Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Textile Installation on Afghanistan', by class 6c from the Hauptschule Kiderlinstraße. (Photo: Heidi Drahota)
'Textile Installation on Afghanistan', by class 6c from the Hauptschule Kiderlinstraße. (Photo: Heidi Drahota)


Title of Textile:Textile Installation on Afghanistan
Maker: Class 6c, Hauptschule Kiderlinstraße, facilitated by Heidi Drahota
Country of Origin: Germany
Year Produced: 2010
Size (cm): 2.00m x 1.49m
Materials: Embroidered squares attached onto a fabric backing
Type of Textile: Installation

The central feature of the installation uses textiles made by women from Afghanistan, incorporated in a piece by class 6c from the Hauptschule Kiderlinstraße, Germany, completed under the guidance of textile artist, Heidi Drahota.

The seeds for this connection were sown when Heidi brought her students to the exhibition Threads of destiny: Testimonies of violence, hope and survival in Fürth, Germany in 2009. There, they gained an insight into the Afghanistan/Germany embroidery project, started by Pascale Goldenberg.

Heidi explains that the pupils were very motivated and wanted to support the girls and women from Afghanistan. "The embroidered squares, made by girls in Afghanistan were bought by the pupils and then enhanced by each student and turned into a quilt."

This connection was mutually beneficial for both the Afghan and German girls. The money raised from buying the embroidered squares supported education projects in Afghanistan and it provided an opportunity to discuss racism and intolerance within the multi-cultural class that worked on the quilt.

Owner: Heidi Drahota collection, Germany
Location: c/o Johanna Menzinger, Freiburg, Germany
Original / Replica: Original
Photographer: Heidi Drahota
Provenance: Heidi Drahota

Textile exhibited at: Textile Installation on Afghanistan, 8/11/2010 - 15/01/2011
Story Makers 2008-2011, Twenty-five textile stories, 13/03/2012 - 18/06/2012
Poesie des Nähens / The Poetry of Stitching, 17/01/2020 - 8/03/2020

Textile Detail Image(s)