Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Event Details

Front cover of exhibition catalogue: 'Queremos Democracia / We want democracy', Anon. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

Front cover of exhibition catalogue: 'Queremos Democracia / We want democracy', Anon. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition and associated activities:Transforming threads of resistance: political arpilleras and textiles by women from Chile and around the world
Description: This collection, specially curated for the University of Massachusetts, Amherst epitomizes some of the worst irruptions of state violence and human rights violations in everyday life and in civil society, both current and historical. It also focuses on the various ways women have responded to that violence by giving a sense of normality to life.
More information on this physical and on-line exhibition can be viewed at: http://blogs.umass.edu/conflictart/
as well as related activities:
Commissioned by: University of Massachusetts/Amherst, USA
Date(s): 27th February 2012 - 9th March 2012
Venue: Student Union Art Gallery, University of Massachusetts
University of Massachusetts/Amherst, USA and the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Leah Wing, Director, Art of Conflict Transformation Event Series, UMASS
Outcome: Participants at the exhibition workshops produced artistic responses. These pieces, together with some textiles from the original exhibition, were part of the exhibition "Artistic Responses to the Political Textiles Art Exhibition", which ran from the 12th-16th March in the Student Union Gallery.
Photographs: Photographs on Flickr of the exhibition by Julianne Pizzi - View Here

Documents: • Exhibition lecture, Amherst, Feb 2012 - view
• Poster -Artistic Responses, Amherst, Mar 2012 - view
• Poster, Amherst, Feb 2012 - view
• Exhibition poster, lecture, Amherst, Feb 2012 - view
• Exhibition poster, Amherst, Feb 2012 - view
• Exhibition poster, Amherst, Feb 2012 - view
• Poster 2, Amherst, Feb 2012 - view

Textiles Displayed:Nuestro Taller de Arpilleras / Our Arpilleras Workshop
Paz - Justicia - Libertad / Peace - Justice - Freedom
Cimarrón / Runaway slave
Desplazamiento / Displacement
Toma de terrenos en los barrios de Lima / Squatters in the shantytowns of Lima
The day we will never forget
The great Irish famine 1845 - 1852
Sala de torturas / Torture chamber
Violar es un crimen / Rape is a crime
Blutspur / Blood trail
Executed at dawn
Gegossenes Blei / Cast lead
Cesantía / Unemployment
¿Quién carga con la deuda externa? / Who Carries the External Debt?
Hogar Dulce Hogar / Home Sweet Home
Los precios están por las nubes / Prices are sky high
Violencia Doméstica / Domestic Violence
Encadenamiento / Women chained to Parliament gates
¿Dónde están los "desaparecidos"? / Where are the "disappeared"?
Queremos Democracia / We want democracy
Hermanos Mapuche en huelga de hambre / Mapuche people on hunger strike
Carabineros desaloja comunidad Mapuche / Police entering Mapuche territory
Libertad a nuestros hermanos Mapuche / Freedom to our Mapuche brothers
NO a la ley antiterrorista / NO to the antiterrorist law
Marcha de las mujeres de los mineros
Rescate de niños judíos / Rescue of Jewish Children
Reflections on violence
No contaminar / Do not pollute
Homenaje a los caídos / Homage to the fallen ones
La Mano que les Cuidó / The Hand that Cared for Them
Recuerdos de Trabajo y Guerra / Memories of Work and War
Mis memorias de la Guerra / My memories of the war
El recuerdo de esta historia / The memory of this story
Al Servicio de la vida / Servicing life
Olla común en una población / Soup Kitchen in a barrio
Recuerdos de Guadalupe / Guadalupe's Longings
Baile Puneño / Puno Folk Dance
Escuelita de Otavalo / Otavalo Primary School
Vida cotidiana en nuestra población II / Daily life in our neighbourhood II