Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'To the Lighthouse', by Marlene Milner. (Photo: Rory McCarron)
'To the Lighthouse', by Marlene Milner. (Photo: Rory McCarron)


Title of Textile:To the Lighthouse
Maker: Marlene Milner
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Year Produced: 2011
Size (cm): Panels 41 x 157cm; Wall hangings 65 x 85cm
Materials: Natural and synthetic fabrics using techniques such as trapunto, appliqué, printing on calico, many folded techniques, hand quilting, applying buttons, beads and ribbons
Type of Textile: Wall hanging

Here Marlene Milner presents an interpretation of the literary work of Virginia Woolf in stitch and textile. She gives us an insight into what inspired her to create this piece: "'To the Lighthouse', by Virginia Woolf is my favourite book by my favourite author. The three panels, made for a screen, and the ottoman cover (50 x 90cm) use techniques and embellishments including trapunto, appliqué, printing on calico, many folded techniques, hand quilting, applying buttons, beads and ribbons, that I think represent the sea and family holidays spent on the coast."

The exhibition launch was complemented with a workshop by Helen Mc Laughlin titled 'How women tell their stories.' Sandra Montgomery who viewed this work was clearly inspired: "the biggest impact for me was her source of inspiration. I had never thought to use a book as the starting point. So Marlene has made me think outside my box."

Owner: Marlene Milner
Location: Northern Ireland
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Rory McCarron

Textile exhibited at: To the Lighthouse , 9/09/2011 - 10/12/2011
Story Makers 2008-2011, Twenty-five textile stories, 13/03/2012 - 18/06/2012

Textile Detail Image(s)