Northern Ireland Political Ephemera
- A general introduction to the topic of Northern Ireland political ephemera material, and a guide for locating items on the CAIN web site.
The Peter Moloney Collection
- Peter Moloney holds a large private collection of ephemera items. This section contains details of his collection with a selection of photographs of particular items.
- Users can search the CAIN web site for ephemera items by type of item, title, author, or key word. Users can also select lists by type of ephemera item.
See Also:
The following are other relevant sections within CAIN:
Political Handkerchiefs
The Peter Heathwood Collection of Television Programmes, from 1981 to 2005.
Other Sources:
The Northern Ireland Conflict Related Artefacts Database
- The database is the result of a two year project by the Institute of Irish Studies at Queen's University Belfast and Healing Through Remembering. (The database is hosted on CAIN.)
The Northern Ireland Political Collection, Linen Hall Library
- The Linen Hall Library in Belfast holds the largest physical collection of political ephemera material related to politics and the conflict in Northern Ireland.
Gilles Leb's blogspot (Irish Political Ephemera) contains photographs of political ephemera from his personal collection {external_link}.
