![]() Politics, Political Parties and Elections - Source Materials (2)[Key_Events] [KEY_ISSUES] [Conflict_Background] POLITICS: [Menu] [Reading] [Articles] [Government] [Political_Initiatives] [Political_Solutions] [Parties] [Elections] [Polls] [Sources] [Peace_Process] Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change Politics, Political Parties and Elections - Source Materials (2)The following is a draft list of general source material on the topic of politics, political parties and elections in Northern Ireland. This is the second of two pages listing source materials. The first page of source material on this topic contains references to key reports produced by government agencies and other parties and is listed in chronological order.
See also:
GeneralAlcock, Antony. (1994). Understanding Ulster. Lurgan: Ulster Society. Anderson, James., and Goodman, James. (1998). Dis/agreeing Ireland: Contexts, Obstacles, Hopes. London: Pluto Press. Arthur, Paul. (2000). Special Relationships : Britain, Ireland and the Northern Ireland Problem. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Arthur, Paul., and Jeffery, Keith. (1996). Northern Ireland since 1968 (2nd edition). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Arthur, Paul. (1994). Government and Politics of Northern Ireland.. London: Longman. Arthur, Paul. (1974). The People's Democracy 1968-73. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Aughey, Arthur. (2001). Nationalism, Devolution, and the Challenge to the United Kingdom State. London: Pluto Press. Aughey, Arthur., and Morrow, Duncan. (eds.) (1996). Northern Ireland Politics. Harlow: Longman. Bardon, Jonathan. (1992). A History of Ulster. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Barton, Brian., and Roche, Patrick. (1999). The Northern Ireland Question: Nationalism, Unionism and Partition. Aldershot: Ashgate. Barton, Brian., and Roche, Patrick. (eds.) (1994). The Northern Ireland Question: Perspectives and Policies. Aldershot: Avebury. Barton, Brian., and Roche, Patrick J., (eds.) (1991). The Northern Ireland Question: Myth and Reality. Aldershot: Avebury. Bew, P., and Gillespie, G. (1999). Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles 1968-1999. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Bew, P., Gibbon, P., and Patterson, H. (1979). The State in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Bew, P., Patterson, H., and Teague, Paul. (2000). Northern Ireland: Between War and Peace; The Political Future of Northern Ireland (2nd edition). London: Scarecrow. Bew, Paul., Gibbon, Peter., and Patterson, Henry. (2002). Northern Ireland, 1921-2001: Political Forces and Social Classes. London: Serif. Bew, Paul., Gibbon, Peter., and Patterson, Hugh. (1996). Northern Ireland 1921-1996: Political Forces and Social Classes (Rev. and updated ed.). London: Serif. Bew, Paul., Hazelkom, Ellen., and Patterson, Henry. (1989). The Dynamics of Irish Politics. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Birrell, D., and Murie, A. (1989). Policy Government in Northern Ireland: Lessons of Devolution. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Bloomfield, David. (2001). Developing Dialogue in Northern Ireland: The Mayhew Talks, 1992. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Bloomfield, David. (1997). Political Dialogue in Northern Ireland: the Brooke Initiative, 1989-1992. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Bourke, R. (2003). Peace in Ireland: The War of Ideas. London: Pimlico. Boyce, D.G. (1988). The Irish Question and British Politics, 1868-1986. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education. Boyle, Francis A. (2012). United Ireland, Human Rights and International Law. Atlanta: Clarity Press. Boyle, Kevin., and Hadden, Tom. (1985). Ireland: A Positive Proposal. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Boyle, Kevin., and Hadden, Tom. (1989). The Anglo-Irish Agreement: Commentary, Text and Official Review. London: Sweet and Maxwell. Budge, Ian. O'Leary, Cornelius. (1973). Belfast: Approach to Crisis: A Study of Belfast Politics, 1613-1970. London: Macmillan. Catterall, Peter. McDougall, Sean. (1996). The Northern Ireland Question in British Politics. London: Macmillan. Chubb, Basil. (1992). The Government and Politics of Ireland (3rd ed.). Harlow: Longman. Connolly, Michael E. H. (1990). Politics and Policy Making in Northern Ireland. Hemel Hempstead: Philip Allen. Cunningham, Michael J. (2001). British Government Policy in Northern Ireland, 1969-2000. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Darby, John. (ed.) (1983). Northern Ireland: The Background to the Conflict. Belfast: Appletree. Darby, John. (1976). Conflict in Northern Ireland: The Development of'a Polarised Community. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Dunn, Seamus. (ed.) (1995). Facets of the Conflict In Northern Ireland. London: Macmillan Press Ltd. Dunn, Seamus. Dawson, Helen. (2000). An Alphabetical Listing of Word, Name and Place in Northern Ireland. Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press. Elliott, Sydney., and Flakes, W.D. (1999). Northern Ireland: A Political Directory 1968-1999 Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Fearon, Kate. (1999). 'The Talks' in Women's Work: The Story of the Northern Ireland Women's Coalition.. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Farrell, Michael. (1980). Northern Ireland: The Orange State (2nd ed.). London: Pluto. Farren, Sean. Mulvihill, Robert. F. (2000). Paths to a Settlement in Northern Ireland. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe.. Hadfield, Brigid. (ed.) (1992). Northern Ireland: Politics and the Constitution. Buckingham: Open University Press. Hanna, Ronnie. (ed.) (2001). The Union: Essays on Ireland and the British Connection. Newtownards: Colourpoint Books. Hennessey, Thomas. (1997). A History of Northern Ireland, 1920-1996. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Hughes, Eamonn. (ed.) (1991). Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland 1960-1990. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Kenny, Anthony. (1986). The Road to Hillsborough: The Shaping of the Anglo-Irish Agreement. Oxford: Pergamon. Jackson, Alvin. (1999). Ireland 1798-1998: politics and war. Oxford: Blackwell. Kennedy, Michael. (2000). Division and Consensus: The Politics of Cross-Border Relations in Ireland, 1925-1969. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration. Loughlin, James. (2004). The Ulster Question since 1945. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Mitchell, Paul. and Wilford, Rick (eds.) (1999). Politics in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Westview Press. Miller,David. (ed) (1998). Re-thinking Northern Ireland: Cullture, Ideology and Colonialism. London: Longman. Mulholland, Marc. (2002). The Longest War: Northern Ireland's Troubled History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. McCall, Cathal. (1999). Identity in Northern Ireland: communities, politics and change.. Basingstoke: Macmillan. McEvoy, Joanne. (2008). Towards Rrestored Devolution, in, The Politics of Northern Ireland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. McGarry, John., and O'Leary, Brendan. (1995). Explaining Northern Ireland. Oxford: Blackwell. McKittrick, David. (1989). Despatches from Belfast. Belfast: Blackstaff. McKittrick, David. Kelters, Seamus. Feeney, Brian. Thornton, Chris. (1999). Lost Lives: The Stories of Men, Women and Children who died as a result of the Northern Ireland Troubles. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing. McKittrick, David. McVea, David. (2000). Making Sense of the Troubles. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. McKittrick, David., and McVea, David. (2002). Making Sense of the Troubles: The Story of the Conflict in Northern Ireland. London: New Amsterdam Book. O Dochartaigh, Niall. (1997). From Civil Rights to Armalites: Derry and the Birth of the Irish Troubles. Cork: Cork University Press. O'Leary, Brendan., and McGarry, John. (1993). The Politics of Antagonism: Understanding Northern Ireland. London: Athlone Press. O'Leary, Cornelius., Elliott, S., and Wilford, R.A. (1988). The Northern Ireland Assembly, 1982 -1986: a Constitutional Experiment. London: Hurst. Pollak, Andy. (ed.) (1993). A Citizen's Inquiry: The Opsahl Report on Northern Ireland. Dublin: Lilliput Press. Purdie, Bob. (1990). Politics in the Streets: The Origins of the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Rose, Peter. (2000). How the Troubles Came to Northern Ireland. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd. Rose, Richard. (1971). Governing without Consensus: An Irish Perspective. London: Faber and Faber. Ruane, Joseph., and Todd, Jennifer. (2002). The Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland: Power, Conflict and Emancipation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Tonge, Jonathan. (2002). Northern Ireland: Conflict and Change. Harlow: Longman. Townshend, Charles. (ed.) (1988). Consensus in Ireland: Approaches and Recessions. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Walker, Brian. (1992). Parliamentary Election Results in Ireland 1918-1992: Irish Elections to Parliaments and Parliamentary Assemblies at Westminster, Belfast, Dublin, Strasbourg. Dublin and Belfast: Royal Irish Academy & Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University. Walker, Brian. (2000). Past and Present: History, identity and politics in Ireland. Belfast: The Institute of Irish Studies. Whyte, John. (1991). Interpreting Northern Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Wilson, Andrew.J. (1995). Irish America and the Ulster Conflict 1968-1995.. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Wilson, Robin. (1998). Reinventing Government - a once-only opportunity.. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Wilson, Robin. (2000). Making a difference: preparing the Programme for Government. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Wilson, Robin. (1999). Beyond either/or: the politics of 'and' in ethno-nationalist conflicts.. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Wilson, Robin. (1998). Making Democracy Work: participation and politics in Northern Ireland.. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Wilson, Robin. (2001). Agreeing to Disagree: A Guide to the Northern Ireland Assembly.. Belfast: The Stationery Office Limited. Wilson, Robin. (1992). Prospects for Democracy in Northern Ireland [Manchester Papers].. London: Charter 88. Wilson, Thomas. (1989). Ulster: Conflict and Consent. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Political IdeologiesNationalist Politics / Nationalist PartyElliot, Marianne. (2000). The Catholics of Ulster. London: Penguin Press. Evans, Geoffrey. Duffy, Mary. (1997). 'Beyond the Sectarian Divide: The Social Bases and Political Consequences of Nationalist and Unionist Party Competition in Northern Ireland'. British Journal of Political Science, 27, (1): 47 -. Lynn, Brendan. (1997). Holding the Ground: the Nationalist Party in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Ashgate. Maginness, Alban. (2001). Redefining Northern Nationalism: A Political Perspective. Dublin: Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin. Mair, Peter. (1987). 'Breaking the Nationalist Mould: The Irish Republic and the Anglo-Irish Agreement', in, Teague, P., Beyond the Rhetoric: Politics, the Economy and Social Policy in Northern Ireland. 81-110. London: Lawrence and Wishart. Phoenix, Eamonn. (1994). Northern Nationalism: Nationalist Politics, Partition and the Catholic Minority in Northern Ireland, 1890-1940. Belfast: Ulster Historical Foundation. McKeown, Michael. (1986). The Greening of a Nationalist. Lucan: Murlough. O'Connor, Fionnuala. (1993). In Search of a State: Catholics in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Rafferty, Oliver P. (1994). Catholics in Ulster, 1603-1983: An Interpretative History. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Staunton, Enda. (2001). The Nationalists of Northern Ireland 1918-1973. The Columba Press. Todd, Jennifer. (1990). 'Northern Irish Nationalist Political Culture'. Irish Political Studies, 5, 31-44. Williams, K.P., and Jesse, N.G. (2001). 'Resolving Nationalist Conflicts: Promoting Overlapping Identities and Pooling Sovereignty - the 1998 Northern Irish Peace Agreement'. Political Psychology, 22, (3): 571-600. Wilson, Robin. (1999). Beyond either/or: the politics of 'and' in ethno-nationalist conflicts.. Belfast: Democratic Dialogue. Social Democratic and Labour PartyFarren, Sean. (2000). 'The SDLP and the roots of the Good Friday Agreement', in, Cox, Michael., Guelke, Adrian., and Stephen, Fiona. (eds.) (2000) A Farewell to Arms? From 'Long War' to Long Peace in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Gormley-Heenan, Cathy. (2005). John Hume: A Guide to Internet Resources. CAIN: <http://cain.ulster.ac.uk/biography/Hume_John_Guide.htm> Murray, Gerard. (1998). John Hume and the SDLP: Impact and Survival in Northern Ireland. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. Murray, Gerard. Tonge, Jonathan. (2002). The SDLP and Sinn Fein, 1970-2001. C. Hurst and Co.. McAllister, Ian. (1977). The Northern Ireland Social Democratic and Labour Party: Political Opposition in a Divided Society. London: Macmillan. McGovern, Mark. (1997). 'Unity in diversity? The SDLP and the peace process', in, Gilligan, Chris., and Tonge, Jon. (eds.) (1997) Peace or War?: Understanding the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Ashgate. O'Connell, John Desmond. (2002). Love is the Answer: The SDLP, Christianity and the Northern Ireland Conflict. Oak Grove Books. Republican Politics / Sinn FéinAlonso, R. (2001). 'The Modernization in Irish Republican Thinking Toward the Utility of Violence'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 24, (2): 131-144. Bean, Kevin. (1995). 'The New Departure', Recent Developments in Republican Strategy and Ideology, Irish Studies Review, No.10, pp.2-6. Bean, Kevin. (2002). 'Defining Republicanism: Shifting Discourses of New Nationalism and Post-republicanism', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Clarke, Liam. (1987). Broadening the Battlefield: The H-Blocks and the Rise of Sinn Féin. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Feeney, Brian. (2002). Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years. Dublin: O'Brien. Laffan, Michael. (1999). The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Fein Party, 1916-1923. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lynn, Brendan. (2001). 'Republicanism and the Abstentionist Tradition, 1970-1998', A Paper Presented to the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University Belfast, (May 2001).. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, QUB. Moriarty, Gerry. (1997). 'The Republican Movement and the Nationalist Community Between War and Peace'. Etudes Irlandaises, 22, (2): 87-98. Morrison, Danny. (2001). 'The Union: A Republican Perspective', in, Hanna, Ronnie. (ed.) (2001), The Union: Essays on Ireland and the British Connection. Newtownards: Colourpoint Books. Murray, Gerard. Tonge, Jonathan. (2002). The SDLP and Sinn Fein, 1970-2001. C. Hurst and Co.. McIntyre, Anthony. (1995). 'Modern Irish Republicanism: the Product of British State Strategies'. Irish Political Studies, 10, 97-122. McLaughlin, Mitchel. (2001). Redefining Republicanism: A Political Perspective. Dublin: Institute for British-Irish Studies, University College Dublin. Patterson, H. (1989). The Politics of Illusion: Republicanism and Socialism in Modern Ireland. London: Hutchinson Radius. Power, Paul F. (1990). 'Revisionist 'Consent', Hillsborough, and the Decline of Constitutional Republicanism'. Eire-Ireland: a Journal of Irish Studies, 25, (1): 20-39. Power, Paul F. (1994). 'Revisionist Nationalism's Consolidation, Republicanism's Marginalization and the Irish Peace Process'. Eire-Ireland: a Journal of Irish Studies, 31, (1/2): 89-122. O'Brien, Brendan. (1999). The long war: the IRA and Sinn Fein. (3rd ed.). Dublin: O'Brien Press. O'Brien, Brendan. (1995). The Long War: The IRA and Sinn Féin from Armed Struggle to Peace Process (updated ed.). Dublin: O'Brien Press. O'Hegarty, P.S. (1998). The Victory of Sinn Fein. University College Dublin Press. O Muilleoir, Mairtin. (2000). Belfast's dome of delight: city hall politics 1981-2000. Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications. Richards, A. (2001). 'Terrorist Groups and Political Fronts: The IRA, Sinn Fein, the Peace Process and Democracy'. Terrorism and Political Violence, 13, (4): 72-89. Ryan, Mark. (1997). 'From the centre to the margins: The slow death of Irish republicanism', in, Gilligan, Chris., and Tonge, Jon. (eds.) (1997) Peace or War?: Understanding the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Ashgate Taylor, Peter. (1999). Behind the Mask: The IRA and Sinn Fein (Rev. and updated American ed.). New York: TV Books. Taylor, Peter. (1997). Provos: The IRA and Sinn Féin. London: Bloomsbury. Unionist PoliticsAughey, Arthur (2001). 'A Question of Degree? The Union, Unionism and the Belfast Agreement', in, Hanna, Ronnie. (ed.) (2001), The Union: Essays on Ireland and the British Connection. Newtownards: Colourpoint Books. Aughey, Arthur. (1989). Under Siege: Ulster Unionism and the Anglo-Irish Agreement.. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Aughey, Arthur. (2001). 'Unionism, Conservatism and the Anglo-Irish Agreement', in, Boyce, George., D. and O'Day, Alan. (eds.) (2001) Defenders of the Union: A survey of British and Irish unionism since 1801. London: Routledge. Aughey, Arthur. (1997). 'The Character of Ulster Unionism', in, Shirlow, Peter., and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997), 'Who are the People?': Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. Aughey, Arthur. (1996). 'Unionism', in, Aughey, Arthur., and Morrow, Duncan. (eds.) (1996) Northern Ireland Politics. Harlow: Longman. Aughey, Arthur. (1991). 'Unionism and Self-Determination', in P. Roche and B. Barton (eds.), The Northern Ireland Question: Myth and Reality. Aldershot: Avebury. Aughey, Arthur. (2000). 'The 1998 Agreement: Unionist responses', in, Cox, Michael., Guelke, Adrian., and Stephen, Fiona. (eds.) (2000) A Farewell to Arms? From 'Long War' to Long Peace in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Boyce, George D., and O'Day, Alan. (eds.) (2001). Defenders of the Union: A survey of British and Irish unionism since 1801. London: Routledge Christopher, Dave. (2001). 'Shaping the New Political Landscape: An Engagement Strategy for Thinking Unionism', in, Hanna, Ronnie. (ed.) (2001), The Union: Essays on Ireland and the British Connection. Newtownards: Colourpoint Books. Cochrane, Feargal. (1996). 'Back to the Old Days'. Fortnight, (353): 12-13. Coulter, Colin. (1994). 'The character of unionism'. Irish Political Studies, 1-24, 1-24. Coulter, Colin. (1997). 'The Culture of Contentment: The Poltical Beliefs and Practice of the Unionist Middle classes', in, Shirlow, Peter., and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997), 'Who are the People?': Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. Dixon, Paul. (1994). ''The Usual English Doubletalk': the British Political Parties and the Ulster Unionists 1974-94'. Irish Political Studies, 9, 25-40. Dixon, Paul. (1995). 'Internationalisation and Unionist Isolation: a Response to Feargal Cochrane'. Political Studies, 43, (3): 278-291. Edwards, Aaron., and Bloomer, Stephen. (2004) A Watching Brief? The Political Strategy of Progressive Loyalism Since 1994, (Conflict Transformation Papers Volume 8), (September 2004), [PDF; 300KB]. Belfast: LINC Resource Centre. English, Richard., and Walker, Graham. (1996). Unionism in Modern Ireland: New Perspectives on Politics and Culture. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Farrington, Christopher. (2001). 'Ulster Unionist political divisions in the late twentieth century'. Irish Political Studies, 16, 49-71. Gallagher, Michael. (1990). 'Do Ulster Unionists Have a Right to Self-Determination?'. Irish Political Studies, 5, 11-30. Gordon, David. (1989). The O'Neill Years: Unionist Politics 1963-1969. Belfast: Athol Books. Jackson, Alvin. (1992). 'Unionist Myths 1912-1985'. Past and Present, 136, ((Aug)): 164-85. Jackson, Alvin. (1990). 'Unionist History (ii)'. Irish Review, 8, 62-69. Jackson, Alvin. (1989). 'Unionist History (i)'. The Irish Review, 7, 58-66. McIntosh, Gillian. (1999). The force of culture: Unionist identities in contemporary Ireland. Cork: Cork University Press. McKay, Susan. (2000). Northern Protestants: An Unsettled People. Belfast: Blackstaff. McKay, Susan. (2001). 'Ulster Protestants and the Union', in, Hanna, Ronnie. (ed.) (2001), The Union: Essays on Ireland and the British Connection. Newtownards: Colourpoint Books. McKay, Susan. (2000). 'Portadown: Bitter Harvest' in Northern Protestants: An Unsettled People. Belfast: Blackstaff. Morrow, Duncan. (2000). 'Nothing to Fear but ... ? Unionists and the Northern Ireland Peace Process' in Protestant Perceptions of the Peace Process in Northern Ireland.. Limerick: University of Limerick. Mulholland, M. (2000). 'Assimilation versus Segregation: Unionist Strategy in the 1960s'. Twentieth Century British History, 11, (3): 284-307. Smith, Peter. (1985). Why Unionists say No. Todd, Jennifer. (1987). 'Two Traditions in Unionist Political Culture'. Irish Political Studies, 2, 1-26. Loughlin, James. (1995). Ulster Unionism and British National Identity Since 1885. London: Pinter. Morrow, Duncan. (1997). 'Suffering for Righteousness' Sake? Fundamentalist Protestantism and Ulster Politics', in, Shirlow, Peter., and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997), 'Who are the People?': Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. McAuley, J.W. (2000). 'Mobilising Ulster Unionism: New Directions or Old?. Capital and Class, (70): 37-64. McAuley, James W. (2003). 'Unionism's Last Stand? Contemporary Unionist Politics and Identity in Northern Ireland', [PDF; 89KB]. The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, III, (1, September): 60-74. McAuley, James. (1997). 'Flying the One-Winged Bird': Ulster Unionism and the Peace Process', in, Shirlow, Peter., and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997), 'Who are the People?': Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. Porter, Norman. (1996). Rethinking Unionism: An Alternative Vision for Northern Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff. Porter, Norman., and Arthur, Paul. (1997). 'Rethinking Unionism: An Alternative Vision for Northern Ireland'. Political Quarterly, 68, (2): 202. Racioppi, L., and See, K.O.S. (2001). ' 'This We Will Maintain': Gender, Ethno-nationalism and the Politics of Unionism in Northern Ireland'. Nations and Nationalism, 7, (1): 93-112. Sales, Rosemary. (1997). 'Gender and Protestantism in Northern Ireland', in, Shirlow, Peter., and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997), 'Who are the People?': Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London: Pluto Press. Shirlow, Peter., and McGovern, Mark. (eds.) (1997). 'Who are the People?': Unionism, Protestantism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. London : Chicago: Pluto Press. Democratic Unionist PartyBruce, Steve. (1986). God Save Ulster! The Religion and Politics of Paisleyism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). (2004). North South East West: Northern Ireland's Relationship with Other Regions of the British Isles, (April 2004), [PDF; 638KB]. Belfast: Democratic Unionist Party. Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). (2004). 'Devolution Now: The DUP's Concept for Devolution', (5 February 2004). Belfast: DUP. Marrinan, Patrick. (1973). Paisley: Man of Wrath. Tralee: Anvil Books. Moloney, Ed., and Pollak, Andy. (1986). Paisley. Swords: Poolbeg. Smyth, Clifford. (1987). Ian Paisley: Voice of Protestant Ulster. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. Smyth, Clifford. (1986). 'The DUP as a Politico-Religious Organization'. Irish Political Studies, 1, 33-43. Ulster Unionist PartyCochrane, Feargal. (1997). Unionist Politics and the Politics of Unionism since the Anglo-Irish Agreement. Cork, Ireland: Cork University Press. Cochrane, Feargal. (1997). 'The Ulster Unionist Party during the Peace Process'. Études Irlandaises, 22, (2): 99-116. Harbinson, John F. (1973). The Ulster Unionist Party, 1882-1973: Its Development and Organisation. Belfast: Blackstaff. Hume, David. (1996). The Ulster Unionist Party, 1972-1992: A Political Movement in an Era of Conflict and Change. Lurgan: Ulster Society. Mulholland, Marc. (1999). Northern Ireland at the Crossroads:: Ulster Unionism in the O'Neill years, 1960-9.. New York: St Martins Press. Trimble, David. (2001). To Raise up a New Northern Ireland: Speeches and Articles by the Rt. Hon. David Trimble. Belfast: The Belfast Press.
Autobiographies / Biographies / MemoirsAdams, Gerry. (1986). The Politics of Irish Freedom. Dingle: Brandon Books. Adams, Gerry. (2001). An Irish Journal. Dingle: Brandon Books. Arnold, Bruce. (1993). Haughey: His Life and Unlucky Deeds. London: Harper Collins. Bloomfield, Kenneth. (1994). Stormont in Crisis: A Memoir. Belfast: Blackstaff.
Callaghan, James. (1973). A House Divided:The Dilemma of Northern Ireland. London: Collins. Boyd, Andrew. (1985). Brian Faulkner. Tralee: Anvil Books. Clarke, Liam., and Johnston, Kathryn. (2001). Martin McGuinness: From Guns to Government. Edinburgh: Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing. Devlin, Bernadette. (1969). The Price of My Soul. London: Pan Books Ltd.. Devlin, Paddy. (1993). Straight Left: An Autobiography. Belfast: Blackstaff. Dwyer, T. Ryle. (2001). Nice Fellow: a Biography of Jack Lynch. Dublin: Mercier Press. Faulkner, Brian. (1978). Memoirs of a Statesman. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. FitzGerald, Garret. (1991). All in a Life: An Autobiography. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Garland, Roy. (2001). Gusty Spence. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. Gorman, John. (2002). Sir John Gorman: The Times of My Life. Barnsley: Lee Cooper. Heath, Edward. (1998). The Course of My Life: The Autobiography of Edward Heath. London: Coronet. Howe, Geoffrey. (1994). Conflict of Loyalty. London: Macmillan. Hume, John. (1996). Personal Views, Politics, Peace and Reconciliation in Ireland / foreword by Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Dublin: Town House. Jenkins, Roy. (1991). A Life at the Centre. London: Pan Books Keena, Colm. (1990). Gerry Adams: A Biography. Cork: Mercier Press. Mason, Roy. (1999). Paying the Price. London: Robert Hale. Major, John. (1999). The Autobiography. London: Harper Collins. Mitchell, George. (1999). Making Peace: The inside story of the the making of the Good Friday Agreement. London: Heinemann. Mowlam, Marjorie. (2002). Momentum: The Struggle for Peace, Politics and the People. London: Hodder & Stoughton. McCaffrey, B. (2003). Alex Maskey: Man and Mayor. Belfast: Brehon Press. McCann, Eamonn. (1993). War and an Irish Town (3rd ed.). London: Pluto. McCluskey, Conn. (1989). Up off their Knees: A Commentary on the Civil Rights Movement in Northern Ireland. Galway: Conn McCluskey and Associates. McDonald, Henry. (2001). David Trimble: A Biography. London: Bloomsbury. McKeown, Michael. (1986). The Greening of a Nationalist. Dublin: Murlough Press. McMichael, Gary. (1999). An Ulster Voice: In Search of Common Ground in Northern Ireland. Boulder, Colo.: Roberts Rinehart Publishers. Needham, Richard. (1998). Battling for Peace. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. O'Neill, Terence. (1972). The Autobiography of Terence O'Neill, Prime Minister of Northern Ireland 1963-1969. London: Rupert Hart-Davis. O'Neill, Terence. (1969). Ulster at the Crossroads. London: Faber and Faber. Prior, James. (1986). A Balance of Power. London: Hamish Hamilton. Purdy, Ann. (1989). Molyneaux: The Long View. Antrim: Greystone. Rentoul, John. (2002). Tony Blair Prime Minster. London: Little Brown. Rees, Merlyn. (1985). Northern Ireland: A Personal Perspective. London: Methuen. Routledge, Paul. (1997). John Hume: the Biography. London: Harper Collins. Scoular, Clive William. (2000). James Chichester-Clark: Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. Belfast: Clive Scoular. Sharrock, David. (1997). Man of War, Man of Peace?: the Unathorised Biography of Gerry Adams. London: Macmillan. Sinterton, Henry. (2002). David Ervine. Dublin: Brandon. Sopel, Jon. (1995). Tony Blair: The Moderniser. London: Bantam. Thatcher, Margaret. (1993). The Downing Street Years. London: Harper Collins. Whelan, Ken., and Masterson, Eugene. (1998). Bertie Ahern: Taoiseach and Peacemaker. Dublin: Blackwater Press. White, Barry. (1984). John Hume: Statesman of the Troubles. Belfast: Blackstaff. Whitelaw, William. (1989). The Whitelaw Memoirs. London: Aurum Press. Wilson, Harold. (1971). The Labour Government, 1964-70: A Personal Record. London: Penguin. Ziegler, Philip. (1993). Wilson: The Authorised Life of Lord Wilson of Rievaulx. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Northern Ireland Peace ProcessBew, Paul., and Gillespie, Gordon. (1996). The Northern Ireland Peace Process 1993-96: A Chronology. London: Serif. Cox, Michael., Guelke, Adrian., and Stephen, Fiona. (Eds.) (2000). A farewell to arms?: From 'long war' to long peace in Northern Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press. De Breadun, Deaglan. (2001). The Far Side of Revenge. Cork: The Collins Press. Dixon, Paul. (2001). Northern Ireland: The Politics of War and Peace. New York: Palgrave. Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002). The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Gilligan, Chris., and Tonge, Jon. (eds) (1997). Peace or War? Understanding the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.. Goodall, David. (2002). 'Hillsborough to Belfast: Is It the Final Lap?', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1997). The Death of the 'Peace Process'?: A survey of community perceptions, (Island Pamphlets No.17), (March 1997), [PDF; 79kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications. Hall, Michael. (ed.) (1999). Conflict Resolution: The missing element in the Northern Ireland peace process, (Island Pamphlets No.19), (June 1999), [PDF; 80kb]. Newtownabbey: Island Publications. Hayes, Maurice. (2002). 'Neither Orange March nor Irish Jig: Finding Compromise in Northern Ireland', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Hennessey, Thomas. (2000). The Northern Ireland Peace Process: Ending the Troubles?. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. Irwin, Colin. (2002). The People's Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Palgrave. Mandleson, Peter. (2002). 'The Good Friday Agreement - A New Vision for a New Order in Northern Ireland', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Mallie, Eamonn., and McKittrick, David. (1996) The Fight for Peace: The Secret Story Behind the Irish Peace Process. London: Heinemann. Mallie, Eamonn., and McKittrick, David. (2001). Endgame in Ireland. Hodder and Stoughton. Mitchell, George. (1999) Making Peace: The inside story of the making of the Good Friday Agreement. London: William Heinemann. Mitchell, George. (2002). 'Towards Peace in Northern Ireland', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Morrissey, Mike., and Smyth, Marie. (2002). Northern Ireland After the Good Friday Agreement: Victims, Grievance, and Blame. London: Pluto Press. Murray, Dominic. (ed.) (2000). Protestant Perceptions of the Peace Process in Northern Ireland. Limerick: University of Limerick. Mac Ginty, Roger., and Darby, John. (2002). Guns and Government: The Management of the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Basingstoke: Palgrave. McNamara, Kevin. (2002). 'Give Us Another MacBride Campaign: An Irish-american Contribution to Peaceful change in Northern Ireland', Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. McVeigh, Robbie. (1998). 'The British/Irish 'Peace Process' and the Colonial Legacy', in Anderson, James., and Goodman, James. (1998) (eds.) Dis/Agreeing Ireland: Contexts, Obstacles, Hopes. London: Pluto Press. Neuheiser, J. and Wolff, S. (eds.) (2003). Peace at Last? The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland. New York: Berghahn Books. Owen, David. (2002). 'The Resolution of Armed Conflict: Internationalization and its Lessons, Particularly in Northern Ireland', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. O'Connor, Fionnuala. (2002). Breaking the Bonds: Making Peace in Northern Ireland. Edinburgh: Mainstream. O'Clery, Conor. (1996). The Greening of the White House: The Inside Story of How America Tried to Bring Peace to Northern Ireland. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan. O'Dowd, Niall. (2002). 'The Awakening: Irish-America's Key Role in the Irish Peace Process', in Elliott, Marianne. (ed.) (2002), The Long Road to Peace in Northern Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Ruane, Joseph., and Todd, Jennifer. (1999). Irish History and Politics: After the Good Friday Agreement; Analysing Political Change in Northern Ireland. Dublin: University College Dublin Press. Smith, Jeremy. (2002). Making Peace in Ireland. London: Longman. Wilford, Richard. (ed.) (2001). Aspects of the Belfast Agreement. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Political ManifestosSee: A Selection of political party manifestos
Television DocumentariesEndgame in Ireland (BBC 2) June - July 2001 End Game In Ireland (Part 1, 24 June 2001): the bomb and the ballot box End Game In Ireland (Part 2, 1 July 2001): talking to terrorists End Game In Ireland (Part 3, 8 July 2001) End Game In Ireland (Part 4, 15 July 2001): Guns and government See also: The Peter Heathwood Collection of Television Programmes
Web Sites:
Political Parties
Government Sites
Media Sites
See also:
contains information and source material on the conflict
and politics in Northern Ireland. CAIN is based within Ulster University. |
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