Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

'Gaza 2021', by Linda Adams, on display at 'The Glorious Art of Peace' exhibition, Didcot, April - May 2022. (Photo: Alison Lochhead)

'Gaza 2021', by Linda Adams, on display at 'The Glorious Art of Peace' exhibition, Didcot, April - May 2022. (Photo: Alison Lochhead)


Exhibition and associated activities:The Glorious Art of Peace
Description: This exhibition is comprised of paintings, textile art and sculptures themed on the impact of war, its human cost and the need for it to stop. It is a collaboration of members of Movement for the Abolition of War and beyond. It aims to raise awareness and prompt discussion about the way war is used to ‘solve’ differences and power dynamics.

Conflict Textiles contributes with an arpillera by English artist Linda Adams Gaza. Completed in 2021, this is its first time on exhibit.

The exhibition will be complemented by a number of associated events featuring music, poetry and discussion.
Commissioned by: Collective anti-war initiative coordinated by Alison Lochhead
Date(s): 4th April 2022 - 1st May 2022
Venue: Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot
25 Station Road, Didcot, England. OX11 7NE
Curator: Alison Lochhead
Facilitator: Jessie Coller
Outcome: The exhibition was well received and attracted several hundred visitors. The exhibition invigilators reported that people were very moved and asked many questions about the work and its connecting themes. The event which accompanied the exhibition, featuring music, poems and a talk by John Gittings, was a rich, lively evening.

Documents: • Flyer, The Glorious Art of Peace, March 22 - view
• Exhibition booklet, March 22 - view
• Overview of Conflict Textiles - view
• Photo gallery, April 2022 - view

Textiles Displayed:Gaza 2021