Sunday, 30 June 2024

Event Details

Curator Christine Bouilloc from Bargoin Museum, France explains ARPILLERAS in the context of Rebeldes / Rebels. (Photo: Thibault Jamois)

Curator Christine Bouilloc from Bargoin Museum, France explains ARPILLERAS in the context of Rebeldes / Rebels. (Photo: Thibault Jamois)


Exhibition and associated activities:Rebeldes / Rebels - FITE Festival (Festival Internacional de Textiles Extra Ordinarios)
Description: The exhibition is a follow up to the Rebelles exhibiton, as part of the FITE 2016 - International Festival of Extraordinary Textiles (FITE) in France in 2016. It explores different expressions of rebels in the world. Rebels who seek freedom, a just order, equality for all people and who practice resistance to oppression, based on nonviolence.

The exhibition focuses on societal projects that break with what is self-evident, rejecting the appearance of fatality and false evidences, "the inventors of new worlds" (Leyla Dakhli). It promotes social projects that break with "poverty, lack, suffering, sexism and all the other forms of discrimination" with which freedom has no meaning. (Nelson Mandela).

Web links

In addition to a launch, a fashion show complements this exhibition.

Opening hours at the Galerie de la Casa de Francia are 12.00 - 20.00 hrs, Tuesday - Sunday
Commissioned by: City of Clermont-Ferrand/Clermont Auvergne Metropole /Bargoin museum and HS_Projets
Date(s): 7th December 2017 - 31st March 2018
Venue: Bargoin Museum / Clermont Auvergne Metropole, France IFAL, Mexico city
IFAL / Galerie de la Casa de Francia, Havre 15 - Col. Juárez Del. Cuauhtémoc, CP 06500 México, D.F
Curator: Christine BOUILLOC Bargoin museum; Christine ATHENOR; Thomas Leveugle, HS_Projets
Facilitator: Faciliator Charlotte CROISSANT, Emilie ROBERT, arts textiles collections; Thibault J
Outcome: This collaboration with Bargoin Textile Museum, Clermont Auvergne Metropole, France will result in the donation of an arpillera from Conflict Textiles collection to complement the museum's existing collection.

Documents: • FITE programme 2017/18 - view
• Opening day event photos - Rebels, Dec. 2017 - view
• Exhibition notice - Rebels, 2017/18 - view