Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Event Details

'Verdulería en la población / Greengrocers in a población', Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)

'Verdulería en la población / Greengrocers in a población', Anonymous. (Photo: Martin Melaugh)


Exhibition and associated activities:Arpilleras and the Poetry of Survival: Textile Exhibition Latin America Week 2011
Description: This exhibition features arpilleras in both their traditional and politicised forms. It also shows their evolution from Chile to Peru, and their more recent incarnations in England and Ireland where traditional quilting styles have absorbed the original arpillera style and made it into something fresh and unique.
Commissioned by: Queen's University Belfast, Latin American Studies Forum
Date(s): 10th May 2011 - 9th June 2011
Venue: Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland
Queen's University Welcome Centre, Lanyon Building, Queen's University Belfast, University Square, Belfast, Northern Ireland. BT7 1NN
Curator: Roberta Bacic
Facilitator: Latin American Studies Forum (LASF), Queen's University Belfast
Outcome: The Latin American Studies Forum (LASF) in Queen's University Belfast, prompted by the response to this exhibition, included a recital of Jaime Huenún's poetry linked to arpilleras, in its 2012 exhibition.

Documents: • Exhibition invite- closing event, May 2011 - view
• Exhibition poster, May 2011 - view
• Exhibition poster, May 2011 - view
• Exhibition poster, May 2011 - view
• Exhibition leaflet, May 2011 - view
• Web page link, QUB, May 2011 - view
• Latin American Week events, Belfast, May 2011 - view

Textiles Displayed:Vida cotidiana en nuestra población II / Daily life in our neighbourhood II
Volcán Osorno / Osorno Volcano
Como hacer una arpillera / How to make an arpillera
No al femicido / No to violence against women
Vida campestre bucólica / Bucolic Country Life
Nuestra Vida en Chile / Our Life in Chile
Carabineros tumbando olla común / Police tumbling soup kitchen
La Gente Necesita Trabajar / People Need Work
Violar es un crimen / Rape is a crime
Mujer Paloma / Dove Woman
Violencia en Ayacucho / Violence in Ayacucho
From Far away come their stories
No going back
Play Today, Pay Tomorrow
Violencia en las calles de Santiago de Chile durante toque de queda / Violence in th
Cesantía / Unemployment
Mamá Rayhuana
Verdulería en la población / Greengrocers in a población