Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Conflict Textiles Results
Wednesday, 03rd of July 2024

You searched for: quilter contains deborah stockdale19 found


Wall hanging: Brigit's Dream, (1996)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: Digital Death, (2014)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Wall hanging: Fern Woman, (2005)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: From Far away come their stories, (2010)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Quilt: Glen Man - Genius Locii, (2002)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Wall hanging: Hands of Creation, (2003)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Wall hanging: John Hume, Peacemaker, (2022)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: Life as We Know It, (2009)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Wall hanging: Micro Cosmos, (2008)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: Overdue, Overdrawn, Over-extended: Rural Poverty in Ireland , (2009)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: Shannonwatch (Extraordinary rendition), (2011)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: The Earth Always Remembers / La TIERRA siempre recuerda , (2018)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Wall hanging: The Hills of Donegal - Remembering, (2009)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Quilt: The Plantation: Process, People, Perspectives, (2013)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland

Arpillera: They Fell like Stars from the Sky / Cayeron del cielo como estrellas, (2013)
Maker: Deborah Stockdale
Country: Republic of Ireland