Sunday, 30 June 2024

Textile Details

'Lavandería Santa María / Santa María laundrette', Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)
'Lavandería Santa María / Santa María laundrette', Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Title of Textile:Lavandería Santa María / Santa María Launderette
Maker: Anonymous
Country of Origin: Chile
Year Produced: 1978c
Size (cm): 50cm (w) x 43cm (l)
Materials: Scraps of material hand sewn onto burlap
Type of Textile: Arpillera

While demonstrating the physically hard life of the women laundry workers, this arpillera, created in the early years of the Pinochet dictatorship and acquired in 1983, also reflects on the continuity of life in the midst of chaos. Here in the routine of their daily work of scrubbing, washing and beating the dust from the clothes brought to the laundry, there is a kind of normality and peace, absent and unattainable in the bigger picture.

Received by Museo Nacional Bellas Artes de Chile collection as a donation from Conflict Textiles on the 19th March 2024.

Registered into the collection under the number N 1/006/2024.

This is an outcome and follow up from the exhibition Arpilleras Poéticas and the incorporation of arpilleras into the museum.

Owner: Museo Nacional Bellas Artes
Location: Museo Nacional Bellas Artes
Original / Replica: original
Photographer: Martin Melaugh
Provenance: Lala & Austin Winkley, England, donated in 2009 to Roberta Bacic

Textile exhibited at: The Politics of the Mundane in Chilean and Other Arpilleras, 27/08/2010 - 29/08/2010
Chilean Arpilleras of Yesterday and Today: Textile Ambassadors, 16/09/2010 - 16/09/2010
Stitching Peace: An exhibition of Arpilleras and Quilts, 16/02/2011 - 18/03/2011
Stitching Peace: An exhibition of arpilleras and quilts, 17/05/2011 - 25/05/2011
Arpilleras: Community Action and Empowerment through Narrative Textile Art, 6/03/2012 - 6/04/2012
Arpilleras Poéticas y recital del poeta chileno Jaime Huenún, 10/11/2012 - 15/12/2012
Arpilleras y cotidianeidad femenina, 5/10/2013 - 7/11/2013
Women 31 , 7/03/2014 - 15/04/2014
Mapping Memory: History, Texts and Cultures, 22/02/2024 - 23/02/2024
Pensar el negacionismo y los crímenes de odio desde la perspectiva de la memoria y el, 13/03/2024 - 15/03/2024

Textile Detail Image(s)