comhoibriu le grupai eile taobh istigh den Chulturlann a bhfuil naise cruthaithe acu le grupai eile den chineal ceanna sa phobal moraimh. Ce gurb eol duinn go dtugann daoine o gach cearn den chathair cuairt ar an siopa, nil aon fhigiuiri beachta againn don fhreastal seo agus ba dhoiligh a leitheid a mheas. Ta dochas againn gur i meid a rachaidh se de reir mar a theann gnasanna seanbhunaithe traidisiunta i laige. San idirlinn, is aidhm linn an tseirbhis phostdiola a leathnu agus is suinn linn na feidearthachtai a chuirfeadh lathair an idirlin ar fail o thaobh teidil is eile a phoilbliu.

A bhui do mhaoiniu an PSEP, ta bainisteoir lanaimscartha anois ann ag obair i dtreo stadas iomlan feinchothaithe a bhaint amach don siopa. Ta an tionscnamh seo ar an saol le tri bliana anuas agus, sa treimhse sin ama, ta meadu suntasach i ndiaidh teacht ar an diolachan, ar lion na geustaimeiri agus ar reimse na dtairgi a chuireann an siopa ar fail. Is e ar ndochas gurb e an renaissance culturtha ealaionta a eascoidh an bealach chun siochana sa phobal seo agus go geuireann an siopa agus go leanfaidh se de bheith ag cur le saol culturtha a cathrach seo.

The primary aim of An Ceathru Poili Bookshop is to encourage and sustain interest in the Irish language by supplying the books and other reading material, at all levels, via their main retail outlet in An Churlturlann. The bookshop has also developed a more proactive approach, reaching out directly to interested groups and individuals via mail order and outreach. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, examples of which are

(i) direct contact, via Irish-medium schools, with parents to encourage general reading among children;
(ii) production of newsletters with information on latest titles and suitability for various age ranges;
(iii) advice on and promotion of the range of learners material via direct contact with adult language classes and teachers;
(iv) sales of books, off-premises, at various Irish language and related functions and at schools and colleges;
(v) provision of non-book material, suitable also for those with limited knowledge of the language (this includes music, videos, pottery, jewellery, t-shirts and cards produced by small and often local Irish language businesses);
(vi) promotion of the shop and new material by organising such functions as book launches, poetry readings, lectures and workshops;
(vii) supporting the organisation of other events within An Chulturlann in order to attract audiences and, therefore, customers.

It is difficult to gauge level of interest within the majority community but there appears to be a growing understanding of the importance of native language, be it Irish, Scots Gaelic or other, in helping to define one's cultural heritage. Although it is early days yet, the commonality of our native languages may help to highlight the similarities rather than the differences in our traditions. Direct contact with groups from all sections of the community has always been recognised as difficult. In this respect, the bookshop has been involved closely with other groups within An Chulturlann who have established links, including reciprocal visits, with similar groups among the majority community. Whilst it is known that people from all parts of the city visit the shop premises, it is difficult to gauge the extent of this at present. We hope this will increase as traditional habits weaken. In the interim, we expect to promote and expand our mail order service with the feasibility of an internet presence, including titles, currently under investigation.

PSEP funding has assisted in the employment of a full-time manager for this ongoing project in order to allow development to the stage whereby a self-sustaining operation can be achieved. In the three years that this project has been running sales, the number of customers and the range of goods has increased significantly. It is to be hoped that a cultural and artistic renaissance will provide a route to a more peaceful co-existence between the communities and that the bookshop project has contributed and will continue to contribute to the cultural life of this city.

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